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Zapping, H2o2, and parasite cleanse, ball gladder cleanse

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I am new to the group. I joined because I suspected a thyroid problem. I am

losing hair like crazy. It has been like this for many years...My gynecologist

says my thyroid test came back normal.

I also had cysts in one of my breast and started painting it with iodine, and

changed my diet drastically. The cysts went away so quickly!

I saw many posts referring to zapping, H202 and cleansing, etc.

I am also part of the group, and H202 group.

I did the H2o2 protocol two months ago. If anybody is interested in this

protocol please join the h2o2 group. There is a lot of info on how to safely do

this protocol. I did it, and I am happy to say that it helped me to expel some


I also have been zapping for two months and it has been an incredible tool for

health. My zapper uses 2 AAA batteries so the radiation you can get from it is

much less that what you get from using a computer or watching an HD TV.

I just completed the parasite cleanse and I have been expelling MANY

flukes and other parasites.

All these are wonderful tools. Of course my doctor has no clue that I am doing

all these... but to tell you the truth I am more scared of taking a conventional

medicine pill than of doing any of these protocols. I am sure my doctor would

tell me NOT to do any of these protocols because she does NOT know about them

and... wants to do surgery on me (in one of my ovaries). Of course she told me

she has NO idea why my ovary has signs of endometriosis but she still wants to

do surgery on it.

I think MD's do not have all the answers and we have to start studying the

different alternatives before we do something serious like a surgery.

I intend to follow the parasite cleanse with the kidney cleanse and then start

the liver flushes.

I hope my story can answer some of your questions,


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Letmar; Your gyno is saying your Thyroid is fine, because he/she is going by

what they were taught in med school, which is WRONG. Please, please please

research this more! Dr.'s go by the TSH test, thinking it is a valid test to

detirmine if someone is Hypo; its not! You need a free T-4, Free T-3, reverse

T-3, and several other tests in order to correctly diagnose or rule out

hypothyroid.Suggest you join Naturalthyroidhormones, and NaturalthyroidAdrenal

.Also shood consider getting the book; " STOP The Thyroid Madness,

which can be ordered from the website by the same name (Google it).Read

everything in the files and links. The posts won't help you much, initially.In

particular, read the material on Dr. Rinds sight; the mtabolic temperature graph

and the Matrix are excellent tools for detirmining if you are Hypo, Adrenally

fatigued or both, and for adjusting your meds to treat these conditions.

Many people, myself included, make the mistake of self-diagnosing as

hypothyroid. If you are, and have been for some time, you are probably aslo

adrenally fatigued, as the way the body tries to compensate for hypo is to tax

the adrenals. If so, you need to treat this first, as your ceels need cortisol

in order to get thyroid hormone into the cells.Avoid the knife, at least until

you do this. Jim


> Hi,

> I am new to the group. I joined because I suspected a thyroid problem. I am

losing hair like crazy. It has been like this for many years...My gynecologist

says my thyroid test came back normal.

> I also had cysts in one of my breast and started painting it with iodine, and

changed my diet drastically. The cysts went away so quickly!

> I saw many posts referring to zapping, H202 and cleansing, etc.

> I am also part of the group, and H202 group.

> I did the H2o2 protocol two months ago. If anybody is interested in this

protocol please join the h2o2 group. There is a lot of info on how to safely do

this protocol. I did it, and I am happy to say that it helped me to expel some


> I also have been zapping for two months and it has been an incredible tool for

health. My zapper uses 2 AAA batteries so the radiation you can get from it is

much less that what you get from using a computer or watching an HD TV.

> I just completed the parasite cleanse and I have been expelling MANY

flukes and other parasites.

> All these are wonderful tools. Of course my doctor has no clue that I am doing

all these... but to tell you the truth I am more scared of taking a conventional

medicine pill than of doing any of these protocols. I am sure my doctor would

tell me NOT to do any of these protocols because she does NOT know about them

and... wants to do surgery on me (in one of my ovaries). Of course she told me

she has NO idea why my ovary has signs of endometriosis but she still wants to

do surgery on it.

> I think MD's do not have all the answers and we have to start studying the

different alternatives before we do something serious like a surgery.

