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Candida/Fungus/Mercury = Hairloss

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I posted here a couple of times concerning my hair loss last spring and I think

I'm closing in on something but I'd appreciate any advice you may have for me.

I foolishly started the Iodoral loading protocol before I even knew if I needed

it, and I neglected to take the salt water. I don't believe I was on it for

more that two months, but I stopped abruptly when my hair began falling out and

I developed bromide acne. I'm not bald, just have about half the hair I used to


I'm just now realizing that that was when my scalp became itchy. I've always

had Candida issues, but never noticed any problem with my scalp or the little

itchy bumps around my hairline before then.

I have a mouthful of amalgam so I think I made a big mistake in even trying to

chelate. In any event, do you think that I released and destabilized heavy

metals which had pretty much been just sitting in place? Any suggestions as to

what I should be doing to kill off most of the candida and get my hair back?

I know that number one on the list should be removing amalgams, but until I win

the lottery, that isn't in the picture.



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Judy, Firstly, taking foods with a high pH with every meal restricts fungal

growth. The foods with the highest pH (alkalinity, pH > 12) are melons (all

types), cayenne pepper, lemons/limes, parsley, mangos, papayas, and figs. Taking

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, pH = 8.1)) will also prove


Secondly, taking antifungal herbs will reduce candida. Some antifungal herbs we

take include Sheep sorrel, Burdock root, Pau D'Arco, Graviola, and Tumeric. The

first two herbs are the primary components of the Essiac anti-cancer tea formula

given to the Canadian nurse Caisse.

Thirdly, reduce or even eliminate all sugar in your diet. This means

carbohydrates must be restricted as well, as in the Atkins diet. Carbohydrates

are foods such as potatoes and rice.




> I posted here a couple of times concerning my hair loss last spring and I

think I'm closing in on something but I'd appreciate any advice you may have for



> I foolishly started the Iodoral loading protocol before I even knew if I

needed it, and I neglected to take the salt water. I don't believe I was on it

for more that two months, but I stopped abruptly when my hair began falling out

and I developed bromide acne. I'm not bald, just have about half the hair I

used to have.


> I'm just now realizing that that was when my scalp became itchy. I've always

had Candida issues, but never noticed any problem with my scalp or the little

itchy bumps around my hairline before then.


> I have a mouthful of amalgam so I think I made a big mistake in even trying to

chelate. In any event, do you think that I released and destabilized heavy

metals which had pretty much been just sitting in place? Any suggestions as to

what I should be doing to kill off most of the candida and get my hair back?


> I know that number one on the list should be removing amalgams, but until I

win the lottery, that isn't in the picture.


> Thanks,

> Judy


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Hi Judy,

I definitely don't know as much as others here but your situation sounds similar to mine. I too had a mouthful of mercury amalgams and candida. I was on a candida diet for over 2 years and as soon as I stopped the diet all my symptoms (lethergy, depression, etc.) would come back. It wasn't until I discovered I had hypothyroidism and started taking Armour that my symptoms started to let up.

I recently started reading that iodine can help with hypothyroidism so that's what brought me here (I'm still not totally back to normal health-wise.) But from what I've read on the great group site called Frequent Dose Chelation, I don't think iodine can pull the mercury out of your amalgams. Here is one thing Cutler (the "authority" on the subject) said:

I don't dispute there is a lot of benefit for many people in taking adequate iodide, I simply dispute that it increases mercury and lead clearance to a clinically significant extent, or helps clear it out of any relevant body compartment.

I hope this helps!

G. in Philly

>> I posted here a couple of times concerning my hair loss last spring and I think I'm closing in on something but I'd appreciate any advice you may have for me.> > I foolishly started the Iodoral loading protocol before I even knew if I needed it, and I neglected to take the salt water. I don't believe I was on it for more that two months, but I stopped abruptly when my hair began falling out and I developed bromide acne. I'm not bald, just have about half the hair I used to have. > > I'm just now realizing that that was when my scalp became itchy. I've always had Candida issues, but never noticed any problem with my scalp or the little itchy bumps around my hairline before then.> > I have a mouthful of amalgam so I think I made a big mistake in even trying to chelate. In any event, do you think that I released and destabilized heavy metals which had pretty much been just sitting in place? Any suggestions as to what I should be doing to kill off most of the candida and get my hair back?> > I know that number one on the list should be removing amalgams, but until I win the lottery, that isn't in the picture.> > Thanks,> Judy>

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I was hypo for forever. I started taking Low Dose Naltrexone and it leveled out my thyroid. I no longer have to take thyroid meds! Another $30 a month for supplements.

Glowing, grace~As Ghandi taught, the secret to life is to struggle against oppression and to fight for what is needed, but not to be attached to any particular outcome. Therein lies the secret of peace within the chaos."For every failure there's another course of action. When you hit a roadblock, take a detour." - Kay Ash

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How does one get LDN...is it RX only?


Re: Candida/Fungus/Mercury = Hairloss


I was hypo for forever. I started taking Low Dose Naltrexone and it leveled out my thyroid. I no longer have to take thyroid meds! Another $30 a month for supplements.



As Ghandi taught, the secret to life is to struggle against oppression and to fight for what is needed, but not to be attached to any particular outcome. Therein lies the secret of peace within the chaos.

"For every failure there's another course of action. When you hit a roadblock, take a detour." - Kay Ash

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you can order the 50 mg tablets from alldaychemist and prepare it yourself.many are doing it and there is good helpsome group for ldn.


ldn for many especially with auto-immune is the most amazing treatment

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 3:15 PM, <Bbircie@...> wrote:


How does one get LDN...is it RX only? BarbF

Re: Candida/Fungus/Mercury = Hairloss




I was hypo for forever.  I started taking Low Dose Naltrexone and it leveled out my thyroid.  I no longer have to take thyroid meds!  Another $30 a month for supplements.


Glowing, grace~As Ghandi taught, the secret to life is to struggle against oppression and to fight for what is needed, but not to be attached to any particular outcome. Therein lies the secret of peace within the chaos.

" For every failure there's another course of action. When you hit a roadblock, take a detour. " - Kay Ash

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