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Could someone please tell me what a zapper is, how it works and what it does.

I have been reading bits and pieces about the zapper but missed the basic

info. It sounds like something useful however

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Famanson@... wrote:

> Could someone please tell me what a zapper is, how it works and what it does.

> I have been reading bits and pieces about the zapper but missed the basic

> info. It sounds like something useful however


Try these sites. They should tell you what you want to know.

http://www.sota-inc.com/ http://www.concentric.net/~Healthy/

jim :)


jim@... http://www.doorway.to/madscience

http://www.doorway.to/poetry ICQ:16531148

amicus certus in re incerta

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

At 18:46 26.03.99 -0500, you wrote:

>Has anyone had any success with the zapper described in Hulda 's

>book (Cure for all Diseases)? Is it really as effective as she claims?

No, it is not !

This is what is very effective:

This is what I would do:


1 battery of 1.5 V

1 batterry of 3 V (two connected of 1.5 V)

1 battery of 4.5 V

1 batery of 9 V

Put two wires in your moth.

The best is if the ends of wires (inside your mouth) are made of silver

or gold.

Silver/gold neckeless will do.

Hold one wire in one hand, another wire in another hand.

Touch the ends of the 1.5V battery with wires.

You will feel mild electro schok.

Touch the battery approximately once or twice in second.

Then use 3V batery.

Then use 4.5V batery.

Then use 6V batery.

If you can work your way up to 9V.

9V is very strong !

It is almost like a little Mike Tyson.

But if you work it up slowly, you will support it without any problem.

Treat your self for three days, totall 2 hours a day.

If 9V is too strong, 4.5V or 6V is OK.

I have done it with 27 V for 2 hours without any dammage.

27V is like a big Mike Tyson.

It kicks all body muscles.

In 2 hours, you will sterilize your head and your whole body.

It will kill any parasite/yeast/bacteria/virus inside your body.

It will sterilize any rooth filling, tooth crown, killing any bacteria

living there.

It is about 100 times stronger then Huldas Zapper.

Remember, start with 1.5 V, and increase slowly after few minutes.

One or two pulses in second !

If you realy have some parasites/viruses/bacteria in your body, that will

kill them.

For your info, I have been exposing my body to 220 V AC(very short time),

what is about 50 times stronger then 9V DC battery, and I am still alive.

Do not be affraid to use 1.5V battery.

It is the safest tratment against parasites.

Herbal remedies takes much longer time, and are also posoning the whole body.

But it is OK to combine this treatment with herbal remedies.

This treatment works well with grapefruit kernel extract taken oraly.

You should consider using protease digestive enzyme.

Learn as much as you can about Dr. Beck Silver Pulser.

The " device " that I have just describe is the simplest Silver Pulser.

It can transform person wit AIDS into HIV -.

If I would ever get cancer, the first thing to do would be to zap my body

with 220 V AC (50Hz), for a short time(part of the second).

No parasite survive that !

Please do not play games with 220V AC, or 110V AC, unles you know what you

are doing, and how.

110V AC can cause a sever damage on the nerve system, if used for longer

then a second.

If used for longer then a minute, it can kill you!

Dusan Stojkovic


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

> > I am familiar with quackwatch but don't use it as a reliable

source of

> info.

> > Not a fan of quackwatch.

> I'll second that!

> Nelly


Would you be so kind as to share with us the credentials for Dr.

Hulda e, inventor/promoter of the 'Zapper'? I did find the

curriculum vitae for Barrett, MD, who manages

Quackwatch.com. I think one could sort of trust information from his

investigations. He doesn't appear to be trying to sell anything or

have been investigated/prosecuted for fraud. Perhaps his interests

are only fudiciary. I don't know. For what it's worth....?

Steve :D

Barrett, M.D.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Address: P.O. Box 1747, town, PA 18105.

Email: sbinfo@...

Telephone: (610) 437-1795.

Born: New York City, 1933

Married, three children.

Wife, Judith Nevyas Barrett, M.D., is a family practitioner.

Education and Training

A.B., Columbia University, 6/54

M.D., Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, 6/57

Completed rotating internship, Highland Park General Hospital

(Michigan) 6/58

Completed 3-year psychiatric residency at Temple University Hospital,

Philadelphia, 6/61

Correspondence course in American Law and Procedure, LaSalle

University Extension Division, Chicago (1 1/2 years completed), 12/66-


Professional Experience

Chief, Psychiatric Service, Air Force Base Hospital, Illinois,


Psychiatrist, San Francisco Juvenile Court, 7/63-8/67

Psychiatrist, San Francisco Child Psychiatry Clinic, 7/63-1/66

Private practice of psychiatry, 8/63-12/93

Consultant, San Francisco Department of Welfare, 8/64-7/65

Consultant, school nurses, San Francisco Public Health Department,


Consultant, Parks Job Corps Camp, 12/65-1/66

Psychiatrist, Center For Special Problems, 2/66-8/67

Consultant, San Francisco Adult Probation Department, 8/66-8/67

Staff Psychiatrist, town State Hospital, 9/67-7/77

Consultant, Pa. Board of Probation and Parole (research project),


Consultant, Lehigh Valley Mental Health Association, 12/67-2/69

Consultant, Lutheran Children's Home, 2/68-6/72

Psychiatrist, town Hospital Psychiatric Clinic, 4/68-6/90

Consultant, Pastoral Institute of the Lehigh Valley, 11/68-1/71

Consultant, town Counseling Center for Alcoholism, 6/69-6/72

Consultant, Lehigh University Centennial School, 1/70-3/77

Psychiatrist, Muhlenberg Medical Center Psychiatric Clinic, 6/71-6/86

Medical Director, Haven House (partial hospitalization program), 8/76-


Consultant, town Police Department (evaluation of police

candidates), 8/80-3/85

Medical Director, NewVitae Partial Hospitalization Program, 8/90-3/91

Memberships and Appointments (Medical)

Chairman, Quackery Committee, Lehigh County Medical Society, 10/69-


Chairman, Board of Directors, Quackwatch, Inc. (originally called

Lehigh Valley Committee Against Health Fraud, Inc.), 6/70-

Member, Board of Trustees, Lehigh Valley Opportunity Center (half-way

house for paroled offenders), 7/70-5/72

Member, Committee on Health Fraud, Pennsylvania Health Council, 7/72-


Member, Committee on Quackery, Pennsylvania Medical Society, 12/73-


Member, Board of Advisors, California Council Against Health Fraud,

Inc, 12/77-8/84

Member, Board of Scientific Advisors, American Council on Science and

Health, 4/78-

Consultant on Unproven Health Practices, Pennsylvania Medical Society

Council on Education and Science, 12/79-

Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the

Paranormal (CSICOP)

Scientific consultant, 7/80-

Co-chairman, CSICOP Health Claims Subcommittee, 7/80-

Member, CSICOP Council for Media Integrity, 7/96-

Member, Advisory Board, Children's Health Care Is A Legal Duty

(CHILD), 2/83-

National Council Against Health Fraud, Inc. (NCAHF),

Member, Board of Directors, 9/84-

Chairman, Task Force on Victim Redress, 10/87-

Vice President, 9/00-

Director of Internet Operations, 9/00-

Treasurer, Nutrition Council of Pennsylvania, 1/85-6/87

Member, Steering Committee, Citizens for Children's Dental Health

(town), 2/98-6/00

Member, NIH Special Emphasis Panel (to evaluate alternative medicine

research proposals), 4/98

Member, ad hoc advisory group, NIH Office of Dietary Supplements,


Member, Advisory Board, National Center for Fluoridation Policy and

Research, 10/98-

Member, Advisory Board, Association for Science in Autisim Treatment,


Member, Council for Scientific Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry,


Memberships and Appointments (Journalistic)

Medical Consultant, WFMZ-TV, town, 5/79-6/89

Member, Medical Advisory Board, National Health (a consumer

newspaper), 9/79-1/80

Medical Editor, F. Stickley Co., Philadelphia, 8/80-12/88

Consumer Health Editor, Nautilus Magazine, 7/81-6/84

Consulting Editor, ACSH News and Views, 10/81-

Health Editor, Our Age (newspaper of the National Alliance of Senior

Citizens), 5/82-6/83

Contributing Editor, Environmental Nutrition Newsletter, 9/82-3/84

Editorial Advisor, Shape Magazine, 9/82-4/94

Science and Health Editor, Inside Radio, 10/82-8/83

Editor, Nutrition Forum Newsletter, 1/84-12/93

Editorial Consultant, Nutrition Forum, 1/94-9/00

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Rx Being Well, 5/84-10/87

Consumer Affairs Editor, Healthline Newsletter, 3/85-9/00

Editorial Consultant, Prevention Magazine, 3/86-1/93

Editorial Advisory Board, Healthy Weight Journal, 6/87-

Member, Society of Professional Journalists, 6/87-3/89

Member, National Association of Science Writers, 11/87-12/97

Member, Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc, 2/89-12/98

Medical Editor, Prometheus Books, 2/91-

Editorial Advisory Board, The Diet Busine$$ Bulletin, 5/92-7/94

Memberships and Appointments (Internet-Related)

Member, Internet Healthcare Coalition, 10/97-

Member, Editorial Board, Medical Web Search, 6/98-

Member, Editorial Board, MedScape, 5/99-

Member, Editorial Board, MD net guide, 8/99-

Participant member, Fraud Defense Network, 11/99-

Member, Editorial Board, Family Medicine net guide, 2/00-

Member, Editorial Board, Science & Pseudoscience Review in Mental

Health, 2/00-

Member CBS HealthWatch Physicians Network, 3/00-

Weekly columnist ( " Alternative Medicine: A Skeptical Look " ), Canoe


Consumer Empowerment Advisor, PlanetFeedback, 4/00-

Advisory Board, Pyramid Scheme Alert, 10/00-

Editor, Consumer Health Digest, 11/00-

Memberships and Appointments (Academic)

Instructor in Health Education, The Pennsylvania State University,


Journal Peer-Review (Panelist or Occasional Manuscript Reviewer)

ls of Internal Medicine

Journal of the American Medical Association

Medscape General Medicine

The New England Journal of Medicine

Nutrition Research

Topics in Clinical Nutrition

The Western Journal of Medicine

Honors and Awards (Academic, Professional, and Public Service)

Pulitzer Scholar, Columbia University, 1950-54

Freshman Chemistry Prize, Columbia College, 1951

Lehigh Valley Dental Society's Dr. Francis J. Trembley Outstanding

Citizen Award for " decisive contributions dedicated to the betterment

of oral medicine, " 1975

FDA Commissioner's Special Citation for " outstanding and consistent

contributions against the proliferation of nutrition quackery to the

American consumer, " 1984

Honorary Lifetime Membership Award, Lehigh Valley Dietetic

Association, 1986-

Honorary Member Award, American Dietetic Association, 1986-

Fellow, Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the

Paranormal (CSICOP), 1992-

Listed in Marquis Who'sWho in the East, 1993-

ls of Internal Medicine: Editors' commentation ( " top 10% " ) for

quality and timeliness of reviews in 1999.

