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Iodine and Candida

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It is doing more for my candida than any other antifungal I have used ever. It still not an overnight process. I am at 50 mg and when I went up from 37.5 a couple weeks ago I started a new level of candida die off that so far is the most intense since I began the iodine a year ago. I think when I was at high doses last spring my body just wasn't able to use much of the iodine yet due to the thyroiditis or maybe even my levels of magnesium were too low. It's using it now though!


From: Pamela

Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 11:46 AM


Subject: Iodine and candida

I ran into this today when looking for something else:"Iodine appears to be the best remedy to eliminate systemic yeast infections. If you have reason to believe that other measures have not eliminated all Candida in the blood or internal tissues, take a course of Lugol's solution. That is how Dr Truss originally cured his patients.Lugol's solution is an internal iodine solution designed to eliminate Candida and possibly viruses and other microbes from the bloodstream. Obtain 100ml of Lugol's solution, also labelled Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution B.P., from a chemist. It should contain 10% of total iodine. In the US you may also buy iodine in tablet form as Iodoral equivalent to 2 drops of Lugol's solution per tablet. Take a test drop in liquid other then just water to make it taste less strong. If this does not cause a reaction, continue to take 4 x 6 drops daily in liquid or mixed with food, but not directly together with vitamins A, C, E, grape seed extract or cysteine.Continue for 3 weeks, but interrupt if you develop a serious reaction. If necessary, repeat the course after several months. In the meantime continue taking several drops of Lugol's solution daily mixed with food or drink. If Lugol's solution is not available you may try a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) taken in similar amounts."Although I've never had a doctor confirm it (never had one who believed in systemic Candida, even), I suspect I have a systemic Candida infection and have for years. I'm curious about the claim that Lugol's is the best remedy. Is anybody familiar with this? Has anybody tried it for this purpose or even noticed an improvement in Candida symptoms while taking iodine for other purposes?If I am using Lugol's 2%, how much would I need for an equivalent amount of what this person is recommending of 10%? I'm guessing 5 times what he recommends? So 30 drops 4 times a day? If so, I've got a long way to go as I'm working my way up and am taking only 10-12 drops/day right now. Or is there something I am missing and the quantity would be different than I think? Or is another way of using iodine to defeat Candida preferred?Pamela

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If I take Lugol's orally even one drop in a glass of water, I develop boils. I have finished each boil but external application of 3 drops of Lugol's on the boil. But I am tired of this endless exercise. Boils keep coming and I go on finishing them. So, now I don't take Lugol's orally. I just smear it on soft skin. That doesn't give me boils. And that way I bypass the stomach and the gut where Logol's may kill both the candida and the good friendly bacteria.-----------

Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsych@...- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education; Life Member, Nutrion Soc. India.- Member ISOM; Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple Univ Med School, USA);

- www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth, www.ejcbs.com--- On Sat, 2/13/10, Engtovo <engtovo@...> wrote:

From: Engtovo <engtovo@...>Subject: Re: Iodine and candidaiodine Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 1:03 AM

It is doing more for my candida than any other antifungal I have used ever. It still not an overnight process. I am at 50 mg and when I went up from 37.5 a couple weeks ago I started a new level of candida die off that so far is the most intense since I began the iodine a year ago. I think when I was at high doses last spring my body just wasn't able to use much of the iodine yet due to the thyroiditis or maybe even my levels of magnesium were too low. It's using it now though!


From: Pamela

Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 11:46 AM

iodinegroups (DOT) com

Subject: Iodine and candida

I ran into this today when looking for something else:"Iodine appears to be the best remedy to eliminate systemic yeast infections. If you have reason to believe that other measures have not eliminated all Candida in the blood or internal tissues, take a course of Lugol's solution. That is how Dr Truss originally cured his patients.Lugol's solution is an internal iodine solution designed to eliminate Candida and possibly viruses and other microbes from the bloodstream. Obtain 100ml of Lugol's solution, also labelled Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution B.P., from a chemist. It should contain 10% of total iodine. In the US you may also buy iodine in tablet form as Iodoral equivalent to 2 drops of Lugol's solution per tablet. Take a test drop in liquid other then just water to make it taste less strong. If this does not cause a reaction, continue to take 4 x 6 drops daily in liquid or mixed with food, but not directly together with vitamins A,

