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Hi Christa,

You are not alone... I experienced the exact same thing...

tapping to stop a craving but having it blow up even more...

and the workshop I attended was run by Craig... perhaps

I can help answer your question.

Did you go to the presenter and ask them what was happening?

Because that is what I did with .

We were in a room with about 300 people, was teaching

us how to present workshops, and he was demonstrating how to

get people's chocolate cravings down. I learned it well,

because every demo/workshop I did after was effective.

But at the time I was not experiencing it well.

My craving (not for chocolate but for sour cream and onion

potato chips - made me run to the lobby and buy the

chips and they actually had my favorite) actually increased

during his tapping. Not only did it increase, but it went

from a zero to a 10. I tapped along with everyone else, and

all it did was continue to grow.

So at the break, I went up to him and told him what

happened... because I was ready to eat the entire bag!

He answered, there is an emotional attachment behind this.

Who or what do these chips remind you of? What attachment do

they have to you emotionally? Once I answered that question

and tapped for it, those chips no longer had their hold over

me. Sure, I still enjoy sour cream and onion potato chips.

Except now it's just a handful... not an entire bag!

If you paid for the training, ask for your money back. This

is what is trying to avoid (and I'm not saying your

instructor falls under this category) but lots of people

learn EFT and then teach it without the real experience. I

have been teaching since 2000, and am still learning!

Keep going... you will be the one to learn, practice and

teach EFT in your community. EFT is certainly something

everyone should know and share!

Love & light,


Gwenn Bonnell

954-370-1552 (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)



Gwenn Bonnell's

EFT Level 1 Training with

Basic Energy Medicine


begins Wednesday night, Feb. 15, 2006

=> http://www.tapintoheaven.com/templearts

From: " hovipups " <hovawart_dogs@...>

Subject: workshop

Hi there,

I just went to an EFT level 1 workshop and was rather


By the time I left my emotions were sky high. When the


did the chocolate craving thing my cravings went up which

really made

me angry on top of it, because I ended up eating all the


there. What could I have done? what did I do wrong? I can't

believe I'm

the only one which would this happen to?

Also none of the other tapping exercises had any profound

effect on me.

Otherwise the whole day was pretty boring to me since it

just was a

repeat of 's CD's.


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First I'm sorry to hear that you had such a rotten time and that you

basically received the opposite of what you had intented or wanted

(speaking to the chocolate craving). There could have been a toxic

interference within you personally or bad/negative energy in the

room itself.

For future (if you don't already) whenever going into group

situations with all the energy that's there both good and bad,

positive and negative, you should always protect yourself. I use

White Light and a Protective Bubble this way all my energy stays

with me and other's energy isn't allowed to mingle with mine,

basically this protective bubble keeps all other's out. Just a good

practice to get yourself into for your own safety.

In regards to your chocolate cravings going up ... have them settled

down or are you still at a high level of craving?

Peace & Light, Kathleen



> Hi there,


> I just went to an EFT level 1 workshop and was rather



> By the time I left my emotions were sky high. When the


> did the chocolate craving thing my cravings went up which really


> me angry on top of it, because I ended up eating all the chocolate

> there. What could I have done? what did I do wrong? I can't

believe I'm

> the only one which would this happen to?


> Also none of the other tapping exercises had any profound effect

on me.


> Otherwise the whole day was pretty boring to me since it just was


> repeat of 's CD's.


> christa


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--- <hovawart_dogs@...> wrote:

> I just went to an EFT level 1 workshop and was rather


>> christa

Hi Christa!

I am new and will shortly post an introduction to myself and share

the amazing healing I have created and received for myself with EFT.

The first thing that struck me about your workshop experience was

that you were possibly psychologically reversed. Did they not address

that in the class?

I had some issues with my class, too, and it was not until it had

been a couple days after that I realized that doing that much tapping

on so many different issues I was in a vulnerable mood to misperceive

some things. I noticed this from some other people also that as the

day progressed and we dealt with and witnessed some very emotional

healing that some began to resist the class.

I even felt myself resisting in some areas, and after a couple days I

realized that it had to do more with my past issues with a group I

worked with in the past, that was similar to EFT, being triggered for

release through all the tapping.

