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Iodine and Hashimotos

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I have been reading about taking iodine with Hashimotos. I am taking selenium

along with it in the form of 3 Brazil nuts a day, and I take a lot of vitamins

and minerals. Where I live the doctors treat the old fashion way, and so I get

nowhere with any of them. I live in a small town and going to a city is not

easy. I am taking 60 mg of Westhroid and feel okay on it, and I take 3 drops of

Lugol's Iodine a day. I don't know how to tell if my antibodies are still

attacking my thyroid or not unless I can get a doctor to do an antibody test

again. Is there any way to really know? I feel fine outside of not being able to

lose weight. I have enough energy, get up at 4 a.m. or so but am tired by 7 p.m.

but stay up until 8 p.m. My throat doesn't hurt, nor do I feel any tightness. I

just don't want to kill my thyroid. If I up my Westhroid I can't sleep, and if I

lower it I am tired. I would be afraid to raise it above 60 mg. (I am comparing

the amount I take to the same amount of Armour that I was taking.) I have

noticed since taking lugol's that my sores heal when they used to be very

infected without healing, and so I learned that it was from a lack of iodine. I

never got iodine in my body because I didn't eat fish, and I didn't get iodized

salt, and it wasn't in my multi-vitamin/mineral. I thought nothing of it at the

time and had also been eating a lot of soy for protein since I am a vegetarian.

I cut out the soy.

How can I tell if my body is still attacking my thyroid without having a test,

which I may be able to talk my doctor into, but I just had a test a month ago

and forgot to get that part of it. At the time I was just very low and tired, so

I upped it from 30 to 60. Taking Lugos I believe caused me to become tired. In

other words, 30 mg were fine until I added Lugols.

Thanks for any help.

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  • 11 months later...

Did you take the companion supplements? Do you have amalgam fillings? What is your diet like?

Buist, ND HC

Re: iodine and hashimotos

I've also had my antibodies rise dramatically so have stopped iodine for now. I was taking 300mg of selenium per day, plus all the other companion nutrients. I've been gluten-free for nearly two years.

What do you see as my options, e.g. should I try going back to iodine but taking 400mgs of selenium then re-testing in 8 to 12 weeks? How do you work out what is the correct dose of selenium?

It worried me how much my antibodies had risen, plus I never used to have discomfort in the area of my thyroid but I do now.

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 8:24 AM, dawn <dawnv5@...> wrote:

stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with hashimotos to safely take iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now and it has helped so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of being on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it some of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video series by dr. haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide increases tsh and that in turn increases h2o2 production thereby causing more thyroid destruction etc...he shows an example of a woman who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide went up to like 700 in 3 months time! whoops!i love taking iodoral but now i am worried i am making myself worse off rather than better!! i do take selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea salt....a multi that has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we can justify taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks dawn

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Just a stab here but you may have the MTHFR gene defect which effects a lot of methylation issues. It is common with autoimmune & cancer conditions. I am wondering if it would help you to support the methylation system. My family all has it and we take DMG Complete which is a PureZenHealth.com product.

Buist, ND HC

Re: iodine and hashimotos

I've also had my antibodies rise dramatically so have stopped iodine for now. I was taking 300mg of selenium per day, plus all the other companion nutrients. I've been gluten-free for nearly two years.

What do you see as my options, e.g. should I try going back to iodine but taking 400mgs of selenium then re-testing in 8 to 12 weeks? How do you work out what is the correct dose of selenium?

It worried me how much my antibodies had risen, plus I never used to have discomfort in the area of my thyroid but I do now.

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 8:24 AM, dawn <dawnv5@...> wrote:

stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with hashimotos to safely take iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now and it has helped so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of being on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it some of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video series by dr. haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide increases tsh and that in turn increases h2o2 production thereby causing more thyroid destruction etc...he shows an example of a woman who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide went up to like 700 in 3 months time! whoops!i love taking iodoral but now i am worried i am making myself worse off rather than better!! i do take selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea salt....a multi that has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we can justify taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks dawn

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Where did you get that you should only take T3 when you have hashi's? Hashimotos has two different antibodies. One on the oxidation process (TPO Ab) and one on the organification process (Tg Ab). The organification process has nothing to do with the conversion process. Most of the conversion occurs in the liver and kidney (80%) and not in the thyroid. T3 medications are synthetic thyroid hormones which can cause issues in another way.