C, E, grape seed extract or cysteine.Continue for 3 weeks, but interrupt if you develop a serious reaction. If necessary, repeat the course after several months. In the meantime continue taking several drops of Lugol's solution daily mixed with food or drink. If Lugol's solution is not available you may try a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) taken in similar amounts."Although I've never had a doctor confirm it (never had one who believed in systemic Candida, even), I suspect I have a systemic Candida infection and have for years. I'm curious about the claim that Lugol's is the best remedy. Is anybody familiar with this? Has anybody tried it for this purpose or even noticed an improvement in Candida symptoms while taking iodine for other purposes?If I am using Lugol's 2%, how much would I need for an equivalent amount of what this person is recommending of 10%? I'm guessing 5 times what he recommends? So 30 drops 4

times a day? If so, I've got a long way to go as I'm working my way up and am taking only 10-12 drops/day right now. Or is there something I am missing and the quantity would be different than I think? Or is another way of using iodine to defeat Candida preferred?Pamela

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what is the most amount of lugols you have taken? do you take companion

nutrients? I think your body is trying to detox.


psych doc wrote:



> If I take Lugol's orally even one drop in a glass of water, I develop

> boils. I have finished each boil but external application of 3 drops

> of Lugol's on the boil. But I am tired of this endless exercise. Boils

> keep coming and I go on finishing them. So, now I don't take Lugol's

> orally. I just smear it on soft skin. That doesn't give me boils. And

> that way I bypass the stomach and the gut where Logol's may kill both

> the candida and the good friendly bacteria.

> -----------

> Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsych@...

> <mailto:ratanpsych@...>

> - Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health

> Education; Life Member, Nutrion Soc. India.

> - Member ISOM;

> Author of " Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses " ;

> - M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology,

> Ph.D.;

> - Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit,

> Temple Univ Med School, USA);

> - www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth

> <http://www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth>, www.ejcbs.com



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I agree,one form of the body eliminating toxins is thru the skin.Make sure you take the companion nutrients and drink plenty of water. The boils actually are a good sign that your body is detoxing, even though they may be annoying, good sign I would say.

Re: Iodine and candida

what is the most amount of lugols you have taken? do you take companion nutrients? I think your body is trying to detox.graciapsych doc wrote:> >> If I take Lugol's orally even one drop in a glass of water, I develop > boils. I have finished each boil but external application of 3 drops > of Lugol's on the boil. But I am tired of this endless exercise. Boils > keep coming and I go on finishing them. So, now I don't take Lugol's > orally. I just smear it on soft skin. That doesn't give me boils. And > that way I bypass the stomach and the gut where Logol's may kill both > the candida and the good friendly bacteria.> -----------> Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsychhotmail > <mailto:ratanpsychhotmail>> - Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health > Education; Life Member, Nutrion Soc. India.> - Member ISOM;> Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";> - M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, > Ph.D.;> - Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, > Temple Univ Med School, USA);> - www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth > <http://www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth>, www.ejcbs.com>>

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Yes it was me. Dr. Brownstein uses it in nebulizers with some of his patients. I do not know how much is used but it is Lugol's.


Re: Iodine and candidaiodinegroups (DOT) comDate: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 10:02 AM

If I take Lugol's orally even one drop in a glass of water, I develop boils. I have finished each boil but external application of 3 drops of Lugol's on the boil. But I am tired of this endless exercise. Boils keep coming and I go on finishing them. So, now I don't take Lugol's orally. I just smear it on soft skin. That doesn't give me boils. And that way I bypass the stomach and the gut where Logol's may kill both the candida and the good friendly bacteria.-----------

Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsychhotmail (DOT) com- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education; Life Member, Nutrion Soc. India.- Member ISOM; Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple Univ Med School, USA);

