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Heavy Metals

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Dear Vilik

I heard Klinghardt lecture last year in Sydney.

I intend to set up an experiment to see if his techniques are better than

DMSA but a lack of time has interfered with that.




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Sapere Aude: Dare to be wise.

Heavy metals

From: Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...>

Dr Klinghardt recommends the following for heavy metal detox:




Free radical quencher

Buffered Vit C

Bio Mins



NH4 Redox.


Hi Noel,

Cilantro too. Where does one get Metachel and anti-mutagens? From my

reading, Glutatione is one of the best. I am taking product with NAC and

other precursors. Tyler lab makes a reduced glutatione that stays together,

somehow...but spendy I hear.

>From you experience, how do these natural chelators stand up against DMPS

and the oral one, (can't remember the name right now)?



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  • 9 months later...

On Sat, 6 Nov 1999 23:25:21 -0500 (EST), marciejohnston@... (Marcie

ston) wrote:

>I am interested in ideas about safe lead levels in the body. We live in

>Massachusetts where the cut off is 25, yet I come from New York state

>where kids are not even tested and lead paint is EVERYWHERE .

>Our son tested at 23 and they were hounding us to get him tested every

>month after that, which I don't want to make him go through.

>He is 2- any suggestions? Are there nutrients that could help him?


>Peace and Light,

>Marcie : )

This is from an article found in the newsletter " Alternative "

dated June, 1998. A Dr. Yoshiaki Omura discovered

almost by accident that the leaves of the coriander plant can

accelerate the excretion of mercury, lead and aluminum from the

body. He performed a study in which three amalgam fillings were

removed from an individual using all the precautions available to

prevent absorption of the mercury from the amalgam. Significant

amounts were later found in the individual's lungs, kidneys,

endocrine organs, liver and heart. There was no mercury in these

tissues prior to the amalgam removal.

Remarkably, without the help of any chelation agents, cilantro

was able to remove the mercury in two to three weeks. (Acupunct

Electrother Res 96;21(2):133-60)

Recipe for Cilantro Pesto (Make that " Chelation Pesto " )

1 Clove garlic

1/2 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts

1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves

2 tablespoons lemon juice

6 tablespoons olive oil

Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process until the

cilantro is chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients and process

to a lumpy paste. (You may need to add a touch of hot water and

scrape the sides of the blender.) You can change the consistency

by altering the amount of olive oil and lemon juice, but keep the

3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It freezes well, so you can make

several batches at once.

He recommends a couple of teaspoons a day for two to three weeks

once or twice a year.


" Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students. "

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Dear Marcie,

Depends on the method of testing.

How was you son tested & how old is he?



Dr. Noel

89 Royal Parade

P O Box 137

Parkville VIC 3052


Telephone 03 9347 8444

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Sapere Aude: Dare to be wise

All truth goes through three stages:

first it is ridiculed

then it is violently opposed

finally it is accepted as self evident.


heavy metals

From: marciejohnston@... (Marcie ston)

I am interested in ideas about safe lead levels in the body. We live in

Massachusetts where the cut off is 25, yet I come from New York state

where kids are not even tested and lead paint is EVERYWHERE .

Our son tested at 23 and they were hounding us to get him tested every

month after that, which I don't want to make him go through.

He is 2- any suggestions? Are there nutrients that could help him?

Peace and Light,

Marcie : )

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self- help subjects.


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take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

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Is the garlic a required ingredient? I try to stay away from it as much as


On 11/18/99 9:11 PM, King at cking@... wrote:

> Recipe for Cilantro Pesto (Make that " Chelation Pesto " )


> 1 Clove garlic

> 1/2 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts

> 1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves

> 2 tablespoons lemon juice

> 6 tablespoons olive oil


> Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process until the

> cilantro is chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients and process

> to a lumpy paste. (You may need to add a touch of hot water and

> scrape the sides of the blender.) You can change the consistency

> by altering the amount of olive oil and lemon juice, but keep the

> 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (It freezes well, so you can make

> several batches at once.


> He recommends a couple of teaspoons a day for two to three weeks

> once or twice a year.