Buist, ND HC

Re: iodine and hashimotos

Hi Dawn,Regarding the issue of iodine increasing the TSH - this does happen but it is only temporary (the new members doc explains it). Also, If you are on thyroid medication then your thyroid will not be producing any thyroid hormones, so the h2o2 production will not be happening. Unless of course you are on a T4 or Natural thyroid medication. But in any case if you have Hashi's, you should be taking a T3 only thyroid medication to stop the T4 to T3 conversion which will cause antibodies. Hope that all makes sense.RegardsPat>> stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with hashimotos to safely take iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now and it has helped so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of being on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it some of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video series by dr. haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide increases tsh and that in turn increases h2o2 production thereby causing more thyroid destruction etc...he shows an example of a woman who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide went up to like 700 in 3 months time! whoops!> > i love taking iodoral but now i am worried i am making myself worse off rather than better!! i do take selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea salt....a multi that has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we can justify taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks > > dawn>

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Okay.   Thanks .   I will get some DMG Complete and see how I go.   I assume you'd recommend going back on the iodine, along with the DMG Complete??   Or will I take say a 2 month break from iodine, and re-test my antibodies after this time?

Thanks,On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 1:57 PM, ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote:


Just a stab here but you may have the MTHFR gene defect which effects a lot of methylation issues.  It is common with autoimmune & cancer conditions.  I am wondering if it would help you to support the methylation system.  My family all has it and we take DMG Complete which is a PureZenHealth.com product. 


Buist, ND HC



Re: iodine and hashimotos


I've also had my antibodies rise dramatically so have stopped iodine for now.   I was taking 300mg of selenium per day, plus all the other companion nutrients.   I've been gluten-free for nearly two years.

What do you see as my options, e.g. should I try going back to iodine but taking 400mgs of selenium then re-testing in 8 to 12 weeks?   How do you work out what is the correct dose of selenium?

It worried me how much my antibodies had risen, plus I never used to have discomfort in the area of my thyroid but I do now.

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 8:24 AM, dawn <dawnv5@...> wrote:


stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with hashimotos to safely take iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now and it has helped so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of being on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it some of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video series by dr. haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide increases tsh and that in turn increases h2o2 production thereby causing more thyroid destruction etc...he shows an example of a woman who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide went up to like 700 in 3 months time! whoops!i love taking iodoral but now i am worried i am making myself worse off rather than better!! i do take selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea salt....a multi that has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we can justify taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks dawn

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I am curious about the comment that if a person is on thyroid replacement, his

thyroid will not be producing thyroid hormones. If this was true it would seem

that no one would only be able to be on a small dosage like 30 or 60mg and be

balanced. I know that statement has not be apparent in my case.

in Alaska


> Also, If you are on thyroid medication then your thyroid will not be producing

any thyroid hormones, so the h2o2 production will not be happening. Unless of

course you are on a T4 or Natural thyroid medication. But in any case if you

have Hashi's, you should be taking a T3 only thyroid medication to stop the T4

to T3 conversion which will cause antibodies. Hope that all makes sense.


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i do not have any fillings of any type so amalgam is not my issue. i can not say

i eat gluten free by any means. i tried it for a bit and did not feel any

differently so gave up on it!! i guess i could give it another shot and see if

my antibodies decrease.

i love the iodine ..i used to have kidney stones due to a genetic issue with my

kidneys and 2 years later and not a twinge!! so i dont want to give it up...

i take naturethroid and i hope that is not a problem. i have taken t3 meds for a

time but feel good on my naturethroid ...

as for methylation issues..is there way to test without a doc? i take methylated

b complex by thorne and have recently started taking tmg...is there a reason dmg

is preferred by you over tmg?

one of my daughter is having same issue with increased antibodies even with tsh

completely suppressed..both of our tsh are just about ZERO! so you are saying

that putting iodide in the system of a person with suppressed thryoid function

is ok and of no consequence ? tsh stimulates h2o2 but does something else do

that too??

i will go read the info now! promise!

