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Re: Re: -- Potassium to the rescue!!!

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Sorry, I don't know, but sure hope you feel better soon.


From: sanr@... <sanr@...>Subject: Re: -- Potassium to the rescue!!!iodine Received: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 2:25 PMsunray,

I read that Cream of Tartar is 100% pure potassium. If this is so, would it be

alright to take this for any of these problems ? the dose recommended is 1/2 teaspoon.-

About a couple hours ago I bent over and felt sharp pain going in every

direction in my lower back and hip area. From past experience, I am looking at days ahead of inflammation and lumbago-like pain.

I've taken several pain herbs, vitamin C for inflammation, etc. but wonder if this potassium powder would help. Would it

even hurt, to try it?

Re: Re: headache -- Potassium to the rescue!!!

courtesy of the curezone forums:

Research adzuki sludge on the net. Here's one small article:

Adzuki sludge for Potassium source highest in the world

This increases power and strength of Kidneys therefore it is also a good (1)

diuretic and since kidneys regulate all salt and

potassium in the body then this will make for great way to get rid of problems

of (2)water weight gain or water retention or

problems with (3) kidney failure or (4) salt retention or (5) potassium

retention when kidneys not functioning up to par.

Adzuki Sludge:

The technique used calls for boiling 1 cup of Adzuki beans in 1 quart (4 cups)

of distilled water – you’re after removal of all

nutrients of beans into the water! You can find Adzuki beans in a health food

store, usually in bulk or order them online. When the

water boils down then add another quart. When this boils down - discard the

beans and keep the sludgy water, it’s good for maybe 4 +

days, and drink (2-4 tbls) of the sludge 2x a day. Some people freeze the

sludge in ice cube trays and used it as needed. In 2

months the kidneys should be considerably stronger. If too sludgy to drink once

refrigerated, then just eat it, do not add salt in

this case…just eat it plain… Pretty simple stuff…If kidney’s come to

total working level in 2 weeks or so, then ‘up’ the dosage …

This is a great protocol to use to get someone off of dialysis machine from

kidney failure within a couple months usually, if they

respond well to it.

Remember: kidneys regulate salt and potassium in the body both… by making

sure not too much of either in the body so you don’t die,

however, potassium is the main food source also of kidneys… so how do you get

kidneys to be better without it…so here’s a little

note for those with kidney failure… so Drs. see the kidney’s as weak and in

failure and take a person off of potassium so that the

patient does not get potassium poisoning since kidneys not regulating potassium

correctly (build up could kill you)… this is often a

fallacy to take a person off of all potassium, (when all they needed was right

KIND of potassium – the kind that feeds kidneys) so

be careful, have Dr. monitor you to make sure this minor amount of adzuki

sludge you are taking in does not cause problems, and that

kidneys are handling the extra potassium kidney food without any build up of

potassium in the body that kidneys can’t handle… thus

with kidneys handling

properly the potassium from adzuki sludge and being properly fed so that they

are rejuvenating, usually in 2 weeks God willing,

that then they are no longer failing or weak or at 50% or worse function, but

instead making it back up to 100% functioning.

Why does this work??? If there is too much salt in the system and kidneys

can’t process it all b/c kidneys are weak or whatever,

then it does not matter if there is plenty of potassium as it is not the amount

of salt that is to be regulated and it is not the

amount of potassium that is to be regulated by kidneys – but rather the ratio

of one to the other that is regulated! Get it?

Therefore, when you have too much salt no problem, add potassium to balance it

out… problem with most super high sources of

potassium is that they have equally high amounts of sodium… whereas Adzuki

beans are highest source of Potassium in comparison to

amount of sodium in them which is nearly none (almost no sodium)….this is why

this works….now you’re getting pure potassium and very

little sodium… thus kidney’s are fed what they are looking for most… also

for those with potassium deficiency… this is intense… but

never underestimate the power of bananas

with oranges for potassium… though you’ll have LITTLE luck with bananas

alone, when you EAT (not juice) an orange, with the banana,

now body feels immediate potassium relief! (or just by eating the orange


(For those with an interest, 3 other major and massive kidney specific foods

are apples, asparagus and coconut oil – uh, though

technically the coconut oil is for the adrenal glands that are ONE TOP OF the

kidneys… kidneys do in fact LOVE it when you eat some

coconut oil then go out walking…, NOT jogging, but walking is what kidneys

are in love with, most esp. after having had coconut


So to reiterate this all, adzuki sludge 2x/day is great for you, but adzuki

sludge 2x/day with eating one orange in the PM is better

for you!


at http://mail..ca


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