Listed in Marquis Who'sWho in America, 2001-

Listed in Marquis Who'sWho in Science and Engineering, 2001-

Distinguished Service to Health Education Award, American Association

for Health Education (to be presented in 2001)

Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World , 2002-

Honors and Awards (Quackwatch)

Journal of the American Medical Association: One of nine " select

sites that provide reliable health information and resources, " 1998

U.S. News & World Reports: Best of the Web (one of three medical

sites), 1999

Oncolink Editor's Choice, 1999

Britannica Internet Guide Award, 2000

Forbes " Best of the Web, 2000

Other Honors and Awards

Other Achievements

Eagle Scout, January 1950

American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, 1952

Life Master, American Contract Bridge League, 1959

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Guest guest

Hello Steve,

Dr. Barrett has quite the list of " credentials " . Keep in mind

anything experimental with regard to CFIDS would be considered

quackery, simply because it is not " proven " . I am glad he poses the

devil's advocate role, which should make all think critically with

regard to what we are doing to treat this condition. With all of his

experience, why don't you propose to him that he should take up the

plight of the CFIDS sufferer and encourage more work to be done on

behalf of those that are afflicted. We could surely use all the help

we can get. Also note that alternative approaches exist due to the

failure of the allopathic medical system to adequately

provide " health care " . Folks want answers and effective

treatment. " Drug care " is minimally effective for CFIDS. Just my two

cents worth.


> > > I am familiar with quackwatch but don't use it as a reliable

> source of

> > info.

> > > Not a fan of quackwatch.

> > I'll second that!

> > Nelly


> /Nelly,

> Would you be so kind as to share with us the credentials for Dr.

> Hulda e, inventor/promoter of the 'Zapper'? I did find the

> curriculum vitae for Barrett, MD, who manages

> Quackwatch.com. I think one could sort of trust information from


> investigations. He doesn't appear to be trying to sell anything or

> have been investigated/prosecuted for fraud. Perhaps his interests

> are only fudiciary. I don't know. For what it's worth....?


> Steve :D


> Barrett, M.D.

> Curriculum Vitae

> Personal Data

> Address: P.O. Box 1747, town, PA 18105.

> Email: sbinfo@q...

> Telephone: (610) 437-1795.

> Born: New York City, 1933

> Married, three children.

> Wife, Judith Nevyas Barrett, M.D., is a family practitioner.

> Education and Training

> A.B., Columbia University, 6/54

> M.D., Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, 6/57

> Completed rotating internship, Highland Park General Hospital

> (Michigan) 6/58

> Completed 3-year psychiatric residency at Temple University


> Philadelphia, 6/61

> Correspondence course in American Law and Procedure, LaSalle

> University Extension Division, Chicago (1 1/2 years completed),


> 12/68

> Professional Experience

> Chief, Psychiatric Service, Air Force Base Hospital,


> 8/61-7/63

> Psychiatrist, San Francisco Juvenile Court, 7/63-8/67

> Psychiatrist, San Francisco Child Psychiatry Clinic, 7/63-1/66

> Private practice of psychiatry, 8/63-12/93

> Consultant, San Francisco Department of Welfare, 8/64-7/65

> Consultant, school nurses, San Francisco Public Health Department,

> 8/65-12/65

> Consultant, Parks Job Corps Camp, 12/65-1/66

> Psychiatrist, Center For Special Problems, 2/66-8/67

> Consultant, San Francisco Adult Probation Department, 8/66-8/67

> Staff Psychiatrist, town State Hospital, 9/67-7/77

> Consultant, Pa. Board of Probation and Parole (research project),

> 11/67-2/69

> Consultant, Lehigh Valley Mental Health Association, 12/67-2/69

> Consultant, Lutheran Children's Home, 2/68-6/72

> Psychiatrist, town Hospital Psychiatric Clinic, 4/68-6/90

> Consultant, Pastoral Institute of the Lehigh Valley, 11/68-1/71

> Consultant, town Counseling Center for Alcoholism, 6/69-6/72

> Consultant, Lehigh University Centennial School, 1/70-3/77

> Psychiatrist, Muhlenberg Medical Center Psychiatric Clinic, 6/71-


> Medical Director, Haven House (partial hospitalization program),


> 6/87

> Consultant, town Police Department (evaluation of police

> candidates), 8/80-3/85

> Medical Director, NewVitae Partial Hospitalization Program, 8/90-


> Memberships and Appointments (Medical)

> Chairman, Quackery Committee, Lehigh County Medical Society, 10/69-

> 12/80

> Chairman, Board of Directors, Quackwatch, Inc. (originally called

> Lehigh Valley Committee Against Health Fraud, Inc.), 6/70-

> Member, Board of Trustees, Lehigh Valley Opportunity Center (half-


> house for paroled offenders), 7/70-5/72

> Member, Committee on Health Fraud, Pennsylvania Health Council,


> 12/74

> Member, Committee on Quackery, Pennsylvania Medical Society, 12/73-

> 12/79

> Member, Board of Advisors, California Council Against Health Fraud,

> Inc, 12/77-8/84

> Member, Board of Scientific Advisors, American Council on Science


> Health, 4/78-

> Consultant on Unproven Health Practices, Pennsylvania Medical


> Council on Education and Science, 12/79-

> Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the

> Paranormal (CSICOP)

> Scientific consultant, 7/80-

> Co-chairman, CSICOP Health Claims Subcommittee, 7/80-

> Member, CSICOP Council for Media Integrity, 7/96-

> Member, Advisory Board, Children's Health Care Is A Legal Duty

> (CHILD), 2/83-

> National Council Against Health Fraud, Inc. (NCAHF),

> Member, Board of Directors, 9/84-

> Chairman, Task Force on Victim Redress, 10/87-

> Vice President, 9/00-

> Director of Internet Operations, 9/00-

> Treasurer, Nutrition Council of Pennsylvania, 1/85-6/87

> Member, Steering Committee, Citizens for Children's Dental Health

> (town), 2/98-6/00

> Member, NIH Special Emphasis Panel (to evaluate alternative


> research proposals), 4/98

> Member, ad hoc advisory group, NIH Office of Dietary Supplements,

> 10/98-

> Member, Advisory Board, National Center for Fluoridation Policy and

> Research, 10/98-

> Member, Advisory Board, Association for Science in Autisim


> 11/99-

> Member, Council for Scientific Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry,

> 6/00-

> Memberships and Appointments (Journalistic)

> Medical Consultant, WFMZ-TV, town, 5/79-6/89

> Member, Medical Advisory Board, National Health (a consumer

> newspaper), 9/79-1/80

> Medical Editor, F. Stickley Co., Philadelphia, 8/80-12/88

> Consumer Health Editor, Nautilus Magazine, 7/81-6/84

> Consulting Editor, ACSH News and Views, 10/81-

> Health Editor, Our Age (newspaper of the National Alliance of


> Citizens), 5/82-6/83

> Contributing Editor, Environmental Nutrition Newsletter, 9/82-3/84

> Editorial Advisor, Shape Magazine, 9/82-4/94

> Science and Health Editor, Inside Radio, 10/82-8/83

> Editor, Nutrition Forum Newsletter, 1/84-12/93

> Editorial Consultant, Nutrition Forum, 1/94-9/00

> Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Rx Being Well, 5/84-10/87

> Consumer Affairs Editor, Healthline Newsletter, 3/85-9/00

> Editorial Consultant, Prevention Magazine, 3/86-1/93

> Editorial Advisory Board, Healthy Weight Journal, 6/87-

> Member, Society of Professional Journalists, 6/87-3/89

> Member, National Association of Science Writers, 11/87-12/97

> Member, Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc, 2/89-12/98

> Medical Editor, Prometheus Books, 2/91-

> Editorial Advisory Board, The Diet Busine$$ Bulletin, 5/92-7/94

> Memberships and Appointments (Internet-Related)

> Member, Internet Healthcare Coalition, 10/97-

> Member, Editorial Board, Medical Web Search, 6/98-

> Member, Editorial Board, MedScape, 5/99-

> Member, Editorial Board, MD net guide, 8/99-

> Participant member, Fraud Defense Network, 11/99-

> Member, Editorial Board, Family Medicine net guide, 2/00-

> Member, Editorial Board, Science & Pseudoscience Review in Mental

> Health, 2/00-

> Member CBS HealthWatch Physicians Network, 3/00-

> Weekly columnist ( " Alternative Medicine: A Skeptical Look " ), Canoe

> 4/00-

> Consumer Empowerment Advisor, PlanetFeedback, 4/00-

> Advisory Board, Pyramid Scheme Alert, 10/00-

> Editor, Consumer Health Digest, 11/00-

> Memberships and Appointments (Academic)

> Instructor in Health Education, The Pennsylvania State University,

> 5/87-6/89

> Journal Peer-Review (Panelist or Occasional Manuscript Reviewer)

> ls of Internal Medicine

> Journal of the American Medical Association

> Medscape General Medicine

> The New England Journal of Medicine

> Nutrition Research

> Topics in Clinical Nutrition

> The Western Journal of Medicine

> Honors and Awards (Academic, Professional, and Public Service)

> Pulitzer Scholar, Columbia University, 1950-54

> Freshman Chemistry Prize, Columbia College, 1951

> Lehigh Valley Dental Society's Dr. Francis J. Trembley Outstanding

> Citizen Award for " decisive contributions dedicated to the


> of oral medicine, " 1975

> FDA Commissioner's Special Citation for " outstanding and consistent

> contributions against the proliferation of nutrition quackery to


> American consumer, " 1984

> Honorary Lifetime Membership Award, Lehigh Valley Dietetic

> Association, 1986-

> Honorary Member Award, American Dietetic Association, 1986-

> Fellow, Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the

> Paranormal (CSICOP), 1992-

> Listed in Marquis Who'sWho in the East, 1993-

> ls of Internal Medicine: Editors' commentation ( " top 10% " ) for

> quality and timeliness of reviews in 1999.

