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Re: adrenal fatigue/antidepressants

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I read a paper that they put more stress on your adrenals.



If a patient continues to ingest a particular SSRI-antidepressant over

a prolonged period of time, eventually the bodies Adrenal Glands may

lose their efficiency and " Adrenal Exhaustion Syndrome " will be the

end result. Adrenal Exhaustion causes levels of adrenaline initially

to fall and levels of cortisol to rise. Ultimately, also cortisol

levels fall. When untreated, Adrenal Exhaustion will lead to seriously

declining physical health. Many (former) SSRI-AntiDepressant users

reported fatigue as a long term side-effect or were diagnosed with

" Chronigue Fatigue Syndrome. " People suffering from stress are

generally diagnosed with this disorder. Symptoms range from simple

exhaustion to much more complex problems that are secondary to

excessive output of adrenal hormones in the bloodstream, leading to

Adrenal Exhaustion. Unlike the other hormones, it takes a long time

before the Adrenal Glands have their adrenaline levels restored. Could

we say that the SSRI-AntiDepressant " works " by slowly excavating the

body's Adrenal Glands?

I would tend towards treating low hormones to rid myself of the

depression nowadays than taking the anti ds. But your call. I think if

my hormones had been addressed at the outset I would have had a much

better quality of life and no need of anti ds.

lotsa luv


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I think the depression and anxiety can cause more strain on the adrenals, so taking an SSRI might relieve this anxiety and depression giving you some relief.

I did read somewhere that SSRI's increase cortisol which is why when you first take then they affect your sleep, I dont really know anymore sorry

HiI'm just wondering if anybody knows......If you have adrenal fatigue or very low cortisol production, is it agood idea or a bad idea to take SSRI/SNRIs? What I'm wondering is do the SSRIs in some way bring your adrenalsback into shape by regulating your brain or do they put more strain onyour adrenals?Any experiences/ theories/ references welcome.

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Hi and Dawn

Thanks for your replies. I'm 100% certain my dull-head feeling is due

to my hypothyroidism not being treated but I don't want to treat my

thyroid as my adrenal function is too low and my body/brain are barely

coping with basic things like infections at the moment yet alone a

dose of thyroid hormones. It seems like a vicious circle!!!!

I wondered, if you said to a doctor that your adrenal functioning is

low - would they automatically try and put you on SSRI's and is there

any scientific justification for this course of action.

Enk xx

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I wondered, if you said to a doctor that your adrenal functioning is

low - would they automatically try and put you on SSRI's and is there

any scientific justification for this course of action.


Only that they don't recognise it as existing unless they have

diagnosed s (near total failure, they see no grey areas) so

they may think you are a hypochondriac in need of an antidepressant,

they seem to think just about anybody will benefit from an anti d

nowadays. That would probably be their thinking anyway.

I have not seen anyone diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency or

addisons on any of the boards being treated with an ssri for it. I

therefore see no justification for it. Science generally supports

treating a lack of hormones with the hormones you are deficient in,

not somthing else. In the case of low cortisol, Hydrocortisone or a

longer acting steroid is usually the treatment and for aldosterone

problems Florinef is usually used .

lotsa luv


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