Guest guest Posted September 10, 2005 Report Share Posted September 10, 2005 Did you know that rogram shots for the RH factor that pregnant women get twice for each pregnancy contains mercury? I only found out after having 8 shots. My second child has AS. She had a reaction to immunizations twice when she was a baby. She turned blue from the waist down once in the doctors office and another at the health dept getting her immunizations. She went to a cardiologist for eval and their only explaination was that the room must have been cold. She was first diagnosed with ADD and OCD. Three different doctors diagnosed AS when she was 6 years old. She is not on any meds. We noticed that she is really affected by food coloring, expecially red #40. We watch her diet and do not include foods with colors or with some preservatives. She is doing great. She does have her days. But we are happy with the results. __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 10, 2005 Report Share Posted September 10, 2005 This is very interesting. My mother was Rh negative, and two of her three children (myself included) have Autism Spectrum Disorders, but both her pregnancies came before RhoGAM was introduced in 1968. Did you know that rogram shots for the RH factor that pregnant women get twice for each pregnancy contains mercury? I only found out after having 8 shots. My second child has AS. She had a reaction to immunizations twice when she was a baby. She turned blue from the waist down once in the doctors office and another at the health dept getting her immunizations. She went to a cardiologist for eval and their only explaination was that the room must have been cold. She was first diagnosed with ADD and OCD. Three different doctors diagnosed AS when she was 6 years old. She is not on any meds. We noticed that she is really affected by food coloring, expecially red #40. We watch her diet and do not include foods with colors or with some preservatives. She is doing great. She does have her days. But we are happy with the results. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2005 Report Share Posted September 12, 2005 My mom is Rh negative, and was given shots following each of her pregnancies. I am the oldest and the only one with no sister was SPD and fibromyalgia, my brother is SPD, and my youngest sister is SPD and OCD...I was the only one born before she got the Rhogam. Amnesty > This is very interesting. My mother was Rh negative, and two of her three children (myself included) have Autism Spectrum Disorders, but both her pregnancies came before RhoGAM was introduced in 1968. > > > > > Did you know that rogram shots for the RH factor that pregnant women get twice for each pregnancy contains mercury? I only found out after having 8 shots. My second child has AS. She had a reaction to immunizations twice when she was a baby. She turned blue from the waist down once in the doctors office and another at the health dept getting her immunizations. She went to a cardiologist for eval and their only explaination was that the room must have been cold. She was first diagnosed with ADD and OCD. Three different doctors diagnosed AS when she was 6 years old. She is not on any meds. We noticed that she is really affected by food coloring, expecially red #40. We watch her diet and do not include foods with colors or with some preservatives. She is doing great. She does have her days. But we are happy with the results. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2005 Report Share Posted September 12, 2005 Isn't that something, that is scary. They also said a certain type of drug given to women during pregnancy in the 60's (can't recall the name) was causing cervical cancer in women whose mothers were given that certain drug. You never know with all this stuff doctors are giving. It makes you really think what is safe anymore. Amnesty <amnestyb@...> wrote: My mom is Rh negative, and was given shots following each of her pregnancies. I am the oldest and the only one with no sister was SPD and fibromyalgia, my brother is SPD, and my youngest sister is SPD and OCD...I was the only one born before she got the Rhogam.Amnesty> This is very interesting. My mother was Rh negative, and two of her three children (myself included) have Autism Spectrum Disorders, but both her pregnancies came before RhoGAM was introduced in 1968.> > > > > Did you know that rogram shots for the RH factor that pregnant women get twice for each pregnancy contains mercury? I only found out after having 8 shots. My second child has AS. She had a reaction to immunizations twice when she was a baby. She turned blue from the waist down once in the doctors office and another at the health dept getting her immunizations. She went to a cardiologist for eval and their only explaination was that the room must have been cold. She was first diagnosed with ADD and OCD. Three different doctors diagnosed AS when she was 6 years old. She is not on any meds. We noticed that she is really affected by food coloring, expecially red #40. We watch her diet and do not include foods with colors or with some preservatives. She is doing great. She does have her days. But we are happy with the results. