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Question About Magnesium

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I am not an expert on this so, whatever, okay. But I have read that since you

absorb so much more when taking orotates that you don't need as much. In

otherwords, you have to take 1000 mgs of carbonate to absorbe 100 mgs. But with

orotote you absorb almost 100%. So 100mgs of orotate would be equal to 1000mgs

of carbonate.

I don't know if that helps at all. But there it is. Smile.


Question about magnesium

Hi List

I do not know how to really count the amout of magnesium I am taking. On

the bottle (product of Switzerland) it is written: 1 tablet contains 400 mg

magnesium orotate (25 mg elementary magnesium).

Does it mean with 1 tablet I am taking already 400 mg of mag or only 25 mg?

Quite a difference .... ;-)

Thank you for any answers


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i bathe in epsom salts when my magnesium is low and it definitely works for

me. i also add sea salt , some vitc c and some potassium. the sea salt

combines with chlorine in the water to neutralize it. i learned this from a

practicing naturopath who recommends this to all of her clients as a way to

better absorb all nutrients. if you put enough salt in the water your skin

will not wrinkle

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Donna, since you're mentioning it, do you have an opinion about the

absorption rate of the Magnesium in Epson Salts, with or without the

orotote, if we were to bathe in it; say, maybe a cup in our nice warm bath

water? Obie.

Question about magnesium



> Hi List


> I do not know how to really count the amout of magnesium I am taking.


> the bottle (product of Switzerland) it is written: 1 tablet contains

400 mg

> magnesium orotate (25 mg elementary magnesium).


> Does it mean with 1 tablet I am taking already 400 mg of mag or only

25 mg?

> Quite a difference .... ;-)


> Thank you for any answers

> nne




> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find

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hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

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Well, I am no magnesium expert. But a link that someone else posted recently

had info that said that loose stool is a sign of how much magnesium you are NOT

absorbing. And so for a loose stool you take the least absorptive mag you can

find. And since Epson salts fit that bill, I would guess that you don't absorb

much. Same is true with homozon, but I can tell that I am absorbing a little of

it. Just not alot.

As far as bathing in it, I have not a clue. Isn't it recommended for soaking

sore feet or something.

Clueless in Oregon


Re: Question about magnesium

Donna, since you're mentioning it, do you have an opinion about the

absorption rate of the Magnesium in Epson Salts, with or without the

orotote, if we were to bathe in it; say, maybe a cup in our nice warm bath

water? Obie.

Question about magnesium



> Hi List


> I do not know how to really count the amout of magnesium I am taking.


> the bottle (product of Switzerland) it is written: 1 tablet contains

400 mg

> magnesium orotate (25 mg elementary magnesium).


> Does it mean with 1 tablet I am taking already 400 mg of mag or only

25 mg?

> Quite a difference .... ;-)


> Thank you for any answers

> nne




> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find

here are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the

following address - NOT TO THE OXYPLUS LIST! -


of the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal




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It is a much bigger hassle, but I found that I pull a lot more toxins out of the

skin using a baking soda paste (about 1 to 2 cups soda with just enough water to

make paste). I spread it all over my body keeping it wet for around 20 minutes.

Then I shower it off as opposed to bathing because I always felt that when I

took a bath it open the pores and as long as I was in the tub some of what came

out went back in via the open pores. When I shower all that crap just goes down

the drain. I've been using this method for about 16 years and find

it a huge relief when doing any kind of detox. I also have electric heat and

get my bathroom as hot as possible before I do it so I can induce a sweat which

will bring even more toxins out. I have a friend who uses her blow dryer to

heat her bathroom up.

Jim Lambert wrote:

> Obie,


> we can sweat toxins out of our skin faster than we can excrete them in

> urine! And since epsom salt baths are as old as time, it might have to

> do with the fact that virtually all stored toxins are acid. Soaking in

> epsom salt has always felt to me like it is sucking the bad out of me.


> So, I don't think we absorb magnesium that way. Rather, that it acts to

> pull acids out of us. I'll have to take a Ph tester to bath with me

> next. ;-)


> jim :)


> OBIE wrote:

> >

> > Donna, since you're mentioning it, do you have an opinion about the

> > absorption rate of the Magnesium in Epson Salts, with or without the

> > orotote, if we were to bathe in it; say, maybe a cup in our nice warm bath

> > water? Obie.

> >

> -----

> carpe diem, carpe pecuniam, carpe feminas. -- Jim Lambert


> jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience

> http://www.entrance.to/poetry



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information

we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

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Ah-ha!! Okay!! Say, how much salt do you put in your bath and does

" ...will not wrinkle " apply only to that bath? Got to do something about

these wrinkles! Obie.