> Listed in Marquis Who'sWho in America, 2001-

> Listed in Marquis Who'sWho in Science and Engineering, 2001-

> Distinguished Service to Health Education Award, American


> for Health Education (to be presented in 2001)

> Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World , 2002-

> Honors and Awards (Quackwatch)

> Journal of the American Medical Association: One of nine " select

> sites that provide reliable health information and resources, " 1998

> U.S. News & World Reports: Best of the Web (one of three medical

> sites), 1999

> Oncolink Editor's Choice, 1999

> Britannica Internet Guide Award, 2000

> Forbes " Best of the Web, 2000

> Other Honors and Awards

> Other Achievements

> Eagle Scout, January 1950

> American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, 1952

> Life Master, American Contract Bridge League, 1959

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Guest guest



> I am not a fan of Barrett because:

> a. he does not believe mercury is toxic - U. of Calgary just released a

> study showing it DOES cause alzheimers, therefore, I believe Barrett (and

> anyone else for that matter) who will say it is not toxic is not only wrong

> but dangerous.

> b. he is not up on the mycoplasma/chlamydia infections and their role in CFS

> c. he seems to have a general negative attitude towards anything

> *alternative*

Barrett had his medical license permanently revoked.


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Guest guest

I don't have/remember all the details. Let me look in Trash mail and

see if the mail from whathizface is still there. He has entire history.

If it is already deleted, I will contact another person via mail; I'm

pretty sure she has his address and/or web site. MA



> WHAT ? When ?


> Re: Re: Zapper


> > wrote:

> > >

> > > I am not a fan of Barrett because:

> > > a. he does not believe mercury is toxic - U. of Calgary just released a

> > > study showing it DOES cause alzheimers, therefore, I believe Barrett

> (and

> > > anyone else for that matter) who will say it is not toxic is not only

> wrong

> > > but dangerous.

> > > b. he is not up on the mycoplasma/chlamydia infections and their role in


> > > c. he seems to have a general negative attitude towards anything

> > > *alternative*

> >

> > Barrett had his medical license permanently revoked.

> > MA

> >

> >

> > This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.

> >

> >

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Guest guest




> Do you mean Barrett or ?




> Re: Re: Zapper


> > wrote:

> > >

> > > I am not a fan of Barrett because:

> > > a. he does not believe mercury is toxic - U. of Calgary just released a

> > > study showing it DOES cause alzheimers, therefore, I believe Barrett

> (and

> > > anyone else for that matter) who will say it is not toxic is not only

> wrong

> > > but dangerous.

> > > b. he is not up on the mycoplasma/chlamydia infections and their role in


> > > c. he seems to have a general negative attitude towards anything

> > > *alternative*

> >

> > Barrett had his medical license permanently revoked.

> > MA

> >

> >

> > This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Ann wrote:


> Barrett


> wrote:

> >

> > Do you mean Barrett or ?

> >

> >

Just doing a quick search. Did find correct email address and have

asked for details. BUT....reader beware, as usual. This man - Tim -

has some sort of connection with Hulda . Her brother? Maybe.

Am not sure who has in the past, or who is currently suing whom. Also,

do not know who 'won' the case. I am mainly interested in

when/where/why Barrett lost his license. MA

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  • 10 months later...

In my experience I wouldn't say that zappers cure cancer. However, I have had

purchasers report seeing worms in their stools and I have had people report

increased health after using my my zapper. I think there is a possibility

zappers can be beneficial in helping the body to heal from many illnesses. I

will continue to use my zapper monthly. My son-in-law had far fewer colds and

his allergies which were considerably improved after using the zapper. None of

this was anticipated. He only used it because his wife, my daughter recovered

from her fibromyalgia one month after zapping for 30 days. He did it for her

because I told him we pass parasites back and forth to each other when we are in

intimate contact. He did it out of love for his wife and he was grateful to

have her well after two years of carrying most of the family load. I know too

many success stories from the use of my zapper to deny a benefit. At one time,

I might have said it was the placebo effect until some people reported worms in

their stools and I saw many people's health improve.

If I had cancer, given my information and knowledge, I would not count on a

zapper, essiac tea, and colloidal silver alone to help my body to heal although

I have read of people being healed from essiac tea alone and people getting

better from cancer with just a herbal parasite cleanse. I personally know a

woman who had breast cancer with liver metastases which disappeared after a

" spiritual healing " . I know a man who got cured from his stomach cancer when he

thought he was going to die and decided to live his dream and travel to Europe.

He said he was going to do at least that before he died. He got well!!

My mother is alive and well after her predicted " death date " from ovarian cancer

at 79. She had chemo and she did some natural healing therapies. What worked?

I know what I think but the truth is, I really don't know and can't prove what I

think helped her body heal.

In my opinion there are many paths to healing and there is still mysteries for

which we have no answers. We just do the best we can and make our own choices

based on the best information we can get and what feels right to us and for

many, what we can afford. I have read a lot of good information on this list

and appreciate those who share their information and experience.


Re: Dr. Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

> I disagree with you that hand-held ZAPPERS are " unproven " . My

> experience is that hand-held zappers do kill germs. Try it for a

> beginning cold, or for a toothache. It has stopped my cold,

Hi Joyce,

my friend Alan relied on colloidal silver and a zapper and


to cure his cancer, he died, and I decided to find something that did work


cancer. That was 7 years ago and I did find things that worked against cancer.

best wishes,


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Hi Kallie,

I have enjoyed your posts on Hulda and the zapper. The zapper

is only one of the many things I use on Hulda 's most recent

cancer program. Her program does work. I, too would never, ever

rely solely on the zapper for healing cancer, though I know of many

people that have and got well.

I had a lumpectomy for my breast cancer almost three year ago now. I

refused chemo, radiation and tamoxifen. So the only treatment I have

had for a cancer with a poor prognosis has been surgery and Hulda

's program.

Dr. also uses magnets now, and like your parents I have

benefitted a lot from using them.

And I have been using a rebounder for almost two years.

One thing I discovered this summer was Dr. Schulze's hot/cold showers

and those have been fantastic. They are very stimulating and leave

you feeling charged for the rest of the day.

All the best,

> In my experience I wouldn't say that zappers cure cancer. However,

I have had purchasers report seeing worms in their stools and I have

had people report increased health after using my my zapper. I think

there is a possibility zappers can be beneficial in helping the body

to heal from many illnesses. I will continue to use my zapper

monthly. My son-in-law had far fewer colds and his allergies which

were considerably improved after using the zapper. None of this was

anticipated. He only used it because his wife, my daughter recovered

from her fibromyalgia one month after zapping for 30 days. He did it

for her because I told him we pass parasites back and forth to each

other when we are in intimate contact. He did it out of love for his

wife and he was grateful to have her well after two years of carrying

most of the family load. I know too many success stories from the

use of my zapper to deny a benefit. At one time, I might have said

it was the placebo effect until some people reported worms in their

stools and I saw many people's health improve.


> If I had cancer, given my information and knowledge, I would not

count on a zapper, essiac tea, and colloidal silver alone to help my

body to heal although I have read of people being healed from essiac

tea alone and people getting better from cancer with just a herbal

parasite cleanse. I personally know a woman who had breast cancer

with liver metastases which disappeared after a " spiritual healing " .

I know a man who got cured from his stomach cancer when he thought he

was going to die and decided to live his dream and travel to Europe.

He said he was going to do at least that before he died. He got



> My mother is alive and well after her predicted " death date " from

ovarian cancer at 79. She had chemo and she did some natural healing

therapies. What worked? I know what I think but the truth is, I

really don't know and can't prove what I think helped her body heal.


> In my opinion there are many paths to healing and there is still

mysteries for which we have no answers. We just do the best we can

and make our own choices based on the best information we can get and

what feels right to us and for many, what we can afford. I have read

a lot of good information on this list and appreciate those who share

their information and experience.


> Kallie




> Re: Dr. Barrett ABC Chat Transcript



> > I disagree with you that hand-held ZAPPERS are " unproven " . My

> > experience is that hand-held zappers do kill germs. Try it for


> > beginning cold, or for a toothache. It has stopped my cold,


> Hi Joyce,

> my friend Alan relied on colloidal silver and

a zapper and essiac

> to cure his cancer, he died, and I decided to find something that

did work against

> cancer. That was 7 years ago and I did find things that worked

against cancer.


> best wishes,

> moonbeam





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My husband has made 12 zappers now from the plans Hulda gives in her

books. She gives the most current zapper information in her

book, " The Syncrometer Sciece Laboratory Manual " .

However, she has the updated version of her " The Cure to HIV/AIDS "

book at the printer right now and that will have her latest research

findings regarding the zapper and a lot of other good stuff I have

been hearing about and incorporating in my routine.

But the zapper I use is the Dr. Zap from .net. For people

like myself who use Dr. 's new method of plate zapping it is

more convenient.

Dr. tells her cancer patients to always, always, test the

zapper batteries before using them and to make sure they are charged

to at least 9.4 volts.

Also, she has found many people cannot benefit from the zapper

current because they are so full of PCB's, an electrical insulator.

If you recall that PBS special that Bill Moyer did about a year ago

on the chemical industry, he himself was tested and found to have 13

different kinds of PCBs in him.

Her syncrometer book I mentioned above tells how to deal with getting

rid of PCB's. I was one of those people.

I don't know what kind of zapper you use, but the zappers I use don't

have a frequency option, though I do understand that the new Dr. Zaps

have some kind of wheel on them.

Dr. now refers to zapping with just a plain old zapper, as

classical zapping. She has since developed plate zapping, double

zapping, and homeography is her latest.

Cancer patients zap up to 8 hours a day and wear magnets over the

kidneys while doing so, so that the kidneys can keep up with all the


She has made many refinements to a lot of her methods...and I kindly

thank the woman for keeping at it, because I feel I would not be

alive today several times over if it weren't for her research.

