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Re: Re: Goiter Belt

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Good answer, Jim. Saz, most of the soils are now demineralized and

severely depleted, so it's no longer the goiter belt that has a prevalence

of iodine deficiency, it's everywhere. Organic agriculture builds the soil

so that is one reason organic is healthier.

Iodized salt gives just enough iodine to prevent goiter (usually), but not

anywhere near enough for actual health, which is why people may not have

goiter but have hypo or hyper thyroid, thyroid cancer, etc. Plus, the form

of iodine in salt is not very bioavailable.

Iodine is not the only nutrient that is vastly underrated in the RDA by the

government. The amounts of nutrients in the RDA are only enough to keep

from getting diseases that will kill you quickly, but not enough for

building health. AND, the corporate food producers lobby to prevent

changing the RDAs because they want to be able to make so-called " food "

products without having to consider any real nutritional values.


At 11:30 PM 1/29/2011, you wrote:

>This term dates back to the first " nutriceutical " , or attempt at

>nutriceuticals;Putting iodine in salt.This was back in like,.. the 1920's.

>They noticed a definite part of the country where Goiters were far more

>prevalent, the " Goiter belt " . Bear in mind this was at a time when they

>used Ice Boxes, (When the Iceman cometh, etc).Most all the produce people

>ate at that time was grown within 50 miles; no interstate freeway system, etc.

>They realised that this was an area where the soil was iodine depleted,

>and put 2 and 2 together, and came up with 5! Put iodine (not enough) in

>salt, and " We'll wipe out Hypothyroidsm in 10 years. " This led to the TSH

>test being developed, later, primarily as a test for HYPER thyroidism,

>(cause we're wiping out Hypo, right? No need to put a lot of

>thought/effort into establishing an upper limit, right?) Jim



> >

> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > My curiosity wants to know why we refer to certain areas in the U.S. as

> > the goiter belt when very few of us are eating the foods grown in that

> > depleted iodine soil these days. Most of us shop at grocery stores

> > where we buy foods shipped in from all areas of the world.

> >

> > Or does that just refer to the depleted iodine soil in that area and not

> > that more people develop goiters there much anymore than elsewhere?

> >

> > SAZ

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