Guest guest Posted November 2, 2000 Report Share Posted November 2, 2000 hi joan, welcome!! did you get he info you needed--i saw nicole posted her site for you to get the cp insert...glad you are here!!! brigit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 27, 2008 Report Share Posted October 27, 2008 Hello Vonne, I am from Indonesia. I have introduced myself about 2 weeks ago. My case is similar with yours. My first kid, a girl, has severe problem. I did not disclose in my introducing email, that actually my 2nd kid also had problem. He is 4 years now. He had a little bit problem with ADD, and speech delay 2 years ago. His big problem now is his allergic to some food, whether changing that may trigger his asthma. At two years, he could not speak a phrase yet, just some single words. According to an osteopath doctor 1.5 year, he got a very mild problem with his back neck. He was fixed only once. Miracle that he did not move a lot during treatment. So far, after the treatment, his vocabulary increased a lot. Now, his problem is some articulation not clear, and he speaks very fast, and yes still a little bit ADD but more mild than before. Some exercises (home based since I do not have enough money aymore to send him to therapy center) helped him a lot. He loves e Reflex and Babkin Palmomental Exercises from Masgutova M. For my daugther's sleep problem, it was settled with one of auditory training program. She had got 2 modules of the program, and at the beginning of November, she will get the 3rd module. The modules are expensive for me. I also did "sandwich therapy" if she was allergic to some food made her could not sleep, too happy, or too sad, etc. The result is so far so good. I hope some Masgutova M. can help to replace the expensive auditory training program for her sleep, especially her speech. I never uses any medication for her sleep disturbances. Rgrds, From: Levon Dorsey <vonne411@...>CHILDRENWITHCHALLENGESGROUPS (DOT) COMSent: Monday, October 27, 2008 12:52:40 PMSubject: Introducing myself I am the parent of two special needs children.My name is Levon. My children is male age 13, and Javon male age 4.We are from Greenville,Ms. is diagnosed with ADHD,behavioral problems,brs, and brc.My son Javon has speech problems and diagnosed with pervasive development disorder with nos. takes clonidine for sleep,and Strattera for hyperactivity. Javon isn't on any medications. Window Coverings Save big on high quality window coverings from your favorite brands. Click now! Click here for more information Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 11, 2008 Report Share Posted November 11, 2008 Dear Joan, I think we are very lucky to have you as part of our group. You have a huge well of experience. Good luck on getting the grant together. It is much needed in our field. Sincerely and with great respect, Joan Spalding Ph.D. Evergreen , Colorado**************AOL Search: Your one stop for directions, recipes and all other Holiday needs. Search Now. ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 14, 2010 Report Share Posted September 14, 2010 it is nice to hear from the older back people. I had my surgery in 1966 in Toronto and have two Harrington rods. I am very lucky as I have had no problems From: ann kurzius <akurzius@...>Subject: Introducing myself Received: Saturday, September 11, 2010, 10:25 PM , I haven't posted in a long time, if ever, so you may or may not find anything in the archives from me. I'm not really a flatbacker, because my 1960-61 surgeon was too conservative to try the then "new and unproven" Harrington rod----thank heavens! But I didn't exactly get a scoliosis correction that lasted, either, despite two fusions (as a young teen I never heard which vertebrae) and despite nine months in bed in a body cast after each (yes, we're talking the dark ages here--50 years ago). Supposedly my fusions are still "solid," but I'm quite a bit rotated (rib hump) and have lost 4 inches in height due to degenerative disc disease and whatever else. So far Pilates and working out with weights, plus occasional PT, are keeping away the down-the-legs pain that I had a couple years ago. So at age 63 I'm not planning revision surgery, but if the terrible pain ever returns I'll have to consider it. Someone asked about that current movie I mentioned, "The Extra Man." Maybe I'm too sensitive and cringe too easily, but I found it offensive that the main characters made repeated references to a shady con man (thief) who was never even named, just always referred to as "the hunchback" or "the Swiss hunchback." I can't quite recall if this supposedly humorous villain finally made a brief cameo appearance, but I think he did. ---ann Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 22, 2011 Report Share Posted January 22, 2011 Is this dating or iodine groups? LolSent from my iPhone 4On Jan 22, 2011, at 5:15 PM, Alarcon <georgealarcon19@...