PS Her books are available at .net and amazon.com.

> > > In my experience I wouldn't say that zappers cure cancer.


> > I have had purchasers report seeing worms in their stools and I


> > had people report increased health after using my my zapper. I


> > there is a possibility zappers can be beneficial in helping the


> > to heal from many illnesses. I will continue to use my zapper

> > monthly. My son-in-law had far fewer colds and his allergies


> > were considerably improved after using the zapper. None of this


> > anticipated. He only used it because his wife, my daughter


> > from her fibromyalgia one month after zapping for 30 days. He

did it

> > for her because I told him we pass parasites back and forth to


> > other when we are in intimate contact. He did it out of love for


> > wife and he was grateful to have her well after two years of


> > most of the family load. I know too many success stories from the

> > use of my zapper to deny a benefit. At one time, I might have


> > it was the placebo effect until some people reported worms in


> > stools and I saw many people's health improve.

> > >

> > > If I had cancer, given my information and knowledge, I would not

> > count on a zapper, essiac tea, and colloidal silver alone to help


> > body to heal although I have read of people being healed from


> > tea alone and people getting better from cancer with just a herbal

> > parasite cleanse. I personally know a woman who had breast cancer

> > with liver metastases which disappeared after a " spiritual

healing " .

> > I know a man who got cured from his stomach cancer when he

thought he

> > was going to die and decided to live his dream and travel to


> > He said he was going to do at least that before he died. He got

> > well!!

> > >

> > > My mother is alive and well after her predicted " death date "


> > ovarian cancer at 79. She had chemo and she did some natural


> > therapies. What worked? I know what I think but the truth is, I

> > really don't know and can't prove what I think helped her body


> > >

> > > In my opinion there are many paths to healing and there is still

> > mysteries for which we have no answers. We just do the best we


> > and make our own choices based on the best information we can get


> > what feels right to us and for many, what we can afford. I have


> > a lot of good information on this list and appreciate those who


> > their information and experience.

> > >

> > > Kallie

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Re: Dr. Barrett ABC Chat


> > >

> > >

> > > > I disagree with you that hand-held ZAPPERS are " unproven " .


> > > > experience is that hand-held zappers do kill germs. Try it


> > a

> > > > beginning cold, or for a toothache. It has stopped my cold,

> > >

> > > Hi Joyce,

> > > my friend Alan relied on colloidal silver


> > a zapper and essiac

> > > to cure his cancer, he died, and I decided to find something


> > did work against

> > > cancer. That was 7 years ago and I did find things that worked

> > against cancer.

> > >

> > > best wishes,

> > > moonbeam

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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can you please let me know which zapper and what freguency on the zapper you


zaprascal wrote:

> Hi Kallie,


> I have enjoyed your posts on Hulda and the zapper. The zapper

> is only one of the many things I use on Hulda 's most recent

> cancer program. Her program does work. I, too would never, ever

> rely solely on the zapper for healing cancer, though I know of many

> people that have and got well.


> I had a lumpectomy for my breast cancer almost three year ago now. I

> refused chemo, radiation and tamoxifen. So the only treatment I have

> had for a cancer with a poor prognosis has been surgery and Hulda

> 's program.


> Dr. also uses magnets now, and like your parents I have

> benefitted a lot from using them.


> And I have been using a rebounder for almost two years.


> One thing I discovered this summer was Dr. Schulze's hot/cold showers

> and those have been fantastic. They are very stimulating and leave

> you feeling charged for the rest of the day.


> All the best,






> > In my experience I wouldn't say that zappers cure cancer. However,

> I have had purchasers report seeing worms in their stools and I have

> had people report increased health after using my my zapper. I think

> there is a possibility zappers can be beneficial in helping the body

> to heal from many illnesses. I will continue to use my zapper

> monthly. My son-in-law had far fewer colds and his allergies which

> were considerably improved after using the zapper. None of this was

> anticipated. He only used it because his wife, my daughter recovered

> from her fibromyalgia one month after zapping for 30 days. He did it

> for her because I told him we pass parasites back and forth to each

> other when we are in intimate contact. He did it out of love for his

> wife and he was grateful to have her well after two years of carrying

> most of the family load. I know too many success stories from the

> use of my zapper to deny a benefit. At one time, I might have said

> it was the placebo effect until some people reported worms in their

> stools and I saw many people's health improve.

> >

> > If I had cancer, given my information and knowledge, I would not

> count on a zapper, essiac tea, and colloidal silver alone to help my

> body to heal although I have read of people being healed from essiac

> tea alone and people getting better from cancer with just a herbal

> parasite cleanse. I personally know a woman who had breast cancer

> with liver metastases which disappeared after a " spiritual healing " .

> I know a man who got cured from his stomach cancer when he thought he

> was going to die and decided to live his dream and travel to Europe.

> He said he was going to do at least that before he died. He got

> well!!

> >

> > My mother is alive and well after her predicted " death date " from

> ovarian cancer at 79. She had chemo and she did some natural healing

> therapies. What worked? I know what I think but the truth is, I

> really don't know and can't prove what I think helped her body heal.

> >

> > In my opinion there are many paths to healing and there is still

> mysteries for which we have no answers. We just do the best we can

> and make our own choices based on the best information we can get and

> what feels right to us and for many, what we can afford. I have read

> a lot of good information on this list and appreciate those who share

> their information and experience.

> >

> > Kallie

> >

> >

> >

> > Re: Dr. Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

> >

> >

> > > I disagree with you that hand-held ZAPPERS are " unproven " . My

> > > experience is that hand-held zappers do kill germs. Try it for

> a

> > > beginning cold, or for a toothache. It has stopped my cold,

> >

> > Hi Joyce,

> > my friend Alan relied on colloidal silver and

> a zapper and essiac

> > to cure his cancer, he died, and I decided to find something that

> did work against

> > cancer. That was 7 years ago and I did find things that worked

> against cancer.

> >

> > best wishes,

> > moonbeam

> >

> >

> >

> >

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please tell me more about the zapper

zaprascal wrote:

> Hi Kallie,


> I have enjoyed your posts on Hulda and the zapper. The zapper

> is only one of the many things I use on Hulda 's most recent

> cancer program. Her program does work. I, too would never, ever

> rely solely on the zapper for healing cancer, though I know of many

> people that have and got well.


> I had a lumpectomy for my breast cancer almost three year ago now. I

> refused chemo, radiation and tamoxifen. So the only treatment I have

> had for a cancer with a poor prognosis has been surgery and Hulda

> 's program.


> Dr. also uses magnets now, and like your parents I have

> benefitted a lot from using them.


> And I have been using a rebounder for almost two years.


> One thing I discovered this summer was Dr. Schulze's hot/cold showers

> and those have been fantastic. They are very stimulating and leave

> you feeling charged for the rest of the day.


> All the best,






> > In my experience I wouldn't say that zappers cure cancer. However,

> I have had purchasers report seeing worms in their stools and I have

> had people report increased health after using my my zapper. I think

> there is a possibility zappers can be beneficial in helping the body

> to heal from many illnesses. I will continue to use my zapper

> monthly. My son-in-law had far fewer colds and his allergies which

> were considerably improved after using the zapper. None of this was

> anticipated. He only used it because his wife, my daughter recovered

> from her fibromyalgia one month after zapping for 30 days. He did it

> for her because I told him we pass parasites back and forth to each

> other when we are in intimate contact. He did it out of love for his

> wife and he was grateful to have her well after two years of carrying

> most of the family load. I know too many success stories from the

> use of my zapper to deny a benefit. At one time, I might have said

> it was the placebo effect until some people reported worms in their

> stools and I saw many people's health improve.

> >

> > If I had cancer, given my information and knowledge, I would not

> count on a zapper, essiac tea, and colloidal silver alone to help my

> body to heal although I have read of people being healed from essiac

> tea alone and people getting better from cancer with just a herbal

> parasite cleanse. I personally know a woman who had breast cancer

> with liver metastases which disappeared after a " spiritual healing " .

> I know a man who got cured from his stomach cancer when he thought he

> was going to die and decided to live his dream and travel to Europe.

> He said he was going to do at least that before he died. He got

> well!!

> >

> > My mother is alive and well after her predicted " death date " from

> ovarian cancer at 79. She had chemo and she did some natural healing

> therapies. What worked? I know what I think but the truth is, I

> really don't know and can't prove what I think helped her body heal.

> >

> > In my opinion there are many paths to healing and there is still

> mysteries for which we have no answers. We just do the best we can

> and make our own choices based on the best information we can get and

> what feels right to us and for many, what we can afford. I have read

> a lot of good information on this list and appreciate those who share

> their information and experience.

> >

> > Kallie

> >

> >

> >

> > Re: Dr. Barrett ABC Chat Transcript

> >

> >

> > > I disagree with you that hand-held ZAPPERS are " unproven " . My

> > > experience is that hand-held zappers do kill germs. Try it for

> a

> > > beginning cold, or for a toothache. It has stopped my cold,

> >

> > Hi Joyce,

> > my friend Alan relied on colloidal silver and

> a zapper and essiac

> > to cure his cancer, he died, and I decided to find something that

> did work against

> > cancer. That was 7 years ago and I did find things that worked

> against cancer.

> >

> > best wishes,

> > moonbeam

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I really appreciate your sharing of your experience with the zapper and your

experience. The zapper I have works on an adaptor and outputs 13 volts at the

handholds. We think this is why it is able to get parasites in the bowels. It

also has three settings. 6v - 9v- 13v. output at the handholds.

I found it interesting that Dr. is using magnets and that you mentioned

Bill Moyers program on P.B.S. I found that program so exciting because using an

unscientific method of testing, radionics, I observed that people who purchased

my unified negative field magnetic sleep pads that went under the mattress had a

great reduction in their general toxicity levels while using it. 76% was an

average toxicity level that went down to 2 - 4% over the period of one year. I

had three people who had used a sleep pad that went under " the sheet " and their

general toxicity levels were still high. I do know Hulda is correct with

the parasite problem as using radionics, we saw everyone who eliminated

parasites with a zapper or herbally, lower their general toxicity levels


I had such a strong feeling that this was one of the main benefits of the

magnetic sleep pad and because Bill Moyers had been tested for all the chemicals

in his system, I called my inventor and gave him the name of the Doctor who had

done the tests. I wanted us to be able to prove " scientifically " that the

magnetic sleep pad helped the body to eliminate toxins. However the cost of

doing those tests was prohibitive for a relatively small company which was

really unfortunate. So at the moment, I only have radionics and my observations

on how it helps people to go on. This magnetic sleep pad is a licensed medical

device in Canada and hopefully shortly will be in the US as well.