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Stay away from garlic? Do you also sleep during the day? Sharpen your teeth with

a Diamond Deb? It's a bad sign, . ;-))

jim :)

Marcus wrote:

> From: Marcus <cmarcus@...>


> Is the garlic a required ingredient? I try to stay away from it as much as

> possible.


> On 11/18/99 9:11 PM, King at cking@... wrote:


> > Recipe for Cilantro Pesto (Make that " Chelation Pesto " )

> >

> > 1 Clove garlic

> > 1/2 cup almonds, cashews, or other nuts


Jim Lambert -- Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.

jim@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


amicus certus in re incerta

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On 11/20/99 9:02 AM, Jim Lambert at jlambert@... wrote:

> From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>


> ,


> Stay away from garlic? Do you also sleep during the day? Sharpen your teeth

> with a Diamond Deb? It's a bad sign, . ;-))


> jim :)

Garlic is a powerful medicinal herb, and should be used accordingly.

I found, as stated by Dr Beck, that when I stopped eating Garlic as a food,

and stayed off of it for a few weeks, my mind cleared considerably.

According to Dr Beck, this is due to Garlics neurotoxic effects. No, it

won't kill you, but it will definitely diminish your mental capacity.

A couple of friends (one of whom LOVES garlic and only tried this because

she trusts me) have done the same thing with the same results. She doesn't

miss the garlic anymore.



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On Sat, 20 Nov 1999 08:50:53 -0500, Marcus <cmarcus@...> wrote:

>Is the garlic a required ingredient? I try to stay away from it as much as


No, I'm pretty sure it's the cilantro, that's the active herb.


_Metal is for wearing. Flesh is for changing.

You wouldn't understand,

it's a cyborg thing.

>On 11/18/99 9:11 PM, King at cking@... wrote:


>> Recipe for Cilantro Pesto (Make that " Chelation Pesto " )


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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Anne Dachel and EOHarm Members,

Not on lots of " news " sites because:

1. It is more BAD news for the

" healthcare establishment " and

the vaccine apologists, and

2. The article has not yet been

published in Toxicology and Applied


" Heavy metals " is a term used in chemistry

typically when talking about metallic

elements with atomic weights " heavier "

than copper whose principal isotopes are

not inherently radioactive.

However, from wikipedia:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_metal_(chemistry)>Heavy metals


>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


>The term heavy metal may have various more

>general or more specific meanings.


>According to one definition, heavy metals

>are a group of elements between copper and

>lead on the periodic table of the elements—

>having atomic weights between 63.546 and

>200.590 and specific gravities greater than

>4.0. Living organisms require trace amounts

>of some heavy metals, including cobalt,

>copper, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium,

>strontium, and zinc, but excessive levels

>can be detrimental to the organism. Other

>heavy metals such as mercury, lead and

>cadmium have no known vital or beneficial

>effect on organisms, and their accumulation

>over time in the bodies of mammals can cause

>serious illness. The pathway for toxic

>effects on humans is normally for the

>entry of heavy metals into the atmosphere

>as industrial stack gas or to enter the soil

>as a soil contaminant or groundwater as a

>water pollutant.


>A stricter definition restricts the term

>to those metals heavier than the rare earth

>metals, at the bottom of the periodic table.

>None of these are essential elements in

>biological systems; all of the more well-known

>elements with the exception of bismuth and

>gold are horribly toxic. Thorium and uranium

>are sometimes included as well, but they are

>more often called simply " radioactive metals " .

>For further details of these radioactive

>metals please see Actinides in the environment.


>In medical usage, the definition is

>considerably looser, and " heavy metal

>poisoning " can include excessive amounts

>of iron, manganese, aluminium, or beryllium

>(the second-lightest metal) as well as the

>true heavy metals.


>Also, often the elements beyond mercury, e.g.,

>the actinides such as uranium and plutonium,

>are not excluded from the heavy metals. In

>the context of nuclear power plants, tHM means

>tons of heavy metal.


If you want more information, download:


You might also want to read:




Hopefully, the preceding answers have

adequately addressed your implicit questions

and concerns.


