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The stomach acid test

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Not sure if i gave the correct information in my earlier post about

using bicarb as a test for stomach acid so here is some more

information in case I got it muddled up.


The Stomach Acid Test

Finally, and something for you to try at home, Sanna recommended the

stomach acid test. This is a simple test to indicate whether you

have sufficient amounts of stomach acid which is important for proper

digestion and the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. You

will need: 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) in a small

glass of water. On an empty stomach, e.g. first thing in the morning,

drink the solution. Note down any reactions over the next 15-30

minutes. This can include burping, a bloated feeling in the stomach

or no reaction at all. If you burp then you have sufficient acid

however if there is no reaction then your body is missing the acid it

needs to function properly so you may need to take some enzymes to

heal this.



> Thanks again, Sheila. This one is v. helpful. Not necessarily

what I

> want to hear but essential reading. What I need to hear. Here is


> bit that leapt off the page at me:


> " For most people with this problem, however, they can never eat


> amounts of sugar, refined flour, etc., without causing their


> to flare up again. In that sense, it's sort of like being told


> you have diabetes. "


> This is the tricky bit for me, staying off sugar/simple carbs

> generally. To this end I have bought in some glutamine and


> to stop carb cravings in their tracks.


> This is what you have to do Mo and you must realise the Candida

thrives on sugar and simple carbs. Eat these, and you feed the

Candida. If you can stomach garlic (raw) take as much of this as you

can, because this is the best anti-bacterial you can get, and also,

buy some bicarbonate of soda and take one teaspoon in warm water

every morning when you wake. Take this for four weeks, and then take

a fortnight off, and then do it again for another month. This also

kills of candida. Keep in mind all the time that you have this evil

little monster growing inside you and you have to do everything you

can to kill it. Once it is killed, you will be amazed how well you

suddenly start to feel. AND, your thyroid hormone will start to work

as it should


> If you go to our FILES - yet again, you can find a couple of

Candida diets which are easy to follow. Have a look at these.



> Luv - Sheila





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