Re: Question about magnesium

> i bathe in epsom salts when my magnesium is low and it definitely works


> me. i also add sea salt , some vitc c and some potassium. the sea salt

> combines with chlorine in the water to neutralize it. i learned this from


> practicing naturopath who recommends this to all of her clients as a way


> better absorb all nutrients. if you put enough salt in the water your skin

> will not wrinkle



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


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the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


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Hi Jim,

Messages that come from your computer state that they are sent at from 27 of

august 2001.

Can you adjust this ?



Jim Lambert wrote:

> Obie,


> we can sweat toxins out of our skin faster than we can excrete them in

> urine! And since epsom salt baths are as old as time, it might have to

> do with the fact that virtually all stored toxins are acid. Soaking in

> epsom salt has always felt to me like it is sucking the bad out of me.


> So, I don't think we absorb magnesium that way. Rather, that it acts to

> pull acids out of us. I'll have to take a Ph tester to bath with me

> next. ;-)


> jim :)


> OBIE wrote:

> >

> > Donna, since you're mentioning it, do you have an opinion about the

> > absorption rate of the Magnesium in Epson Salts, with or without the

> > orotote, if we were to bathe in it; say, maybe a cup in our nice warm bath

> > water? Obie.

> >

> -----

> carpe diem, carpe pecuniam, carpe feminas. -- Jim Lambert


> jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience

> http://www.entrance.to/poetry



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information

we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

care provider.


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  • 3 months later...


we can sweat toxins out of our skin faster than we can excrete them in

urine! And since epsom salt baths are as old as time, it might have to

do with the fact that virtually all stored toxins are acid. Soaking in

epsom salt has always felt to me like it is sucking the bad out of me.

So, I don't think we absorb magnesium that way. Rather, that it acts to

pull acids out of us. I'll have to take a Ph tester to bath with me

next. ;-)

jim :)

OBIE wrote:


> Donna, since you're mentioning it, do you have an opinion about the

> absorption rate of the Magnesium in Epson Salts, with or without the

> orotote, if we were to bathe in it; say, maybe a cup in our nice warm bath

> water? Obie.



carpe diem, carpe pecuniam, carpe feminas. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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  • 9 years later...
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I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion. "Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed."

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Read the new member document. Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: william coyle <wcoy79@...>Sender: iodine Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 21:03:29 -0700 (PDT)Iodine<iodine >Reply iodine Subject: Question About Magnesium I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion. "Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed."

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The best oral forms of magnesium are magnesium taurate, magnesium glycinate or

magnesium citrate. However all forms of magnesium are converted in the body to

the usable form = magnesium chloride. By taking magnesium chloride either

orally (liquid USP grade is available from Nutricology) or using it topically

the body does not need to go through the extra step of conversion to magnesium


The magnesium crystals that are being referred to are actually magnesium

chloride crystals. Magnesium oil is generally made from magnesium chloride

crystals but I think Ancient Minerals magnesium oil is different.

USP grade magnesium chloride crystals are available from aquarium supply places

or on Dr. Norm Shealy's website - www.selfhelpsystems.com - and can be used to

make home brew magnesium oil or in a bath or foot soak.

Sources of pre-made magnesium oil are Ancient Minerals, Swanson's Mag Oil and

Shealy's Biogenics Magnesium Lotion.

If interested type 'Shealy' into the search box on this forum to see previous

posts I have made about his clinical research of magnesium, suggested doses and

timeframe for repletion at a cellular level.


> I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the

iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with

selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium

Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium

Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types

merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired

effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms

of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion.




>       " Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be

explained by human greed. "




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,If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them. From: william coyle

<wcoy79@...>Iodine <iodine >Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PMSubject: Question About Magnesium

I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion. "Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed."

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Thanks guys,What I have taken away from these replies is that it Doesn't matter what form of Magnesium that I take, so long as I am getting enough (200-400mg) a day. Also, I bought some Magnesium Chloride from Vitacost. It says to ingest orally, but after reading one persons response, it appears as if they suggesting Rubbing or Soaking it topically? I am reading this right? Also, one uninformed member rudely responded by telling me to "read the new member document". If they had read the doc themselves, they would see that my question could not be answered through said document. I guess some people are just plain "nasty" to others :(Sent from my iPhone 4On Apr 8, 2011, at 7:08 AM, DeNormandie <blessedark2010@...> wrote:

,If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them. From: william coyle

<wcoy79@...>Iodine <iodine >Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PMSubject: Question About Magnesium

I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion. "Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed."

