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Re: Re: 's great knowledge

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I am not sure but my guess is:

Pharmaceutical = Lugols (Iodine & Potassium Iodide) in mg dosages

Nutritional = off the shelf like those found in a healthfood store. These are usually low dose iodide only products in mcg dosages.

KI = Potassium Iodine which is SSKI although it it supposed to be by rx only too. It is mcg dosages too.

I really don't know. I never listen to Dr. Rima.

Buist, ND

Re: 's great knowledge

>Thanks! And thanks again to who selflessly helps us with this >site!!!******I second that! , can you answer this persistent issue? Just yesterday Dr. Rima's site again mentioned there was a grave difference between what she called, "pharmaceutical iodine," "nutritional iodine," and "KI, potassium iodide." As if KI is poisonous beyond a few days. Both Lugol's and Iodoral are potassium iodide. Can you explain this crazy distinction? What would she mean is a "pharmaceutical" iodine formulation? Or a "nutritional" iodine forumlation?I hesitate to ask her. I would just get more double-talk.Marji

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 Marjij wrote:

 < Both

Lugol's and Iodoral are potassium iodide. Can you explain this crazy

distinction? What would she mean is a " pharmaceutical " iodine

formulation? Or a " nutritional " iodine forumlation? >



Szent Györgi(1893.1986), the physician who discovered vitamin C, writes:



 “ When I was a medical student,

iodine in the form of KI [potassium iodide] was the universal medicine. Nobody

knew what it did, but it did something and did something good. “


   - Extrathyroidal Benefits of Iodine



Popp states a most important conclusion:

       " ...In medicine new aspects have developed,

.....  Diseases in general can possibly be understood in terms of

electromagnetic interactions within the organism. "


 Every cell has its own particular electromagnetic field. Cells

identical in structure have identical fields. Cells differing in structure have

different fields. Thus cell structures, organs, and body systems can show

electromagnetic resonances. In healthy people the fields specific to cells vary

very little -- if at all. Resonance frequencies are those ranges (spectrums) in

which energy, is best transmitted and thus in which the therapeutic effect is

the greatest. The overall organism consists of a gigantic mix of frequencies

from the electromagnetic point of view. The cell ,thus, resonates to an

optimum range of signatory frequencies, extra- or intra-cellularly.  As

the breakage  is at the molecular terrain, the repair must be molecular.

The new molecules and cells are electromagnetically rebuilt with precise

geometric orientation by electronic insertion at the specific disrupted links.

          Different organs of the body respond to different forms of

iodine, for instance. The thyroid gland primarily utilizes iodide . The

breast  and prostrate  concentrate  iodine.  The

dermatological system primarily concentrates iodide. Other organs and 

tissues, including the kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, salivary glands and

gastro-intestinal tract can concentrate either form - iodine or iodide. Hence,

different tissues responding to different forms of iodine.

http://forums.hpathy.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=12576 & PN=2 & title=how-does-homeopathy-work-in-the-body


concept of disease should be based on the observation that in a

dysfunctional cell, there is initially a disorientation with a change in the

number of electrons in the molecules which brings about alteration in the

structures of the cell.  Restoring the

cell to health requires a minimal dose of the same cell salt. In health, the

cell salts are in solution and may be in the third, fourth and fifth decimal

dilution. The biochemic remedy must be sufficiently diluted,that is at a higher

trituration or potentisation or burning ( roasting  as in the Korean

Bamboo Salt ) for absorption to avoid damaging the cellular functions. The

remedy does not replace the lack or deficiency of the cell salt because the

quantity given is infinitesimal. . What

the cell salt in the minimal dose does is to cause an orientation of the cell

salt molecules so as to fill the gaps in the chains of molecules of the

affected cell or tissue. Since the deficiency is molecular, the replacement

must be molecular by resonance. Resonance is said to occur when the respective

periods of free oscillation of two or more different systems coincide with or

near one another,producing a sympathetic vibratory unison by co-resonance.

