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Symptoms, Iodine? NatureThroid

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An interesting thing has happened. After being on iodine for a few

months I had periods finally normally spaced, once every 27 days or

so, very little PMS, very little acne. Then I started on Nature-throid

for two months now. On 1 1/4 grain and my periods started coming once

every 24 days -again, acne - again, PMS - a lot!

I was upping my NatureThroid cause everyone (on the Hypo group) said

3-5 grains is ideal.)

But no one can seem to tell me when to stop. I am not even at 2 grains

yet. And as for the iodine, I went from 25mg to 37.5 today and was

tired and depressed all day, so will back off to 25 again. Any advice

is welcome. The doctor who prescribed NatureThroid won't talk to me

unless I pay him a couple hundred out of pocket, which I can't do

right now. And he told me not to go over one grain anyway.

Thank you,


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