I do have to say that if I also had seen the Dvd's before the Level 1

class and had expectations of learning anything new I would have been

disappointed too. Howvever, I made it a point not to even read the

manual before attending. It is always my intention not to have

expectations when I attend a class so that I will not limit my

experience in anyway. This works well for me.

I am enjoying all the past posts although I do not think I will ever

catch up with 14,000 more to go.

Bless your hearts for all the support and sharing you do!


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Hi Gwenn,

thank you for writing. Its good to hear I'm not the only one this

is happening to. My craving at the workshop went up from 0 (before

talking about chocolate) to 8 when starting to work on the cravings

to 20+ after working on it and I ended up eating all the chocolate

left over.

This was a small workshop with only 20 people and I talked to the

instructor and she basically just shrug her shoulders and attended to

the ones which had positive results.

I understand about the attached emotions though and the last days

I am trying to figure those out. Have tapped on lots of them already

but not sure which ones are really the issue. So I'm still tapping on

some more this week and hope I will find a solution.

thanks again for you insight (and I will ask for my money back)


> You are not alone... I experienced the exact same thing...

> tapping to stop a craving but having it blow up even more...

> and the workshop I attended was run by Craig... perhaps

> I can help answer your question.


> Did you go to the presenter and ask them what was happening?

> Because that is what I did with .


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Hi Kathleen,

thank you for writing. One of the reasons I went to the workshop

was to experience the group energy. I know from other experiences

that this can be very powerful. I had done tapping on cravings before

with NO success. I am doing EFT for about 10 month on a daily basis.

So, yes, I was expecting or hoping to get some kind of idea how to

proceed any different.

Unfortunately the opposite happened.

Everyone else which was at the workshop had pretty much NO prior

experience with EFT or even just heard about it recently. Most seemed

to be happy with the results since this was all new to them.

Although I have to say its hard for me to believe that 15 people

out of 17 are sitting there with pain. I sure have to think that some

people just make something up or had pain prior to the workshop so

they can work on something.

I do some things to protect myself from negative energy because

I'm very sensitive to it. But I'm not a visual person, I use other

means. But according to the teacher there was very positive energy in

the room.


>> First I'm sorry to hear that you had such a rotten time and that


> basically received the opposite of what you had intented or wanted

> (speaking to the chocolate craving). There could have been a toxic

> interference within you personally or bad/negative energy in the

> room itself.

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Hi Lori,

I learned EFT 10 month ago and have been using it pretty much

daily. I feel stuck and missing the success most people seem to have.

So I did ask the instructor first if it would make sense for me to

attend. I also have seen all the EFT tapes from plus I'm in the

process reading his new book, which I think is great.

So, especially with the chocolate craving which seemed pretty

much black and white, I did expect some change to the better. Thats

why it was so dissappointing. And from then on everything else was

just negative.

So for me, I do think the money would have been better spend for

a private session. I could have taught that class! And yes, I do

expect something for my money especially after explaining to the

instructor what my goal is.


> I do have to say that if I also had seen the Dvd's before the Level


> class and had expectations of learning anything new I would have


> disappointed too. Howvever, I made it a point not to even read the

> manual before attending. > Lori


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  • 1 year later...

Promoting Functional Communication in Children with Autism: Addressing the

Verbal Challenge presented by Tamara Kaspar, MS/CCC-SP, BCBA

Meet & Greet: Thursday, February 7, 2008

6:30 -8:00

Workshop Date: Friday, February 8, 2008

8:00 - 4:00

Place: Virginia Beach Higher Education Center

Old Dominion University

1881 University Drive

Virginia Beach, VA

Registration: $55.00, if made by February 1st(Includes continental breakfast,

boxed lunch and Meet and Greet.

For more information: 757-461-4474 or email: tidewaterusa@...

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  • 9 months later...


Great idea to have a racord of the CLL sessions. I don't have a tape recorder but would be willing to chip in for the cost of recording it.


Is anyone planning to tape the two cll sessions on Saturday? We have had many requests, I'm sure they'd be happy to pay for a copy. Thanks,

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