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Iodine and DMSO topical to breast and lab questions

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I have had taxol and doxil chemos and currently only taking tomaxifen from traditional medicines. Dx 10/23/09 and in remission per March 2011 PET scan... no evidence of disease...but it was taken 2 weeks after my last chemo treatment....praying it lasts.I am seeking alternative therapy to stay in remission. I was very successful in removing skin mets off my breast with 7% iodine tincture. I am in awe how well that worked. I have also been taking one 660 mg Kelp everyday, a multi-vitamin, and LDN. I just ordered a ton of other supplements recommended for boosting my system by a friend who is an herbalist with advanced

BC too.I had blood/urine tests completed by my Natural Care Provider. These are the bolded items that were out of the ranges listed on the sheet:Lymphocyte Subset Panel 6 was CD19 (3) Low Normal is 7-23, CD4 (67) High Normal is 30-66, Abs CD19 (50) Low Normal is 99-570Lipid Panel with LDL/HDL Ratio Triglycerides 167 High Normal is 0-149 and HDL Cholesterol (31) Low Normal is greater than 39.No Bromide in my Urine.Iodine, Serum or Plasma is 112.8 High with normal being 40-92 per the lab sheet. (Is it high enough? any comments welcomed)Vitamin D 30.9 Low with normal being 32-100C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac is 39.55 High and normal is 0-3.Fibrinogen activity is 459 High with normal being 193-423 Hormones and all

other tested items were in normal ranges. I had 24 viles of blood taken.I am now taking 50,000mg of D3 for 12 weeks and then 10,000mg a day from the 13th week forward. She told me to increase my Omega 3's to 4000mg a day to fix my cholesterol issues. She prescribed LDN for me and I am now taking it. She said the other ~High~ areas weren't anything to worry about. She recommended I have IV Chelation to determine if I had any heavy metals in my blood too. It is $120 a session and I am not sure I understand what it does.I don't understand what the C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac is indicating for me. (Any comments?)I don't understand what Fibrinogen activity is either. (Any comments?)I ordered a small bottle of Lugols 2% from Swanson today for roughly $11 and I am going to buy some DMSO

and apply it to my affected breast. (How much and how often should I do that? and what can I expect from it?)Take Care... Joy of Tallahassee Jesus said,"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

13:34-35 What Good Are You Denying Yourself?

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It sounds like you have been through a lot. Please read before you decide to go

ahead w IV chelation!!!! You do NOT want any chelation if you have amalgam

fillings[50% mercury]. Those are the silver looking ones. You will load a ton of

toxic metal[mercury] into your system. My vaccine injured daughter has been

chelating for awhile. Info on a safe protocol[non IV] @

http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/ and in the files and archives of


A more adult oriented group is


Both use the same safe protocol. You can access much info @ http://onibasu.com/

as the autism treatment group suggests.

For us, the high CRP just meant generalized inflammation. Although this test is

used most frequently for cardiac assessment, it had nothing to do w cardiac

specific for my daughter.

You may already know of this site

low dose naltrexone/ if you are on the LDN.


> I have had taxol and doxil chemos and currently only taking tomaxifen from

> traditional medicines. Dx 10/23/09 and in remission per March 2011 PET


> no evidence of disease...but it was taken 2 weeks after my last chemo

> treatment....praying it lasts.


> I am seeking alternative therapy to stay in remission. I was very successful


> removing skin mets off my breast with 7% iodine tincture. I am in awe how


> that worked. I have also been taking one 660 mg Kelp everyday, a


> and LDN. I just ordered a ton of other supplements recommended for boosting


> system by a friend who is an herbalist with advanced BC too.


> I had blood/urine tests completed by my Natural Care Provider. These are the

> bolded items that were out of the ranges listed on the sheet:


> Lymphocyte Subset Panel 6 was CD19 (3) Low Normal is 7-23, CD4 (67) High


> is 30-66, Abs CD19 (50) Low Normal is 99-570

> Lipid Panel with LDL/HDL Ratio Triglycerides 167 High Normal is 0-149 and HDL

> Cholesterol (31) Low Normal is greater than 39.


> No Bromide in my Urine.