> wrote: Dear Members,I am sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I am a bit shy and quite awkward in these matters. I am also quite new to , so I am still learning how this whole thing works.I would like to tell you something about myself: I am 39 years old man, single, with a passion for good health. I am into alternative health. I enjoy reading and learning about new alternative treatments for treating and curing various health-related problems such as cancer, lupus, etc. Since I am broadly interested in good health, that is why I am interested in this group, in particular.For the past two years I have been self-administering a 4-day-out-of-the-week detox therapy in order to chelate mercury that had been accumulating in my body for nearly 20 years! Mercury is supposed to make you extremely tired. This is one of its main symptoms. How I got so much mercury? Unfortunately because of having had 7 mercury fillings in my mouth for about 20 years, very small fragments of mercury have been slipping inside my body and making me very sick. Because of all of that dangerous mercury that I had swallowed over the years, I was diagnosed to be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It was only 3 years ago that I learned by reading the recovery stories of other CFS sufferers, that the root cause of my health condition was mercury poisoning. It made perfect sense after I thought about it for a while. Only a few months ago, I was forced to sleep around 12.5 hours on a daily basis. But thanks to the detox treatment that I have been religiously doing, I have been able to successfully reduce my sleep requirement to only 9.5 hours/daily. This is a huge improvement. At my blog link below I relate about one important detox treatment that I used on myself with great success and also lost weight amazingly fast without even wanting or trying to lose anything. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 22, 2011 Report Share Posted January 22, 2011 Nice to meet you . This is a group about iodine; do you have anything to share about iodine or any questions for us about iodine? Kathleen Introducing Myself Dear Members, I am sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I am a bit shy and quite awkward in these matters. I am also quite new to , so I am still learning how this whole thing works. I would like to tell you something about myself: I am 39 years old man, single, with a passion for good health. I am into alternative health. I enjoy reading and learning about new alternative treatments for treating and curing various health-related problems such as cancer, lupus, etc. Since I am broadly interested in good health, that is why I am interested in this group, in particular. For the past two years I have been self-administering a 4-day-out-of-the-week detox therapy in order to chelate mercury that had been accumulating in my body for nearly 20 years! Mercury is supposed to make you extremely tired. This is one of its main symptoms. How I got so much mercury? Unfortunately because of having had 7 mercury fillings in my mouth for about 20 years, very small fragments of mercury have been slipping inside my body and making me very sick. Because of all of that dangerous mercury that I had swallowed over the years, I was diagnosed to be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It was only 3 years ago that I learned by reading the recovery stories of other CFS sufferers, that the root cause of my health condition was mercury poisoning. It made perfect sense after I thought about it for a while. Only a few months ago, I was forced to sleep around 12.5 hours on a daily basis. But thanks to the detox treatment that I have been religiously doing, I have been able to successfully reduce my sleep requirement to only 9.5 hours/daily. This is a huge improvement. At my blog link below I relate about one important detox treatment that I used on myself with great success and also lost weight amazingly fast without even wanting or trying to lose anything. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 14, 2011 Report Share Posted April 14, 2011 Hi Group, My name is & I am a 27 year old female living in Rhode Island. I joined a few of these groups and I wanted to send out e-mail and hopefully receive some advice as I am so confused about what to do. I have been verysick now for over a year. I suffer from chronic throat pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, muscle pains etc… as well as a host of other symptoms. Prior to this, I was pretty much happy and healthy. I went to so many doctors and was finally diagnosed as having a hyperactive thyroid and a large thyroid mass. My mass was finally taken out on March 7th (with my left thyroid) and unfortunately, the pathology came back positive for follicular carcinoma thyroid cancer. The doctors want me to go back in June and have the right side of my thyroid removed, followed by radioactive iodine treatments. I am