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2005 Report Share Posted December 15, 2005 it is from a group who are testing privately. It was preliminary and they are doing more testing and when I have that info will share it. I'll send the other again Sheri At 01:36 PM 12/15/2005 -0500, you wrote: >I can't find an article that Sheri sent on how Mercury (thermisol) is still >in vaccines EVEN though it says " Mercury Free " . could someone send that to >me?? > >jen c > -------------------------------------------------------- Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK $$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561 (go to or by mail Vaccines - Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - Homeopathy On-Line course - ANY INFO OBTAINED HERE NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. THE DECISION TO VACCINATE IS YOURS AND YOURS ALONE. ****** " Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 2005 Report Share Posted December 15, 2005 At 04:43 PM 12/15/2005 -0500, you wrote: >Oops, oh my. I just told a friend that if she read on the package she would >find it listed but just in very small amounts (enough to be called mercury >free). > >jen c > >thanks > well there is that issue too................didn't realize what you meant the vaccines with a * thimerosal-free still may have trace amounts (and how they can say those amounts have no biological effect is disgusting and criminal)..sheri * This product should be considered equivalent to thimerosal-free products. This vaccine may contain trace amounts (<0.3 mcg) of mercury left after post-production thimerosal removal; these amounts have no biological effect. JAMA 1999;282(18) and JAMA 2000;283(16). " In 1999, many companies started removing Thimerosal from their products. However, some products that say they are Thimerosal free actually still contain trace amounts. Thimerosal continues to be used in some vaccines. Many of the vaccines listed in the calculator are no longer in production but are included here so you can check previous exposures. " The Mercury Calculator Go Directly to The Calculator Background Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative has been used in vaccines since the 1930's. In 1982, the FDA reviewed Thimerosal and called for its removal in over the counter products due to its' toxicity. In a review of mercury containing products in 1999, the FDA recognized that mercury exposure from vaccines exceeded federal safety guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. While licensing new vaccines and adding them to the mandatory childhood schedule, the government failed to add up the amount of mercury that a child could receive in one visit and cumulatively over the course of the full vaccination regimen. In 1999, many companies started removing Thimerosal from their products. However, some products that say they are Thimerosal free actually still contain trace amounts. Thimerosal continues to be used in some vaccines. Many of the vaccines listed in the calculator are no longer in production but are included here so you can check previous exposures. Some neuro-developmental disorders such as autism have similar symptoms to mercury poisoning. It is well established that mercury is a neuro-toxin and is harmful to babies in utero and to the developing brains of children. There is a public health advisory from the government about the risks of eating mercury-containing seafood, but there is no public health advisory about the risks of exposure to mercury in vaccines. It is up to the individual parent to make the right vaccine choices for their children. Using the Calculator This mercury calculator will help you determine how much mercury a child received at previous vaccination visits or could receive in an upcoming visit. The products are listed by brand name and manufacturer. Some vaccines have two company names because over the past several decades there have been many company mergers. Just enter the weight of the child and click on the brand name /manufacturer of the vaccine. A number will show at the top and tell you if it is over the EPA standard of 0.1 mcg per kilogram of bodyweight. If you want to calculate your child's overall exposure to mercury containing vaccines on multiple visits, you will have to enter each visit individually, using the weight of your child at the time of the visit and then add them all together. Many companies have merged and changed names. This is why you will see some vaccines with multiple company names. In many cases the brand name was changed when the company name changed but in some cases the brand name and company name remained the same. For example in 1999 Merck announced that their pediatric vaccine line was mercury free. Even though the mercury-free version of hepatitis B vaccine was released, the mercury-containing version remained on the market until 2002 and was never removed. We do not have the specific dates for when these changes occurred for each vaccine. If you feel that your child is suffering the effects of mercury poisoning, please let us know by clicking here and describing the symptoms. If you need help with identification and therapies, we suggest you contact the following organizations. Autism Research Institute and Defeat Autism Now, Developmental