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Pointless visit to the Doc's

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Hi All,

So finally went to get my results from the Dr's but got into the usual no information, impossible to talk to situation.

I had my TSH test in July which at the time I was told was 'Normal' by the first Doctor but that my antibodies were slightly raised. However when I went back a few weeks ago another Dr told me that my TSH taken in July showed that I was underactive again, so sent me for another blood test.

(I used to take 150mcg daily due to Hachimoto's, currently taking nothing as Thyroid kicked into action again)

Today when I went to get my results the Dr said that my TSH is 'Normal' compared to the one in July where i was clearly underactive, however he said that my antibodies are raised even higher than before so he will now check me again in April.... no need to check T3 etc because my TSH is fine???

I asked for my results the conversation went as follows:

Dr P: "they are normal, it's fine"

Me: "no, I mean what exactly were the results, can I have them"

Dr P : "it's fine they are normal"

Me: "no I mean, can I have the results"

Dr P: "your results on your TSH are normal that's all you need to know"... he then laughed and moved onto the fact that I have yet another cold, of which he said I need to go to a health food shop and get some suppliments.

I've had full blown flu twice since September and had continues colds between them, in fact I'm starting to feel like a cold is normal.

Last night I got home from work and fell alseep within 10 mins (6.30pm) woke up a bit later ate dinner then went back to sleep, then this morning, got up at 6.30 took my BF to work and knew I could watch some TV as not at the Dr's until 9.30... normally out by 7.30 so that was a treat....I fell asleep for another hour and half and woke with just enough time to get ready.

I know my thyroid is underactive or not right, I know my symptoms and I know I'm ill at the moment. How can my antibodies levels get worse but my Thyroid get better?

After talking to Sheila and reading the site I know I need to start my temps etc but had a really busy couple of weeks at work and then just slept, but as of tomorrow morning, I'm back onto putting myself first.

I'm soooo fed up of being told I'm OK when I'm not.... going to try asking the receptionist at the Doctors to read me my result later, hoping I'll manage to get the exact details from her.

How can they be sooo clueless?? and How do you tell the Dr they ARE wrong??

on top of all of this, I have a lump in my side which twinges (has done for about 6 months + and a couple of years ago I was rushed into hospital with a pain in the same place at the time they couldn't find anything wrong and just kept me on morphine for 1 week) but according to my Dr the lump is my lowest hidden rib and nothing to do with the pain I had before.... ridiculous again seen as it's bulging more and more and clearly fleshy not hard. Also have brown patches on my back which were apparently from the sun in the summer, even though I've explained that I was wrapped up & freezing cold all summer, and I've also got a lump growing on my neck which is just a sist and shouldn't get any bigger...even though this has been constantly but slowly growing for the past month.

I'm sooo fed up of my Dr... what happens when you change Dr's.. do you then look bad if you try and explain your last Dr just didn't listen??

I'm thinking this is my only option!!!

I'm always rambling on on here but I get sooo fed up with the lack of help available these days,

Will try and get the actual results and re-post,

Thanks for reading,

-Jayne :)

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