Dr. King



At 23:57 5/24/06 -0500, you wrote:


>???? .........isn't this on a lot of news

>sites? ...as the mother of a son with

>autism.......and a daughter who developed

>severe convulsions and epilepsy after a

>HepB vaccine WITH MERCURY.........I wish

>they'd name the metals.....


>Watch...........this story will disappear


>Can't have evidence like this get out there.





http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg19025535.400 & feedId=health_rss20


>Heavy metals may be implicated in autism

> * 27 May 2006

> URINE samples from hundreds of French

>children have yielded evidence for a link

>between autism and exposure to heavy metals.

>If validated, the findings might mean some

>cases of autism could be treated with drugs

>that purge the body of heavy metals.



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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Ann,

Ozone will oxidize heavy metals and allow them to be excreted from the body.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman

heavy metals


What is the relationship of heavy metals and ozone treatment?


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Dear Saul,

I had a very heavy mercury poisoning from dental amalgams.

After use of ozone (mostly sauna) for more then 7 years I still experience

large amounts of mercury in my body and brain. I know the symptoms. I don't have

the experience that ozone chelates mercury that easely if at all. It does help

me tremendously in energising the body and to be mobile, while else being partly

handicapped by the mercury. When I stop the ozone, many problems return.

I think in combination with natural chelators as garlic, koreander,

homeopathic mercury (D30) etc. ozone is of great help, but even then you have to

be very carefull when using some of these. I always use large amounts of

wheatgrass when ever I'm chelating. Still, after 13 years of detoxing, I feel

that mercury is all over my body and when I'm in stress or on a small fasting, I

immediately experience new mercury to be released into the bloodstream, as I

understand from the fat and the organs in the body. It is one of the most

difficult poisones to be dispelled off and ozone allone has not done it for me.

Advice very welcome

Best regards


Saul Pressman <saul@...> wrote:

Dear Ann,

Ozone will oxidize heavy metals and allow them to be excreted from the body.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman

heavy metals


What is the relationship of heavy metals and ozone treatment?


Oxygen Nutrient Nederland

van Dongenstraat 30,

8107 AG, Broekland ov.

The Netherlands,

Phone/fax: 0570-530100,

Mobile: 06-30504240

website http://www.onn-o3.nl:

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Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with

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Have you tried this protocol for mercury? Some people really like it.



In oxyplus , Doedens <oxygennutrient@...> wrote:


> Dear Saul,


> I had a very heavy mercury poisoning from dental amalgams.

> After use of ozone (mostly sauna) for more then 7 years I still experience

large amounts of mercury in my body and brain. I know the symptoms. I don't

have the experience that ozone chelates mercury that easely if at all. It does

help me tremendously in energising the body and to be mobile, while else

being partly handicapped by the mercury. When I stop the ozone, many

problems return.


> I think in combination with natural chelators as garlic, koreander,

homeopathic mercury (D30) etc. ozone is of great help, but even then you

have to be very carefull when using some of these. I always use large

amounts of wheatgrass when ever I'm chelating. Still, after 13 years of

detoxing, I feel that mercury is all over my body and when I'm in stress or on


small fasting, I immediately experience new mercury to be released into the

bloodstream, as I understand from the fat and the organs in the body. It is one

of the most difficult poisones to be dispelled off and ozone allone has not

done it for me.


> Advice very welcome


> Best regards


> Doedens





> Saul Pressman <saul@...> wrote:

> Dear Ann,


> Ozone will oxidize heavy metals and allow them to be excreted from the



> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman

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Hello .Just to relate my experience,I have recently completed the

amalgam removal in all my teeth.I had eleven amalgam fillings.The

conversion was done through the Huggins protocol.I had mercury

problems big time and did not really know it.I can only guess that the

poisoning happens slowly over the years and one does not know how good

it feels until the amalgams are taken out and a detox program used to

clean up the remainder as much as possible.Yes ozone works to remove

mercury but one has to use other methods as well. I used PCA-Rx along

with chlorella and ozone.I can happily say that I feel very good and

would recommend same to anyone with mercury problems.