Delay Resources, Unlocking Autism, SafeMinds. If you believe the information on this website has helped you learn more about the possible causes of your child's health problems or has benefited you in other ways, please consider becoming a member of NVIC. We depend upon individual donations from concerned citizens to provide this and other information about diseases and vaccines to the public. Read more information about Thimerosal and vaccines on the NVIC website. A Mother's Story My name is Lyn Redwood. I reside in Atlanta, Georgia with my husband Tommy and three children, Hanna, Drew and Will. My husband and I are both health care professionals. My husband is a Physician and I'm a Nurse Practitioner. I also hold a Masters Degree in Community Health Nursing and I'm a member of our County's Board of Health and local Planning Commission. My son, Will, weighed in at close to 9 lbs at birth. He was a happy baby who ate and slept well, smiled, cooed, walked and talked, all by one year. Shortly after his first birthday he experienced multiple infections, lost speech, eye contact, developed a very limited diet and suffered intermittent bouts of diarrhea. He underwent multiple evaluations and was initially diagnosed with a global receptive and expressive speech delay and later with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, a form of autism. I would have never made a correlation between my son's disability and vaccines until July 1999 when I read that a preservative, thimerosal, utilized in some infant vaccines, actually contained 49.6% mercury. The report went on to say that the FDA had determined that " infants who received thimerosal-containing vaccines at several visits may be exposed to more mercury than recommended by Federal Guidelines for total mercury exposure. " As health care providers my husband and I constantly receive notices that adverse events have been reported with a drug or a product safety sheet has been revised. Why were no such notices sent out informing us that thimerosal preserved vaccines were exceeding federal guidelines for mercury exposure in infants? It was in light of this information that I reviewed my son's vaccine record and my worse fears were confirmed. All of his early vaccines had contained thimerosal. From my research on mercury I have found it to be a potent human toxicant which is especially damaging to the rapidly developing fetal and infant brain. While acceptable levels for exposure are published by Federal Agencies, mercury is a poison at any level. The dose thought to be safely allowed on a daily basis by EPA is 0.1mcg per kilogram of body weight per day. At 2 months of age my son had received 62.5 mcg of mercury from 3 infant vaccines. According to EPA criteria, his allowable dose was only 0.5mcg based on his weight. He had received 125 times his allowable exposure on that one day. These large injected bolus exposures continued at 4, 6, 12 and 18 months to a total mercury exposure of 237.5 mcg. I also discovered that the injections that I received during the first and third trimesters of my pregnancy and hours after the delivery of my son to prevent RH blood incompatibility also contained mercury. Excerpted with permission from testimony Government Reform Committee, July 18, 2000 Mercury in Medicine. Are We Taking Unnecessary Risks Lyn Redwood is the Co-founder and President of SafeMinds -------------------------------------------------------- Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Classical Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK $$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561 (go to or by mail Vaccines - Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - Homeopathy On-Line course - ANY INFO OBTAINED HERE NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. THE DECISION TO VACCINATE IS YOURS AND YOURS ALONE. ****** " Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 9, 2006 Report Share Posted March 9, 2006 Debbie, Have you done the "counting rules?" Take the hair results and use Andy Cutler's counting rules to find out if there's a likely possibility your child has metal toxicity. Ann Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 9, 2006 Report Share Posted March 9, 2006 Mercury doesn't necessarily show up in a hair test. In fact, it's often quite the opposite. Could be in his body-not coming out and therefore, you won't see it from testing. Debbie <dashaumeyer@...> wrote: I have a question. I had bio-medical tests done on my son and one was a hair test. Until then I full-blown believed he got this from his vaccines. BUT......his mercury from the metals test wasn't high. There were other metals in his test that were high. The ones marked high and potentially toxic were titanium and arsenic. But those even weren't in the real high area, just high. This bothers me.Then the other metals were the essential metals and he was high in zinc and sulfur. I wanted his baby hair tested but was advised against it. If the lady in the book had her kids baby hair tested, and she discovered the root of the problem, (mercury, then why couldn't I get this done for my sons baby hair. It doesn't make sense to me.Debbie__________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 9, 2006 Report