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Re: Re: Raynaud's and Magnesium Oil

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Putting the oil in the bath is not really effective.  Well, let me rephrase.  The amount you would need to put in the bath would be cost prohibitive.  I do epsom salt baths which is also magnesium (sulfate I think versus chloride).


After taking a bath or shower you can just spray the oil on and let it soak in.  It is not really an oil and soaks in quite quickly, leaving no residue issues.  I also find the mild itchy feeling abates quickly.  From what I read the itchy feeling is related to mag deficiency and as you replentish it becomes less and less of an issue.


I use the oil on my low back and then just spray my legs and head to bed.  I don't have Raynaud's but I might give putting some on the inside of my wrists a try anyway.  My hands and feet tend to run cold a lot.



On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 12:51 AM, Dorie <doxy3m@...> wrote:

Hi what amount would I put in a bathtub and  is that an effective way to use the oil? Thank you, Dorie

>> Where do you purchase Magnesium oil?  I believe I also have Raynaud's and it

> does run in our family. I'm excited to try this!>>>

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Here is what I wrote yesterday on this subject:

>It's not equivalent to put it in the bath compared with spraying directly

>on the skin-- meaning-- you can't spray one spray in the bath and expect

>the child to receive 18mg of magnesium as they would on the skin. You

>don't have to spray it on them, you can just spray it in your hand and

>smooth it on the skin. That's how I do it for myself.


>Bathing in mag chloride or mag sulfate is a good idea, but it isn't as

>effective. btw, for people with children on the autism spectrum, it's been

>suggested (elsewhere) that magnesium sulfate is a good bath soak for them

>because they are frequently deficient in sulfates. Magnesium sulfate is

>usually known as Epsom Salts. We recommend epsom salts baths here too.



>Hi what amount would I put in a bathtub and is that an effective way to

>use the oil? Thank you, Dorie



> >

> > Where do you purchase Magnesium oil? I believe I also have Raynaud's

> and it

> > does run in our family. I'm excited to try this!

> >

> >

> >






>All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT

>group IodineOT/



>Commonly asked questions: http://tinyurl.com/yhnds5e

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