- www.jaipurmart. com/trade/ meditationandhea lth, www.ejcbs.com

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The more accumulated toxins you have in your body, the worse your detox symptoms are likely to be. Chemo is, by definition, poison, & that alone would have left a higher level of toxins in your body.AnneOn Feb 13, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Bobby P wrote: Ratan, I have to agree with you, I have just joined the group a couple weeks ago, and have just taken Lugols three days. I have noticed weird symptoms, such as knots coming up on my chin, very bad brain fog. It felt exactly like when I had chemo. I have had lung cancer and had radiation and chemo two years ago for that. I still have pneumonia symptoms, I believe to be some kind of lung fungus. I do not believe Iodine was meant to be taken orally, and am going to apply to skin also. Thanks for your post it helped me to decide. BobbyFrom: psych doc <psych_58 >Subject: Re: Iodine and candidaiodine Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 10:02 AM If I take Lugol's orally even one drop in a glass of water, I develop boils. I have finished each boil but external application of 3 drops of Lugol's on the boil. But I am tired of this endless exercise. Boils keep coming and I go on finishing them. So, now I don't take Lugol's orally. I just smear it on soft skin. That doesn't give me boils. And that way I bypass the stomach and the gut where Logol's may kill both the candida and the good friendly bacteria.----------- Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsychhotmail (DOT) com- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education; Life Member, Nutrion Soc. India.- Member ISOM; Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple Univ Med School, USA); - www.jaipurmart. com/trade/ meditationandhea lth, www.ejcbs.com

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I was going to say, if used in a nebulizer you'd need to use a form of

iodine that was formulated for oral ingestion, and you'd need a therapeutic

dose level, like Lugol's, but unlike the " nascent iodine " that someone

mentioned. You're not going to hurt yourself inhaling Lugol's from a

nebulizer, just not gonna hurt, is gonna help. Need liftoff from

anti-health Western medical dogma.


At 03:01 PM 2/13/2010, you wrote:



>Yes it was me. Dr. Brownstein uses it in nebulizers with some of his

>patients. I do not know how much is used but it is Lugol's.





> Re: Iodine and candida




>Thank you Sara,

> I have done Sodium Bicarbonate in in a nebulizer, but not Iodine yet.

>I have read that only one kind is safe, and that is the Nascent type, just

>not sure how effective it is.

> I will read the article, thanks so much



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I also found that my lymph system was really clogged from dealing with the Candida and when I added the iodine it complicated things a bit more. I found an increase in my salt helped a lot to get the lymph flowing well and clearing the toxins better so it was less likely to come through the skin. Every time I lower the salt a little I start to get more skin issues, although I don't get boils.

There certainly has been no evidence of iodine killing friendly flora though. Olive leaf does and after just 3 or 4 days taking that I am in serious gut pain. Iodine has had the opposite effect but I am using iodoral and not lugol's so maybe there is also something to be said for it being used lower in the gut instead of being absorbed in the stomach?


From: Kathleen Blake

Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 10:34 AM


Subject: Re: Iodine and candida

I agree,one form of the body eliminating toxins is thru the skin.Make sure you take the companion nutrients and drink plenty of water. The boils actually are a good sign that your body is detoxing, even though they may be annoying, good sign I would say.

Re: Iodine and candida

what is the most amount of lugols you have taken? do you take companion nutrients? I think your body is trying to detox.graciapsych doc wrote:> >> If I take Lugol's orally even one drop in a glass of water, I develop > boils. I have finished each boil but external application of 3 drops > of Lugol's on the boil. But I am tired of this endless exercise. Boils > keep coming and I go on finishing them. So, now I don't take Lugol's > orally. I just smear it on soft skin. That doesn't give me boils. And > that way I bypass the stomach and the gut where Logol's may kill both > the candida and the good friendly bacteria.> -----------> Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsychhotmail > <mailto:ratanpsychhotmail>> - Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health > Education; Life Member, Nutrion Soc. India.> - Member ISOM;> Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";> - M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, > Ph.D.;> - Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, > Temple Univ Med School, USA);> - www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth > <http://www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth>, www.ejcbs.com>>

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