Share Posted March 9, 2006 I was told the hair was the best test for mercury. Do I have the wrong information. How would I know its in his body? Do a blood test for heavy metals. Debbie I have a question. I had bio- medical tests done on my son and one was > a hair test. Until then I full-blown believed he got this from his > vaccines. BUT......his mercury from the metals test wasn't high. There > were other metals in his test that were high. The ones marked high and > potentially toxic were titanium and arsenic. But those even weren't in > the real high area, just high. This bothers me. > > Then the other metals were the essential metals and he was high in zinc > and sulfur. > > I wanted his baby hair tested but was advised against it. If the lady > in the book had her kids baby hair tested, and she discovered the root > of the problem, (mercury, then why couldn't I get this done for my sons > baby hair. It doesn't make sense to me. > > Debbie > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 9, 2006 Report Share Posted March 9, 2006 The problem with the autistic kids is they are not good excretors of heavy metals. There is NO test to see what is in their bodies. If they are autistic they definetly have mercury and other heavy metals. The other metals come out first and mercury comes out last. Mercury comes out last since it is the hardest metal to bind to.If you have an autistic child you need to find a DAN doctor (go to the Autism Research Institute for a list of DAN doctors). The best chelator to date is TDDMPS ( You'll need to beging chelation and do testing on hair,urine and stool to see what is being excreted. As the autistic kids chelate they feel better and their symptoms slowly vanish. Many have fully recovered thru chelation. Get the mercury and other heavy metals out! --- Debbie <dashaumeyer@...> wrote: > I was told the hair was the best test for mercury. > Do I have the > wrong information. How would I know its in his > body? Do a blood > test for heavy metals. > > Debbie > > I have a > question. I had bio- > medical tests done on my son and one was > > a hair test. Until then I full-blown believed he > got this from > his > > vaccines. BUT......his mercury from the metals > test wasn't high. > There > > were other metals in his test that were high. The > ones marked > high and > > potentially toxic were titanium and arsenic. But > those even > weren't in > > the real high area, just high. This bothers me. > > > > Then the other metals were the essential metals > and he was high in > zinc > > and sulfur. > > > > I wanted his baby hair tested but was advised > against it. If the > lady > > in the book had her kids baby hair tested, and she > discovered the > root > > of the problem, (mercury, then why couldn't I get > this done for my > sons > > baby hair. It doesn't make sense to me. > > > > Debbie > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 9, 2006 Report Share Posted March 9, 2006 Hair is the worst, urine is the best. Hair only shows up if he's had a recent exposure since your hair grows and you cut it, and that's only if he's excreting it. The problem with our kids is that they don't excrete it, they store it. And you normally do a pre-test, then give a provocative agent like DMSA, DMPS etc for 1-4 doses then retest to see what's coming out. Usually, you will not see mercury dump until you've gotten the other metals down to a manageable level. Re: MERCURY I was told the hair was the best test for mercury. Do I have the wrong information. How would I know its in his body? Do a blood test for heavy metals. Debbie I have a question. I had bio- medical tests done on my son and one was > a hair test. Until then I full-blown believed he got this from his > vaccines. BUT......his mercury from the metals test wasn't high. There > were other metals in his test that were high. The ones marked high and > potentially toxic were titanium and arsenic. But those even weren't in > the real high area, just high. This bothers me. > > Then the other metals were the essential metals and he was high in zinc > and sulfur. > > I wanted his baby hair tested but was advised against it. If the lady > in the book had her kids baby hair tested, and she discovered the root > of the problem, (mercury, then why couldn't I get this done for my sons > baby hair. It doesn't make sense to me. > > Debbie > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 15, 2006 Report Share Posted April 15, 2006 We are waiting to read what was written in that EPA release. AasaTom Sedor <sedort@...