> Dear Ann,


> Ozone will oxidize heavy metals and allow them to be excreted from

the body.


> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman


> heavy metals


> Saul,

> What is the relationship of heavy metals and ozone treatment?


> Ann







> Oxygen Nutrient Nederland

> van Dongenstraat 30,

> 8107 AG, Broekland ov.

> The Netherlands,

> Phone/fax: 0570-530100,

> Mobile: 06-30504240

> website http://www.onn-o3.nl:

> email: oxygennutrient@...

> UPS account number: 82063Y











> ---------------------------------

> Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with

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Dear Guy,

Could you please clarify something for me?

I am curious about the program that you used. What is -

* PCA-Rx ???

Also - what type of ozone did you use?

Thanks in advance!


>X-Sender: bluesky@...



>From: " summitflyer2003 " <bluesky@...>

>X--Profile: summitflyer2003

>Mailing-List: list oxyplus ; contact


>Delivered-mailing list oxyplus

>List-Id: <oxyplus.>

>List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:oxyplus-unsubscribe >

>Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 21:34:34 -0000

>Subject: Re: heavy metals



>Hello .Just to relate my experience,I have recently completed the

>amalgam removal in all my teeth.I had eleven amalgam fillings.The

>conversion was done through the Huggins protocol.I had mercury

>problems big time and did not really know it.I can only guess that the

>poisoning happens slowly over the years and one does not know how good

>it feels until the amalgams are taken out and a detox program used to

>clean up the remainder as much as possible.Yes ozone works to remove

>mercury but one has to use other methods as well. I used PCA-Rx along

>with chlorella and ozone.I can happily say that I feel very good and

>would recommend same to anyone with mercury problems.



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PCA-Rx is used to help remove mercury and other heavy metals from the

body.Just google it on the net and you will get more info on it.It

worked well for me .When I started on the program to have my amalgams

removed,after my first session,I felt really bad and I did not know

what was happening.I figured it was the mercury that had been

disturbed during the removal.I had a small bottle shipped to me

express,and within hours after taking it felt so much better.

It is expensive at over $125.00 for a very small bottle.After further

investigation i found another product that has been tested to be more

effective than PCA-Rx and it is called NDF.I do not have any

experience with it though.

The ozone treatment, that is in my opinion the best overall that

anyone can do, is the ozone sauna.Dr.Saul Pressman can elaborate

better than I can on this.

He also provides the equipment.

I can send you some links to the PCA-Rx and NDF site if you want to

email me directly at < bluesky@... >

Good luck to you.




> Dear Guy,


> Could you please clarify something for me?


> I am curious about the program that you used. What is -


> * PCA-Rx ???


> Also - what type of ozone did you use?


> Thanks in advance!

> Carol



> >X-Sender: bluesky@...

> >X-Apparently-oxyplus

> >oxyplus

> >From: " summitflyer2003 " <bluesky@...>

> >X--Profile: summitflyer2003

> >Mailing-List: list oxyplus ; contact

> >oxyplus-owner

> >Delivered-mailing list oxyplus

> >List-Id: <oxyplus.>

> >List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:oxyplus-unsubscribe >

> >Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 21:34:34 -0000

> >Subject: Re: heavy metals

> >Reply-oxyplus

> >

> >Hello .Just to relate my experience,I have recently completed the

> >amalgam removal in all my teeth.I had eleven amalgam fillings.The

> >conversion was done through the Huggins protocol.I had mercury

> >problems big time and did not really know it.I can only guess that the

> >poisoning happens slowly over the years and one does not know how good

> >it feels until the amalgams are taken out and a detox program used to

> >clean up the remainder as much as possible.Yes ozone works to remove

> >mercury but one has to use other methods as well. I used PCA-Rx along

> >with chlorella and ozone.I can happily say that I feel very good and

> >would recommend same to anyone with mercury problems.

> >Regards

> >Guy


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Thank you Dr. Pressman!!!

In a message dated 3/23/2007 10:24:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

saul@... writes:

Dear Margo,

The detox route for heavy metals is through sweating, so the ozone sauna is

the best route.

