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As its the liver which needs to convert T4 into T3 and so many thyroid patients either have gallstones or have had a cholecystectomy you might find the following very helpfull in restoring full Liver Function

Berberis Tincture

Milk Thistle Tincture

Both by Vogel and available in Health Food Stores although you might need to order the Berberis

They are totally safe and defintely work

Take 10 drops of each twice a day in a glass of water sweetened with a little squash/fruit juice ( because they taste nasty)

Be sure to also take at least 500mcg Vitamin C ( preferably the suckable ones )

Plus 4 vitamin B compound tablets

In about 2 weeks you should notice a real difference

Once your liver is working well again you can drop back to taking the drops last thing at night for a furthur month

Then simply repeat every few months to keep your liver working effectively

My daughter was very very ill with horrendous Liver Function Test results just 2 weeks ago

She had had her Gall bladder removed age 23 and effectively had a Fatty Liver ( this happens after removal of gall bladder )not that her GPs were of any help

If only we had known about this treatment years ago she could have been spared the Gall bladder removal


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