> wrote: EPA Is Ordered to Release Documents on Mercury Rule By Beth Daley The Boston Globe Friday 14 April 2006 A federal magistrate in Boston ordered the US Environmental Protection Agency late yesterday to release internal documents to Massachusetts Attorney General F. Reilly about how the federal agency arrived at a controversial rule to regulate mercury emissions from power plants. Reilly sued the EPA in March 2005 after the EPA refused to release all the information Reilly requested about alternatives the agency considered before coming up with its mercury emissions trading program. Reilly believes the EPA dismissed more effective alternatives. An EPA spokeswoman in Washington said last night that agency officials were reviewing the 43-page ruling by US District Judge Magistrate B. Collings. She declined to say whether they would appeal. The EPA's mercury rule allows dirtier power plants to buy air pollution credits from cleaner facilities, a market mechanism the agency says will reduce mercury pollution 69 percent by 2018. But critics say technology exists to reduce mercury even further at a low cost and that the EPA's rule allows hot spots of mercury pollution to develop near power plants that pay for the right to pollute. The EPA argued it did not have to release the documents because it was part of a deliberative process and exempt under the Freedom of Information Act. But Collings said the agency did not prove that the documents were exempt. "We will now be able to see the documents that the EPA has tried to keep hidden," said Reilly. "By making the facts available, the public will now be able to understand the choices the EPA is making and whether the agency is meeting its important responsibility to protect the public health and welfare." Massachusetts is one of 11 states that sued the federal government in 2005 saying the mercury rules violate the Clean Air Act. The Bay State has already enacted some of the toughest mercury emission regulations in the country, rules that will reduce power plant emissions 85 percent by 2008. Mercury is a naturally occurring element that can cause severe neurological damage in children and fetuses. It is released into the air from incinerators and coal-burning power plants. US Hypocritical for Criticizing China's Mercury Pollution While Blocking Global Agreements, Say Advocates Mercury Policy Project | Press Release Tuesday 11 April 2006 Beijing - While traveling in China, US Environmental Protection Agency chief Steve criticized China for polluting the United States with mercury pollution, stating that "Pollution - especially mercury pollution - knows no international borders," according to press reports from the capital. Yet this stance is hypocritical, say advocates. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 20, 2006 Report Share Posted June 20, 2006 Here you go, Jen. Anita PRESS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 12, 2004 Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI) Contact: Dawn Winkler 970-641-7413 Vaccines Are Not Mercury Free After much public controversy surrounding the mercury content of childhood vaccinations, Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI) raised $500 to have four vaccines tested for heavy metal content. The vials were sent to Doctor’s Data, an independent lab which specializes in heavy metal testing. Many manufacturers voluntarily began producing supposed “mercury free†vaccines in 1999. Some product inserts currently claim that a “trace†amount of mercury still exists in the final product but that the amount has been greatly reduced. Others claim to be producing completely mercury free products. During an investigation into the mercury issue, HAPI learned that Thimerosal, a 50% mercury compound, is still being used to produce most vaccines and that the manufacturers are simply “filtering it out†of the final product. However, according to Boyd Haley, PhD, Chemistry Department Chair, University of Kentucky, mercury binds to the antigenic protein in the vaccine and cannot be completely, 100% filtered out. All four vaccine vials tested contained mercury despite manufacturer claims that two of the vials were completely mercury free. All four vials also contained aluminum, one nine times more than the other three, which tremendously enhances the toxicity of mercury causing neuronal death in the brain. The mercury content of routine childhood vaccinations has been linked to the current autism epidemic as well as numerous other neurological disorders affecting children today. Currently, one in six children are affected in some way and one in 250 children are diagnosed as autistic compared to one in 10,000 prior to mercury containing vaccines. It is the position of Dr. Haley as well as HAPI that if mercury can be detected in any vaccine using standard instrumentation, the content should be disclosed in the product insert and manufacturers should not be allowed to call the product “mercury freeâ€. Executive Director of HAPI, Dawn Winkler, met with FDA officials in Silver Spring, land on July 27, 2004 to discuss blatant mislabeling and misrepresentation of ingredients in vaccinations which are licensed by the FDA. Clearly, more testing is needed. The FDA has the ability and authority to take on the necessary testing, however, at present, this task sadly appears to be up to the public. HAPI will be attempting to raise more funds to test more vaccines in an effort to pressure the FDA to crack down on manufacturers to label their products correctly. To help with this effort call 970-641-7413 or email noshots@... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dawn Winkler Advocate for Health Freedom Investigate Before You Vaccinate; Your Kids, Your Choice, Your Rights " They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. " - lin " The freedom and happiness of man...are the sole objects of a legitimate government. " - Jefferson Carver <jenjackcarver@...