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Re: Iodine, Knowledge of

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How? There were a very small # of people, Hedge fund manager,'Behavioral'

economists etc. who saw the economic collapse coming.The rest did not. " There are

none so blind as those who WILL NOT see. " I know there are those who think this

whole thing is a vast Big-Pharma conspiracy.Don't get me wrong. I fully agree

with whoever it was who said " In terms of business practices,ethics, and basic

morality, BIG Pharma make Big tobacco look like choir boys! " I just think this

whole ignorance of Iodine, Hypo and adrenal issues, etc. is more about human

nature than some conspiracy.The medical profession has it wrong, and is

stubbornly resistant to agknowledging their error. Ever was it so! Jim


> Dr Brownstein is one of so very few med pros who knows the truth about iodine.

How could so many be in the dark about this fundamental nutrient ? There seems

to be a cloud over iodine. Why ?

> It consumption is potentially life saving. And so why is so little information

available about it ?


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I think there were some studies at some point involving radioactive iodine and

somehow it was interpreted that regular non-radioactive iodine was dangerous.

Humans are very prone to making mistakes and also very stubborn to change them

once things get widely accepted. Mercury was widely accepted as medicine in the

past centuries, even given to pregnant women for morning sickness. Most doctors

today still believe soy to be a wonder food and saturated fat to be a killer,

but if you read up you will quickly learn they are wrong on so many different


We get enough iodine today to prevent goiter and I think thats why there is such

little attention given to it...yet we are flooded with bromine and other toxic

halogens but the symptoms and diseases they can cause are very hard to identify

with any certainty.



> Dr Brownstein is one of so very few med pros who knows the truth about iodine.

How could so many be in the dark about this fundamental nutrient ? There seems

to be a cloud over iodine. Why ?

> It consumption is potentially life saving. And so why is so little information

available about it ?


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Because iodine deficiency creates so many health conditions that are maintained by pharmaceutical products. There's no money in natural products because they cannot be patented. There are some practitioners - listed on www.breastcancerchoices.org


Iodine, Knowledge of

Dr Brownstein is one of so very few med pros who knows the truth about iodine. How could so many be in the dark about this fundamental nutrient ? There seems to be a cloud over iodine. Why ?It consumption is potentially life saving. And so why is so little information available about it ?

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Well, there is a paranoid school of thought, that the medical profession purposely keeps us in a state of chronic ill-health so they can make money treating us. Personally, I hope that's not true. But when you read up on vaccines, as an autism mom, & see how ridiculously toxic they are, it is hard to believe that somebody didn't make our kids sick on purpose. If you take this view, then docs don't want a cheap, simple cure for cancer, because it costs them big bucks that they can charge for chemo & radiation. Thyroid disease means lots of lab tests, office visits, & prescriptions. There's gold in them thar hills! (Of course, not everybody in the whole profession has to be evil. If just a few guys at the top who do the teaching are crooked, the rest could be their victims.)The view I tend to hold is that every idiot makes his own little mistake, & then they all get together & affirm each other's mistakes, & it gets so big & uncontrollable that nobody can fix it. Once a view gets widely accepted in mainstream medicine -- disseminated to millions of medical students & done to millions of patients -- it is really hard to change it, & get the word out. And before you can even TRY to change it & get the word out, somebody has to admit they made a MISTAKE. (In the current legal climate, in particular, admitting a mistake opens you up to a bigger malpractice judgement.)If you look back over the history of medicine, you can see some pretty stupid trends that lasted a LONG time. Take bleeding. For a long time, doctors would open up a vein & let people bleed into a bowl for its supposed health benefit. In some cases, they would bleed a guy who was already suffering blood loss. Well, DUH! Where does an idea like that even come from? But doctors did it for a long time.The doctor who figured out that docs could prevent infection by washing their hands was put in an insane asylum, for carrying on about invisible disease organisms. His very correct understanding did not fit the accepted view, so he had to be wrong. And if you accepted his premise, as a doctor, you had to admit that you had been killing patients for years by carrying pathogens into their bodies. Who wants to think he killed a bunch of people when he was trying to help them?Of course, we probably have both bad guys & misguided folks working together...AnneOn Feb 18, 2011, at 6:13 AM, wrote: Dr Brownstein is one of so very few med pros who knows the truth about iodine. How could so many be in the dark about this fundamental nutrient ? There seems to be a cloud over iodine. Why ? It consumption is potentially life saving. And so why is so little information available about it ?

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Anne; I so agree.Know about the hand washing guy, and your so right! To admit he

was right would have meant admitting TO themselves, they had been killing their

patients.Far easier to call him a nut, than admit that, To THEMSELVES. Its that

'River in Egypt'; Denial, and its a very human reaction.

However, look at the guy who discovered that MOST stomach ulcers are caused by

H.Pylori.Initially they dismissed his work and findings, clinging to the old

idea that ulcers were from stress; They had mountains of studies to prove

it.However, he did prevail.I'm trying to get together a group of people, thru

the I-net, to begin working on an action plan to attempt to " End The Madness " .

I've been writing about in on the NTH CHAT group.I invite any/all to join, if

your not, and read my posts and the responces.Recognising its a tough task, and

may take 40 years, where will we be in 40 years if we DON'T do anything? I too,

am sceptical that this is all a conspiracy and corruption; I think its about

human nature, and Beurocracies.However, even if there is an 'Evil Component',

look what happpened in Exypt.

Evil exists when good people stand by, and do nothing!Jim


> > Dr Brownstein is one of so very few med pros who knows the truth

> > about iodine. How could so many be in the dark about this

> > fundamental nutrient ? There seems to be a cloud over iodine. Why ?

> > It consumption is potentially life saving. And so why is so little

> > information available about it ?

