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Contraindications for liver/gallbladder flush

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Angie-- My acupuncturist/ND has asked me not to do this cleanse. He says

that I am so fragile that he is concerned that the harshness would trigger

a flare in fibromyalgia. One of the ways I am healing is through avoiding

extreme conditions and taking care of myself with kindness and compassion

(yes, too many of us don't give ourselves the same compassion we seek to

give others), so while I have often considered doing it, I haven't yet

because he's been so correct about so many things.

I have used sence for cleansing, but using only 1/2 the dose they

suggest (got it from Vitacost). I also have IBS tendency, but the

sence actually really helped with that ultimately, despite the

creation of diarrhea as part of the cleansing.

If your only concern is diarrhea, that is temporary as part of the cleanse

with the liver/gallbladder flush. My experience with the sence

ultimately helping would tend to support the idea that the cleanse

ultimately helps cure the IBS symptoms.


>I see this topic is making the rounds. I am considering doing this flush,

>but was wondering if there are any contraindications for it? I noticed in

>the instructions that it mentions that it gives you diarrhea and many

>people on here who have said they've done it have " sluggish " bowels

>beforehand, so diarrhea does sound like a cleanse. I actually have

>overactive bowels and I'm wondering if that makes doing the flush a

>problem or not? Am I just going to further aggravate myself?


>Thanks, Angie


> " I take supplements because they keep my coat healthy and shiny "

~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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My ND has given me the same advice. I'm going to do it sometime but probably




> Angie-- My acupuncturist/ND has asked me not to do this cleanse. He says

> that I am so fragile that he is concerned that the harshness would trigger

> a flare in fibromyalgia. One of the ways I am healing is through avoiding

> extreme conditions and taking care of myself with kindness and compassion

> (yes, too many of us don't give ourselves the same compassion we seek to

> give others), so while I have often considered doing it, I haven't yet

> because he's been so correct about so many things.


> I have used sence for cleansing, but using only 1/2 the dose they

> suggest (got it from Vitacost). I also have IBS tendency, but the

> sence actually really helped with that ultimately, despite the

> creation of diarrhea as part of the cleansing.


> If your only concern is diarrhea, that is temporary as part of the cleanse

> with the liver/gallbladder flush. My experience with the sence

> ultimately helping would tend to support the idea that the cleanse

> ultimately helps cure the IBS symptoms.


> --



> >I see this topic is making the rounds. I am considering doing this flush,

> >but was wondering if there are any contraindications for it? I noticed in

> >the instructions that it mentions that it gives you diarrhea and many

> >people on here who have said they've done it have " sluggish " bowels

> >beforehand, so diarrhea does sound like a cleanse. I actually have

> >overactive bowels and I'm wondering if that makes doing the flush a

> >problem or not? Am I just going to further aggravate myself?

> >

> >Thanks, Angie

> >

> > " I take supplements because they keep my coat healthy and shiny "



> ~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

> --A.J. Muste


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What if you had your gallbladder removed about 15 years ago?

Glowing, grace~As Ghandi taught, the secret to life is to struggle against oppression and to fight for what is needed, but not to be attached to any particular outcome. Therein lies the secret of peace within the chaos."For every failure there's another course of action. When you hit a roadblock, take a detour." - Kay AshThe bowels cleanse due to the high amount of Epsom salts (mg) that you are consuming. It doesn't (or shouldn't) change how they function normally as this is outside induced. Once cleansed you will have a freer flow of bile from the gallbladder and liver.Steph

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Hello Anne,

The stones are formed int he liver anyway, they just collect i the gall

bladder....they are more accurately called liver stones. The gall bladder does

not make stones.


On Jan 25, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Anne Seals wrote:



> From what I have read, you need the cleanse MORE if you have already lost your

gallbladder. Bile moves from the liver to the gallbladder. If your gallbladder

was removed, it was because it filled with stones. Once your gallbladder is

gone, the stones form in the liver.


> Anne

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Since Angie brings up this question, I have an additional question. Must we do

parasite cleanse,bowl,kidney cleanse before the liver flush cleanse? Or we can

directly do the liver flush?



> I see this topic is making the rounds. I am considering doing this

> flush, but was wondering if there are any contraindications for it? I

> noticed in the instructions that it mentions that it gives you

> diarrhea and many people on here who have said they've done it have

> " sluggish " bowels beforehand, so diarrhea does sound like a cleanse.

> I actually have overactive bowels and I'm wondering if that makes

> doing the flush a problem or not? Am I just going to further

> aggravate myself?


> Thanks, Angie


> " I take supplements because they keep my coat healthy and shiny "


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I stand corrected. I should have said they accumulate in the liver.AnneOn Jan 25, 2011, at 5:50 PM, Biochemist wrote: Hello Anne, The stones are formed int he liver anyway, they just collect i the gall bladder....they are more accurately called liver stones. The gall bladder does not make stones. Linsey On Jan 25, 2011, at 1:44 PM, Anne Seals wrote: > > > From what I have read, you need the cleanse MORE if you have already lost your gallbladder. Bile moves from the liver to the gallbladder. If your gallbladder was removed, it was because it filled with stones. Once your gallbladder is gone, the stones form in the liver. > > Anne

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I have also been looking at this question. Here's my understanding, fo what its

worth;People who have had 'bad reactions' to the liver flush were invariably

those who didn't to the full protecol, particularly didn't do the parasite

cleanse first. The theory, as I understand it, is that the liver flush also

kills of the parasites, but it does it all at once. When the parasites die, the

release toxins.One of the livers main jobs is to metabolise toxins.So, your

dumping a bunch of toxins into your system all at once, at a time when the liver

is ill equipped to deal with them.