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, the kind of magnesium you want is magnesium chloride. You can buy it already mixed or you can buy the crystals and mix yourself. Buying the crystals (especially if you buy from an aquarium supplier) is much cheaper. Someone on this list gave a good recipe for mixing it: 1 cup mag crystals to 1 cup hot water and mix thoroughly - you want all the crystals to be dissolved.

" Mag oil " is the same thing, it's the liquid form and is called that on the list here but it isn't really an oil it just feels like it. Magnesium citrate is what is used as a laxative and magnesium sulphate is what is in epsom salts; it's fine to use, you will get your magnesium, but epsom salts are more expensive and it means soaking in a hot bath for 20 min or so everyday. It isn't absorbed quite as well as mag chloride.

The one you want is magnesium CHLORIDE in either liquid or crystal form. If in crystal, you want to add water as above to make it liquid. Then use it topically, about 1 or 2 tsp/day. You can use more if you have pain/aches in body. It's very difficult to overdose.

My husband and I have used crystals and mix it ourselves - you can get like a year's supply for about $20 this way. We use it Hope this helps. It can be very confusing!Ariel

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Coyle <wcoy79@...> wrote:


Thanks guys,What I have taken away from these replies is that it Doesn't matter what form of Magnesium that I take, so long as I am getting enough (200-400mg) a day. Also, I bought some Magnesium Chloride from Vitacost. It says to ingest orally, but after reading one persons response, it appears as if they suggesting Rubbing or Soaking it topically? I am reading this right? Also, one uninformed member rudely responded by telling me to " read the new member document " . If they had read the doc themselves, they would see that my question could not be answered through said document. I guess some people are just plain " nasty " to others :(

Sent from my iPhone 4On Apr 8, 2011, at 7:08 AM, DeNormandie <blessedark2010@...> wrote:


,If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them.


From: william coyle

<wcoy79@...>Iodine <iodine >

Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PMSubject: Question About Magnesium


I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion.


    " Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed. "



-- " Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring. " -Tom Donohue

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USP grades of magnesium chlorides are suitable for ingestion ~ Nutricology is

one source that sells USP grade liquid magnesium chloride that is labeled for

ingestion but a person could certainly use it topically.

is correct that since this is the most bioavailable form proceed with

caution as most likely less would be needed if taken internally and of course

each person is different in their particular deficiencies, stressors and


If testing is an option then the most accurate route to determine magnesium

status is by intracellular. One lab that offers this is IntraCellular

Diagnostics which checks sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium &

chloride at a cellular level.

> > >

> > > I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the

iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with

selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium

Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium

Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. ...

> >

> > reply:

> >

> > Be careful if you take magnesium chloride internally as it is readily

absorbed and can lead to hypermagnesemia. I did this with a mag-chloride

supplement in tablet form. It was not pleasant experience and six months after

discontinuing its use I am still recovering.

> > I have read about people doing this with epsom salts also.

> > Topical magnesium oil is what I use these days when I feel the need to


> >

> >

> >

> >


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Here is some info on magnesium in general and magnesium chloride from Walter Last


best wishes


Re: Re: Question About Magnesium

, was it a bad experience because you took too much mag, or is it because magnesium chloride isn't meant to be ingested in the first place?


Sent from my iPhone 4

On Apr 8, 2011

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Hi ,The vitacost liquid magnesium is for taking orally. I also have magnesium oil, and that is used transdermally. Donna in IL From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of CoyleSent: Friday, April 08, 2011 8:16 AMiodine Subject: Re: Question About Magnesium Thanks guys,What I have taken away from these replies is that it Doesn't matter what form of Magnesium that I take, so long as I am getting enough (200-400mg) a day. Also, I bought some Magnesium Chloride from Vitacost. It says to ingest orally, but after reading one persons response, it appears as if they suggesting Rubbing or Soaking it topically? I am reading this right? Also, one uninformed member rudely responded by telling me to " read the new member document " . If they had read the doc themselves, they would see that my question could not be answered through said document. I guess some people are just plain " nasty " to others :(Sent from my iPhone 4 On Apr 8, 2011, at 7:08 AM, DeNormandie <blessedark2010@...> wrote: ,If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them. From: william coyle <wcoy79@...>Iodine <iodine >Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PMSubject: Question About Magnesium I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion. " Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed. "

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I asked this earlier by itself, but now I will ask here. Have any of you ordered

the magnesium chloride from an internet source? Maybe ebay or an aquarium supply

place? I have magnesium oil and would like the pure powdered magnesium chloride.

