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Me too, Why did iodine make me come alive?

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Hi Dorie

What dosage etc are you taking? Are you on both Lugals and Iordoral? I have severe arthritis in feet, knees etc(told I need new knees but surgeon reluctant to operate due to borrelia (Lyme) and would love to be able to walk without pain. I was diagnosed as having ME 23yrs ago but private tests showed I had Lyme, also low T3. At the moment I am on various antibiotics, (urine infections and parasites showed up in stool sample) and suppliments and trying 7drops of Lugals. Would appreciate any advice. Getting a bit fed up of taking all these things and not feeling better.


Dories post

Hi it is making me get my health back! When my thyroid crashed about 10 years ago, my legs also crashed. I could barely stand. Today was the first day in 10 years that I went up and down the stairs without doing one stair at a time. I actually did not relieze that I had done the stairs without being careful. You know I usually do one stair at a time, and am careful not to fall down the stairs as my balance was not what it should be. I am just 53 but with my weak calves I acted more like a 100 year old person. My legs are getting back the energy and strength that I lost when my thyroid crashed. It is actully amazing that this is happening to me. I have been trying so hard for 10 years to get my health back (been to over 50 doctors and many in Manhattan and they were not cheap , first visits over $400 and they don't take insurance, and NOT ONE ever said try iodoral/iodine) and now I feel like almost like I did before I became hypo (slowly but I can

see that I am reversing the damage that the thyroid crash had on me). I am really shocked that Iodoral is helping me have this transformation , so when I saw your post I had to say well me too. Warm Regards

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