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Building Allies Conference - Toledo Area

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Dear Friend of ASO:

Information on the Buildinig Allies Conference in the NW Ohio area. FYI - Please share.

Have you purchased your Ohio Autism Awareness License Plate yet? To purchase yours, visit www.oplates.com and click on "Specialty Plates" or visit our website at www.autismohio.org for more information.Sincerely,Barbara C. YavorcikPresidentAutism Society of Ohio701 S. Main St.Akron, OH 44311(330) 376-0211fax: (330) 376-1226email: askASO@...home: byavorcik@...web: www.autismohio.org Please note: This is provided for information purposes only. The ASO does not endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services. Providing this information should not be construed as an endorsement by the ASO, either explicit or impiled.

Building Allies Conference14th Annual Conference for Parents & Professionals

Saturday, April 21, 2007Northwood High SchoolNorthwood, Ohio

Keynote:Dr. Jill EnglandChanging Minds….Changing Lives

Changing Minds...Changing LivesIs it possible to create a school communitythat includes all of its members? Aschool community that does not exclude evenone person? A place where all children have asense of belonging, a feeling of happiness,and a place where you are accepted just theway you are?Yes! It is possible for all children,even those with the most significant of disabilities,to be included in their school community.And it is possible to make that happenin a way that actually supports the learningof all children, all together, all the time.Unfortunately, the practice of excluding childrenwith disabilities in our schools has becomeso ingrained in the thinking of educators,that the exclusion and segregation ofstudents with disabilities has become an acceptableconcept. Dr. Jill England will shareexamples of schools where the concept ofsegregated programming has been challengedby the community’s own membersand where both practices and attitudes arechanging.

Conference DirectionsNorthwood High School is at 700Lemoyne Road in Northwood, Ohio,43619. From I-280, exit at Woodville Rd.Turn east onto Woodville, turn right ontoLemoyne, turn right into second building’slot.If you need further directions,please call Joni at 419-242-9001, or usean internet mapping site.

Session # 1 Choices· Differentiating Instruction & DesigningClassroom Accommodations: How tocreate flexible environments that servea wide range of student learning needs,naturally, comfortably & effectively· Self-Advocate Panel: It’s THEIR turn totell us what THEY think! Young adultsshare the good, the bad & the ugly oftheir experiences.· Session to be determined

Session # 2 Choices· Inclusion in Primary Settings—It Reallydoes Work!: How Northwood uses Toolsfor Success & teamwork to create an inclusiveschool community.· Living on My Own: Explore how 6 adultswith disabilities successfully brought theirown vision of adult life to reality.· Employment: Building on your child’sstrengths to create a dream job, partneringwith businesses· What are the possibilities? Local selfadvocate/philosopher/businessman challengesattendees to see with new eyesthe possibilities available in every moment!

Session # 3 Choices:· Making Inclusion Work: Sylvania Schoolsteams special & regular educators withparents in strategies for social & educationalinclusion· Transition From School: Agency staffexplain services students can access toincrease employment skills, as well ashow to prepare while still in school.· Adapted Recreation: Increase yourknowledge of athletic, recreational & leisureactivities, equipment available, andcommunity resources for fun!

Registration Information· Conference fees are: $25 for family members, students & paraprofessionals; additionalfamily members are only $10; professionals are $40.· Registration is due by March 30, 2007.· Lunch is included; please indicate your choice of meal on the form.· Make check payable to NCFC/BAC. (NW Ohio Center for Families & Children/BAC)· Send registration & check to: Family Information Network/BAC,One Stranahan Sq. Suite 560, Toledo OH 43604 ATTN: JoniQuestions?Contact Joni at 419-242-9001; email jonid@...The conference will be held at Northwood High School, 700 Lemoyne Rd. in Northwood,just outside Toledo, Ohio. Registration opens at 8 am, the conference will run from 8:45- 3:15, and we will have a full day of workshops, displays & networking.Certificates of Attendance will be given at the end of the conferencefor those seeking CEUs.See what's free at AOL.com.

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