a vegetarian and was also recently diagnosed with severe food allergies (dairy, egg, wheat, soy, beans, nuts etc…). My food choices have become extremely limited which making dinner time at my house very stressful. As I mentioned above, I am scheduled to go back to have the rest of my thyroid removed in June however; I am still not convinced that this is the best option. I am scared of RAI, I don’t know if I should do it. I am seeking alternatives and suggestions and also if anyone has had RAI and either regrets it or are satisfied with their choice. I would also still like to have children one day and I am terrified of the side effects of RIA. I hope someone may have some good advice about what I can be doing to help myself get better and possibly help me understand my options. Many of the people in my life have no idea how hard this has been for me. Thank You, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 14, 2011 Report Share Posted April 14, 2011 Hi : Yes there ARE other ways of treating it instead of RAI and removing it. Iodine, for one, would be extremely helpful for you. Others on here have been through the same experience as you and know more about it. But until someone else posts, I just wanted you to know that tehre is hope for you and there are other treatment options that are much safe and healthier. Once you have your thyroid removed, you will always have low energy I am told. ArielOn Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:17 AM, laura barlow <laurab14383@...> wrote: Hi Group, My name is & I am a 27 year old female living in Rhode Island. I joined a few of these groups and I wanted to send out e-mail and hopefully receive some advice as I am so confused about what to do.  I have been verysick now for over a year. I suffer from chronic throat pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, muscle pains etc… as well as a host of other symptoms. Prior to this, I was pretty much happy and healthy. I went to so many doctors and was finally diagnosed as having a hyperactive thyroid and a large thyroid mass. My mass was finally taken out on March 7th (with my left thyroid) and unfortunately, the pathology came back positive for follicular carcinoma thyroid cancer. The doctors want me to go back in June and have the right side of my thyroid removed, followed by radioactive iodine treatments. I am a vegetarian and was also recently diagnosed with severe food allergies (dairy, egg, wheat, soy, beans, nuts etc…). My food choices have become extremely limited which making dinner time at my house very stressful. As I mentioned above, I am scheduled to go back to have the rest of my thyroid removed in June however; I am still not convinced that this is the best option. I am scared of RAI, I don’t know if I should do it. I am seeking alternatives and suggestions and also if anyone has had RAI and either regrets it or are satisfied with their choice. I would also still like to have children one day and I am terrified of the side effects of RIA. I hope someone may have some good advice about what I can be doing to help myself get better and possibly help me understand my options. Many of the people in my life have no idea how hard this has been for me. Thank You, ------------------------------------ All off topic posts should go to the IodineOT group  IodineOT/ Commonly asked questions: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 14, 2011 Report Share Posted April 14, 2011 , There are some savvy people on this board versed in thyroid cancer, particularly , the group owner. I will tell you that the depression and anxiety will greatly subside or even go away, if you get on a good magnesium supplement at a high enough dose. There is A LOT of talk on this board about mag so people have varying suggestions that all seem to work. I lik magnesium malate by Source Naturals and I recommend for you to take AT LEAST 6 per day (build up to that governing yourself by bowel tolerance) which is 2 per day. That will equate to about 850mg of magnesium per day. Make sure the bottle you buy says 1250mg which breaks down as 425 mg of mag and the remainder is malic acid. That is for 3 tabs so you'll end up doubling that. Also, I cannot stress enough, the benefit of getting on iodine (either Lugol's or Iodoral) at high doses. Build up but you should be ultimately taking 100mg or more per day with cancer. > > Hi Group, > > My name is & I am a 27 year old female living in Rhode Island. I > joined a few of these groups and I wanted to send out e-mail and > hopefully receive some advice as I am so confused about what to do. I > have been verysick now for over a year. I suffer from chronic throat > pain, > depression, anxiety, fatigue, muscle pains etc… as well as a host of > other symptoms. > Prior to this, I was pretty much happy and healthy. > > I went to so many doctors and was finally diagnosed as having a > hyperactive thyroid and a large thyroid mass. My