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RE: Re: detox pathways was re: detoxification duration?

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Magnesium usually helps get rid of headaches. But you might want to try some potassium to balance it. Donna in IL Question: Someone, taking magnesium, takes it daily for a week, then on the 7th day gets a headache from that magnesium, would that be a detox symptom, or detox pathways being blocked? There's no way to know if you were subjected to more toxins on that particular day. But let's say, upon getting the headache, you took a herbal liver remedy, and that helped alleviate the headache, are you opening up detox pathways, or just fixing a detox symptom??I hope this makes sense. Re: detoxification duration? Detox is a slippery proposition, because there are so many variables, & all of them are subject to change. If you are exposed to new/more toxins, you will detox more (or get jammed up & become less able to detox.) If you had a new supplement to your regimen that promotes detox (even if you don't realize it) you will detox more. (Some supplements have more than one function. You may take a supplement for one purpose & not realize that it promotes detox.) Detox pathways can get blocked & unblocked... If your detox is too uncomfortable, then you either have to reduce detox or work to improve detox pathways until it is bearable. Anne On Apr 1, 2011, at 8:36 AM, a wrote: Hello, does anyone know how long the strongest detoxification symptoms typically last? Years, months? What would be a reaonable timeframe I could expect? Thanks, a

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I sincerely doubt that magnesium is being stored as fat. The body knows

what magnesium is and knows what to do with it. The body stores as fat

things it doesn't know what to do with, and that's not magnesium.

You need the magnesium for the iodine protocol. What is putting weight on

is that your detox pathways are not working well and bromides that are

being released are not exiting the body, but are being re-stored by the

body as fat.

I have lost 30+ pounds over the last year as a result of the iodine protocol.


At 04:01 AM 4/4/2011, you wrote:

>That's right, . Shortly after I take magnesium chloride it is

>deposited as belly fat (1-2kg weight increase). I'm trying to detoxify my

>liver with Curcuma. I did not tolerate Artichokes but will try it again.





> > >

> > >>

> > >>

> > >>Hello,

> > >>

> > >>does anyone know how long the strongest detoxification symptoms

> typically

> > >>last? Years, months? What would be a reaonable timeframe I could expect?

> > >>

> > >>Thanks, a

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > ~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

> > --A.J. Muste

> >







>All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT

>group IodineOT/



>Commonly asked questions: http://tinyurl.com/yhnds5e

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