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Re: Re: Local systems with great programs for Autism

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could you help me? I am on the autism web site b/c I have a brother who is autistic. I am also geting mt masters in Special Ed. My problem is that I average 50 -75 e-mails from This aytism site over 3/4 are the same message 3-5 times I love the info I get but I am missing importany messages My mail box is always so full I have to spend 10 min deleting autism messages do you know who I can speak to? Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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We're still elementary - one is 6 and the other is 8. Not sure about the middle school; however, I've heard really good stories about the high school.

But, the entire school district is an inclusive one, which is nice. Also, all the kids go to the same school. For example, one school is for K-1, one is for 2nd & preschool, another for 3rd grade, etc. It helps avoid cliques, in my opinion, and all the kids start out "fresh" each year. In placement, they do try to put 2 or 3 kids in the same class that know each other but they will not purposely put two "best friends" together. But, they are very good about taking input from parents. What type of teacher best fits your child, etc.

----- Original Message -----

From: poellakj

Sent: 2/27/2008 12:11:47 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Local systems with great programs for Autism

-Do you mind me asking what age group your children are in currently?ThanksKiersten-- In , "Becky" <rwulfe@...> wrote:>> Hudson City Schools are great - which is why I moved here. All theschools are inclusive - meaning, they don't put IEP kids in one or twoclasses. All classes are diversified as much as possible w/ specialneeds, gifted, etc. depending on what the child needs. We have beenhere for 3 years and I have been very happy with the IEP teams,teachers, therapists, etc. Everyone really seems to want to worktogether. > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: TM McKenna > > Sent: 2/27/2008 8:46:23 AM > Subject: Re: [ ] Local systems with great programs for Autism> > > The attached list relates to schools and preschools for childrenwith autism, which is a great resource. It still leaves a questionthat is looming for us: which public school districts provide goodservices for children on the spectrum. For instance, in our case, wewant our high functioning daughter to be fully integrated with typicalchildren, with support (i.e. an aide) as needed. We do not want aschool district to dismiss her as beyond hope, or a school districtthat will set her goals and standards so low that she'll never reachwhat we think could be her potential. Information related to thatwould be most appreciated.> > > > -----Original Message----- > From: DMHelmick7@... > Sent: Feb 26, 2008 8:44 PM > > Subject: Re: [ ] Local systems with great programs for Autism > > > Hi Kiersten, > > Here is a copy of the attachement which has the schools listing fromthe site, there's 4 pages. There's 8 schools listed with anindex and description for each All of the schools listed have autismprograms. (That I've heard of). > > For her children's age group I would say the Achievement Centers areamong the best as they tend to focus on early intervention with speechand OT. All of the ACC centers have ST and OTs on site. My son Daveyreally thrived with ACC in their home based program when he was justbeginning. (back then it was a pilot program that had been covered bya grant - We were very fortunate for that). Also, some parents havereplied about their great schools as well. I know loves herschool system. > > Anyway, go ahead and download the file and keep a copy at youroffice as well and pass on the list to the family in need. > > Yours Most Truly, n > > In a message dated 2/26/08 1:51:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,poella@... writes: > > > Hi group! > > A parent asked me about the school systems in the area. She is moving > and wants to contact at least 5 schools that would have great services > for children on the spectrum. Her children are now 4 and 6 years old. > If you could include people she could contact, that would be great. > You can email me @ poella@... if you want to give information > privately. > > Thank you, > Kiersten>

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I feel the same way. I e-mailed n, and would like to get off the list because I was

having problems with my computer.

On 2/27/08, Eolanders@... <Eolanders@...> wrote:

could you help me? I am on the autism web site b/c I have a brother who is autistic. I am also geting mt masters in Special Ed. My problem is that I average 50 -75 e-mails from This aytism site over 3/4 are the same message 3-5 times I love the info I get but I am missing importany messages My mail box is always so full I have to spend 10 min deleting autism messages do you know who I can speak to?

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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