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Re: Re: Fwd: FW: AMEX Members Project -- vote now!

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We did not try to have you arrested.

We asked that you come inside to our event and put your paperwork on our Resource Table so people interested could then take the information rather than it be handed to them as they got out of their cars.

You were invited in and chose to do it your way instead, that is the only reason we needed assistance from security. Don't forget we are all on the same side...the side of our children.

Sincerely, Shari Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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Dear Minnieme1,

Thank you for monitoring the Autism Speaks website. I think you will be pleased with the studies they have done, the grants they have funded and the effort they are making to help our children and grandchildren.

We are all in this fight together, not against each other...that does not help children and families with Autism.


Shari Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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Hi Everyone,

I haven't had time yet to really research the newness of Autism Speaks. I know things can change and improve for any organization. I really don't know much about the fundraising part or who the grants are provided to. I'll have to dive in and find the facts.

My opinion is that parents need money to provide therapies for their children right now. It seems research takes so long, and there are many researchers that could perhaps benefit by pulling together and sharing what knowledge they already have. I think the ARI already has brought forth much insight and they really should be included as far as research value goes. They have many answers that has proven sucessful in my home. Without the therory on leaky gut and food allergies, I would've never known my son's behaviors were involved from his digestive and immune system disregulation. I am glad that prior research has been helpful to my son's life and also my own health. I'm sure there are other factors involved that contribute to autistic behaviors and learning disabilities. There may be several conditions implicating individual health.

I hope all works out for everyone. The most important part of all of this is caring for our children as Shari said.

Yours, n

In a message dated 7/19/07 12:10:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, sharigoldberg22@... writes:

Dear Minnieme1,

Thank you for monitoring the Autism Speaks website. I think you will be pleased with the studies they have done, the grants they have funded and the effort they are making to help our children and grandchildren.

We are all in this fight together, not against each other...that does not help children and families with Autism. Sincerely,


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Thank you Trish!

No offense taken. I truly appreciate your thoughts and I really believe we all need to support each other as we try to help our children. We all have too much stress and do not need to create more amongst ourselves. I think we can agree to disagree on certain things although ultimately, as I have said before, we need to focus on our children.



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I, too, find the suggestion to discuss this offline as insulting, like some kind of mentally ill relatives at Thanksgiving dinner, ushered out so the sane host can deal with them in private so as not to disturb the other guests.

I've never been prone to conspiracy theories but when I saw Bill Frist try to put a mandate to reintroduce thimerosol back IN vaccines, it did make me wonder who was trying to protect whom.

Likewise the constant "let's focus on the children", a not so subtle dig to those of us who believe that vaccines are harming children that we are NOT focusing on the children? How do you dare?

I gave you credit for the "1 in 166" commercial, however, since there is no preventative measures mentioned, whom does that benefit? Treatment is the second course of treatment, benefiting the drug companies and totally ignoring the problem, prevention, a much higher goal.

Please, stop saying we're on the same side, we're not interested in playing nicey nice with the drug companies and the CDC who continue to advocate the flu vaccine for pregnant women and small children, this new Guardia vaccine and another vaccine I just saw for meningitis.

I am not against vaccines but I am against vaccines without some kind of testing that would easily show the children for whom these vaccines are damaging, and that's a LOT of children, as your commercials say "1 in 166."

----- Original Message -----

From: nooogetta

Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 8:56 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Fwd: FW: AMEX Members Project -- vote now!

