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Don't Believe the Hype -- There's Much More to Autism Than Genetics

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Great article. I have read several other articles by Dr. Mercola.

However, I STRONLY disagree with the section, " Psyche and autism. "

What, are we reverting back to ideas of the refrigerator mother?

Come on now.



Don't Believe the Hype -- There's Much More to Autism Than Genetics

Scientists have found a genetic mutation linked to autism, but news

coverage of the discovery have made it out to be far more important

than it actually is.

The mutations are present in only 1 percent of all kids with autism;

in the other 99 percent, something else is going on. However, the

heavy news coverage -- including stories in the Associated Press,

Wall Street Journal, and New York Times -- would likely lead a casual

reader to believe that something truly significant has taken place.

Journalists tended to posit that the discovery could lead to

diagnostic tests, early interventions and further insight into the

disease. But this is not justified by the actual discovery.


Wired January 10, 2008

The New England Journal of Medicine January 9, 2008 [EPub Ahead of

Print] (Free Full Text Article)

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Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Rates of autism, a disabling neurodevelopmental disorder, have

increased nearly 60-fold since the late 1970s, with the most

significant increases occurring in the past decade. It now affects

about one in 150 U.S. children.

Autism, which usually appears before a child's third birthday,

profoundly affects communication and social skills, impairing the

child's ability to play, speak and relate to the world.

Although autism may be apparent soon after birth, most autistic

children experience at least several months, or even a year or more

of normal development -- followed by regression, defined as loss of

function or failure to progress.

Autism probably arises from a combination of genetic defects – that 1

percent indicated in the above study -- and exposure to toxic

chemicals, viruses or other environmental influences.

Here is a closer look at the Top 5 environmental triggers found so

far, keeping in mind that there might be many more.

The Mercury – Autism Link

The mercury in vaccines derives from thimerosal (TMS), a preservative

which is 49.6 percent ethylmercury (eHg). It is already an

established fact that exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory,

neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions -- all similar to

traits defining, or associated with autism.

Thimerosal, which is added to many vaccines, has become a major

source of mercury in children who, within their first two years, may

have received a quantity of mercury that clearly exceeds safety


A review of medical literature and U.S. government data suggests


Many cases of " spontaneous " autism are induced by early mercury

exposure from thimerosal genetic and non-genetic factors establish a

predisposition, which is why thimerosal's adverse effects occur only

in some children.

The Vaccine Virus – Autism Link

Vaccines contain numerous active agents, including live viruses,

killed bacteria and toxic chemicals including aluminum, mercury and

formaldehyde. Not surprisingly, autism appears within the first three

years of life - just about the time when most children are seeing

pediatricians routinely for vaccinations.

Whereas many focus solely on mercury in the vaccines as the culprit

in causing autism, the virus link is equally compelling.

One subset of autism has been termed " Autoimmune Autism " (AA). There

is scientific evidence that this subset of children, who regress

after routine vaccinations, are due to an immune reaction against the


In this case, the abnormal immune reaction primes your immune system

to react against your body's organs, as it creates " organ-specific "

autoantibodies against itself. In the case of autistic autoimmune

reactions, the organ in question is mainly your brain. However,

gastrointestinal problems, such as " leaky gut " are also a common

organ-specific ailment.

The strongest link exists between the measles virus antibodies (from

the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine) and anti-myelin basic

protein (MBP), suggesting that exposure to the measles virus may

trigger an autoimmune response that interferes with the development

of myelin.

If myelin in your brain doesn't develop properly, nerve fibers won't

work as they should, giving rise to the brain abnormalities

associated with autism.

The Milk – Autism Link

Other studies indicate that both autism and schizophrenia may be

linked to your inability to properly break down a protein found in

milk. Personally I believe this is related to pasteurized milk and

have seen many autistic children thrive on raw milk products,

especially fermented ones like kefir or yogurt.