I think it is a shame that some people have to zap, according to Hulda for 8

hours a day. I have a friend with a brain tumor who went to her clinic who zaps

for 6 hours a day. There is a device called an enhancer made by a man named Dan

Dial and I think I would prefer to use that for two or three hours a day rather

than zapping for 6 - 8. This device enhances the immune system and he has had

some pretty good results and once one's body has returned to health, you only

need to use it for maintenance of 1 hour a day or so.

I appreciate your sharing of the hot and cold showers being beneficial. I have

the Dr. Schultze incurables program and a man named has shared on

his list how many people have had positive results from them.




MagnetiCo Magnetic Pads, Zappers,

Regenesis Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,

Re: Dr. Barrett ABC Chat


> > >

> > >

> > > > I disagree with you that hand-held ZAPPERS are " unproven " .


> > > > experience is that hand-held zappers do kill germs. Try it


> > a

> > > > beginning cold, or for a toothache. It has stopped my cold,

> > >

> > > Hi Joyce,

> > > my friend Alan relied on colloidal silver


> > a zapper and essiac

> > > to cure his cancer, he died, and I decided to find something


> > did work against

> > > cancer. That was 7 years ago and I did find things that worked

> > against cancer.

> > >

> > > best wishes,

> > > moonbeam

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Sylvie

I live in London, Ontario, Canada and sell a zapper based on Hulda

's design which we feel we have improved. Some people have seen

parasites in their stools and I have lots of " anecdotal " evidence.

You can visit my web site at www.4optimallife.com and click on the

" ZAPPER " link.

If you have further questions, please email me privately.

Best wishes




Magnetic Sleep Pads, Zappers,

Ionizing- Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,




> Hi, I am new to this list and I would like to get some info on Zappers,


> about anybody's experience with it, and would like to know who sells them


> Canada preferably in my area. I live in Southwestern Ontario.

> Sylvie


> _________________________________________________________________

> Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

> http://www.hotmail.com




> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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Guest guest

Hi Sylvie

I live in London, Ontario, Canada and sell a zapper based on Hulda

's design which we feel we have improved. Some people have seen

parasites in their stools and I have lots of " anecdotal " evidence.

You can visit my web site at www.4optimallife.com and click on the

" ZAPPER " link.

If you have further questions, please email me privately.

Best wishes




Magnetic Sleep Pads, Zappers,

Ionizing- Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,




> Hi, I am new to this list and I would like to get some info on Zappers,


> about anybody's experience with it, and would like to know who sells them


> Canada preferably in my area. I live in Southwestern Ontario.

> Sylvie


> _________________________________________________________________

> Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

> http://www.hotmail.com




> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv



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Guest guest

From: " sylvie hargraft " <sylviehargraft@...>

Date sent: Thu, 16 May 2002 14:20:05 +0000

Subject: zapper

> Hi, I am new to this list and I would like to get some info on Zappers,

> hear about anybody's experience with it, and would like to know who sells

> them in Canada preferably in my area. I live in Southwestern Ontario.

> Sylvie


My friend Alan got cancer some years ago. He read a book called " A cure


All Cancers " that said an electric zapper could be used to kill the cancer. No

evidence was supplied to support the efficacy of the zapper, other than the word


the author of the book, that it would indeed work to cure the cancer.

My friend died a painful death after using the zapper daily to cure his


Perhaps you also feel that the zapper will cure cancer. It is your choice.

I would not use the zapper to cure cancer as there is no evidence that it will


In fact, according to me it will definitely not work to cure cancer.

Electricity has been used to cure cancer, but not through using a zapper, but

through placing the electrodes directly into the tumor, they achieved 25%


remission and 25% partial remission.

After many years of research, the things that I have found that do have

evidence to

suggest they work to cure cancer, are outlined in Protocol 1.

This information should not be taken as medical

advice but as information to discuss with your health professional.

No medical claims are made about any products mentioned.

Always check with your doctor if supplements are OK to take with your

current treatment.

PROTOCOL 1 Nutrition Plan

1. No meat or dairy products of any kind, except for item 7. Meat

and dairy products contain xeno-estrogens and Arachidonic Acid, both

of which are growth accelerants for many types of cancer cells.

2. The basic diet use a raw vegetable juice diet, with less then 30

percent of food cooked. The recommended juicer is a slow speed macerating

juicer, high-speed juices destroy the enzymes and Vitamins due to the

short-term high temperature spike created by the friction of a high-speed

juicer. Samson Juicer...250$ it juices slowly...80 rounds per minute.


My recommendation is Omega 8000 juicer - $399 - twin steel gears.


Gerson therapy recommends 8 to12 glasses of homemade carrot and apple

juice per day. Juiced fresh pineapples (with skin left on

- as skin and stem are rich in Bromelain) and PawPaw (papaya) for

bromelain and papayan enzymes. The enzymes remove the protective

coating which hides the tumor from the immune system. Serrapeptase

or Wobenzyme enzyme could also be used with multi-enzyme complex

tablets also. Enzymes are best taken on a full stomach. Home grown

wheat grass and barley grass and broccoli sprouts can also be added

to the juicer.

3. Diet to include at least 125gm of sprouts (mung, alfalfa,

salad sprouts or broccoli sprouts) per day. Sprouts can also be placed in

the slow speed juicer. Carrots and green leafy vegetable's are also ideal

for the juicer. The carotenes and enzymes from the vegetable juices have a

anti-cancer effect.

4. Diet to include 500 ml of V8 vegetable juice or canned (cooked)

tomato juice per day. The lycopene (delta carrotene) in cooked tomato

juice is several times more potent an anti-cancer compound then Beta

carotene from carrots. Tomato lycopene is only orally active when cooked,

best fried in a little olive oil to carry the lycopene, perhaps with fresh

garlic and onion.

5. Diet to include 500 to 1,000 micrograms of Organic form selenium per

day. ie, L-Selenomethionine. Inorganic selenium such as selenite is

not as bio available and not nearly as good.

Selenium is synergistic with Vitamin E, so Vitamin E Succinate (an

improved form of Vitamin E) supplementation of 1,200 international units

per day is suggested. Thirty fold increase in anybody cells

typically follows such a selenium Vitamin E combination.

6. Diet to include to 2 or 3 grams of beta-glucan, per day, at least 40

minutes before food. Diet to include three grams of Vitamin C. powder,

three times per day. Three times a day is suggested as the kidneys remove

the Vitamin C. from the body after a few hours. Vitamin C. will be

synergistic with the beta-glucan and the selenium. Ester C or Beet derived

C are very good, sodium ascorbate C is more economical. Beta Glucan does

not work so well if not taken with vitamin C.

7. Diet to include one tablespoon of cold pressed Flax Seed Oil (cold

pressed linseed oil). Mixed with 3/4 of a cup of cottage cheese -

Dr Budwig protocol (caution for Diabetes sufferers). To be taken

two times per day. Research shows this dramatically increases the

oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

Cancer is an anaerobic disease. This treatment will be synergistic with

the peroxide treatment. Flax stops COX-2 and arachidonic acid

induced cancer growth.

8. Diet to include three heaped teaspoons of Spirulina electrically mixed

in juice, two or three times per day. The phycocyanin in Spirulina

dramatically increases production of red and white blood cells from the

bone marrow progenitor stems cells. Also contains 30 fold greater carotene

content then carrots, also rich in GLA, cystine and methionine.

May help reduce nausea and immune cell depletion following chemotherapy.

Mimicks the effect of Heparin and so may prevent Platelet shielding

and protection of the tumor, from the activated immune system.

9. Peroxide Bath treatment. Add one large coffee mug (200ml) of 35% food

grade peroxide to a hot, shallow Bath about one-third full, and two

tablespoons of 99% grade DMSO to bath. Take bath twice a day for 15

minutes per time. Repeat bath in the afternoon, reheating bath using the

immersion heater. The bath must be comfortably hot. Discard water each

day. Important not to get any of this water in the eyes, flush eyes with

freshwater if eye contact occurs. Concentrated peroxide is hazardous,

stored in safe place away from children, avoid skin contact, flush with

water if skin contact with concentrate occurs.

10. Additional beta-glucan supplementation can be obtained from Agicarus

Blazei mushroom extract, Coriolus Versicolor mushroom, PSP, PSK, etc,

available via internet. Lentinan and Shitake mushroom or its extracts are

not orally effective. Additional immune system activation through

neuro-immunomodulation - Melatonin (40mg nightly).

11. Spirulina, beta-glucan, Vitamin C. and selenium should begin prior to

chemo therapy to help reduce chemotherapy caused, immune system


It is suggested that taking these 4 items will also help prevent any

recurrence of the cancer, as well as any spread of the cancer

(metastasis), especially if taken with Heparin (by medical

precription), which can prevent Platelet protection of the tumor.

12. A beta-glucan cream can be used to prevent or reduce ulcer formation

at areas where radiotherapy is used.

13. Broccoli sprouts, 50gms to 100gms of broccoli sprouts per day.

Contains glucoraphanin the precursor to anti cancer sulforaphane.

Get Broccoli seeds from a rural seed supplier, late Broccoli

varieties contain more anti cancer glucoraphanin. Make sure seeds do

not have a pink coating (fungicide).

14. Laetrile, vitamin B17, or amygdelin therapy. Taking 100gms

of mung been or Salad sprouts per day will supply some B17. Raw

Macadamia nuts, the kernels from inside nectarines and fresh apricot

kernels are good sources of B17. I would not take more than 30

apricot kernels a day. They must taste bitter. The cyanide in

B17 acts against the cancer, whereas it does not act against good cells.

Broccoli sprouts also contain B17. B17 tablets or injections are a way to

get a lot more B17 than by diet.

15. No cooked food if possible, thats why the slow speed juicer is so

important. No processed food, no tap water, only filtered water, no

artificial flavorings or colourings.