If you have mercury or aluminum in the brain, then ear insufflation is also


Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

There is sometimes an explanatory text if it is porphyrin test which explains which metals may be causing it - si there no explanation included?

Autism Treatment From: suja_april23@...Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 14:35:04 +0530Subject: heavy metals

Hello Everybody,

My son's urine test shows high

Pentacarboxy porphyrin (5cxP)

Precoproporphyrin (PrCP)

do anybody have any idea ragarding this . if so please let me know.



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It looks as if *Pentacarboxy porphyrin & **Precoproporphyrin *are

markers for the heavy metal 'mercury'.

If the report is from LABBIO in Paris, it should be stated somewhere

what the findings are: ie slight mercury toxicity etc. I think it's

calculated in light of the creatnine scores so just because it shows

high in the raw data, it doesn't necessarily mean it is in the final


kanaga lakshmi schrieb:


> Hello Everybody,

> My son's urine test shows high


> *Pentacarboxy porphyrin (5cxP) ** *


> *Precoproporphyrin (PrCP)*

> *do anybody have any idea ragarding this . if so please let me know.*

> * *

> *Thankyou,*

> *Sue*



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found some doc on prophyrins in the files but not the ones that you mention do you mind to send them to me as I am interested in this information as well. thank you so much in advance


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Guest guest

I think I put some papers in the files section on interpreting porphyrin test

results. If they're not there, for sure they are at autism treatment in their

files section. These papers would explain the entire test.



> Hello Everybody,

>  My son's  urine test shows  high

> Pentacarboxy porphyrin (5cxP)

> Precoproporphyrin (PrCP)

> do anybody have any idea ragarding this . if so please let me know.


> Thankyou,

> Sue



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Sorry if this is answered further down but I have some info, can't remember where it came from but I did it for my doctor a long time ago (when I used to share this kind of info with him!) If the test was through an American lab they are not allowed to provide an interpretation.

Urinary Porphyrins Test

This heavy metal toxicity test is being used for

non-invasive, safe, and accurate mercury toxicity testing. It is available from

several labs in the US and a

lab in Paris, France. Rather than looking for

mercury in the urine directly, this test looks for effects of mercury,

namely an elevation of certain proteins called porphyrins that are showing up

in the urine. Normally porphyrins are processed in the body, through a series

of chemical reactions, into heme, which is made into hemoglobin or which is

used in the making of energy in the ATP cycle. But mercury poisons the enzymes

that are needed in the process of making the heme, causing a buildup in the

body of excess levels porphyrins. The excessive porphyrins are excreted in the

urine. Mercury in our body can thus be detected by measuring the amount of

porphyrins in the urine and looking for the distinctive profile of these

porphyrins caused by mercury poisoning. The porphyrin known as

"precoproporphyrin," is particularly elevated by the action of


Porphyrin testing is done at several US

labs: Metametrix Clinical Laboratory, 800-221-4640; Great Plains Lab,

888-347-2781; and Laboratory Corporation of America, www.labcorp.com.

In Paris, France, the Laboratoire pe

August, may be reached via at contact@.... In addition to the porphyrin

readings, this lab provides an analysis of the results, something that the FDA

does not allow the US

labs to do.



High levels of 5cxP,

prcP and cP


High levels of 6cxP,

5cxP, prcP and cP

Lead Toxicity:

High levels uP and cP

Aluminum Toxicity:

High levels uP

Porphyria Cutanea Tarda:

High levels uP and 7cxP

> Autism Treatment > From: moppett1@...> Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 12:14:33 +0000> Subject: Re: heavy metals> > http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18817931> > It looks as if *Pentacarboxy porphyrin & **Precoproporphyrin *are > markers for the heavy metal 'mercury'.> > If the report is from LABBIO in Paris, it should be stated somewhere > what the findings are: ie slight mercury toxicity etc. I think it's > calculated in light of the creatnine scores so just because it shows > high in the raw data, it doesn't necessarily mean it is in the final > analysis.> > > > kanaga lakshmi schrieb:> >> > Hello Everybody,> > My son's urine test shows high> >> > *Pentacarboxy porphyrin (5cxP) ** *> >> > *Precoproporphyrin (PrCP)*> > *do anybody have any idea ragarding this . if so please let me know.*> > * *> > *Thankyou,*> > *Sue*> >> >> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------> > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! > > <http://in.rd./tagline_ie8_new/*http://downloads./in/internetexplorer/>. > >> > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> >> > No virus found in this incoming message.> > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com > > Version: 8.5.436 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2743 - Release Date: 03/13/10 07:33:00> >> > > > > > > ------------------------------------> > DISCLAIMER> No information contained in this post is to be construed as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek it from a suitably qualified practitioner.>