> I intend to follow the parasite cleanse with the kidney cleanse and then start

the liver flushes.

> I hope my story can answer some of your questions,

> Letmar


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Thank you so much for your post. What an eye opener! I kind of knew I should not

trust entirely my gyn but it feels so good to hear " Don't worry, your thyroid is

fine " .

When I asked my gyno to check all the hormones and do all the necessary tests

she told me that because of my age she could only do the thyroid tests (because

of insurance coverage, i guess they won't pay for others?...). How do I tell my

doctor I want all these additional tests done? These DOCTORS think they are

infallible and know it all....I guess I have to do much more research so then I

have more knowledge I can demand all these other tests.

I have known, felt for so many years that something is not right, when is not

one issue is another, I am a very healthy individual but the the last few years

I have been suffering from cysts in the breast and fibroids in the utero. Now a

blood cyst in one ovary. In addition to losing a lot of hair.It is like when is

not one issue, is another so this iodine/thyroid might be the missing link...?

Thank you again for your encouragement to do more research and I will look into

that book you recommend. There is a lot of valuable info in the links, and

database here. What is your opinion of Dr. Brownstein books? He seems to be a

well respected expert on thyroid/iodine.

What about the e-book in the group files? Is it worth to read it first?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!



> Letmar; Your gyno is saying your Thyroid is fine, because he/she is going by

what they were taught in med school, which is WRONG. Please, please please

research this more! Dr.'s go by the TSH test, thinking it is a valid test to

detirmine if someone is Hypo; its not! You need a free T-4, Free T-3, reverse

T-3, and several other tests in order to correctly diagnose or rule out

hypothyroid.Suggest you join Naturalthyroidhormones, and NaturalthyroidAdrenal

.Also shood consider getting the book; " STOP The Thyroid Madness,

which can be ordered from the website by the same name (Google it).Read

everything in the files and links. The posts won't help you much, initially.In

particular, read the material on Dr. Rinds sight; the mtabolic temperature graph

and the Matrix are excellent tools for detirmining if you are Hypo, Adrenally

fatigued or both, and for adjusting your meds to treat these conditions.

> Many people, myself included, make the mistake of self-diagnosing as

hypothyroid. If you are, and have been for some time, you are probably aslo

adrenally fatigued, as the way the body tries to compensate for hypo is to tax

the adrenals. If so, you need to treat this first, as your ceels need cortisol

in order to get thyroid hormone into the cells.Avoid the knife, at least until

you do this. Jim

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Thank you so much for the info. I will get the tests done one way or another. I

am sure my insurance would pay for them if my doctor considered them necessary.

She just thinks that because I am not menopausic or almost there she only needs

to check for the thyroid routine test. I feel I have to " convince her " with good

arguments that I need more in depth tests when she thinks I don't need them...

I am glad we are taking our health back into our hands. The time when MD's were

considered semi-Gods is over.


> >

> > Letmar; Your gyno is saying your Thyroid is fine, because he/she is going by

what they were taught in med school, which is WRONG. Please, please please

research this more! Dr.'s go by the TSH test, thinking it is a valid test to

detirmine if someone is Hypo; its not! You need a free T-4, Free T-3, reverse

T-3, and several other tests in order to correctly diagnose or rule out

hypothyroid.Suggest you join Naturalthyroidhormones, and NaturalthyroidAdrenal

.Also shood consider getting the book; " STOP The Thyroid Madness,

which can be ordered from the website by the same name (Google it).Read

everything in the files and links. The posts won't help you much, initially.In

particular, read the material on Dr. Rinds sight; the mtabolic temperature graph

and the Matrix are excellent tools for detirmining if you are Hypo, Adrenally

fatigued or both, and for adjusting your meds to treat these conditions.

> > Many people, myself included, make the mistake of self-diagnosing as

hypothyroid. If you are, and have been for some time, you are probably aslo

adrenally fatigued, as the way the body tries to compensate for hypo is to tax

the adrenals. If so, you need to treat this first, as your ceels need cortisol

in order to get thyroid hormone into the cells.Avoid the knife, at least until

you do this. Jim


> ________________________________


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