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Re: Teacher mentioned ADHD about 3 year old

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Yes diet can be important. Gluten free and then adding dairy free about 2-3 mos after can help them. It did my son. Also DHA - fish oils are a god send to us. My son takes Nordic Natural's Children's DHA. They are strawberry flavored. He takes 6 pellets at dinner. For a 3 year old the dosing is about 6.25 mgs / day. That's what we did with my daughter when she was that age. We also gave 100 mcg selenium 2x per week. Vit B's are very important to brain development and focus. They don't taste too great and that is where our struggles have been. Feingold is a difficult program to implement. I would say start with the low hanging fruits first.

You can check his basal body temp. Is it over 97.8? If you really want to get some labs on him you can order them yourself from www.healthcheckusa.com

Teacher mentioned ADHD about 3 year old

My daughter just returned from parent-teacher conferences with her 3 year old's teacher. Teacher says grandson is exhibiting signs of ADHD and will probably not be able to attend regular preschool next year. Grandson is attending early preschool for help with speech. He really didn't talk until 2 1/2. He's doing much better but some words are not understandable. I know iodine may help with the behavior - how much? type? Should a wheat/dairy free diet be started first or should they try the Feingold program which limits salycilates? Their doctor will only request TSH testing, nothing else. Any suggestions are welcome!Wanda

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I will echo the DHA! Our 7yob (it's always boys, isn't it? gotta wonder if

it's our standards that are wrong) improved very quickly on just DHA supplement.

I found the liquid much more concentrated that the chews, but the liquid took

some getting used to. Too bad. Once the gummies are gone, we're back to the


Also, watch sugar (you probably know this) our other son turned into a little

monster with the slightest amount of sugar until he was about 7.

Haven't used iodine yet on our 7yo, but will.



> Yes diet can be important. Gluten free and then adding dairy free about 2-3

mos after can help them. It did my son. Also DHA - fish oils are a god send to

us. My son takes Nordic Natural's Children's DHA. They are strawberry

flavored. He takes 6 pellets at dinner. For a 3 year old the dosing is about

6.25 mgs / day. That's what we did with my daughter when she was that age. We

also gave 100 mcg selenium 2x per week. Vit B's are very important to brain

development and focus. They don't taste too great and that is where our

struggles have been. Feingold is a difficult program to implement. I would say

start with the low hanging fruits first.


> You can check his basal body temp. Is it over 97.8? If you really want to

get some labs on him you can order them yourself from www.healthcheckusa.com





> Teacher mentioned ADHD about 3 year old




> My daughter just returned from parent-teacher conferences with her 3 year

old's teacher. Teacher says grandson is exhibiting signs of ADHD and will

probably not be able to attend regular preschool next year. Grandson is

attending early preschool for help with speech. He really didn't talk until 2

1/2. He's doing much better but some words are not understandable. I know iodine

may help with the behavior - how much? type? Should a wheat/dairy free diet be

started first or should they try the Feingold program which limits salycilates?

Their doctor will only request TSH testing, nothing else. Any suggestions are



> Wanda


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They should be able to get speech therapy alone, without going to school.

Is your daughter at all open to the idea of keeping him at home?

I would also highly recommend getting his level of Vit. D checked. I have a grandson for whom that has made a very big difference in behavior.

JudyThey that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. Ps. 124:1

From: w_long3 <w_long3@...>Subject: Teacher mentioned ADHD about 3 year oldiodine Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 11:56 AM

My daughter just returned from parent-teacher conferences with her 3 year old's teacher. Teacher says grandson is exhibiting signs of ADHD and will probably not be able to attend regular preschool next year. Grandson is attending early preschool for help with speech. He really didn't talk until 2 1/2. He's doing much better but some words are not understandable. I know iodine may help with the behavior - how much? type? Should a wheat/dairy free diet be started first or should they try the Feingold program which limits salycilates? Their doctor will only request TSH testing, nothing else. Any suggestions are welcome!Wanda

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sounds like possibly on the autism spectrum? For my son a diet free of

artificials, nitrates, gluten, casein, and soy is essential for daily

functioning, I have not tried iodine with him yet.


> My daughter just returned from parent-teacher conferences with her 3 year

old's teacher. Teacher says grandson is exhibiting signs of ADHD and will

probably not be able to attend regular preschool next year. Grandson is

attending early preschool for help with speech. He really didn't talk until 2

1/2. He's doing much better but some words are not understandable. I know

iodine may help with the behavior - how much? type? Should a wheat/dairy free

diet be started first or should they try the Feingold program which limits

salycilates? Their doctor will only request TSH testing, nothing else. Any

suggestions are welcome!


> Wanda


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Had problems with my son when he was young. I used to cry every

night for fear he would never have any friends. He was so

aggressive. He and his twin sister didn't speak clear enough for us

to understand until much later than their piers.

Our family has been on the Feingold diet for around 12 years. I have

seen it do wonders. It isn't any harder to implement than wheat free

or any other lifestyle diet changes. In fact, it may be easier

because they give you a book with specific brands and products that

do not have artificial colors/flavors and certain preservatives in

them and they note those that have salycilates and some of the other

ingredients, like corn syrup, that some people are sensitive to.

In addition to the Fiengold diet, I took him to an ND who did a hair

analysis on him. It showed high aluminum and that his potassium and

another minerals were way out of balance and as a result he couldn't

handle any sugar. We corrected this.

I didn't know about iodine 12 years ago so don't know if that would

have helped. I have witnessed the affects of red colored koolaid on

behavior... and so I suggest at the very minimum to keep him away

from FD & C colors. I don't think you could go wrong with the

Feingold diet. But I am also glad I did the hair analysis on him.

By the way, my son is 14 and doesn't exhibit any hyper-active or

aggressive behavior problems and my friends son went from mean and

aggressive to a totally different person. He is now a college

graduate and married.

On 2/15/11 9:56 AM, w_long3 wrote:.

My daughter just returned from parent-teacher conferences

with her 3 year old's teacher. Teacher says grandson is

exhibiting signs of ADHD and will probably not be able to

attend regular preschool next year. Grandson is attending

early preschool for help with speech. He really didn't

talk until 2 1/2. He's doing much better but some words

are not understandable. I know iodine may help with the

behavior - how much? type? Should a wheat/dairy free diet

be started first or should they try the Feingold program

which limits salycilates? Their doctor will only request

TSH testing, nothing else. Any suggestions are welcome!


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Our eldest son got wild at tiny doses of sugar. My B-I-L (who was only 18 at

the time) came home from school one day not long after I'd hauled ds out of the

sugar bowl (we weren't in our own home!) and calmly noted " he's been eating

sugar, hasn't he? " .

Also, food dyes...a friend of mine whose daughter was otherwise very healthy,

declared that her dd became the " monster-child from Hell " with red food dye.

She eventually narrowed it down to one particular dye. It was a Jekyll/Hyde

sort of reaction.

My younger ds, who is now 7, is strongly visually stimulated. If he watches too

much computer or too many movies, his behaviour gets really aggressive.

Just some thoughts.



> >

> > My daughter just returned from parent-teacher conferences with her 3

> > year old's teacher. Teacher says grandson is exhibiting signs of ADHD

> > and will probably not be able to attend regular preschool next year.

> > Grandson is attending early preschool for help with speech. He really

> > didn't talk until 2 1/2. He's doing much better but some words are not

> > understandable. I know iodine may help with the behavior - how much?

> > type? Should a wheat/dairy free diet be started first or should they

> > try the Feingold program which limits salycilates? Their doctor will

> > only request TSH testing, nothing else. Any suggestions are welcome!

> >

> > Wanda

> >

> >


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