If this has already been answered in the forum, I have not found it yet.

Thank you,



> ,

> If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels

can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in

it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of

providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the

best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them.





> ________________________________

> From: william coyle <wcoy79@...<mailto:wcoy79@...>>

> Iodine <iodine <mailto:iodine >>

> Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PM

> Subject: Question About Magnesium



> I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the

iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with

selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium

Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium

Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types

merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired

effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms

of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion.





> " Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be

explained by human greed. "




> ________________________________


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I think purebulk.com might have it. They have great prices on bulk supplements with no added fillers.AandrayaOn Apr 10, 2011, at 3:31 PM, beyoncesolange <deltronik4@...> wrote:

I asked this earlier by itself, but now I will ask here. Have any of you ordered the magnesium chloride from an internet source? Maybe ebay or an aquarium supply place? I have magnesium oil and would like the pure powdered magnesium chloride. If this has already been answered in the forum, I have not found it yet.

Thank you,



> ,

> If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them.





> ________________________________

> From: william coyle <wcoy79@...<mailto:wcoy79@...>>

> Iodine <iodine <mailto:iodine >>

> Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PM

> Subject: Question About Magnesium



> I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion.





> "Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed."




> ________________________________


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FYI, it comes in crystals not powder (I didn't want you to go searching all overhell and half of Jericho looking for powder) and you can get it here:


On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 4:31 PM, beyoncesolange <deltronik4@...> wrote:


I asked this earlier by itself, but now I will ask here. Have any of you ordered the magnesium chloride from an internet source? Maybe ebay or an aquarium supply place? I have magnesium oil and would like the pure powdered magnesium chloride. If this has already been answered in the forum, I have not found it yet.

Thank you,



> ,

> If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them.





> ________________________________

> From: william coyle <wcoy79@...<mailto:wcoy79@...>>

> Iodine <iodine <mailto:iodine >>

> Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PM

> Subject: Question About Magnesium



> I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion.





> " Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed. "




> ________________________________


-- " Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring. " -Tom Donohue

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On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Ariel Monserrat <wolvenwood@...> wrote:

FYI, it comes in crystals not powder (I didn't want you to go searching all overhell and half of Jericho looking for powder) and you can get it here:


On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 4:31 PM, beyoncesolange <deltronik4@...> wrote:


I asked this earlier by itself, but now I will ask here. Have any of you ordered the magnesium chloride from an internet source? Maybe ebay or an aquarium supply place? I have magnesium oil and would like the pure powdered magnesium chloride. If this has already been answered in the forum, I have not found it yet.

Thank you,



> ,

> If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them.





> ________________________________

> From: william coyle <wcoy79@...<mailto:wcoy79@...>>

> Iodine <iodine <mailto:iodine >>

> Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PM

> Subject: Question About Magnesium



> I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion.





> " Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed. "




> ________________________________


-- " Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring. " -Tom Donohue

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Check out www.bulkreefsupply.com . They sell magnesium chloride in big buckets. I ordered some flakes from Swanson's, & they did not dissolve in hot water at all well. The stuff I got from bulkreefsupply dissolves readily.AnneOn Apr 10, 2011, at 1:31 PM, beyoncesolange wrote:

I asked this earlier by itself, but now I will ask here. Have any of you ordered the magnesium chloride from an internet source? Maybe ebay or an aquarium supply place? I have magnesium oil and would like the pure powdered magnesium chloride. If this has already been answered in the forum, I have not found it yet.

Thank you,



> ,

> If you are doing good with what you are on that is great. Some people's bowels can't tolerate magnesium. Other ways of getting it into your body is soaking in it, or oil which is rubbed on the body. They are just alternate ways of providing our bodies with magnesium. Getting our nutrients through food is the best way and all other ways are up to that individual what works best for them.





> ________________________________

> From: william coyle <wcoy79@...<mailto:wcoy79@...>>

> Iodine <iodine <mailto:iodine >>

> Sent: Thu, April 7, 2011 11:03:29 PM

> Subject: Question About Magnesium



> I am starting to get a little confused about magnesium. I have started the iodine protocol and have been taking magnesium capsules (400 mg) along with selenium and vitamin C. However, after reading all the talk about Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Chloride (for fishes and humans), Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Crystals, ect, I am not sure which one to take. Are all these different types merely just variations of Magnesium that will provide the same purpose/desired effects of the magnesium capsules that I am taking, or are these different forms of Magnesium used for different purposes? Thanks for clearing up the confusion.





> "Never mistake malice or clandestine behavior for that which can be explained by human greed."




> ________________________________


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