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25 years ago when I was 40 I had a benign cyst removed from my thyroid plus some of the thyroid also. How much I don't know.Since then I was on Synthroid .75 for 22 years.

A new doctor tried me on Armour and Iodoral. I noticed no difference. Then Armour went off the market for over a year so the doctor went back to Synthroid plus Cytomel and Iodoral. Symptoms remained the same.

My newest doctor is trying me on T3 only. Increasing the doseage slowly over 7 months. I'm now on 60mcg twice a day. My temps and pulse are like they have always been.

75 pulse and 75.6 temps.

Except 2 weeks ago I added Lugol's 2 drops twice a day. I'm not so cold anymore and it's freezing (to me) here in Pittsburgh, PA! To soon to really know anything for sure, I know.

Finally to my questions:

1. Have you ever heard of anyone being on only T3 (they are not calling it Cytomel)?

2. If so, how did they fair?

Some symptoms~~Tired, Overweight, Back acne, Cold, Thining fine hair.

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