When not broken down, the milk protein caseinate produces exorphins --

morphine-like compounds -- that become absorbed by areas of your

brain where they cause cells to dysfunction. The findings suggest

that an intestinal flaw, such as a malfunctioning enzyme, is to blame

for your inability to break down this milk protein.

Findings from one such study showed 95 percent of 81 autistic and

schizophrenic children had 100 times the normal levels of the milk

protein in their blood and urine.

Researchers have also injected rats with the protein beta-casomorphin-

7, one of the key constituents of milk and the part that coagulates

to make cheese. They discovered the protein was taken up by 32

different areas of the brain, including sections responsible for

vision, hearing and communication, which could account for many

behavioral symptoms of both diseases.

The Cell Phone – Autism Link

A much more recent, groundbreaking theory has been suggested by a

study published in the Journal of the Australasian College of

Nutritional & Environmental Medicine: Electromagnetic radiation (EMR)

from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi devices and other similar

wireless technologies may work in conjunction with genetic and

environmental factors, becoming an accelerating factor in autism.

After more than five years of research on children with autism they

found that EMR negatively affects cell membranes, allowing heavy

metal toxins, which are associated with autism, to build up in your


EMR can trap heavy metals inside of nerve cells, which could

accelerate the onset of symptoms of heavy metal toxicity, and hinder

your body's natural clearance of the toxins.

The Link Between Your Psyche and Autism

Dr. Geerd Hamer, known for his German New Medicine, which I have

written about previously on several occasions, also has an

explanation for how your psyche is involved in the case of autism.

According to Dr. Hamer's " autistic constellation, " the psychological

reason for autism is due to the mother experiencing profound feelings

of rejection during, or even preceding her pregnancy. She may be a

perfectionist, feeling judged, or feeling that no matter what she

does it's wrong – she feels worthless.

If I were to speculate, I'd say this may fit the profile of quite a

few women who try to be everything for everyone, shouldering work

responsibilities, being good wives, lovers and mothers.

This child is the creation of her and her husband, and whatever

happens in their psyche is therefore " imprinted " upon the child. In a

biological sense, it's like programming your offspring with

information it will need to be better able to deal with the

environment it's coming into.

Dr. Hamer believes that once your child is " primed " for shutting down

mentally and emotionally in this way, when a trigger is added to the

mix, such as mercury, it might set off cellular degeneration leading

to the onset of autism.

What Can You Do?

With all these wide-ranging factors, what can you do to prevent

autism, and what can you do if your child does develop autism?

Here are a baker's half-dozen of my best recommendations:

1. Eat a diet tailored to your nutritional type for optimal health.

In my experience, nearly ALL children seem to respond favorably to

the dietary changes when properly implemented

2. Pasteurized milk restriction is an ABSOLUTE imperative to the

treatment of autism. Anyone managing this illness without restricting

milk is deceiving themselves. This includes all milk products, such

as ice cream, yogurt and whey. Even natural flavorings in food must

be avoided unless the processor can guarantee, beyond a shadow of a

doubt, that caseinate is not included

3. Complete elimination of sugar, juice, soda, French fries and wheat

(pasta, bagels, cereal, pretzels, etc) is also highly recommended

4. Get proper sun exposure, as an additional theory that makes a

whole lot of sense is the link between rampant vitamin D deficiency

and the proportionate jump in autism. The vitamin D receptor appears

in a wide variety of brain tissue early in the fetal development, and

activated vitamin D receptors increase nerve growth in your brain

5. Use an effective intervention to address any emotional stresses as

soon as possible – avoid having destructive thoughts and emotions

fester. Potent energy psychology tools such as the Emotional Freedom

Technique are excellent for this purpose

6. Secretin has proven effective in relieving certain symptoms of

autism. It is a powerful hormone, which has the ability to reduce

intestinal permeability (leaky gut). I have even observed one three-

year-old who had no speech prior to secretin speak in full paragraphs

just days after the infusion

7. Homeopathy may also help ameliorate symptoms

Related Articles:

Origins of Autism

Good Bacteria May Relieve Autism Symptoms

Studies on the Effects of Secretin in Children With Autism

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