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Guest guest

Hi - thats the best explanation I've ever seen - thank you so muc

What does it mean if we have high PrCP, but all the other markers are normal

Thats the situation we find ourselves in

From: canadacath@...Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 20:17:24 +0000Subject: RE: heavy metals

Sorry if this is answered further down but I have some info, can't remember where it came from but I did it for my doctor a long time ago (when I used to share this kind of info with him!) If the test was through an American lab they are not allowed to provide an interpretation.

Urinary Porphyrins Test

This heavy metal toxicity test is being used for non-invasive, safe, and accurate mercury toxicity testing. It is available from several labs in the US and a lab in Paris, France. Rather than looking for mercury in the urine directly, this test looks for effects of mercury, namely an elevation of certain proteins called porphyrins that are showing up in the urine. Normally porphyrins are processed in the body, through a series of chemical reactions, into heme, which is made into hemoglobin or which is used in the making of energy in the ATP cycle. But mercury poisons the enzymes that are needed in the process of making the heme, causing a buildup in the body of excess levels porphyrins. The excessive porphyrins are excreted in the urine. Mercury in our body can thus be detected by measuring the amount of porphyrins in the urine and looking for the distinctive profile of these porphyrins caused by mercury poisoning. The porphyrin known as "precoproporphyrin," is particularly elevated by the action of mercury. Porphyrin testing is done at several US labs: Metametrix Clinical Laboratory, 800-221-4640; Great Plains Lab, 888-347-2781; and Laboratory Corporation of America, www.labcorp.com. In Paris, France, the Laboratoire pe August, may be reached via at contactlabbio (DOT) net. In addition to the porphyrin readings, this lab provides an analysis of the results, something that the FDA does not allow the US labs to do.

Mercury Toxicity:

High levels of 5cxP, prcP and cP


High levels of 6cxP, 5cxP, prcP and cP

Lead Toxicity:

High levels uP and cP

Aluminum Toxicity:

High levels uP

Porphyria Cutanea Tarda:

High levels uP and 7cxP > Autism Treatment > From: moppett1btinternet> Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 12:14:33 +0000> Subject: Re: heavy metals> > http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18817931> > It looks as if *Pentacarboxy porphyrin & **Precoproporphyrin *are > markers for the heavy metal 'mercury'.> > If the report is from LABBIO in Paris, it should be stated somewhere > what the findings are: ie slight mercury toxicity etc. I think it's > calculated in light of the creatnine scores so just because it shows > high in the raw data, it doesn't necessarily mean it is in the final > analysis.> > > > kanaga lakshmi schrieb:> >> > Hello Everybody,> > My son's urine test shows high> >> > *Pentacarboxy porphyrin (5cxP) ** *> >> > *Precoproporphyrin (PrCP)*> > *do anybody have any idea ragarding this . if so please let me know.*> > * *> > *Thankyou,*> > *Sue*> >> >> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------> > Your Mail works best with the New Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! > > <http://in.rd./tagline_ie8_new/*http://downloads./in/internetexplorer/>. > >> > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------> >> >> > No virus found in this incoming message.> > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com > > Version: 8.5.436 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2743 - Release Date: 03/13/10 07:33:00> >> > > > > > > ------------------------------------> > DISCLAIMER> No information contained in this post is to be construed as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek it from a suitably qualified practitioner.>

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Has anyone on this list while doing the Iodine therapy/protocol had their heavy

metals tested?

I have read that Iodine chelates lead, and would like first hand experience if


my best,


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