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The shrunk goiter went back to the orginal untreated size!

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I found the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of

degree II again, which is significantly seen in the mirror! I just

cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to degree I of size, which

could be easily noticed in the mirror and by the ultrasound a few days

ago. Just wondering what happened!??

I don't know if there is something wrong with my diet or other reasons.

I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (fermented soy is safe, right?

I always take it in the dishes, but a little more these days and I use a

different brand of it) recently, as well as the T4 hormone of 50 mcg for

every day treatment.

Am I undertreated? But the incremented dose has to be adjusted for more

days since I just began treatment not long before....

Anyone knows the reason for it?

Thanks in advance

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Hi Fragrance,

Do any of your foods contain sodium glutamate (to improve the


'Poly-glutamate' may have an unusual effect on thyroid or adrenal


I can't be certain that I have all the information I need to be able

to say for certain, but it's worth following up to see if your

thyroid/health varies if you leave out the fermented soy, perhaps.

I'll try and recover the reference that alerted me to this possible


best wishes




> I found the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated

size of degree II again, which is significantly seen in the mirror!

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