          The signs and symptoms

of ill health are the manifestations of the disturbed energy fields of the

cell. Relieving these signs and symptoms does not give a radical cure,it merely

palliates and may even suppress the disease making it chronic Magneto-therapy

may restore the disturbed oscillations to the normal pattern but of no lasting

therapeutic value without the signature of bioradiation from a cell salt or

cell salts.  Another way of putting it is: as the cell functions

electromagnetically, any stress that causes a disruption of the body's

electromagnetic field, unbalances it. This loss of electromagnetic equilibrium

constitutes disease. . It has been shown that biological systems have the

property to pick up and to store the wrong type of energies from

electromagnetic oscillations through what we eat what we breathe,what we drink,

what we touch, what we hear,what we see what we think,what we are exposed to

and what we practise. These pathological oscillations are retained stubbornly

within the organism to produce regulatory disorders, hinder the free flow of

energy in the organ causing blockage of energy, which can be  acute or chronic.


Szent-Gyorgyi , Nobel Laureate, said biological proteins are sufficiently

organized to function as crystal lattice, and predicted semiconduction in

living tissue, more than forty years ago..There is constant polar fluctuation

which generates a magnetic field. Hence, every cell in the body is a small

magnet and exhibits electro-magnetic properties. In health, a group of cells

vibrate to a certain frequency and in ill health another.


emits a characteristic range of frequencies [bandwidth]. The human range is

from 1520KHz to 9460 KHz.  


            Magnetism is a circular field of flowing force

which encloses space and defines form . Magnetism supplies a standing waveform

vessel to entrain and to retain stable patterns of energy. Magnetism imparts

shape to order the so-called empty space of particle physics, and thus provide

form to particles of matter and pulses of energy.

            Stefanatos ( 1997,228 ) tells us that the

" electromagnetic fields (EMF)emanating from bacteria,viruses and toxic

substances affect cells of the body and weaken its constitution. " So the

vital force is identified quite explicitly with electromagnetic fields and said

to be the cause of disease. But somehow the life energies of the body are

balanced by bioenergetic therapies. " No antibiotic or drug, no matter how

powerful, will save an animal or human if the vital force of healing is

suppressed or lacking . " ( Stefanatos 1997, 229 ) So health or sickness is

determined by who wins the battle between good and bad electromagnetic waves in

the body.




          All physical changes - chemical,

material, mechanical, whatever -at root level are constituted and caused

by virtual state interactions, in direct patterns of virtual particle

exchanges. In the full Quantum Mechanical view, what's really going on

in primary physical reality is just a complex set of patterns and changes in





and  their trace mineral concomitants ( cell or tissue salts ) are

biologically transmutated  minerals by bacteria and plants ,acquire an added

energy force in an ionised electrical state - Plasma, the 4th state of Matter,

which ignites the vitality of the cells , esoterically called the Vital Force,

Chi or Prana and  is involved in the very genesis of life itself.  Minerals are transformed into a special state by

bacteria and acquire energy force, from a simple ionic solution to an

electromagnetic charge state similar to Plasma - the fourth state of Matter by Biological

Transmutation. In Nature, bacteria eat rocks and

boulders. The main food of bacteria is minerals. These microscopic organisms

convert inorganic ions into living protoplasm,which is then food for more complex lifeforms.

Plants grow best when fed minerals predigested by bacteria and not the minerals


                     NASA: Arsenic-based

life form discovered on Earth


" Water-borne bacteria convert

iron into magnetite in their cells.The mineral that gives magnetic properties

is the magnetite which enables both the water and soil-based bacteria to

navigate along lines of electromagnetic force in the Earth's Magnetic Field .

The bacteria could also influence whether the soil becomes magnetic. " [

Nature,Vol 343,page 161 ] 


concerted bioradiation  of tissue ( cell ) salts generates our

bioplasmic sheath( L-Field : Burr )or auric web which protects us from

external negative stress which may be mental, emotional or physical .This auric

sheath is intangible but has been proven scientifically and clairvoyantly.



