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Terry/ Companion Nutrients with Vitacost and Ebay links

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As promised, my post on sources:

The companion nutrients are described in the file for beginners that is on

this group's website. Take this link and then press the link for the

" Iodine New Members " document.



Ester C is the best, most bioavailable Vit C to buy. It stays in

circulation in the body for 24 hours.

http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?Ns=P_SoldQuantity%7c1 & Ntt=ester+c & Ne\

=1 & N=32+2008108 & previousText=ester+c & Ntk=products & x=0 & y=0

Here is the magnesium I am using right now. Two tablets makes 400mg

magnesium, which means the bottle is a 90-day supply. Vitacost has a flat

$4.99 shipping rate for however much you order.


You also need selenium. Here is an excellent deal, it's 100 to 200 days'

worth, depending on whether you take 1 or 2 caps a day:


This is the best D3 that I have found-- cheapest by far and easiest to

take. It is simply D3 and olive oil, and 1 drop is 2000iu D3. There are

900 drops in the bottle, for $10. Very easy for anyone to take.


There is also a lower-dose drop for children, 900 servings of 400iu for $9.00:


You also need unrefined salt, and the

brand Real Salt is the least expensive in the USA. You can order that at


http://www.vitacost.com/productResults.aspx?ss=1 & previousText=real+salt & Ntk=prod\

ucts & x=0 & y=0 & Ntt=redmond's

In addition to taking a certain amount each day, you and all your family will

use only unrefined salt in all your cooking. Also, if you have detox

symptoms, you will do what is called " salt loading " which helps the body

wash out the toxins that are causing the symptoms (can be headaches,

sleepiness, irritability, many things).

If you buy Lugol's liquid, you can use that to dose your children, and you

can start on Lugol's. The tablets, called Iodoral, are easier to take imo,

but it's definitely more expensive per dose. The least expensive source of

Lugol's (by far) is on ebay. Lugol's is almost impossible to find at

regular stores or pharmacies, and it's usually a lot more expensive. This

seller is trustworthy, I have bought from him.


ltDomain_0 & hash=item4a9ef19af1

Each drop of 2.2% Lugol's is equal to about 2.5mg iodine. For adults, we

want to get our iodine intake up to 25mg and above per day, 50mg is

probably minimal for therapeutic periods, many people go up to 100 to 125mg

/day. You can see that would be a lot of drops per day, which is why the

Iodoral tablets is easier.

You'll probably want to put the drops in something to disguise the taste, a

drop or two for children is easier than larger amounts for adults. Just

don't use any juice like citrus or other juices that have high Vit C

content because it converts the brown iodine to the clear potassium iodide

and you need both forms to heal your body.

So you need unrefined salt, magnesium, selenium, and Vitamin C, plus the

iodine source. Vit D3 is excellent to add because it's so important for

healing and health.


~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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