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Re: B12 every day?

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> I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every day.

I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.


> So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?




> We take it 3 times a day, 7 days a week. we take the lozage with a drop of

folinic acid on it.




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Dr Brownstein had me inject B12 every day for 1 month and then 1 time a week from that point on.

Buist, ND

B12 every day?

I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every day. I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?

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I used to take it every one to 2 weeks but when they outlawed B12 injections except by prescription, I had to quit. Is there a good non-prescription subsittute? (pills, etc.)ArielOn Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:32 AM, ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote:


Dr Brownstein had me inject B12 every day for 1 month and then 1 time a week from that point on.


Buist, ND

B12 every day?


I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every day. I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?

-- " Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring. " -Tom Donohue

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B12 as methylcobalamin spray or hydroxocobalamin spray are the best.

Methylcobalamin sprays are generally easier to find. After that B12 lozenges

are the next choice.

I do not remember if you were pro or con DMSO but if you are a person who is

interested in DMSO then you may be interested in this method to delivery B12:

http://www.krysalis.net/anemia.htm & http://www.krysalis.net/b12.htm.


> >

> >

> > Dr Brownstein had me inject B12 every day for 1 month and then 1 time a

> > week from that point on.

> >

> > Buist, ND

> >

> > * B12 every day?

> >

> >

> >

> > I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every

> > day. I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.

> >

> > So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> * " Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring. " *

> -*Tom Donohue*


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Perque Hydroxycobalamin worked fine for me.

Best wishes


Re: B12 every day?

I used to take it every one to 2 weeks but when they outlawed B12 injections except by prescription, I had to quit. Is there a good non-prescription subsittute? (pills, etc.)Ariel

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:32 AM,

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> I used to take it every one to 2 weeks but when they outlawed B12 injections

> except by prescription, I had to quit. Is there a good non-prescription

> subsittute? (pills, etc.)

> Ariel

I have a rare neurological condition called syringomyelia (similar to multiple

sclerosis). My legs were getting very weak and I asked my dr if I could try B12

injections. He said no, so I went out and bought some myself off the internet

and it improves my condition a lot.

I live in England and bought some hydroxocobalamin from Germany in ampules but

later I found a bottle of 100ml from a veterinary/animal food supplier and use

that instead. It is cyanocobalamin which is not supposed to be as good as

hydroxocobalamin, but it works for me. The bottle from the vets is very cheap

and after a google search I read on bodybuilding sites that it is used by

bodybuilders quite a lot. It cost about £10 ($16) a bottle with enough for 50


I started off having injections once a day, and kept that up for over two months

then cut back to every few days. You need the very narrow orange needles on a

syringe and you hardly feel it in the top of your arm. I lost count, but I have

probably had over a 100 injections up to now.

Taking B12 in pill form is no good for people like me who do not absorb it

properly - my diet should have enough B12 in it yet I notice the difference

after a B12 injection in a very short time.


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The problem with B12 is that it is not very absorbable when you swallow a pill -- even though lots of folks are quite happy to sell you the pill. The best OTC preparations are in the form of a lozenge that dissolves under the tongue, or a spray that you spray under the tongue, where the vitamin is being absorbed through the mucous membranes. (Some of the sprays are now liposomal, meaning that the nutrient is encased in a liposome shell that is absorbed more readily into the blood stream.) There is a company called Revitapop that makes B12 suckers in the hopes of accomplishing the same goal. (I am not creative enough to make this stuff up. Let me see -- a sucker, or a shot in the rear?)Most people seem to be agreed that the shots are more effective, but since they are given by prescription, you have to find a cooperative doctor to sign off on the prescription. (A few people who have tried different forms claim that they have good luck with Revitapops or sublingual preparations. It is definitely worth a try.)Another factor to consider is the FORM of B12 you use. People with methylation issues need methyl B12 (methylcobalamin sp?), & if you read the fine print, there are different forms of the vitamin available. You need to do some research to be sure that you are getting the form that is best for you.AnneOn Apr 13, 2011, at 7:59 AM, Ariel Monserrat wrote:

I used to take it every one to 2 weeks but when they outlawed B12 injections except by prescription, I had to quit. Is there a good non-prescription subsittute? (pills, etc.)ArielOn Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:32 AM, ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote:

Dr Brownstein had me inject B12 every day for 1 month and then 1 time a week from that point on.

Buist, ND

B12 every day?

I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every day. I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?

-- "Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring."-Tom Donohue

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Hi Anne,

How do we know if we have methylation issues?

> >

> >

> > Dr Brownstein had me inject B12 every day for 1 month and then 1 time a week

from that point on.

> >

> > Buist, ND

> >

> > B12 every day?

> >

> >

> > I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every

day. I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.

> >

> > So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > " Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring. "

> > -Tom Donohue

> >

> >

> >


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> I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every day.

I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.


> So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?




My wife and I take B12 everyday in the form of Methylcobalamin 1000 mcg

We take it because we usually eat a nutritarian vegan diet but occasionally we

do eat seafood & 2 or 3 times a months we eat eggs. Rarely do we eat any other

kind of animal protein but once in a great while we will have venison etc.

It is possible to get B12 from spirulina and possibly chlorella as well as

traces of iodine. It has been suggested that 10 grams of spirulina along with 5

grams of chlorella can do one wonders. Double that for diseases that need extra




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> I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every day.

I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.


> So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?




To see what Dr. Fuhrman has to say about B-12 go here

http://rawfoodsnewsmagazine.com/modules.php?op=modload & name=News & file=article & si\

d=13 & mode=thread & order=0 & thold=0

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andrew lessman who makes greaat vitamins was just on hsn explaining about b12 andhe said b12 must be protected from stomach acid and it has bigmolecules anyway his disolves in the intestines. he also explained about d-3 if we have alot of body fat he said the fat grabs hold of the d3 therefore we have to take more than an average size person by the way todays special today b12 and d3

iodine From: ldanaila@...Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 19:28:26 +0000Subject: Re: B12 every day?

Hi Anne,How do we know if we have methylation issues?> > > > > > Dr Brownstein had me inject B12 every day for 1 month and then 1 time a week from that point on.> > > > Buist, ND> > > > B12 every day?> > > > > > I read the book of Dr. Brownstein and I saw that he prescribes B12 every day. I know that B12 should be taken 2 or 3 times a week.> > > > So, for the people who take B12, how many times per week do you take?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > "Throughout much of the world, most people are busy being boring."> > -Tom Donohue> > > > > >>

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