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RE: Re: . heart palpitations after starting iodine...

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Maybe you could do the 12.5 in the am, and early afternoon. Not all at once.

I didn't know they made a 25 mg. It sounded like that's when your heart issues started, when you went to 1 25 mg. Need to ask, what brand & ingredients the 25 mg has.

Re: . heart palpitations after starting iodine...

Thank you all so much for your responses! You all had great advice and Ireally appreciate your thoughtfulness :) I started taking magnesium bothtransdermal and by mouth and it did help a lot! The palps decreasedsignificantly. They did wake me last night and I had trouble sleeping andhad anxiety isssues this morning. I took more magnesium and haven't had anypalpitations today!! I read all the new member documents and they werehelpful. There is a lot more info in the files I haven't gotten to yet, butI am looking forward to it :).I still haven't started back on iodine...it's been 4 days. My back spasmsare getting worse again, so I know that it was definitely the iodine thatwas helping them. I am thinking about going back on the iodine tomorrow,but I am nervous about it cause I don't want the heart issues to come backas they really make me nervous! Any other detox symptoms I can deal with,but the heart ones are rather scary. These are not dangerous right, just adetox symptom? I will go into town tomorrow and get the other recommendedsupplements- vitamin C, selenium, and celtic sea salt to use along side ofthe iodine.How much should I take when I start back up again? Should I do 12.5 mg, ormaybe even 6.25 mg...or ? I was up to 25 mg after about 3 weeks- 2 on 12.5mg and one on 25 mg and then I started having the heart issues. I wasn'tdoing any of the recommended supplements, but will this time for sure! Also,should I try Idoral instead of the Lugol formulation - would that possiblycut back on any heart issues/anxiety?Thanks again for all of your advice!Lora

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25mg is just double of 12.5mg, not a different brand.

Donna in IL

Maybe you could do the 12.5 in the am, and early

afternoon. Not all at once.

I didn't know they made a 25 mg. It sounded like

that's when your heart issues started, when you went to 1 25 mg.

Need to ask, what brand & ingredients the 25 mg has.


Original Message -----

From: Lora Deaton


Sent: Tuesday, March 22,

2011 6:08 PM

Subject: Re: . heart

palpitations after starting iodine...

Thank you all so much for your responses! You

all had great advice and I

really appreciate your thoughtfulness :) I started taking magnesium both

transdermal and by mouth and it did help a lot! The palps decreased

significantly. They did wake me last night and I had trouble sleeping and

had anxiety isssues this morning. I took more magnesium and haven't had any

palpitations today!! I read all the new member documents and they were

helpful. There is a lot more info in the files I haven't gotten to yet, but

I am looking forward to it :).

I still haven't started back on iodine...it's been 4 days. My back spasms

are getting worse again, so I know that it was definitely the iodine that

was helping them. I am thinking about going back on the iodine tomorrow,

but I am nervous about it cause I don't want the heart issues to come back

as they really make me nervous! Any other detox symptoms I can deal with,

but the heart ones are rather scary. These are not dangerous right, just a

detox symptom? I will go into town tomorrow and get the other recommended

supplements- vitamin C, selenium, and celtic sea salt to use along side of

the iodine.

How much should I take when I start back up again? Should I do 12.5 mg, or

maybe even 6.25 mg...or ? I was up to 25 mg after about 3 weeks- 2 on 12.5

mg and one on 25 mg and then I started having the heart issues. I wasn't

doing any of the recommended supplements, but will this time for sure! Also,

should I try Idoral instead of the Lugol formulation - would that possibly

cut back on any heart issues/anxiety?

Thanks again for all of your advice!


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I see, she said 2 on 12.5 & 1 on 25 mg. She meant weeks. My bad :-)

So the question needs to be asked, when upping dose to 25, did you take it all at once?

Re: . heart palpitations after starting iodine...

Thank you all so much for your responses! You all had great advice and Ireally appreciate your thoughtfulness :) I started taking magnesium bothtransdermal and by mouth and it did help a lot! The palps decreasedsignificantly. They did wake me last night and I had trouble sleeping andhad anxiety isssues this morning. I took more magnesium and haven't had anypalpitations today!! I read all the new member documents and they werehelpful. There is a lot more info in the files I haven't gotten to yet, butI am looking forward to it :).I still haven't started back on iodine...it's been 4 days. My back spasmsare getting worse again, so I know that it was definitely the iodine thatwas helping them. I am thinking about going back on the iodine tomorrow,but I am nervous about it cause I don't want the heart issues to come backas they really make me nervous! Any other detox symptoms I can deal with,but the heart ones are rather scary. These are not dangerous right, just adetox symptom? I will go into town tomorrow and get the other recommendedsupplements- vitamin C, selenium, and celtic sea salt to use along side ofthe iodine.How much should I take when I start back up again? Should I do 12.5 mg, ormaybe even 6.25 mg...or ? I was up to 25 mg after about 3 weeks- 2 on 12.5mg and one on 25 mg and then I started having the heart issues. I wasn'tdoing any of the recommended supplements, but will this time for sure! Also,should I try Idoral instead of the Lugol formulation - would that possiblycut back on any heart issues/anxiety?Thanks again for all of your advice!Lora

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yes all at once in the morning. I take 100mg all at once.


On 3/23/2011 10:33 PM, gwen wrote:

I see, she said 2 on 12.5 & 1 on 25 mg. She

meant weeks. My bad :-)

So the question needs to be asked, when upping dose

to 25, did you take it all at once?


Re: . heart palpitations after starting


25mg is just double of

12.5mg, not a different brand.

Donna in IL

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Hello moderator!!Can you please switch from email to web for viewing messages? I did it on the web but didn't work! :)From: Gracia <circe@...>Sender: iodine Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 10:29:18 -0400<iodine >Reply iodine Subject: Re: Re: . heart palpitations after starting iodine... yes all at once in the morning. I take 100mg all at once.graciaOn 3/23/2011 10:33 PM, gwen wrote: I see, she said 2 on 12.5 & 1 on 25 mg. Shemeant weeks. My bad :-)So the question needs to be asked, when upping doseto 25, did you take it all at once? RE: Re: . heart palpitations after startingiodine... 25mg is just double of12.5mg, not a different brand.Donna in IL

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