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Iodine and me

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Firstly thank you to all the folks that make this site work. I've been ill for a

good few years, was taking too many meds and not getting any better ... ususal

story. So last year I stopped all my meds, cold turkey and started self

medicating on pink salt, vit d3, vit c, cayenne, ginger, etc. and my health

started to improve ...

I then had an episode that put me in hospital, blood pressure 195/100 was put

back on meds for that, I then found Iodine I'm taking 6 drops of Lugols/ day

with breakfast (5 weeks now). I've had a very raw and swollen throat (three

weeks and getting better), which would have frightened me off the iodine had I

not been reading here. Other symtoms were a blinding headache for about a week,

and recently a week of my eyes producing a lot of muck and dirt thru the night,

I'm putting all these unpleasent symtoms down to my body getting rid of the

nasties, so in time I pray things will be much better.

A couple of postitive things are my eyebrows are starting to grow new hairs, and

the bags under my eyes are not as big.

My doc told me I will be back looking for the thyroxine, being in the UK this

seems to be the normal route, I hope someone can guide me to a source of natural

thyroid meds so I can continue to improve should I need to try Armour or


Any advice or guidence will be appreciated, TIA

Regds, CG

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Suggestions; Having been treated with synthetic thyroid hormone, which only

changes test results, (TSH and total T-4) without relieving hypo symptoms, for

years you are almost surely adrenally fatigued, as well.One of the adrenal

hormones is Cortisol.If your production of Cortisol is low, and you start taking

NTH (Natural Thyroid Hormone), the T-3 will 'pool' in the blood, and you will

develop a worse reaction called reverse T-3.

The only lab test for diagnosing adrenal fatigue is a saliva test; You spit in a

little test tube,(4 times during the day) and send the sample into a lab.

However, you can do a test at home, and all you need is a thermometer.

Go to DRRIND.COM, print a copy of the 'metabolic temperature graph', and read

the instructions for using it.Might also read the 'metabolic matrix'; it lists

signs, symptoms and lab results for adrenal fatigue, hypothyroid, and for those

who are both.Its fairly straight forward; If average temps on chart are

regularly below 98.6, but are within .3 of a degree of each other, you are hypo

but not AF, if they are below 98.6 , and have a variation greater than .3 of a

degree, you are both.

Reccomend you go to the NaturalThyroidHormones group, and

NaturalThyroidHormoneAdrenals group (), read everything in the files

section, and follow the links.Be sure to read up on the 'pupil test' for testing

for aldosterone, another adrenal hormone which you may be low in, if you are

adrenally fatigued.

You can order the tests and Rx's (including Natural Thyroid hormone) without a

Rx.You can learn more about that from these groups.Good luck, Jim


> Firstly thank you to all the folks that make this site work. I've been ill for

a good few years, was taking too many meds and not getting any better ... ususal

story. So last year I stopped all my meds, cold turkey and started self

medicating on pink salt, vit d3, vit c, cayenne, ginger, etc. and my health

started to improve ...


> I then had an episode that put me in hospital, blood pressure 195/100 was put

back on meds for that, I then found Iodine I'm taking 6 drops of Lugols/ day

with breakfast (5 weeks now). I've had a very raw and swollen throat (three

weeks and getting better), which would have frightened me off the iodine had I

not been reading here. Other symtoms were a blinding headache for about a week,

and recently a week of my eyes producing a lot of muck and dirt thru the night,

I'm putting all these unpleasent symtoms down to my body getting rid of the

nasties, so in time I pray things will be much better.


> A couple of postitive things are my eyebrows are starting to grow new hairs,

and the bags under my eyes are not as big.


> My doc told me I will be back looking for the thyroxine, being in the UK this

seems to be the normal route, I hope someone can guide me to a source of natural

thyroid meds so I can continue to improve should I need to try Armour or



> Any advice or guidence will be appreciated, TIA


> Regds, CG


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