> wrote: Could someone send me the article that was sent (a while back) about mercury STILL being vaccines. EVEN THOUGH it is in small quantities (enough to be called " free of thermisol " on the label). I know we discussed it. My friend read a study that came out recently and she thinks that mercury has been taken out of ALL vaccines and her baby is safe. It is sad, but she thinks this is the ONLY thing to worry about when it comes to vaccines:(( jen c Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 21, 2006 Report Share Posted June 21, 2006 How to Get Sick: Get Your Cavities Filled With MercuryFor more than 150 years, the dental profession has carefully avoided using the term "mercury" when describing the material used to fill tooth cavities for millions of Americans. They call it "silver amalgam," "silver fillings," or "amalgam fillings." The true composition of dental amalgam is, in fact, 45 to 55 percent mercury, with about 30 percent silver and other metals such as copper, tin, and zinc. Mercury is a heavy metal toxin that has been linked to digestive disorders, fatigue, emotional problems, immune system suppression, and neurological problems. While dentists have been slow to embrace the idea that mercury is dangerous, several recent court cases have put the spotlight on mercury and the health problems it can cause. Talk to your doctor about alternatives to mercury fillings. Composite fillings are entirely safe, and they blend right into your teeth. You'll help your health and you'll avoid all that conspicuous silver. Tim Parsons 2309 bakertown rd knoxville,tn 37931 865-258-2196 Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2006 Report Share Posted June 26, 2006 Dear , Do you do ear insufflation? Do you still have amalgam fillings? Best of Health! Dr. Saul Pressman heavy metals Saul, What is the relationship of heavy metals and ozone treatment? Ann Oxygen Nutrient Nederland van Dongenstraat 30, 8107 AG, Broekland ov. The Netherlands, Phone/fax: 0570-530100, Mobile: 06-30504240 website email: oxygennutrient@... UPS account number: 82063Y --------------------------------- Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Messenger with Voice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Hi I was wondering what kinds of experiences people have had with chelating? I've had CFS for 10 years, tested high for lead and aluminum and planning on doing mercury testing. I assume that long term CFIDSers all have some type of problem with mercury or heavy metals overload, yet this topic doesn't seem to come up much on the list. Someone on another board said that Dr de Meirleir said at the recent Florida conference that PWCs reacted differently to chelation and he wasn't in favour of it. (FYI.. this poster mentioned it as a throwaway comment so I'm not sure how accurate this is.) I also notice that someone on this list who is apparently recovered said she used B12 to get the mercury out of her brain. Mercury has a half-life of 16+ years... so I wonder how effective methods other than chelation are at getting rid of it. Any input appreciated. Louella --------------------------------- Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Louella, it's wrong to say that De Meirleir is not in favour of chelation. He prefers natural and slow chelation methond, like through chlorella or other similar products (he prescribed one to me called Total Metal Detox which is sold in Belgium). There is another one called PCA-RX sold in the US, very expensive but it is very well considered. It is true that reactions to quick EDTA or DMSA chelations are very different from person to person, and therefore a doctor should always think of the risks involved. I personally have a friends who relapsed very badly with his CFS symptoms after the EDTA chelation process. But this is of course one individual case, and there are so many different that we cannot tell a safe reliable result valid for everyone. Cheers, Massimo Re: mercury Hi I was wondering what kinds of experiences people have had with chelating? I've had CFS for 10 years, tested high for lead and aluminum and planning on doing mercury testing. I assume that long term CFIDSers all have some type of problem with mercury or heavy metals overload, yet this topic doesn't seem to come up much on the list. Someone on another board said that Dr de Meirleir said at the recent Florida conference that PWCs reacted differently to chelation and he wasn't in favour of it. (FYI.. this poster mentioned it as a throwaway comment so I'm not sure how accurate this is.) I also notice that someone on this list who is apparently recovered said she used B12 to get the mercury out of her brain. Mercury has a half-life of 16+ years... so I wonder how effective methods other than chelation are at getting rid of it. Any input appreciated. Louella --------------------------------- Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 20, 2007 Report Share Posted January 20, 2007 Ok,good to know Massimo. Did Dr M.test you for heavy metals? *Massimo <maxupolo@...