> Iodine, Serum or Plasma is 112.8 High with normal being 40-92 per the lab


> (Is it high enough? any comments welcomed)


> Vitamin D 30.9 Low with normal being 32-100


> C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac is 39.55 High and normal is 0-3.


> Fibrinogen activity is 459 High with normal being 193-423


> Hormones and all other tested items were in normal ranges. I had 24 viles of

> blood taken.


> I am now taking 50,000mg of D3 for 12 weeks and then 10,000mg a day from the

> 13th week forward. She told me to increase my Omega 3's to 4000mg a day to


> my cholesterol issues. She prescribed LDN for me and I am now taking it.


> She said the other ~High~ areas weren't anything to worry about. She

> recommended I have IV Chelation to determine if I had any heavy metals in my

> blood too. It is $120 a session and I am not sure I understand what it does.


> I don't understand what the C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac is indicating for me.

> (Any comments?)


> I don't understand what Fibrinogen activity is either. (Any comments?)


> I ordered a small bottle of Lugols 2% from Swanson today for roughly $11 and I

> am going to buy some DMSO and apply it to my affected breast. (How much and


> often should I do that? and what can I expect from it?)


> Take Care... Joy of Tallahassee


> Jesus said, " A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you,


> you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my

> disciples, if you love one another. "


> 13:34-35

> What Good Are You Denying Yourself?


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C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein found in the blood, the levels of which

rise in response to inflammation (i.e. C-reactive protein is an acute-phase

protein). Its physiological role is to bind to phosphocholine expressed on the

surface of dead or dying cells (and some types of bacteria) in order to activate

the complement system via the C1Q complex.


It's probably from the chemo. Fibrinogen is probably due to inflammation also.

It would be prudent to take supplements to support and heal the liver.

Are you sure the kelp is not measured in mcgs instead of mgs?



> I have had taxol and doxil chemos and currently only taking tomaxifen from

> traditional medicines. Dx 10/23/09 and in remission per March 2011 PET


> no evidence of disease...but it was taken 2 weeks after my last chemo

> treatment....praying it lasts.


> I am seeking alternative therapy to stay in remission. I was very successful


> removing skin mets off my breast with 7% iodine tincture. I am in awe how


> that worked. I have also been taking one 660 mg Kelp everyday, a


> and LDN. I just ordered a ton of other supplements recommended for boosting


> system by a friend who is an herbalist with advanced BC too.


> I had blood/urine tests completed by my Natural Care Provider. These are the

> bolded items that were out of the ranges listed on the sheet:


> Lymphocyte Subset Panel 6 was CD19 (3) Low Normal is 7-23, CD4 (67) High


> is 30-66, Abs CD19 (50) Low Normal is 99-570

> Lipid Panel with LDL/HDL Ratio Triglycerides 167 High Normal is 0-149 and HDL

> Cholesterol (31) Low Normal is greater than 39.


> No Bromide in my Urine.


> Iodine, Serum or Plasma is 112.8 High with normal being 40-92 per the lab


> (Is it high enough? any comments welcomed)


> Vitamin D 30.9 Low with normal being 32-100


> C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac is 39.55 High and normal is 0-3.


> Fibrinogen activity is 459 High with normal being 193-423


> Hormones and all other tested items were in normal ranges. I had 24 viles of

> blood taken.


> I am now taking 50,000mg of D3 for 12 weeks and then 10,000mg a day from the

> 13th week forward. She told me to increase my Omega 3's to 4000mg a day to


> my cholesterol issues. She prescribed LDN for me and I am now taking it.


> She said the other ~High~ areas weren't anything to worry about. She

> recommended I have IV Chelation to determine if I had any heavy metals in my

> blood too. It is $120 a session and I am not sure I understand what it does.


> I don't understand what the C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac is indicating for me.

> (Any comments?)


> I don't understand what Fibrinogen activity is either. (Any comments?)


> I ordered a small bottle of Lugols 2% from Swanson today for roughly $11 and I

> am going to buy some DMSO and apply it to my affected breast. (How much and


> often should I do that? and what can I expect from it?)


> Take Care... Joy of Tallahassee


> Jesus said, " A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you,


> you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my

> disciples, if you love one another. "


> 13:34-35

> What Good Are You Denying Yourself?


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