16. Celebrex or Meloxicam non steroidal anitinflammatory pain killers.

Induces anti- angiogenisis or halting of growth of blood vessels in tumor.

Works with several types of cancers. Check with oncologist for dosage.

Curcummin is the yellow pigment from Tumeric and has been shown to

block production of COX-2 in a similar way to Celebrex. Curcummin is

poorly absorbed but if Piperine (black pepper extract) is mixed with

the curcummin, this greatly improves the curcummin absorption. 2gms of

curcummin daily, which contains a little piperine.

17. No sugar.

18. Hypericum to keep your spirits up. Cats Claw herb daily, make into a


19 Ellagic acid, found in berries, purple grapes, walnuts causes G1

mitosis arrest. (induces apotosis ie stops cell replication in cancer cells)

available via internet.

(DMSO used in dilute peroxide bath also produces reversable G1 cell

arrest). Also for additional immune support; Astragalus, mannin from

Manotech, Noni Juice, Transfer Factor, grape seed extract, shark

liver oil, Vitamin B6,B3, Coenzyme Q10 500mg daily.

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Guest guest

From: " sylvie hargraft " <sylviehargraft@...>

Date sent: Thu, 16 May 2002 14:20:05 +0000

Subject: zapper

> Hi, I am new to this list and I would like to get some info on Zappers,

> hear about anybody's experience with it, and would like to know who sells

> them in Canada preferably in my area. I live in Southwestern Ontario.

> Sylvie


My friend Alan got cancer some years ago. He read a book called " A cure


All Cancers " that said an electric zapper could be used to kill the cancer. No

evidence was supplied to support the efficacy of the zapper, other than the word


the author of the book, that it would indeed work to cure the cancer.

My friend died a painful death after using the zapper daily to cure his


Perhaps you also feel that the zapper will cure cancer. It is your choice.

I would not use the zapper to cure cancer as there is no evidence that it will


In fact, according to me it will definitely not work to cure cancer.

Electricity has been used to cure cancer, but not through using a zapper, but

through placing the electrodes directly into the tumor, they achieved 25%


remission and 25% partial remission.

After many years of research, the things that I have found that do have

evidence to

suggest they work to cure cancer, are outlined in Protocol 1.

This information should not be taken as medical

advice but as information to discuss with your health professional.

No medical claims are made about any products mentioned.

Always check with your doctor if supplements are OK to take with your

current treatment.

PROTOCOL 1 Nutrition Plan

1. No meat or dairy products of any kind, except for item 7. Meat

and dairy products contain xeno-estrogens and Arachidonic Acid, both

of which are growth accelerants for many types of cancer cells.

2. The basic diet use a raw vegetable juice diet, with less then 30

percent of food cooked. The recommended juicer is a slow speed macerating

juicer, high-speed juices destroy the enzymes and Vitamins due to the

short-term high temperature spike created by the friction of a high-speed

juicer. Samson Juicer...250$ it juices slowly...80 rounds per minute.


My recommendation is Omega 8000 juicer - $399 - twin steel gears.


Gerson therapy recommends 8 to12 glasses of homemade carrot and apple

juice per day. Juiced fresh pineapples (with skin left on

- as skin and stem are rich in Bromelain) and PawPaw (papaya) for

bromelain and papayan enzymes. The enzymes remove the protective

coating which hides the tumor from the immune system. Serrapeptase

or Wobenzyme enzyme could also be used with multi-enzyme complex

tablets also. Enzymes are best taken on a full stomach. Home grown

wheat grass and barley grass and broccoli sprouts can also be added

to the juicer.

3. Diet to include at least 125gm of sprouts (mung, alfalfa,

salad sprouts or broccoli sprouts) per day. Sprouts can also be placed in

the slow speed juicer. Carrots and green leafy vegetable's are also ideal

for the juicer. The carotenes and enzymes from the vegetable juices have a

anti-cancer effect.

4. Diet to include 500 ml of V8 vegetable juice or canned (cooked)

tomato juice per day. The lycopene (delta carrotene) in cooked tomato

juice is several times more potent an anti-cancer compound then Beta

carotene from carrots. Tomato lycopene is only orally active when cooked,

best fried in a little olive oil to carry the lycopene, perhaps with fresh

garlic and onion.

5. Diet to include 500 to 1,000 micrograms of Organic form selenium per

day. ie, L-Selenomethionine. Inorganic selenium such as selenite is

not as bio available and not nearly as good.

Selenium is synergistic with Vitamin E, so Vitamin E Succinate (an

improved form of Vitamin E) supplementation of 1,200 international units

per day is suggested. Thirty fold increase in anybody cells

typically follows such a selenium Vitamin E combination.

6. Diet to include to 2 or 3 grams of beta-glucan, per day, at least 40

minutes before food. Diet to include three grams of Vitamin C. powder,

three times per day. Three times a day is suggested as the kidneys remove

the Vitamin C. from the body after a few hours. Vitamin C. will be

synergistic with the beta-glucan and the selenium. Ester C or Beet derived

C are very good, sodium ascorbate C is more economical. Beta Glucan does

not work so well if not taken with vitamin C.

7. Diet to include one tablespoon of cold pressed Flax Seed Oil (cold

pressed linseed oil). Mixed with 3/4 of a cup of cottage cheese -

Dr Budwig protocol (caution for Diabetes sufferers). To be taken

two times per day. Research shows this dramatically increases the

oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

Cancer is an anaerobic disease. This treatment will be synergistic with

the peroxide treatment. Flax stops COX-2 and arachidonic acid

induced cancer growth.

8. Diet to include three heaped teaspoons of Spirulina electrically mixed

in juice, two or three times per day. The phycocyanin in Spirulina

dramatically increases production of red and white blood cells from the

bone marrow progenitor stems cells. Also contains 30 fold greater carotene

content then carrots, also rich in GLA, cystine and methionine.

May help reduce nausea and immune cell depletion following chemotherapy.

Mimicks the effect of Heparin and so may prevent Platelet shielding

and protection of the tumor, from the activated immune system.

9. Peroxide Bath treatment. Add one large coffee mug (200ml) of 35% food

grade peroxide to a hot, shallow Bath about one-third full, and two

tablespoons of 99% grade DMSO to bath. Take bath twice a day for 15

minutes per time. Repeat bath in the afternoon, reheating bath using the

immersion heater. The bath must be comfortably hot. Discard water each

day. Important not to get any of this water in the eyes, flush eyes with

freshwater if eye contact occurs. Concentrated peroxide is hazardous,

stored in safe place away from children, avoid skin contact, flush with

water if skin contact with concentrate occurs.

10. Additional beta-glucan supplementation can be obtained from Agicarus

Blazei mushroom extract, Coriolus Versicolor mushroom, PSP, PSK, etc,

available via internet. Lentinan and Shitake mushroom or its extracts are

not orally effective. Additional immune system activation through

neuro-immunomodulation - Melatonin (40mg nightly).

11. Spirulina, beta-glucan, Vitamin C. and selenium should begin prior to

chemo therapy to help reduce chemotherapy caused, immune system


It is suggested that taking these 4 items will also help prevent any

recurrence of the cancer, as well as any spread of the cancer

(metastasis), especially if taken with Heparin (by medical

precription), which can prevent Platelet protection of the tumor.

12. A beta-glucan cream can be used to prevent or reduce ulcer formation

at areas where radiotherapy is used.

13. Broccoli sprouts, 50gms to 100gms of broccoli sprouts per day.

Contains glucoraphanin the precursor to anti cancer sulforaphane.

Get Broccoli seeds from a rural seed supplier, late Broccoli

varieties contain more anti cancer glucoraphanin. Make sure seeds do

not have a pink coating (fungicide).

14. Laetrile, vitamin B17, or amygdelin therapy. Taking 100gms

of mung been or Salad sprouts per day will supply some B17. Raw

Macadamia nuts, the kernels from inside nectarines and fresh apricot

kernels are good sources of B17. I would not take more than 30

apricot kernels a day. They must taste bitter. The cyanide in

B17 acts against the cancer, whereas it does not act against good cells.

Broccoli sprouts also contain B17. B17 tablets or injections are a way to

get a lot more B17 than by diet.

15. No cooked food if possible, thats why the slow speed juicer is so

important. No processed food, no tap water, only filtered water, no

artificial flavorings or colourings.

16. Celebrex or Meloxicam non steroidal anitinflammatory pain killers.

Induces anti- angiogenisis or halting of growth of blood vessels in tumor.

Works with several types of cancers. Check with oncologist for dosage.

Curcummin is the yellow pigment from Tumeric and has been shown to

block production of COX-2 in a similar way to Celebrex. Curcummin is

poorly absorbed but if Piperine (black pepper extract) is mixed with

the curcummin, this greatly improves the curcummin absorption. 2gms of

curcummin daily, which contains a little piperine.

17. No sugar.

18. Hypericum to keep your spirits up. Cats Claw herb daily, make into a


19 Ellagic acid, found in berries, purple grapes, walnuts causes G1

mitosis arrest. (induces apotosis ie stops cell replication in cancer cells)

available via internet.

(DMSO used in dilute peroxide bath also produces reversable G1 cell

arrest). Also for additional immune support; Astragalus, mannin from

Manotech, Noni Juice, Transfer Factor, grape seed extract, shark

liver oil, Vitamin B6,B3, Coenzyme Q10 500mg daily.

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Guest guest

Thanks for this info. Wouldn't the zapper at least rid the body of parisites

that feed on you? I would think anybody would get stronger that way. Yah, I

don't know how Dr came to the conclusion that she found the cure of

all cancer.


----Original Message Follows----

From: moonbeam@...

Reply-cures for cancer

cures for cancer


Subject: Re: zapper

Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 11:02:22 +1000

From: " sylvie hargraft " <sylviehargraft@...>

Date sent: Thu, 16 May 2002 14:20:05 +0000

Subject: zapper

> Hi, I am new to this list and I would like to get some info on Zappers,

> hear about anybody's experience with it, and would like to know who sells

> them in Canada preferably in my area. I live in Southwestern Ontario.

> Sylvie


My friend Alan got cancer some years ago. He read a book called " A

cure for

All Cancers " that said an electric zapper could be used to kill the cancer.


evidence was supplied to support the efficacy of the zapper, other than the

word of

the author of the book, that it would indeed work to cure the cancer.