> wrote: Louella, it's wrong to say that De Meirleir is not in favour of chelation. He prefers natural and slow chelation methond, like through chlorella or other similar products (he prescribed one to me called Total Metal Detox which is sold in Belgium). There is another one called PCA-RX sold in the US, very expensive but it is very well considered. It is true that reactions to quick EDTA or DMSA chelations are very different from person to person, and therefore a doctor should always think of the risks involved. I personally have a friends who relapsed very badly with his CFS symptoms after the EDTA chelation process. But this is of course one individual case, and there are so many different that we cannot tell a safe reliable result valid for everyone. Cheers, Massimo Re: mercury Hi I was wondering what kinds of experiences people have had with chelating? I've had CFS for 10 years, tested high for lead and aluminum and planning on doing mercury testing. I assume that long term CFIDSers all have some type of problem with mercury or heavy metals overload, yet this topic doesn't seem to come up much on the list. Someone on another board said that Dr de Meirleir said at the recent Florida conference that PWCs reacted differently to chelation and he wasn't in favour of it. (FYI.. this poster mentioned it as a throwaway comment so I'm not sure how accurate this is.) I also notice that someone on this list who is apparently recovered said she used B12 to get the mercury out of her brain. Mercury has a half-life of 16+ years... so I wonder how effective methods other than chelation are at getting rid of it. Any input appreciated. Louella --------------------------------- Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 21, 2007 Report Share Posted January 21, 2007 Yes sure he does. I was tested through MELISA tests for lynfocite metal sensitivity. Actually I came out with only nickel sensitivity, and Dr. DM said it fits the picture of intestinal dysbiosis (don't ask me why...). I also did a hair mineral and heavy metal test but I don't rely on it a lot, mostly because it measures only organic mercury (from food) and not inorganic (from other sources). By the way, I will remove all my amalgams starting from February anyway, I want to reduce any possible form of toxicity in my body that could be burden. Massimo Re: mercury Hi I was wondering what kinds of experiences people have had with chelating? I've had CFS for 10 years, tested high for lead and aluminum and planning on doing mercury testing. I assume that long term CFIDSers all have some type of problem with mercury or heavy metals overload, yet this topic doesn't seem to come up much on the list. Someone on another board said that Dr de Meirleir said at the recent Florida conference that PWCs reacted differently to chelation and he wasn't in favour of it. (FYI.. this poster mentioned it as a throwaway comment so I'm not sure how accurate this is.) I also notice that someone on this list who is apparently recovered said she used B12 to get the mercury out of her brain. Mercury has a half-life of 16+ years... so I wonder how effective methods other than chelation are at getting rid of it. Any input appreciated. Louella --------------------------------- Access over 1 million songs - Music Unlimited. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 27, 2007 Report Share Posted August 27, 2007 Well said, a. Even though you are simply an anecdotal story as an individual, just like any one of us, you have a valid point. Just as people who are sick have a right and responsibility to ask more questions, those of us who are not sick have just as much right to ask questions from the other side. You're also brave for continuing to see a conventional doctor. Sounds like you really have your sh*t together. I'm in awe. On Aug 27, 2007, at 8:28 PM, Pmc wrote: > I don't know who you are and I think you maybe in the wrong group. > All I know is I have been postive for almost 15 yrs and they still > can't find a viral load in me and I have never even had a cold.I have > never taken any meds and I have never had a symptom.So from my stand > point I have no reason to believe In the hiv=aids thing.I have never > done drugs or had a risky life style and yet they say I have > it.According to all of her books she is right on the money as far as I > can see.I have no reason to believe anything less.If I would have been > told I was postive and then gotten sick I might have felt different > but > I have never even had a headache.SO why would I believe the > doctors.And > guess what I'm not the only one ,there's hundreds just like me.So they > told me I would get sick and die and I would be gone in a yr.and > here I > am and all they can say now is that I must have a defect in my > genes.GEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ.Now my own doctor is starting to wonder why I'm > different and is having Harvard to study me because they can't figure > it out.Geez you think it could be because they were WRONG???????.a > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 27, 2007 Report Share Posted August 27, 2007 Well said, a. Even though you are simply an anecdotal story as an individual, just like any one of us, you have a valid point. Just as people who are sick have a right and responsibility to ask more questions, those of us who are not sick have just as much right to ask questions from the other side. You're also brave for continuing to see a