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Re: Liver Doctor mention of iodine

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Link does not work, and a search for the article on the website produces no results... Can you please resubmit the link?Thanks,(the other) Stephiodine From: carold@...Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 15:52:50 +0000Subject: Liver Doctor mention of iodine

Just read this Liver Doctor post on Facebook and wanted to share. I think the link will take you to the Liver Doctor website. It is just a brief story of a mother and daughter with thyroid issues and how they are being treated with selenium, iodine, zinc and vitamin D. So excited to see this! Here's the link: http://www.liverdoctor.com/index.php?page=thyroid-problems-case-study.

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Not sure why it's not working. Trying the link again:


Also, here is the text:

" Thyroid problems – like mother like daughter

Mother and daughter both came to see me regarding their under active thyroid

glands caused by the autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis. They

both had psoriasis affecting their skin, which is another manifestation of

autoimmune inflammation attacking the skin; obviously they shared many of the

same genes.

The mother had tested positive on her blood test for a genotype that had genes

that predisposed to gluten intolerance and she wanted her daughter tested for

this. I agreed but I said " I will take a large bet that your daughter will also

test positive " . Not many people, including a lot of doctors, recognize the

association of gluten intolerance with autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's

thyroiditis and psoriasis. It may take a year of avoiding gluten containing

foods before these problems disappear.

Notwithstanding the 20 year age difference, the daughter's thyroid gland was

very under active, whilst the mother's thyroid gland was still functioning

normally, even though she had antibodies in her blood that were attacking her

thyroid. Both women also displayed another imbalance that predisposes to thyroid

disease, namely a deficiency of the hormone progesterone. The mother had

benefited from the use of a natural progesterone cream and this had relieved her

heavy painful periods. The 15 year old daughter's lack of progesterone was

manifesting as an absence of menstruation even though she had plenty of estrogen

being produced in her body. The daughter had an enlarged thyroid gland which

felt nobbly and hard due to nodules within it, which is an unhealthy condition

of the thyroid tissue in the gland.

The daughter's blood tests showed an iron deficiency, most likely due to

undiagnosed gluten intolerance damaging her gut and reducing the absorption of

iron from her diet. She also had a high level of thyroid antibodies in her

blood, which had attacked her thyroid gland making it under active.

Yes the parts of the jig saw puzzle were coming together so that we could employ

a holistic strategy to reverse a disease process, which would have otherwise

progressed to a chronic condition of poor health. I love holistic medicine

because it treats all the causes of disease and is the most logical and

scientific type of preventative medicine.

So what was our holistic plan?

1. Both women would need to use a cream containing natural progesterone to

balance their hormones – in the mother's case this would prevent her heavy

menstrual bleeding and in the daughter's case this would prompt a healthy

regular menstrual cycle

2. Both women would need a gluten free diet to cure their psoriasis problem

and lower the thyroid antibodies in their blood

3. Both women would need a supplement containing selenium, iodine, zinc and

vitamin D to reduce the thyroid antibodies and to make the thyroid tissue

healthy and shrink the thyroid nodules.

An interesting point is this – why was the daughter's thyroid condition worse

than her mothers, even though she was 20 years younger? I concluded that this

was so because her daughter had suffered with childhood asthma, which was

treated with many courses of antibiotics and steroids. These drugs had damaged

her immature immune system, her liver and her gut probably causing a leaky gut

and unhealthy bacteria and candida overgrowth in her gut. The gut and liver are

a vital part of the immune system and if their function is compromised by an

overuse of steroids or antibiotics the manifestation of autoimmune diseases will

occur earlier in life and be more severe.

All I can say is " no wonder I love nutritional medicine! "

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to

diagnose, treat or cure any disease. "



> Link does not work, and a search for the article on the website produces no

results... Can you please resubmit the link?


> Thanks,(the other) Steph


> iodine

> From: carold@...

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 15:52:50 +0000

> Subject: Liver Doctor mention of iodine





























> Just read this Liver Doctor post on Facebook and wanted to share. I

think the link will take you to the Liver Doctor website. It is just a brief

story of a mother and daughter with thyroid issues and how they are being

treated with selenium, iodine, zinc and vitamin D. So excited to see this!

Here's the link:



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