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Re: Re: Iodine, Japan, Hashimoto's

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Yes, but it will be interesting to see if that's brought up.    Bonsoy aren't going to want to fight the action by saying that it was the soy that caused the hypothyroidism.

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Kathleen Blake <kathleenblake@...> wrote:


Well SOY can cause hypothyroidism, not iodine. Kathleen

Re: Re: Iodine, Japan, Hashimoto's


In Australia, a class action is still going ahead, sueing Bonsoy for putting too much iodine in their soy milk and the iodine " causing " hypothyroidism in consumers.http://thebonsoydebacle.com.au/

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Right, of course they aren't. It's an interesting situation for sure. Kathleen

Re: Re: Iodine, Japan, Hashimoto's

In Australia, a class action is still going ahead, sueing Bonsoy for putting too much iodine in their soy milk and the iodine "causing" hypothyroidism in consumers.http://thebonsoydebacle.com.au/

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We say all the time that there is a huge amount of false information about

iodine out in the world, on the internet, and still taught in med

schools. It's important to recognize that false information and not get

confused every time a person runs into it. Personally I prefer sources

that get iodine correct because I feel like that's a more holistic source,

but good sources about iodine are really hard to find.

In any case, this is just more lies about iodine.


At 09:58 PM 3/25/2011, you wrote:

>I came across the quote over at :


>under his iodine chapter. The quote was not cited, which is why I

>wondered what you all know. He has a lot of very good info in many other

>areas, but his info on iodine just did not seem right not me.





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That's because his mentor in iodine is the owner of the adrenals list. She cites the iodine paper I mentioned earlier in a small fishing village in Japan (that was later debunked)Ariel

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:58 PM, Shreve <christineshreve@...> wrote:


I came across the quote over at : http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/dosing.htm  under his iodine chapter.  The quote was not cited, which is why I wondered what you all know.  He has a lot of very good info in many other areas, but his info on iodine just did not seem right not me.

-- " Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring. " -Tom Donohue

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