mass was finally > taken out on March 7th (with my left thyroid) and unfortunately, the > pathology came back positive for follicular carcinoma thyroid cancer. > The doctors want me to go back in June and have the right side of my > thyroid removed, followed by radioactive iodine treatments. > > I am a vegetarian and was also recently diagnosed with severe food > allergies (dairy, egg, wheat, soy, beans, nuts etc…). My food choices > have become extremely limited which making dinner time at my house > very stressful. > > As I mentioned above, I am scheduled to go back to have the rest of my thyroid > removed in June however; I am still not convinced that this is the > best option. I am scared of RAI, I don't know if I should do it. I am > seeking alternatives and suggestions and also if anyone has had RAI > and either regrets it or are satisfied with their choice. I would also > still like to have children one day and I am terrified of the side > effects of RIA. > > I hope someone may have some good advice about what I can be doing to > help myself get better and possibly help me understand my options. > Many of the people in my life have no idea how hard this has been for > me. > > Thank You, > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 14, 2011 Report Share Posted April 14, 2011 I meant to say 2 per meal (6 per day). > > > > Hi Group, > > > > My name is & I am a 27 year old female living in Rhode Island. I > > joined a few of these groups and I wanted to send out e-mail and > > hopefully receive some advice as I am so confused about what to do. I > > have been verysick now for over a year. I suffer from chronic throat > > pain, > > depression, anxiety, fatigue, muscle pains etc… as well as a host of > > other symptoms. > > Prior to this, I was pretty much happy and healthy. > > > > I went to so many doctors and was finally diagnosed as having a > > hyperactive thyroid and a large thyroid mass. My mass was finally > > taken out on March 7th (with my left thyroid) and unfortunately, the > > pathology came back positive for follicular carcinoma thyroid cancer. > > The doctors want me to go back in June and have the right side of my > > thyroid removed, followed by radioactive iodine treatments. > > > > I am a vegetarian and was also recently diagnosed with severe food > > allergies (dairy, egg, wheat, soy, beans, nuts etc…). My food choices > > have become extremely limited which making dinner time at my house > > very stressful. > > > > As I mentioned above, I am scheduled to go back to have the rest of my thyroid > > removed in June however; I am still not convinced that this is the > > best option. I am scared of RAI, I don't know if I should do it. I am > > seeking alternatives and suggestions and also if anyone has had RAI > > and either regrets it or are satisfied with their choice. I would also > > still like to have children one day and I am terrified of the side > > effects of RIA. > > > > I hope someone may have some good advice about what I can be doing to > > help myself get better and possibly help me understand my options. > > Many of the people in my life have no idea how hard this has been for > > me. > > > > Thank You, > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 31, 2012 Report Share Posted January 31, 2012 Hello Lynne To start your new 'health regime' I would first ask your GP to test your levels of iron, transferrin saturation%, ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, folate, copper and zinc, and when all these results are back, copy them here on to the forum together with the reference range for each one done and we will help with their interpretation and be able to help with the best supplements you might need to take. If any of these are low in the reference range, no amount of thyroid hormone can be fully utilised at the cellular level. Also, check out the attached document and go through each of the possible associated conditions that go along with being hypothyroid by way of a process of elimination. Let us know if you fit any particular category and we can then take it from there. How much levothyroxine and Nature Throid are you taking and when were either last increased? As far as your very low ferritin is concerned (when was this test done?) you may need a course of iron injections. Can you discuss this with your GP? Luv - Sheila I would like to get onto a more stable level health wise. I think I may need to take on board the need for additional supplements or have some additional tests and your forum seems a good place for advice. I think I'll have a few questions this week, (and before I have an appointment with my GP next Monday.) Thank you all No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4775 - Release Date: 01/29/12 1 of 1 File(s) WHY THYROID HORMONE REPLACEMENT MAY NOT BE WORKING FOR YOU.doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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