My friend died a painful death after using the zapper daily to cure his


Perhaps you also feel that the zapper will cure cancer. It is your


I would not use the zapper to cure cancer as there is no evidence that it



In fact, according to me it will definitely not work to cure cancer.

Electricity has been used to cure cancer, but not through using a zapper,


through placing the electrodes directly into the tumor, they achieved 25%


remission and 25% partial remission.

After many years of research, the things that I have found that do have

evidence to

suggest they work to cure cancer, are outlined in Protocol 1.

This information should not be taken as medical

advice but as information to discuss with your health professional.

No medical claims are made about any products mentioned.

Always check with your doctor if supplements are OK to take with your

current treatment.

PROTOCOL 1 Nutrition Plan

1. No meat or dairy products of any kind, except for item 7. Meat

and dairy products contain xeno-estrogens and Arachidonic Acid, both

of which are growth accelerants for many types of cancer cells.

2. The basic diet use a raw vegetable juice diet, with less then 30

percent of food cooked. The recommended juicer is a slow speed macerating

juicer, high-speed juices destroy the enzymes and Vitamins due to the

short-term high temperature spike created by the friction of a high-speed

juicer. Samson Juicer...250$ it juices slowly...80 rounds per minute.


My recommendation is Omega 8000 juicer - $399 - twin steel gears.


Gerson therapy recommends 8 to12 glasses of homemade carrot and apple

juice per day. Juiced fresh pineapples (with skin left on

- as skin and stem are rich in Bromelain) and PawPaw (papaya) for

bromelain and papayan enzymes. The enzymes remove the protective

coating which hides the tumor from the immune system. Serrapeptase

or Wobenzyme enzyme could also be used with multi-enzyme complex

tablets also. Enzymes are best taken on a full stomach. Home grown

wheat grass and barley grass and broccoli sprouts can also be added

to the juicer.

3. Diet to include at least 125gm of sprouts (mung, alfalfa,

salad sprouts or broccoli sprouts) per day. Sprouts can also be placed in

the slow speed juicer. Carrots and green leafy vegetable's are also ideal

for the juicer. The carotenes and enzymes from the vegetable juices have a

anti-cancer effect.

4. Diet to include 500 ml of V8 vegetable juice or canned (cooked)

tomato juice per day. The lycopene (delta carrotene) in cooked tomato

juice is several times more potent an anti-cancer compound then Beta

carotene from carrots. Tomato lycopene is only orally active when cooked,

best fried in a little olive oil to carry the lycopene, perhaps with fresh

garlic and onion.

5. Diet to include 500 to 1,000 micrograms of Organic form selenium per

day. ie, L-Selenomethionine. Inorganic selenium such as selenite is

not as bio available and not nearly as good.

Selenium is synergistic with Vitamin E, so Vitamin E Succinate (an

improved form of Vitamin E) supplementation of 1,200 international units

per day is suggested. Thirty fold increase in anybody cells

typically follows such a selenium Vitamin E combination.

6. Diet to include to 2 or 3 grams of beta-glucan, per day, at least 40

minutes before food. Diet to include three grams of Vitamin C. powder,

three times per day. Three times a day is suggested as the kidneys remove

the Vitamin C. from the body after a few hours. Vitamin C. will be

synergistic with the beta-glucan and the selenium. Ester C or Beet derived

C are very good, sodium ascorbate C is more economical. Beta Glucan does

not work so well if not taken with vitamin C.

7. Diet to include one tablespoon of cold pressed Flax Seed Oil (cold

pressed linseed oil). Mixed with 3/4 of a cup of cottage cheese -

Dr Budwig protocol (caution for Diabetes sufferers). To be taken

two times per day. Research shows this dramatically increases the

oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

Cancer is an anaerobic disease. This treatment will be synergistic with

the peroxide treatment. Flax stops COX-2 and arachidonic acid

induced cancer growth.

8. Diet to include three heaped teaspoons of Spirulina electrically mixed

in juice, two or three times per day. The phycocyanin in Spirulina

dramatically increases production of red and white blood cells from the

bone marrow progenitor stems cells. Also contains 30 fold greater carotene

content then carrots, also rich in GLA, cystine and methionine.

May help reduce nausea and immune cell depletion following chemotherapy.

Mimicks the effect of Heparin and so may prevent Platelet shielding

and protection of the tumor, from the activated immune system.

9. Peroxide Bath treatment. Add one large coffee mug (200ml) of 35% food

grade peroxide to a hot, shallow Bath about one-third full, and two

tablespoons of 99% grade DMSO to bath. Take bath twice a day for 15

minutes per time. Repeat bath in the afternoon, reheating bath using the

immersion heater. The bath must be comfortably hot. Discard water each

day. Important not to get any of this water in the eyes, flush eyes with

freshwater if eye contact occurs. Concentrated peroxide is hazardous,

stored in safe place away from children, avoid skin contact, flush with

water if skin contact with concentrate occurs.

10. Additional beta-glucan supplementation can be obtained from Agicarus

Blazei mushroom extract, Coriolus Versicolor mushroom, PSP, PSK, etc,

available via internet. Lentinan and Shitake mushroom or its extracts are

not orally effective. Additional immune system activation through

neuro-immunomodulation - Melatonin (40mg nightly).

11. Spirulina, beta-glucan, Vitamin C. and selenium should begin prior to

chemo therapy to help reduce chemotherapy caused, immune system


It is suggested that taking these 4 items will also help prevent any

recurrence of the cancer, as well as any spread of the cancer

(metastasis), especially if taken with Heparin (by medical

precription), which can prevent Platelet protection of the tumor.

12. A beta-glucan cream can be used to prevent or reduce ulcer formation

at areas where radiotherapy is used.

13. Broccoli sprouts, 50gms to 100gms of broccoli sprouts per day.

Contains glucoraphanin the precursor to anti cancer sulforaphane.

Get Broccoli seeds from a rural seed supplier, late Broccoli

varieties contain more anti cancer glucoraphanin. Make sure seeds do

not have a pink coating (fungicide).

14. Laetrile, vitamin B17, or amygdelin therapy. Taking 100gms

of mung been or Salad sprouts per day will supply some B17. Raw

Macadamia nuts, the kernels from inside nectarines and fresh apricot

kernels are good sources of B17. I would not take more than 30

apricot kernels a day. They must taste bitter. The cyanide in

B17 acts against the cancer, whereas it does not act against good cells.

Broccoli sprouts also contain B17. B17 tablets or injections are a way to

get a lot more B17 than by diet.

15. No cooked food if possible, thats why the slow speed juicer is so

important. No processed food, no tap water, only filtered water, no

artificial flavorings or colourings.

16. Celebrex or Meloxicam non steroidal anitinflammatory pain killers.

Induces anti- angiogenisis or halting of growth of blood vessels in tumor.

Works with several types of cancers. Check with oncologist for dosage.

Curcummin is the yellow pigment from Tumeric and has been shown to

block production of COX-2 in a similar way to Celebrex. Curcummin is

poorly absorbed but if Piperine (black pepper extract) is mixed with

the curcummin, this greatly improves the curcummin absorption. 2gms of

curcummin daily, which contains a little piperine.

17. No sugar.

18. Hypericum to keep your spirits up. Cats Claw herb daily, make into a


19 Ellagic acid, found in berries, purple grapes, walnuts causes G1

mitosis arrest. (induces apotosis ie stops cell replication in cancer cells)

available via internet.

(DMSO used in dilute peroxide bath also produces reversable G1 cell

arrest). Also for additional immune support; Astragalus, mannin from

Manotech, Noni Juice, Transfer Factor, grape seed extract, shark

liver oil, Vitamin B6,B3, Coenzyme Q10 500mg daily.


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Guest guest

Thanks for this info. Wouldn't the zapper at least rid the body of parisites

that feed on you? I would think anybody would get stronger that way. Yah, I

don't know how Dr came to the conclusion that she found the cure of

all cancer.


----Original Message Follows----

From: moonbeam@...

Reply-cures for cancer

cures for cancer


Subject: Re: zapper

Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 11:02:22 +1000

From: " sylvie hargraft " <sylviehargraft@...>

Date sent: Thu, 16 May 2002 14:20:05 +0000

Subject: zapper

> Hi, I am new to this list and I would like to get some info on Zappers,

> hear about anybody's experience with it, and would like to know who sells

> them in Canada preferably in my area. I live in Southwestern Ontario.

> Sylvie


My friend Alan got cancer some years ago. He read a book called " A

cure for

All Cancers " that said an electric zapper could be used to kill the cancer.


evidence was supplied to support the efficacy of the zapper, other than the

word of

the author of the book, that it would indeed work to cure the cancer.

My friend died a painful death after using the zapper daily to cure his


Perhaps you also feel that the zapper will cure cancer. It is your


I would not use the zapper to cure cancer as there is no evidence that it



In fact, according to me it will definitely not work to cure cancer.

Electricity has been used to cure cancer, but not through using a zapper,


through placing the electrodes directly into the tumor, they achieved 25%


remission and 25% partial remission.

After many years of research, the things that I have found that do have

evidence to

suggest they work to cure cancer, are outlined in Protocol 1.

This information should not be taken as medical

advice but as information to discuss with your health professional.

No medical claims are made about any products mentioned.

Always check with your doctor if supplements are OK to take with your

current treatment.

PROTOCOL 1 Nutrition Plan

1. No meat or dairy products of any kind, except for item 7. Meat

and dairy products contain xeno-estrogens and Arachidonic Acid, both

of which are growth accelerants for many types of cancer cells.

2. The basic diet use a raw vegetable juice diet, with less then 30

percent of food cooked. The recommended juicer is a slow speed macerating

juicer, high-speed juices destroy the enzymes and Vitamins due to the

short-term high temperature spike created by the friction of a high-speed

juicer. Samson Juicer...250$ it juices slowly...80 rounds per minute.


My recommendation is Omega 8000 juicer - $399 - twin steel gears.