> >

> > stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with

hashimotos to safely take iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now

and it has helped so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of

being on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it some

of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video series by dr.

haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide increases tsh and that in

turn increases h2o2 production thereby causing more thyroid destruction etc...he

shows an example of a woman who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide

went up to like 700 in 3 months time! whoops!

> >

> > i love taking iodoral but now i am worried i am making myself worse off

rather than better!! i do take selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea

salt....a multi that has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we

can justify taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks

> >

> > dawn

> >


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I could be completely wrong but I have read that taking T3 only meds is the

preferred option when you have Hashimoto's.

> >

> > stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with

hashimotos to safely take iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now

and it has helped so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of

being on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it some

of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video series by dr.

haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide increases tsh and that in

turn increases h2o2 production thereby causing more thyroid destruction etc...he

shows an example of a woman who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide

went up to like 700 in 3 months time! whoops!

> >

> > i love taking iodoral but now i am worried i am making myself worse off

rather than better!! i do take selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea

salt....a multi that has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we

can justify taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks

> >

> > dawn

> >


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I agree with Steph, I don't find that statement to be helpful. I have Hashi's.

I took

Synthroid originally because I didn't want to take an animal-derived product,


tho my primary practitioner wanted me to. 5 years later I finally switched to

NatureThroid and I've been on it for 6 years, and my life is so different now.

I don't

know what my antibodies currently are and I frankly don't care. I feel good, I


energy to do the things I want to do in my life, and I'm happy most of the time,

despite the chaos in our world. Doctors in the 1800s through the 1950s treated

thyroid problems according to how the patient feels. That is how my doctor


it, and I am so thankful to have found someone with a similar outlook.

I have NEVER been told that I should not take whole thyroid because of the

Hashi's. And the fact of the matter is that the thyroid and the entire body


iodine in order to function in full health. So depriving yourself of iodine

means that

you go back to the statistics that Western medicine offers. Those aren't good

enough for me.

best wishes,



On 1 Jan 2012 at 23:04, ladybugsandbees wrote:




> Where did you get that you should only take T3 when you have hashi's?

> Hashimotos has two different antibodies. One on the oxidation process

> (TPO Ab) and one on the organification process (Tg Ab). The

> organification process has nothing to do with the conversion process.

> Most of the conversion occurs in the liver and kidney (80%) and not in

> the thyroid. T3 medications are synthetic thyroid hormones which can

> cause issues in another way.


> Buist, ND HC


> Re: iodine and hashimotos



> Hi Dawn,

> Regarding the issue of iodine increasing the TSH - this does happen

> but it is only temporary (the new members doc explains it).


> Also, If you are on thyroid medication then your thyroid will not be

> producing any thyroid hormones, so the h2o2 production will not be

> happening. Unless of course you are on a T4 or Natural thyroid

> medication. But in any case if you have Hashi's, you should be taking

> a T3 only thyroid medication to stop the T4 to T3 conversion which

> will cause antibodies. Hope that all makes sense.


> Regards

> Pat



> >

> > stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with

> > hashimotos to safely take

> iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now and it has helped

> so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of being

> on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it

> some of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video

> series by dr. haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide

> increases tsh and that in turn increases h2o2 production thereby

> causing more thyroid destruction etc...he shows an example of a woman

> who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide went up to like 700

> in 3 months time! whoops! > > i love taking iodoral but now i am

> worried i am making myself worse off rather than better!! i do take

> selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea salt....a multi that

> has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we can justify

> taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks > > dawn >






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Hi . Just thought I would ask a question about iodine and Gastroparesis. I know some members have found using iodine and the supplements has caused their blood sugars going back to normal levels. Has anyone who has this lousy disease Gastroparesis gotten rid of the disease by doing the iodine therapy. I really feel for your daughter Kari. Too be so young and to have this awful illness is terrible. I will be praying for her. Domperidone has saved my life and without it I cannot eat whatsoever but I was hoping one day to be totally rid of it if I continued to use the iodine therapy. I have noticed I no longer need Miralax, stool softeners or laxitives for the last two weeks. I am up to 5 drops of Lugol's and adding a extra drop every 3 days. I am trying to work up faster then previously instructed. Thank God for you

and all you do and the moderators do for us all here on this group. For the 1st time in a long time I have hope again. Thanks Happy new year Rae From: Kari <kari0761@...> "iodine " <iodine > Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2012 7:17 PM Subject: Re: iodine and hashimotos