> >

> >


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Humanity seems to have a crazy tendency to try to fix what ain't broke.

There are so many stories of " technology " trumping common knowledge, nature,

common sense, etc. Throw in the almighty dollar and you've got a recipe for


Think of how breastfeeding was, for several decades, actively suppressed in

favour of a white substance in a bottle made by 'experts'. Think how natural

rubber trees were destroyed when an artifical substitute was created. We are

now one epidemic away from no rubber at all, because all but one species of

rubber plant was destroyed. THEN they discovered that for some purposes, only

rubber will do...

What happened when 'experts' took over child-rearing?

Chemical companies were largely responsible for the suppression of hemp (which

in many forms is not psychoactive and has many uses...and no I am not a

pot-smoker, LOL), after nylon was invented (for making rope).

When I worked in pharmacy, we would cringe with all the new antibiotics that

would come out...and disappear. Seldom was one any great improvement over the

older, cheaper one, but SO much money would go into its production that they had

to find a way to sell it. I think we can see this now with anti-depressants and

meds to treat " fibromyalgia " or whatever it is.

HypoT patients not being treated for symptoms because of the 'Holy Infallible

TSH Test.

And then there's global warming, purple loostrife...

Am I conspiracy minded, or am I just getting old?


> >

> > > Dr Brownstein is one of so very few med pros who knows the truth

> > > about iodine. How could so many be in the dark about this

> > > fundamental nutrient ? There seems to be a cloud over iodine. Why ?

> > > It consumption is potentially life saving. And so why is so little

> > > information available about it ?

> > >

> > >

> >


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Its a Conspiracy when the owners of the shipping line, with the willing

coerced/bribed participation of the captain, deliberately run the Titannic into

an Iceberg, to collect the insurance$.That, I believe, is NOT whats

happening.You go to the kitchen, everyones doing their thing, cooking, preparing

and serving food.Engine room, everyones stoking the fires, monitoring the

pressure guages, etc.Go out on the deck, passengers are argueing about

re-arranging the deck chairs.But, go up to the captains wheelhouse,

and,.....There is NOBODY there! Its NOT a Conspiracy, with someone secretly

running the show. Its WORSE; No one is 'running the show'!Each entity,Dr.'s,Big

Pharm, etc. is protecting their own turf, focused on their own particular slice

of the pie,their own short term self interest etc.And meanwhile, the Iceberg

cometh! Jim

> > >

> > > > Dr Brownstein is one of so very few med pros who knows the truth

> > > > about iodine. How could so many be in the dark about this

> > > > fundamental nutrient ? There seems to be a cloud over iodine. Why ?

> > > > It consumption is potentially life saving. And so why is so little

> > > > information available about it ?

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Anti-iodine hysteria is still taught in med schools everywhere. The

so-called " Wolfe-Chaikoff Effect " , which never really existed and is a lie,

is still taught as gospel in med schools. Consequently we have a thyroid

and cancer epidemic. There may not be anyone at the wheel making that

decision, but the practical result of Western Medical attachment to a BIG

LIE is systematically depriving the populace of health, and consequently

enriching those who profit from the medical system. It may not truly be a

conspiracy, but it is no less morally wrong.


At 01:47 PM 2/18/2011, you wrote:

>Its a Conspiracy when the owners of the shipping line, with the willing

>coerced/bribed participation of the captain, deliberately run the Titannic

>into an Iceberg, to collect the insurance$.That, I believe, is NOT whats

>happening.You go to the kitchen, everyones doing their thing, cooking,

>preparing and serving food.Engine room, everyones stoking the fires,

>monitoring the pressure guages, etc.Go out on the deck, passengers are

>argueing about re-arranging the deck chairs.But, go up to the captains

>wheelhouse, and,.....There is NOBODY there! Its NOT a Conspiracy, with

>someone secretly running the show. Its WORSE; No one is 'running the

>show'!Each entity,Dr.'s,Big Pharm, etc. is protecting their own turf,

>focused on their own particular slice of the pie,their own short term self

>interest etc.And meanwhile, the Iceberg cometh! Jim

~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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I don't know what to make of it all.

I am feeling better on Iodine. Yet I have been warned by my doc not to take any.

I mentioned I am taking 3000iu of Vit D daily and I was told I could be making

myself sick. Current Vit D experts that I have been reading here on the net

would agree that 3000iu is not a lot for a 180 pound man like myself ( dosage

can be bodyweight based ).

I asked for heavy metal testing because I want to avoid inflammatory response. I

was told by a doctor that heavy metals don't cause inflammation, and my request

for testing was more or less brushed off.

These are fundamental health issues. In particular, Iodine and Vit D are,

apparently, extremely important. I am saddened that such nutrients are not

promoted on a more widespread basis because so much human suffering could be


There is a lot of merit to what Dr Brownstein and the Iodine group are doing.

> >Its a Conspiracy when the owners of the shipping line, with the willing

> >coerced/bribed participation of the captain, deliberately run the Titannic

> >into an Iceberg, to collect the insurance$.That, I believe, is NOT whats

> >happening.You go to the kitchen, everyones doing their thing, cooking,

> >preparing and serving food.Engine room, everyones stoking the fires,

> >monitoring the pressure guages, etc.Go out on the deck, passengers are

> >argueing about re-arranging the deck chairs.But, go up to the captains

> >wheelhouse, and,.....There is NOBODY there! Its NOT a Conspiracy, with

> >someone secretly running the show. Its WORSE; No one is 'running the

> >show'!Each entity,Dr.'s,Big Pharm, etc. is protecting their own turf,

> >focused on their own particular slice of the pie,their own short term self

> >interest etc.And meanwhile, the Iceberg cometh! Jim



> ~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

> --A.J. Muste


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