Gerson therapy recommends 8 to12 glasses of homemade carrot and apple

juice per day. Juiced fresh pineapples (with skin left on

- as skin and stem are rich in Bromelain) and PawPaw (papaya) for

bromelain and papayan enzymes. The enzymes remove the protective

coating which hides the tumor from the immune system. Serrapeptase

or Wobenzyme enzyme could also be used with multi-enzyme complex

tablets also. Enzymes are best taken on a full stomach. Home grown

wheat grass and barley grass and broccoli sprouts can also be added

to the juicer.

3. Diet to include at least 125gm of sprouts (mung, alfalfa,

salad sprouts or broccoli sprouts) per day. Sprouts can also be placed in

the slow speed juicer. Carrots and green leafy vegetable's are also ideal

for the juicer. The carotenes and enzymes from the vegetable juices have a

anti-cancer effect.

4. Diet to include 500 ml of V8 vegetable juice or canned (cooked)

tomato juice per day. The lycopene (delta carrotene) in cooked tomato

juice is several times more potent an anti-cancer compound then Beta

carotene from carrots. Tomato lycopene is only orally active when cooked,

best fried in a little olive oil to carry the lycopene, perhaps with fresh

garlic and onion.

5. Diet to include 500 to 1,000 micrograms of Organic form selenium per

day. ie, L-Selenomethionine. Inorganic selenium such as selenite is

not as bio available and not nearly as good.

Selenium is synergistic with Vitamin E, so Vitamin E Succinate (an

improved form of Vitamin E) supplementation of 1,200 international units

per day is suggested. Thirty fold increase in anybody cells

typically follows such a selenium Vitamin E combination.

6. Diet to include to 2 or 3 grams of beta-glucan, per day, at least 40

minutes before food. Diet to include three grams of Vitamin C. powder,

three times per day. Three times a day is suggested as the kidneys remove

the Vitamin C. from the body after a few hours. Vitamin C. will be

synergistic with the beta-glucan and the selenium. Ester C or Beet derived

C are very good, sodium ascorbate C is more economical. Beta Glucan does

not work so well if not taken with vitamin C.

7. Diet to include one tablespoon of cold pressed Flax Seed Oil (cold

pressed linseed oil). Mixed with 3/4 of a cup of cottage cheese -

Dr Budwig protocol (caution for Diabetes sufferers). To be taken

two times per day. Research shows this dramatically increases the

oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

Cancer is an anaerobic disease. This treatment will be synergistic with

the peroxide treatment. Flax stops COX-2 and arachidonic acid

induced cancer growth.

8. Diet to include three heaped teaspoons of Spirulina electrically mixed

in juice, two or three times per day. The phycocyanin in Spirulina

dramatically increases production of red and white blood cells from the

bone marrow progenitor stems cells. Also contains 30 fold greater carotene

content then carrots, also rich in GLA, cystine and methionine.

May help reduce nausea and immune cell depletion following chemotherapy.

Mimicks the effect of Heparin and so may prevent Platelet shielding

and protection of the tumor, from the activated immune system.

9. Peroxide Bath treatment. Add one large coffee mug (200ml) of 35% food

grade peroxide to a hot, shallow Bath about one-third full, and two

tablespoons of 99% grade DMSO to bath. Take bath twice a day for 15

minutes per time. Repeat bath in the afternoon, reheating bath using the

immersion heater. The bath must be comfortably hot. Discard water each

day. Important not to get any of this water in the eyes, flush eyes with

freshwater if eye contact occurs. Concentrated peroxide is hazardous,

stored in safe place away from children, avoid skin contact, flush with

water if skin contact with concentrate occurs.

10. Additional beta-glucan supplementation can be obtained from Agicarus

Blazei mushroom extract, Coriolus Versicolor mushroom, PSP, PSK, etc,

available via internet. Lentinan and Shitake mushroom or its extracts are

not orally effective. Additional immune system activation through

neuro-immunomodulation - Melatonin (40mg nightly).

11. Spirulina, beta-glucan, Vitamin C. and selenium should begin prior to

chemo therapy to help reduce chemotherapy caused, immune system


It is suggested that taking these 4 items will also help prevent any

recurrence of the cancer, as well as any spread of the cancer

(metastasis), especially if taken with Heparin (by medical

precription), which can prevent Platelet protection of the tumor.

12. A beta-glucan cream can be used to prevent or reduce ulcer formation

at areas where radiotherapy is used.

13. Broccoli sprouts, 50gms to 100gms of broccoli sprouts per day.

Contains glucoraphanin the precursor to anti cancer sulforaphane.

Get Broccoli seeds from a rural seed supplier, late Broccoli

varieties contain more anti cancer glucoraphanin. Make sure seeds do

not have a pink coating (fungicide).

14. Laetrile, vitamin B17, or amygdelin therapy. Taking 100gms

of mung been or Salad sprouts per day will supply some B17. Raw

Macadamia nuts, the kernels from inside nectarines and fresh apricot

kernels are good sources of B17. I would not take more than 30

apricot kernels a day. They must taste bitter. The cyanide in

B17 acts against the cancer, whereas it does not act against good cells.

Broccoli sprouts also contain B17. B17 tablets or injections are a way to

get a lot more B17 than by diet.

15. No cooked food if possible, thats why the slow speed juicer is so

important. No processed food, no tap water, only filtered water, no

artificial flavorings or colourings.

16. Celebrex or Meloxicam non steroidal anitinflammatory pain killers.

Induces anti- angiogenisis or halting of growth of blood vessels in tumor.

Works with several types of cancers. Check with oncologist for dosage.

Curcummin is the yellow pigment from Tumeric and has been shown to

block production of COX-2 in a similar way to Celebrex. Curcummin is

poorly absorbed but if Piperine (black pepper extract) is mixed with

the curcummin, this greatly improves the curcummin absorption. 2gms of

curcummin daily, which contains a little piperine.

17. No sugar.

18. Hypericum to keep your spirits up. Cats Claw herb daily, make into a


19 Ellagic acid, found in berries, purple grapes, walnuts causes G1

mitosis arrest. (induces apotosis ie stops cell replication in cancer cells)

available via internet.

(DMSO used in dilute peroxide bath also produces reversable G1 cell

arrest). Also for additional immune support; Astragalus, mannin from

Manotech, Noni Juice, Transfer Factor, grape seed extract, shark

liver oil, Vitamin B6,B3, Coenzyme Q10 500mg daily.


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Guest guest

The zapper at its own won't cure cancer probably but many people I know feel

less pain, sleep better and if used in addition to good nutrition/diet

(Gerson, dr. Weil, Dr. Houtsmuller etc.) and nutritional supplements it

slows cancergrowth and in quite a lot of cases the cancergrowth stops. But

ofcourse as long there is no evidential prove we will not know what exactly

causes the slowing or even stops the cancergrowth. But at least the people I

know are very satisfied with their zapper and/or magnetic sleeper. So do I

know now three women with ovariancancer who are doing very well on this

regime, but all use also a zapper/magnetic sleeper. Even the oncologists are

surprised, but these women use also germanium, genisteine (this seems very

important in the protocol of treatment because as soon the women started

with genisteine and germanium they got better and better. Two of three don't

use at all chemo or other regular treatments and their tumormarkers get down

and down every month . Both women are now back to normal with their

tumormarkers. the third though uses chemo because her tumormarkers rise ,

quite slowly but they rise. And all use the same treatment and protocol.

so still it is difficult to say what works and what doesn't.

For who can read Dutch read the story of Marjan who refuses any chemo after

her relapse of ovasriancancer and with help of the Houtsmullerdiet and

certain supplements she is doing very well. Her tumormarker CA 125 went down

in nine months from 140 to 6 the last month. Read at


Gr. kees braam

webmaster www.kanker-actueel.nl

> Thanks for this info. Wouldn't the zapper at least rid the body of


> that feed on you? I would think anybody would get stronger that way. Yah,


> don't know how Dr came to the conclusion that she found the cure of

> all cancer.

> Sylvie



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Guest guest

The zapper at its own won't cure cancer probably but many people I know feel

less pain, sleep better and if used in addition to good nutrition/diet

(Gerson, dr. Weil, Dr. Houtsmuller etc.) and nutritional supplements it

slows cancergrowth and in quite a lot of cases the cancergrowth stops. But

ofcourse as long there is no evidential prove we will not know what exactly

causes the slowing or even stops the cancergrowth. But at least the people I

know are very satisfied with their zapper and/or magnetic sleeper. So do I

know now three women with ovariancancer who are doing very well on this

regime, but all use also a zapper/magnetic sleeper. Even the oncologists are

surprised, but these women use also germanium, genisteine (this seems very

important in the protocol of treatment because as soon the women started

with genisteine and germanium they got better and better. Two of three don't

use at all chemo or other regular treatments and their tumormarkers get down

and down every month . Both women are now back to normal with their

tumormarkers. the third though uses chemo because her tumormarkers rise ,

quite slowly but they rise. And all use the same treatment and protocol.

so still it is difficult to say what works and what doesn't.

For who can read Dutch read the story of Marjan who refuses any chemo after

her relapse of ovasriancancer and with help of the Houtsmullerdiet and

certain supplements she is doing very well. Her tumormarker CA 125 went down

in nine months from 140 to 6 the last month. Read at


Gr. kees braam

webmaster www.kanker-actueel.nl

> Thanks for this info. Wouldn't the zapper at least rid the body of


> that feed on you? I would think anybody would get stronger that way. Yah,


> don't know how Dr came to the conclusion that she found the cure of

> all cancer.

> Sylvie



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  • 6 years later...

This zapper is specific to parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc. It

doesnt affect rats or mice. It cost $400. We bought it in desperate

times before this group. Overmans is recommended in Dr. Kolbs Morg's

protocol. The herbs and things they treated us with obviously did

nothing for the mites, and they didnt say one word to me about

cleaning my house. When i asked, they said " yes " ... Should have been

my clue. I brushed it off as that it prob didnt work, but left it

plugged in " just in case " Now im not sure if it helps or not. Maybe i

could do a controlled experiment, i dont know. I dont want to get

swarmed again, that was not fun.

> > >

> > > Chasity

> > > I really believe in the esp line...

> > > I also have had experience with Trishas generosity. She has

> always

> > > been very kind to me, because, like you, I have a family that

> all use

> > > the products....

> > > I cant ever repay Trisha, she is a kind, good, person....who


> > > returned, far above and beyond, the money that I have spent on

> the

> > > products.

> > > z

> > >

> >


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