conventional doctor. Sounds like you really have your sh*t together. I'm in awe. On Aug 27, 2007, at 8:28 PM, Pmc wrote: > I don't know who you are and I think you maybe in the wrong group. > All I know is I have been postive for almost 15 yrs and they still > can't find a viral load in me and I have never even had a cold.I have > never taken any meds and I have never had a symptom.So from my stand > point I have no reason to believe In the hiv=aids thing.I have never > done drugs or had a risky life style and yet they say I have > it.According to all of her books she is right on the money as far as I > can see.I have no reason to believe anything less.If I would have been > told I was postive and then gotten sick I might have felt different > but > I have never even had a headache.SO why would I believe the > doctors.And > guess what I'm not the only one ,there's hundreds just like me.So they > told me I would get sick and die and I would be gone in a yr.and > here I > am and all they can say now is that I must have a defect in my > genes.GEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ.Now my own doctor is starting to wonder why I'm > different and is having Harvard to study me because they can't figure > it out.Geez you think it could be because they were WRONG???????.a > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 2007 Report Share Posted December 14, 2007 Hi , My name is Anita Durney and I live in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. I have a 6-yr-old unvaccinated, autistic, non-verbal son named Henry. Where do you live? Your name is so familiar to me; I'm wondering if we have ever met. Gillespie <gillespies62599@...> wrote: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 31, 2008 Report Share Posted March 31, 2008 Debbie, As somone else said, hair is not a good test to determine mercury toxicity. does a test on the urine and you don't have to do a DMSA challenge ... they test for porphryins. ofile You may have to find a DAN! doctor who won't think you are a looney tune since mainstream medicine is still on the side of big pharma and think we are crazy. If they admit its mercury poisoning, they'd have to look at the possibility they had a part in it. Trust me, if you believe it, get the test - the results can be astonishing ... mercury has to come out for their health now and in the future ... it's linked to so many other diseases! Kathy > > I have a question. I had bio-medical tests done on my son and one was > a hair test. Until then I full-blown believed he got this from his > vaccines. BUT......his mercury from the metals test wasn't high. There > were other metals in his test that were high. The ones marked high and > potentially toxic were titanium and arsenic. But those even weren't in > the real high area, just high. This bothers me. > > Then the other metals were the essential metals and he was high in zinc > and sulfur. > > I wanted his baby hair tested but was advised against it. If the lady > in the book had her kids baby hair tested, and she discovered the root > of the problem, (mercury, then why couldn't I get this done for my sons > baby hair. It doesn't make sense to me. > > Debbie > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 We've replaced those rather expensive bulbs with plain ole 50 watt. Anytime you drop the watts the bulb lasts longer. Also the expensive " halogen " bulbs do not last any longer than standard, maybe less. I already have fluoro's in the ceiling for main lighting. It's a fad that will pass, IMO, as it passed in early 90's. Regards Mercury Beginning 2012, we won't be able to buy anything but mercury light bulbs. We're going to stock up on chandelier bulbs before then. Val Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2008 Report Share Posted September 25, 2008 There are special procedures they have to clean up those bulbs. I don't agree with you fully. It is different when ingested or inhaled but who wants their children ingesting, inhaling, injecting mercury. I think the injections are the worst, then inhaling, then the ingesting from foods. That is why they tell you about the fish when you are pregnant. That is why they have special procedures for clean up when a bulb is broken. You may not even put together the symptoms of it's affects but it doesn't mean it hasn't affected you on some level. This all contributes to toxic overload. On Sep 25, 2008, at 8:18 PM, marcitrix wrote: > I just wanted to throw out there that there is a big difference > between > having mercury INJECTED versus INGESTED. Having on your body versus > injected into your body. I am not an expert on this, but as with so > many other ingredients in vaccines it not only has to do with the > toxin > but the origin of entry. The body is designed with natural detoxifiers > (the liver...) when something is injected it completely bipasses this > natural system. I just wanted to throw this out there that I believe > there is a difference and that is why everyone who is taking cod liver > oil supplements and played with the mercury from a thermometer or > cleaned up one of those stupid new light bulbs isn't toxic. > Marci > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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