My wife and I are doing the MMS protecol (sp). This is also said to kill off

parasites.It does it gradually, and you can adjust it so as to avoid the

flu-like symptoms that result from the release of these toxins.Once we have

completed this, we are intending to do the Liver flush.MMS just seems an easier,

perhaps better way than the whole pumpkin seed, cloves wormwood procedure for


One problem so far; my wife took MY 'dose' of MMS by mistake.I had worked up to

7 drops, she was still at 5.2 days off from work, so far, for 'flu-like

symptoms'.Definetly something to take seriously.

Have stopped protecol, for now.Decided when she starts again, will keep her on

same dose for 2 days, before increasing, just to avoid problems. And, have

clearly labeled bottles, so she won't take mine by mistake, again!! (DUH!!) Oh

well, Dr.'s are only licensed to 'practice', right? ;-) Jim

> >

> > I see this topic is making the rounds. I am considering doing this

> > flush, but was wondering if there are any contraindications for it? I

> > noticed in the instructions that it mentions that it gives you

> > diarrhea and many people on here who have said they've done it have

> > " sluggish " bowels beforehand, so diarrhea does sound like a cleanse.

> > I actually have overactive bowels and I'm wondering if that makes

> > doing the flush a problem or not? Am I just going to further

> > aggravate myself?

> >

> > Thanks, Angie

> >

> > " I take supplements because they keep my coat healthy and shiny "

> >


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What is the MMS protocol?On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 5:58 AM, dutchdivco <jdutchmanjim@...> wrote:


I have also been looking at this question. Here's my understanding, fo what its worth;People who have had 'bad reactions' to the liver flush were invariably those who didn't to the full protecol, particularly didn't do the parasite cleanse first. The theory, as I understand it, is that the liver flush also kills of the parasites, but it does it all at once. When the parasites die, the release toxins.One of the livers main jobs is to metabolise toxins.So, your dumping a bunch of toxins into your system all at once, at a time when the liver is ill equipped to deal with them.

My wife and I are doing the MMS protecol (sp). This is also said to kill off parasites.It does it gradually, and you can adjust it so as to avoid the flu-like symptoms that result from the release of these toxins.Once we have completed this, we are intending to do the Liver flush.MMS just seems an easier, perhaps better way than the whole pumpkin seed, cloves wormwood procedure for parasites.

One problem so far; my wife took MY 'dose' of MMS by mistake.I had worked up to 7 drops, she was still at 5.2 days off from work, so far, for 'flu-like symptoms'.Definetly something to take seriously.

Have stopped protecol, for now.Decided when she starts again, will keep her on same dose for 2 days, before increasing, just to avoid problems. And, have clearly labeled bottles, so she won't take mine by mistake, again!! (DUH!!) Oh well, Dr.'s are only licensed to 'practice', right? ;-) Jim

> >

> > I see this topic is making the rounds. I am considering doing this

> > flush, but was wondering if there are any contraindications for it? I

> > noticed in the instructions that it mentions that it gives you

> > diarrhea and many people on here who have said they've done it have

> > " sluggish " bowels beforehand, so diarrhea does sound like a cleanse.

> > I actually have overactive bowels and I'm wondering if that makes

> > doing the flush a problem or not? Am I just going to further

> > aggravate myself?

> >

> > Thanks, Angie

> >

> > " I take supplements because they keep my coat healthy and shiny "

> >


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Just google MMS, you'll find it.Your looking for something thats used in water

treatment plants, adapted for use to detoxify.MiracleMineralSolution.I got mine

from www.mmshealthy4life.com. Jim

> > > >

> > > > I see this topic is making the rounds. I am considering doing this

> > > > flush, but was wondering if there are any contraindications for it? I

> > > > noticed in the instructions that it mentions that it gives you

> > > > diarrhea and many people on here who have said they've done it have

> > > > " sluggish " bowels beforehand, so diarrhea does sound like a cleanse.

> > > > I actually have overactive bowels and I'm wondering if that makes

> > > > doing the flush a problem or not? Am I just going to further

> > > > aggravate myself?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks, Angie

> > > >

> > > > " I take supplements because they keep my coat healthy and shiny "

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Please move this discussion to the IodineOTGroup, link is at the bottom of this emai. Thank you. Kathleen

Re: Contraindications for liver/gallbladder flush

Just google MMS, you'll find it.Your looking for something thats used in water treatment plants, adapted for use to detoxify.MiracleMineralSolution.I got mine from www.mmshealthy4life.com. Jim> > > >> > > > I see this topic is making the rounds. I am considering doing this> > > > flush, but was wondering if there are any contraindications for it? I> > > > noticed in the instructions that it mentions that it gives you> > > > diarrhea and many people on here who have said they've done it have> > > > "sluggish" bowels beforehand, so diarrhea does sound like a cleanse.> > > > I actually have overactive bowels and I'm wondering if that makes> > > > doing the flush a problem or not? Am I just going to further> > > > aggravate myself?> > > >> > > > Thanks, Angie> > > >> > > > "I take supplements because they keep my coat healthy and shiny"> > > >> > >> >> > > >>

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