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Re: Re: Thyroid Cancer and taking supplements with Iodine

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Iodine is something that is in food and you supplement with. Your body doesn't make it so it is an essential nutrient.

Blood tests are not the recommended testing method. www.hakalalabs.com has a 24 hour loading test with bromide levels that we recommend.

Kelp has been found to be toxic in arsenic and toxic halides. It will not supply you what you need for full body saturation. My opinion is that these thyroid supplements are less than adequate.

What website did you read that someone's hair fell out the next day. That's just insane. I haven't heard of ANYTHING causing immediate hairloss much less iodine.

Buist, ND

Re: Thyroid Cancer and taking supplements with Iodine

Thank you for your reply ,My story is very similar to yours in that i had papillary Thyroid cancer and it spread to my lymph node.As I have no thyroid does that mean my body is not producing any iodine at all ?Can you get an Iodine blood test ?I have ordered a food supplement called Thyro complex which contains 50% Iodine (Kelp) along with other nutrients such as selenium, magesium etc will this help me ? I also have absorbtion problems, low iron (30) and low B12 (389) and I take Adrenal supplements as I have adrenal fatigue.I read a while ago on another website that a girl took Iodine tablets and the day after, one side of all her hair fell out - why do you think this happened ?Thanks again>> Have you read my story? www.naturalthyroidchoices.com - blog to the right side. Yes you need iodine - especially if you had cancer.> > Buist, ND

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If you get the test from hakala then also ask for the bromide level test  for comparison purposes. PamOn Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 2:49 PM, ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote:


Iodine is something that is in food and you supplement with.  Your body doesn't make it so it is an essential nutrient. 


Blood tests are not the recommended testing method.  www.hakalalabs.com has a 24 hour loading test with bromide levels that we recommend.


Kelp has been found to be toxic in arsenic and toxic halides.  It will not supply you what you need for full body saturation.  My opinion is that these thyroid supplements are less than adequate.


What website did you read that someone's hair fell out the next day.  That's just insane.  I haven't heard of ANYTHING causing immediate hairloss much less iodine.


Buist, ND



Re: Thyroid Cancer and taking supplements with Iodine


Thank you for your reply ,My story is very similar to yours in that i had papillary Thyroid cancer and it spread to my lymph node.As I have no thyroid does that mean my body is not producing any iodine at all ?Can you get an Iodine blood test ?I have ordered a food supplement called Thyro complex which contains 50% Iodine (Kelp) along with other nutrients such as selenium, magesium etc will this help me ? I also have absorbtion problems, low iron (30) and low B12 (389) and I take Adrenal supplements as I have adrenal fatigue.I read a while ago on another website that a girl took Iodine tablets and the day after, one side of all her hair fell out - why do you think this happened ?Thanks again>> Have you read my story? www.naturalthyroidchoices.com - blog to the right side. Yes you need iodine - especially if you had cancer.> > Buist, ND

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That's what I said in my message to her (below).

Buist, ND

Re: Thyroid Cancer and taking supplements with Iodine

Thank you for your reply ,My story is very similar to yours in that i had papillary Thyroid cancer and it spread to my lymph node.As I have no thyroid does that mean my body is not producing any iodine at all ?Can you get an Iodine blood test ?I have ordered a food supplement called Thyro complex which contains 50% Iodine (Kelp) along with other nutrients such as selenium, magesium etc will this help me ? I also have absorbtion problems, low iron (30) and low B12 (389) and I take Adrenal supplements as I have adrenal fatigue.I read a while ago on another website that a girl took Iodine tablets and the day after, one side of all her hair fell out - why do you think this happened ?Thanks again>> Have you read my story? www.naturalthyroidchoices.com - blog to the right side. Yes you need iodine - especially if you had cancer.> > Buist, ND

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