>> We did not try to have you arrested.You've written me and said that nobody tried to have me arrested.SOMEBODY tried to have me arrested. You've also said that you'd behappy to discuss this with me offline. I would not be happy to discussthis offline. You've said that there was no arrest attempt, publicly,and I intendto defend myself publicly. Were you there? Were you the person who told me that my presence thereon the sidewalk handing out information about mercury in vaccines was"spoiling yourevening"? If you were there, then you know that I was told to leaveand that if I didn't I would be arrested. You know that there werepolice cars, and that the management of the House of Blues asked me toleave or else I would be arrested. The police officers also told methat I would have to leave, or else face arrest. It was only when thechief of police came that I was told that I could remain and continueto hand out my information, since I was on public property, notcausing any disturbance, and within my legal rights. > We asked that you come inside to our event and put your paperwork onour > Resource Table so people interested could then take the informationrather than > it be handed to them as they got out of their cars. I was asked to leave my fliers on the information table and I saidthat I would prefer to hand them out to people directly. I was told byAutism Speaks organizers that that was unacceptable. I then agreed tostand away from the doors, beyond the House of Blues frontage, butsoon realized that all of the guests were being dropped off in front ofthe doors and their cars parked by valet, which meant that nobody sawme there as they would have if they'd been parking their cars andwalking into the venue. (I quit approaching people as they wereleaving their cars to be picked up by the valet service when I wasasked to do so by the valet service attendants and the Autism Speaksbenefit organizers.) So I then went inside and explained that I hadchanged my mind and would be outside near the doors after all, and wastold by someone that they would go and see if that was acceptable. Although I didn't understand why I should need permission from eitherthe House of Blues management or the Autism Speaks benefit organizersin order to stand outside on public property handing out information,I agreed to wait. I waited about ten minutes and when no one showed upto tell me if it was ok or not, I went back outside onto the sidewalkto hand out fliers again. > You were invited in and chose to do it your way instead, that is theonly > reason we needed assistance from security. Don't forget we are allon the same > side...the side of our children.You've told me that I chose to stand outside, be disruptive, and causea scene. If you call calmly handing out information to people interested enoughto take my pieces of paper `causing a disturbance', then yes, I did dothat. I might suggest that police cars gathered around the doorwaysand arrest threats could better be described as a `disturbance', but Iwas not the one responsible for their presence there that evening. You've also said that I could continue to laugh, but that Autism isn'tfunny but rather is painful and stressful and difficult. You certainlydon't need to tell me that.You said that there are no sides, just the side of our children, butyou are wrong. There ARE two sides. There is the side that is willingto hear all viewpoints, and then there is the side that seems veryanxious that certain viewpoints are never aired publicly. I am not doing this for your children. I am doing this for myself. Iam not doing this for my children, either. My children aren'tdiagnosed with autism. In fact, it is quite possible that what I amdoing in trying to bring people's attention to the issue of mercury invaccines is more detrimental than helpful, as far as my own childrenare concerned. But I do feel that it is certainly in their intereststhat I speak out when I feel that someone is being deceitful. You've said that you are here to help your child and as many childrenas you can, not to argue with me. I don't want to argue, either. I willnot discuss this or anything else with you until you admit that anattempt was made to have me arrested, and apologize for claimingotherwise. Sincerely,Robin Nemeth

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Dear Robin and ,I

find myself compelled to stick my nose in where it does not belong. I

apologize for this in advance. I understand that you are trying to

make a difference with your advocacy with mercury--I commend you both.

I have to say ( as someone who has hosted events) that the

safety of the guests is a priority of the host. In this day and age no

one can ever be too careful. I don't think you considered what the

House of Blues is required to do for the safety of the guests--if you

are willing to hear all view points. No offense intended but certainly

you have to agree that we live in a different America since 911. My

only question to you is why you did not try to arrange something prior

to the event--in lieu of just showing up? I don't think you are

looking at this from both sides. Have you been to the airport lately?

I can't believe we pay money to be treated that way!! But that is just

what I am trying to say here--we are all now faced with being cautious

and we have to take that into consideration. I would like to

share with you more information about mercury. I know you are focused

on vaccines but are you aware of all the sources of mercury--possibly

in your child's school and household? I want you to know that mercury

is everywhere and not too many even know about it. I have recently had

all of my silver fillings removed because of the mercury effects to my

body. Please don't close your efforts focusing on just one mercury

source. I wish that my time would allow me to become more involved but

it does not at this time.

