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Three Generations of Hypothyroidism

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My Mother @ 74 years , on Synthroid has Hashimoto's, weight gain,

high blood pressure (on BP drugs), Osteopenia (on Osteo. drugs), high

cholesteral (on cholesteral drugs). Although, by way of my sister in

another state with Hypo., who is on Iodoral, herbs, vitamins etc & is

improving, my mom is now on a low dose of iodine. her split nails

healed for the first time in 20 years. She needs an iodine doctor to

work with in Philadelphia which we have yet to find. (The one doctor

in PA on the iodine site is in Athens PA, too far from her.) Can

anyone suggest someone? She was given a long distance prescrip. by my

sister's doc. of Armour but her Endo. said no, no, no. And she

listened to him. But she is willing to try new things, so I thought if

i could get her to start iodoral w/the supporting vitamins) and find

her an authority, so to speak on iodine, she may finally go off the


So should she cold turkey switch from Syn. to Armour?

Or just ad the iodoral to her current regime, find that it works &

then not need the Syn. anymore?

I am excited to hear that many folks with Hashi's have been cured with

Iodoral, on this group & the Thyroid group.


As I, with undiagnosed Hypo. look for an iodine doc. in the Bay Area &

treat myself with Iodoral, I have a 4 year old with the same symptoms

as I had as a kid, which I now suspect were early signs of Hypo.

1.distended belly 2. many food allergies 2. constipation/hard poops 3.

Intestinal pain after starches & dairy.4. Chronically low temp.

And maybe more.

In her case I thought of lugol's because it is in liquid form.

How much should I give her?

Increase, decrease, length of time?

And do allergies have anything to do with Hypo?

Also has anyone ever heard of NAIT to cure allergies?

How does it work? Can anyone suggest it or are the allergies somehow

just a result of the Hypo?

Sorry for all of the questions, but i have so many.

You all have taught me a lot thus far. I am absorbing your knowledge

everyday, putting it into effect and am so grateful.



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