I hesitate to ask her. I would

just get more double-talk.  >







        A number of chemists report that plants, animals and human beings ROUTINELY TRANSMUTE MID-RANGE ELEMENTS

(for example, potassium into calcium or magnesium into calcium) AS PART OF

THEIR ORDINARY DAILY METABOLISM. These transmutations obey rules such as: Mg +

O => Ca; K + H => Ca. This is revolutionary since, according to

current physical theory, the energy levels required for such transmutations are billions

of times higher than what is available in biological systems. Equally

inexplicable fission reactions such as Ca => Mg + O; Ca => K + H are also


        Apparently, in the human

metabolism of mineral nutriceuticals, little significance  has been

attributed to  Biological Transmutation  ( Professor C. Louis

 Kervran , University of Paris ) of minerals and metals in the body system

by Cold Fusion.





                        Na23 + O16

= K39      



Transmutation of sodium

into potassium in vitro.





Sagan also said: “We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” Neil deGrasse

Tyson, another prominent astronomer and Director of the Hayden Planetarium in

Manhattan, has said: “We are not simply in the universe. The universe is in

us.” The stuff that swirls around in

gas clouds millions of light years away, and that is being produced in nuclear

engines 15 million degrees hot, is the stuff that makes up you and I.

These are beautiful truths that everyone should appreciate and reflect.







such a huge

amount of energy,  conservative Physics prefers to close its eyes and

ignore the possibility of nuclear reactions in biological organism which

theoretically they believe involve an enormous amount of energy, as taught in

schools for nuclear reactions, based on E=mc2.

However, also based on the huge

amount of evidence that nuclear reactions do occur in biological systems(1), actually, we could say, biological systems

are characterized by nuclear reactions, also based on the fact, that certain

electrolytes such as Na (2) and K (3) are so critical in biological organisms,

which makes only sense by a role in nuclear transmutation from one electrolyte

to the other(4) and in the resulting

physiology(5) which comes out of

these transmutations, We suggest: Instead, of ignoring the huge amount of

nuclear transmutations in biology, it is better to disregard the formula: E=mc2,

which stands anyway without general proof in physics

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               According to the Arndt Schultz Law,

substances vary in action depending on whether the concentration is high,

medium, or low. High concentrations inhibit; medium concentrations suppress;

and low, or minute concentrations stimulate. Homeopathy encourages the body to

clear itself. In contrast allopathic, or modern medicine, artificially and

forcefully suppress symptoms of disease 

with large doses and is sometimes toxic to the body. Albert

Szent-Gyorgyi , Nobel Laureate, believes that certain vitamins, minerals and

enzymes keep cell electrons from losing their energy. They interact, and their

hydrogen and oxygen become water, but uncoupled electrons don't react with

other spinning electrons, thus their energy isn't lost, but transferred to

other living materials, to keep them vital.

        Hydrogen, with a single circulating electron, is exceptionally able to

pump up its energy level by filling up with photons, and giving off energy as

pi-electrons, which then determine protein building and DNA integrity. Through

hydrogen, then, pi-electrons control the whole energy transfer process, and the

body's surrounding magnetic field - the L - Field. Nobel Laureate Albert Szent

Gyorgyi, M.D., wrote in 1985, " Whether an electron behaves as charge, or

as magnet, depends on its state of motion. When it moves, it's a charge. But if

it stops, it becomes a magnet. So an electron has this queer quality that it

can change from electric charge to magnetic which transfers its energy to drive

cells. This quality of elementary particles

is one we can't understand, yet this transformation is a transformation of life

and civilization. " Life

is nothing but an electron

looking for a place to rest.

      Salts are chemical fire. Its corrosive

appetite is fed - not by wood or coal but by metals, whose electrons fuel

chemical reactions.

The healing effect is emphasized on

the quality and not the quantity of the tissue salts ( Arndt Schultz Law ). Healing

is a process, not a magical event .  Healing involves a greater experience

of Oneness, Wholeness and Reconnection with all aspects of your being.The

physician is merely Nature 's assistant, only Mother Nature does the healing.

                                             Cell salts

  http://forums.hpathy.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=11761 & PID=108668



With regards


On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 3:28 AM, Marjij <marjij@...> wrote:


>Thanks! And thanks again to who selflessly helps us with this



I second that!