Hi ,Is there an advantage to taking DMG instead of TMG for methylation? I take 2000MG/day of TMG and noticed much less inflammation. This was a month before I started the iodine protocol. I'm still going to have the MTHFR test but I'm suspecting this is the case in my family too.If my daughter's Hashimoto is caused by MTHFR, can she go in the iodine protocol. My daughter's endo convinced her that it is too dangerous but didn't say why. My daughter is 26 yrs old and has type 1 diabetes since she was an infant and that gave her diabetic gastroparesis last year. Her treatment options are very limited. I hoped iodine would help protect her body from bacterial overgrowth and help her glands too.

Now I'm just confused about the best

approach. This has been a rough weekend. Her Gastro had her have a HIDA scan with CCK and the CCK did a number on her organs. I almost thought we would be heading to the hospital but she seems to have passed any small stones the CCK may have forced out (crossing fingers).Anyway, back to iodine and how do we determine if it can help her when the endo insists it is bad. She is taking synthroid and has a few small (1mm) nodules on her thyroid.Kari From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> iodine Sent:

Sunday, January 1, 2012 9:57 PM Subject: Re: iodine and hashimotos

Just a stab here but you may have the MTHFR gene defect which effects a lot of methylation issues. It is common with autoimmune & cancer conditions. I am wondering if it would help you to support the methylation system. My family all has it and we take DMG Complete which is a PureZenHealth.com product.

Buist, ND HC

Re: iodine and hashimotos

I've also had my antibodies rise dramatically so have stopped iodine for now. I was taking 300mg of selenium per day, plus all the other companion nutrients. I've been gluten-free for nearly two years.

What do you see as my options, e.g. should I try going back to iodine but taking 400mgs of selenium then re-testing in 8 to 12 weeks? How do you work out what is the correct dose of selenium?

It worried me how much my antibodies had risen, plus I never used to have discomfort in the area of my thyroid but I do now.

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 8:24 AM, dawn <dawnv5@...> wrote:

stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with hashimotos to safely take iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now and it has helped so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of being on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it some of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video series by dr. haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide increases tsh and that in turn increases h2o2 production thereby causing more thyroid destruction etc...he shows an example of a woman who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide went up to like 700 in 3 months time! whoops!i love taking iodoral but now i am worried i am making myself worse off rather than better!! i do take selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea salt....a multi that has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we can justify taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks dawn

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Can you share your sources? If you can find where you read it I would be interested. I know that this tends to be the mantra of the NTH Adrenal group.

Buist, ND HC

Re: iodine and hashimotos

I could be completely wrong but I have read that taking T3 only meds is the preferred option when you have Hashimoto's.> >> > stephanie...can you explain to me why it is ok for those of us with hashimotos to safely take iodoral ...i have been taking 50 mg for 2 years now and it has helped so many things but my antibodies continue to climb in spite of being on enough thryoid meds to suppress my tsh...i also have my kids on it some of whom have hashimotos as well...i was watching this video series by dr. haskell i think and he was talking about how iodide increases tsh and that in turn increases h2o2 production thereby causing more thyroid destruction etc...he shows an example of a woman who had tpo of about 50 that after starting iodide went up to like 700 in 3 months time! whoops!> > > > i love taking iodoral but now i am worried i am making myself worse off rather than better!! i do take selenium 200 per day as well as vitamin c and sea salt....a multi that has some zinc....can you explain to me just briefly how we can justify taking iodide with hashimotos? thanks > > > > dawn> >>

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I've googled MTHFR and DMG and found some information about MTHFR but am hoping to hear more information from people with hypothyroidism and MTHFR.   What symptoms did you have of the MTHFR?

Can hypothyroidism lead to problems from the MTHFR that were not a problem before the thyroid issues?Is it necessary to take folic acid as well as DMG?Thanks,

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