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Re: VJ/ Lugol's Iodine and Magnesium Oil

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The past two days, I've mixed the Iodine drops in a glass of purified water, Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar w/mother, and honey. The water retention in my fingers is diminishing also. I continue to be amazed and very very thankful.

From: Rhonda Beagan <rhonda@...>Subject: VJ/ Lugol's Iodine and Magnesium Oiliodine Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008, 8:01 AM

Now THIS is what I've been looking for!! Thank-You so much VJ for sharing your testimony and including what you have been doing. This has convinced me to give it a try! I am even going to get my mother on it as well. She too is hypo.

Wow! I am constantly amazed at what we learn on these message boards! The heck with doctors! Who needs them!?...LOL



----- Original Message ----- From: "victoriahjones" <victoriahjones>> Hi all,>> Since joining this list, I have learned so much. Since starting the> Lugol's 50mg per day (not even on it a full week yet), I feel> fantastic. No kidding. I'm sleeping less, eating less, my mood is> vastly improved, the circles and puffiness under the eyes has> diminished, allergies improved, my over all energy is increased, the> list goes on.>> I'm so amazed, and frankly, a bit peeved at my doctor. I've been on> 88mcg of Synthroid for several years (the lowest dose in over 20> years) and have not been up to par. Until taking this iodine. If I> wasn't personally experiencing the improvement, I'd

probably be> skeptical. In addition to my sense of smell improving, or should I> say, returning, I also have an increased sense of touch. Sounds> goofy, I know, but I think the iodine has helped to clear me up and> provide more grounding or something, whereas I may have been in that> hypothyroid fog spaciness and didn't fully know it.>> Anyway, thank you so much for all the information you share and> provide on this list. When I read about the magnesium oil, because> of the profound improvement in using the Iodine, it's made me a> believer, so I just ordered the Magnesium oil--it should be a great> complement for the Iodine.>> Vj


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