, can you answer this persistent issue? Just yesterday Dr. Rima's site again mentioned there was a grave difference between what she called, " pharmaceutical iodine, " " nutritional iodine, " and " KI, potassium iodide. " As if KI is poisonous beyond a few days.

Both Lugol's and Iodoral are potassium iodide. Can you explain this crazy distinction? What would she mean is a " pharmaceutical " iodine formulation? Or a " nutritional " iodine forumlation?

I hesitate to ask her. I would just get more double-talk.


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SSKI is not 50 mgs / drop. SSKI is Super Saturated Potassium Iodide and it is measured in MICROGRAMS not MILLIGRAMS.

Buist, ND

Re: 's great knowledge

>> I am not sure but my guess is:> > Pharmaceutical = Lugols (Iodine & Potassium Iodide) in mg dosages> Nutritional = off the shelf like those found in a healthfood store. These are usually low dose iodide only products in mcg dosages.> KI = Potassium Iodine which is SSKI although it it supposed to be by rx only too. It is mcg dosages too.> ...reply:Just to clarify SSKI is 50mg iodide/drop and I believe it was used in the Hoxsey formula.Nutritional iodine would be derived from food sources like kelp, fish, etc.Pharma sources are concentrations from the plant and mineral kingdoms complements of modern chemistry.

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The Tri-Quench (SSKI) is measure in milligrams (19 mg per drop) and so is what one would make at home from potassium iodide crystals. If making at home, the end product will usually contain 50 mg/drop of potassium iodide. I have not seen any SSKI that is measured in micrograms – but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or maybe I am missing something as to what is meant. JBe WellDr.LFrom: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ladybugsandbeesSent: Monday, April 18, 2011 5:29 AMiodine Subject: Re: Re: 's great knowledge SSKI is not 50 mgs / drop. SSKI is Super Saturated Potassium Iodide and it is measured in MICROGRAMS not MILLIGRAMS. Buist, ND Re: 's great knowledge >> I am not sure but my guess is:> > Pharmaceutical = Lugols (Iodine & Potassium Iodide) in mg dosages> Nutritional = off the shelf like those found in a healthfood store. These are usually low dose iodide only products in mcg dosages.> KI = Potassium Iodine which is SSKI although it it supposed to be by rx only too. It is mcg dosages too.> ...reply:Just to clarify SSKI is 50mg iodide/drop and I believe it was used in the Hoxsey formula.Nutritional iodine would be derived from food sources like kelp, fish, etc.Pharma sources are concentrations from the plant and mineral kingdoms complements of modern chemistry.

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Both CDC and FDA recommend 130 MG of SSKI to prevent radiation poisoning. When we make SSKI at home it comes out 130 mg/drop - we make Lugol's from that.Neither Ki or SSKI  need a prescription either, we buy ours from an aquarium store.

I have no idea what she means by nutritional iodine or any of the other terms mentioned.ArielOn Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Dr. Loretta Lanphier <drlanphier@...> wrote:


The Tri-Quench (SSKI) is measure in milligrams (19 mg per drop) and so is what one would make at home from potassium iodide crystals.  If making at home, the end product will usually contain 50 mg/drop of potassium iodide.  I have not seen any SSKI that is measured in micrograms – but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or maybe I am missing something as to what is meant. J

Be WellDr.LFrom: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ladybugsandbees

Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 5:29 AMiodine

Subject: Re: Re: 's great knowledge 

SSKI is not 50 mgs / drop.  SSKI is Super Saturated Potassium Iodide and it is measured in MICROGRAMS not MILLIGRAMS. 

  Buist, ND


Re: 's great knowledge


>> I am not sure but my guess is:> > Pharmaceutical = Lugols (Iodine & Potassium Iodide) in mg dosages> Nutritional = off the shelf like those found in a healthfood store. These are usually low dose iodide only products in mcg dosages.

> KI = Potassium Iodine which is SSKI although it it supposed to be by rx only too. It is mcg dosages too.> ...reply:Just to clarify SSKI is 50mg iodide/drop and I believe it was used in the Hoxsey formula.

Nutritional iodine would be derived from food sources like kelp, fish, etc.Pharma sources are concentrations from the plant and mineral kingdoms complements of modern chemistry.

-- " Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring. " -Tom Donohue

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Can someone please tell me why my posts are being ignored?I am new to the group and need information about iodine and not having a thyroidThanksFrom: owlsplace <owlsplace@...>Subject: Re: 's great knowledgeiodine Date: Friday, April 22, 2011, 12:40 PM

Good reading, Lew. Thanks for the post.


> >

> >

> >

> > >Thanks! And thanks again to who selflessly helps us with this

> > >site!!!

> > ******

> > I second that!

> >

> > , can you answer this persistent issue? Just yesterday Dr. Rima's

> > site again mentioned there was a grave difference between what she called,

> > "pharmaceutical iodine," "nutritional iodine," and "KI, potassium iodide."

> > As if KI is poisonous beyond a few days.

> >

> > Both Lugol's and Iodoral are potassium iodide. Can you explain this crazy

> > distinction? What would she mean is a "pharmaceutical" iodine formulation?

> > Or a "nutritional" iodine forumlation?

> >

> > I hesitate to ask her. I would just get more double-talk.

> >

> > Marji

> >

> >

> >


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I approved your membership last night. You posted today and want a response within hours? This group is all volunteer. There are 3 mods and myself (owner) who also volunteer our time to help. It is unrealistic to expect an immediate response to your question. Your specific question (which I just answered) may be something that the majority do not deal with or know anything about. You need to wait until someone comes to the board to read and respond. Please be patient.

Buist, ND

Owner Iodine Group

Re: 's great knowledgeiodine Date: Friday, April 22, 2011, 12:40 PM

Good reading, Lew. Thanks for the post.> > >> >> >> > >Thanks! And thanks again to who selflessly helps us with this> > >site!!!> > ******> > I second that!> >> > , can you answer this persistent issue? Just yesterday Dr. Rima's> > site again mentioned there was a grave difference between what she called,> > "pharmaceutical iodine," "nutritional iodine," and "KI, potassium iodide."> > As if KI is poisonous beyond a few days.> >> > Both Lugol's and Iodoral are potassium iodide. Can you explain this crazy> > distinction? What would she mean is a "pharmaceutical" iodine formulation?> > Or a "nutritional" iodine forumlation?> >> > I hesitate to ask her. I would just get more double-talk.> >> > Marji> >> > > >>

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I', sorry if it sounded like I needed an answer right away. I only meant that my post wasn't posting when other posts wereThanksAnneDinner with Anne & Steve

www.berkshiresnow.com--- On Fri, 4/22/11, Linn <mwm1glm@...> wrote:From: Linn <mwm1glm@...>Subject: Re: 's great knowledgeiodine Date: Friday, April 22, 2011, 8:56 PM

Please remember that most of the folks who come here have health problems, including the moderators. Some of us are dealing with children and other family members who have chronic illnesses to boot as do many of the members here who help answer questions. You may not get an answer quickly, it might take a day or so. If you post a question and don't see an answer after 2 or 3 days, feel free to repost, but please don't start reposting within a few hours or the same day. It's difficult enough to keep up with posts. People are not purposely ignoring posts, they just may not have enough time to answer immediately, they may not have experience with the issue asked about and please keep in mind that sometimes does not immediately post, sometimes it can take several hours or so for your message to post.

You can also try doing a search on the group files, chances are your question has been answered previously.


> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >Thanks! And thanks again to who selflessly helps us with this

> > > >site!!!

> > > ******

> > > I second that!

> > >

> > > , can you answer this persistent issue? Just yesterday Dr. Rima's

> > > site again mentioned there was a grave difference between what she called,

> > > "pharmaceutical iodine," "nutritional iodine," and "KI, potassium iodide."

> > > As if KI is poisonous beyond a few days.

> > >

> > > Both Lugol's and Iodoral are potassium iodide. Can you explain this crazy

> > > distinction? What would she mean is a "pharmaceutical" iodine formulation?

> > > Or a "nutritional" iodine forumlation?

> > >

> > > I hesitate to ask her. I would just get more double-talk.

> > >

> > > Marji

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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