I wish that there was someone who could report to those interested what

is new and happening in Ohio with mercury. I would love to know every

household product by name that has mercury so I can make sure not to

buy them and bring them home to my family. Below

is some info on what Ohio is doing. There is some information

regarding where mercury can be found. Please continue your efforts

with mercury to all sources that are harming us--not just one being

vaccines. It is not the only source.

If you were already aware that mercury is all around us--I

apologize. I only found your focus on one source (being vaccines) and

just wanted you to know there are many. I am not saying that you

should stop advocating I beg you to further your efforts--you are doing

a great job. I just want you to know that mercury is all around us. I

have tried to keep my home as mercury free as possible. We need strong

voices out there advocating and my only hope is that you will hook up

with these groups and make a difference in Ohio.

Thank you for all you do and your efforts.BestSandee Winkelman



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Thank You Sandee, this is what I would call a good discussion rather than a debate. I'm trying to help everyone understand the difference between a discussion and a debate. This information is helpful and a caring reply. It doesn't imply, accuse or blame anyone. It's resourceful information. That's what make a good discussion.

Yours, n

In a message dated 7/24/07 10:48:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jswinky@... writes:

Dear Robin and ,

I find myself compelled to stick my nose in where it does not belong. I apologize for this in advance. I understand that you are trying to make a difference with your advocacy with mercury--I commend you both.

I have to say ( as someone who has hosted events) that the safety of the guests is a priority of the host. In this day and age no one can ever be too careful. I don't think you considered what the House of Blues is required to do for the safety of the guests--if you are willing to hear all view points. No offense intended but certainly you have to agree that we live in a different America since 911. My only question to you is why you did not try to arrange something prior to the event--in lieu of just showing up? I don't think you are looking at this from both sides. Have you been to the airport lately? I can't believe we pay money to be treated that way!! But that is just what I am trying to say here--we are all now faced with being cautious and we have to take that into consideration.

I would like to share with you more information about mercury. I know you are focused on vaccines but are you aware of all the sources of mercury--possibly in your child's school and household? I want you to know that mercury is everywhere and not too many even know about it. I have recently had all of my silver fillings removed because of the mercury effects to my body. Please don't close your efforts focusing on just one mercury source. I wish that my time would allow me to become more involved but it does not at this time. I wish that there was someone who could report to those interested what is new and happening in Ohio with mercury. I would love to know every household product by name that has mercury so I can make sure not to buy them and bring them home to my family.

Below is some info on what Ohio is doing. There is some information regarding where mercury can be found. Please continue your efforts with mercury to all sources that are harming us--not just one being vaccines. It is not the only source.

If you were already aware that mercury is all around us--I apologize. I only found your focus on one source (being vaccines) and just wanted you to know there are many. I am not saying that you should stop advocating I beg you to further your efforts--you are doing a great job. I just want you to know that mercury is all around us. I have tried to keep my home as mercury free as possible. We need strong voices out there advocating and my only hope is that you will hook up with these groups and make a difference in Ohio. Thank you for all you do and your efforts.


Sandee Winkelman

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Hi Shari, Thanks for your email and support. I wish you could come to our biomedical support meeting this coming Monday (30th, 7 pm) at Barrie's place. We could use your knowledge about the approaches you have done with Noah! There will be some parents there who have been relatively new to biomed...and some not so new. Me and Evan have been on this journey for about 3 1/2 years and usually I am too afraid hope for recovery, but these days with HBOT I can't help myself! Today, I was able to point out the ducks and geese by one of the Shaker Lakes and Evan was into them, looking for them as we walked! He UNDERSTOOD me which is so huge, and, he also followed directions and did not run away from me once. NOT ONCE! I was still kind of in disbelief, as I am always on VERY HIGH ALERT because of the running without notice, and kept telling Don, "Man, did you see it? He STOPPED! OMG, I can't believe he

