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Re: Theresa Question

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Theresa; The Dr.'s are wrong; stress does not effect the thyroid; dealing with

stress is the job of the adrenals, and what you probably experienced is adrenal

fatigue, or adrenal crash.Thats what my wife had.The Synthroid is doing NOTHING

to alleviate the symptoms of Hypothyroidism, hence the weight gain.Brain-fog is

also a symptom of Hypo,and it makes it very hard to decipher all

this.Nevertheless, if you leave it up to the Drs, you will only be placed on

more and more drugs for life, to treat the symptoms of Hypo, and Adrenal fatigue

which aren't being treated with Synthcrap.Highly unlikely you need to take

Coumadin for life, if you get everything straightened out.

Having taken 2 years to sort out my and my wifes medical problems, I can say it

is worth it! I was in a brain-fog hybernation for 8 years; they are 'lost'

years; I was present, and (technically) conscious, but I wasn't really

participating; I was just walking thru life in a fog.I 'awoke' about 2-3 months

ago, and it is wonderful.Hoping you are willing to get off the medical madness

merry-go-round. Its like a regular merry-go-round, except it only has the back

1/2 of the horses; otherwise known as Dr.'s;(No offence , I mean

mainstream Drs)Jim


> Only been on synthoid for 8 months. I just about died and the stress of that

the doctors said threw my thyroid out of whack because I didn’t have symptoms

until the hospital stay, well shortly afterwards anyway. I am a little messed

up right now physically so trying real hard to get my body back in order. I

only eat organic meats, veggies and fruits and spices. No gluten, dairy, soy,

preservatives, etc.




> I currently am taking Coumadin for the blood clots in my lungs which I have

to monitor for the rest of my life I guess and the synthoid. (also advair) I

also see a weight specialist doctor since I gained 30-40 pounds since leaving

the hospital and am now doing a liver detox with them. (looking into the

alternative for the Coumadin although scared to mess with that too)




> I want to try Iodine but right now the market is so sold out and I still

don’t know the first thing about it. I need to do more research but when I do

I also hear the negatives about iodine and how it can block thyroid function and

well honestly some of the side effects you all post makes me wonder if its worth





> Right now I am just needing to get healthy. I am down to 145 with a body fat

of 30 so am on the right track.




> There is just so much positive and so much negative that its hard to decipher

which is stronger. That’s why I am here, learning what you all do, what

you all take. Still feel dumb as a rock about it and what to take with it. I

take so many other pills that right now not sure it wouldn’t clash with the

iodine. (like fiber, multi vitamins, intestinal cleaners etc for the liver





> Thanks for all your support and putting up with dumb questions.




> Theresa




> Still at odds why my son started having problems after his iodine and hasn’t

stopped since and its been almost two years since taking it. Looking it up it

may not be kidney stones but gall bladder stones. They never found anything in

his kidneys so now wondering if it is gall bladder. Didn’t know the two

could be similar. He suffers from yeast, leaky gut and tons of stuff like that

since he is autistic.




> Theresa




> _____


> From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of


> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 3:58 PM

> iodine

> Subject: Re: Bungled iodine information on TV?? What to do?






> "

> " But without the doctors I would have never known my thyroid had a problem so

not taking them out of the picture.  Will look more into iodine once it

becomes available again but it might be awhile.

> Theresa "

> Yes, but once they informed you your thyroid had a problem, they proceeded to

treat it inappropriately.And, for how many years did your 'Thyroid have a

problem " , while the Dr.'s told you there was nothing wrong.Most often,

hypothyroidism is a very slow progressing disease, with symptoms that gradually

develop and get worse over many years.However, there are simple ways to diagnose

it, early.And, left undiagnosed, it can lead to a # of other serious conditions,

which can be avoided by prompt diagnoses and treatment.My wife and I both had

clear symptoms, starting in high school.She's 40 and I'm 55, and we were still

being told by Dr.'s 2 years ago " Your tests (TSH) are fine, there is nothing

wrong with your thyroid. " Meanwhile, as a result of second stage adrenal fatigue,

one consequence of chronic, untreated Hypo, my wife lost almost 40 Lbs, her BP

was 70/70, she had unbelievable fatigue and brain fog.And they continued to tell

her her thyroid was " fine " .


> " So will iodine get your thyroid working and then you can stop taking the

iodine or will you have to take the iodine for life like you do the synthoid?Â

 If they are both for life I don’t see the difference your taking help

for your thyroid it just is a matter of what form.

> Theresa "

> Every animal on earth; fish, mammals, etc has a thyroid.This is because every

animal needs thyroid hormone,which the thyroid makes from iodine.Therefore,

iodine is an essential ingredient of life.Yes, you will need to take iodine for

the rest of your life; just as you will need oxygen for the rest of your life,

and water, and food.

> There is no equivalent for these essential ingredients, like synthroid; no

pill you can take instead of oxygen, food or water.Nevertheless, that is an

appropriate analogy.And less you be confused, fish DO use oxygen, they just use

their gills to extract it from water.

> Sorry guys, trying to get this thread back on coarse, and answer Theresa's



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