is actually looking for the ducks!" I am so thankful I can't even describe it. I am going to have to start going to church to keep this good thing going.... What biomedical intervention did you feel helped Noah the most? We have seen nice things with the GFCF diet, better sleep, and various anti-fungal therapies seemed to help a lot. Unfortunately, the issues would resurface again as the immune system problems have not been addressed successfully until we started HBOT. I think that made a difference. Thanks again for your support... Have a nice weekend! sharigoldberg22@... wrote: Dear , I have so many of the same feelings you have. I have been helping Noah heal biomedically for over 8 years and we have seen some improvement in different areas particularly from the gf/cf diet, vitamin regimens, kineseology, homeopathy, cranial-sacral therapy, chelation, and a host of others. I too had my amalgams taken out after Noah was born and will not give my children amalgams. In addition neither of my boys have been vaccinated since Noah's diagnosis almost 9 years ago. I think as the years go on more and more people understand that a biomedical approach can be extremely helpful for our children! When

I started to talk about these areas at first many were extremely skeptical as well. If anyone wants recommendations for professionals who practice in these areas please feel free to ask...I would be happy to share my resources and experiences. Take care, Shari Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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Hi ,

I loved the story you shared about Evan and all the major things he is doing for the first time. That is so fantastic! I know what you mean...you almost want to pinch yourself or try it all over again to see if it wasn't a dream or wishful thinking. It sounds like Evan is making great progress thanks to all your interventions.

Noah's life changed drastically 8 years ago from the gf/cf diet. I am also thrilled w/ his homeopathy and we are now trying a new remedy for anxiety and compulsive behaviors. Chelation was also very useful! He responds tremendously to tlp(The Listening Program). It is a home-based psycho-acoustical program that really helps with so many areas(in case you did not know). I would be happy to share any resources with you or the group if you would like.

Unfortunately, I am unable to come to Barrie's this Mon....we have guests in from out of town. I will try to come to another meeting.

Take care,

Shari Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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---- I am so glad to hear your great news!!!!!!!!!! Laurie Pattison <egerpatt@...> wrote: Hi Shari, Thanks for your email and support. I wish you could come to our biomedical support meeting this coming Monday (30th, 7 pm) at Barrie's place. We could use your knowledge about the approaches you have done with Noah! There will be some parents there who have been relatively new to biomed...and some not so new. Me

and Evan have been on this journey for about 3 1/2 years and usually I am too afraid hope for recovery, but these days with HBOT I can't help myself! Today, I was able to point out the ducks and geese by one of the Shaker Lakes and Evan was into them, looking for them as we walked! He UNDERSTOOD me which is so huge, and, he also followed directions and did not run away from me once. NOT ONCE! I was still kind of in disbelief, as I am always on VERY HIGH ALERT because of the running without notice, and kept telling Don, "Man, did you see it? He STOPPED! OMG, I can't believe he is actually looking for the ducks!" I am so thankful I can't even describe it. I am going to have to start going to church to keep this good thing going.... What biomedical intervention did you feel helped Noah the most? We have seen nice things with the GFCF diet, better sleep, and various anti-fungal therapies seemed to help a lot.

Unfortunately, the issues would resurface again as the immune system problems have not been addressed successfully until we started HBOT. I think that made a difference. Thanks again for your support... Have a nice weekend! sharigoldberg22aol wrote: Dear , I have so many of the same feelings you have. I have been helping Noah heal biomedically for over 8 years and we have seen some improvement in different areas particularly from the gf/cf diet, vitamin regimens, kineseology, homeopathy, cranial-sacral therapy, chelation, and a host of others. I too had my amalgams taken out after

Noah was born and will not give my children amalgams. In addition neither of my boys have been vaccinated since Noah's diagnosis almost 9 years ago. I think as the years go on more and more people understand that a biomedical approach can be extremely helpful for our children! When I started to talk about these areas at first many were extremely skeptical as well. If anyone wants recommendations for professionals who practice in these areas please feel free to ask...I would be happy to share my resources and experiences. Take care, Shari Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com. Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Travel.

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