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Re: Autism and your church

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FYI, wanted to pass along. Barb Autism and Your Church: Moving Toward an Inclusive Community of the Childrenof GodZion United Church of Christ, (Delaware Ohio) is pleased to welcome BarbaraJ. Newman, church and school consultant for Christian Learning Center (CLC)Network, for a half-day conference on Saturday, February 9, 2008. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) present the church with a unique opportunityto recognize and affirm the gifts which persons with ASD bring to the churchand what we have to learn from them. New national statistics suggest thatone person in every 150 people falls somewhere on the autism spectrum.Therefore, this issue will touch each church and community.You

are invited to join us from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon as we spend themorning exploring ways to help include those who are differently-abled intothe fabric and life of our churches. As Pastors, Christian Educators, adult small group leaders, youth leaders,lay volunteers, child care providers and interested friends, how can we bestuse the our gifts to better support the needs of those with differingabilities? This program will better equip leaders to begin the conversationwithin their individual ministry settings of how they might better includepersons with ASD in the life of the church. And all at no charge toparticipants!Over „³8:30 a.m. - Registration and Coffee9:00 a.m. - Helping People Include People with DisabilitiesBased on her book Helping Kids Include Kids with Disabilities and usingScripture as our guide, Barbara will look at the current state of ourinclusion practices in churches

and schools and then give multiple,practical ideas for preparing a community and an individual or inclusion.Get ready to create both adult and children's settings that allow one bodyto worship, learn, fellowship, and grow together in Christ.10:15 a.m. - Break, Networking, and Snacks10:30 a.m. - Autism and Your ChurchBased on her book Autism and Your Church: Nurturing the Spiritual Growth ofPeople with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Barbara will offer an understandingof the gifts and differences in people diagnosed with Autism, AspergerSyndrome, and other related issues. She will also highlight severalpractical suggestions for setting up interactions for success as we worktogether with these individuals.RegistrationPlease contact Rev. Gunnar A. Cerda at 740-362-6691 orgunnarcerda@...Zion United Church of Christ51 W. Central Ave. Delaware, Oh 43015About our Presenter:Barbara J.

Newman is a special education consultant for Christian LearningCenter (CLC) Network, based in Michigan. She is the author of Helping KidsInclude Kids with Disabilities as well as Autism and Your Church: Nurturingthe Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. She haswritten curriculum for Friendship Ministries and is a frequent speaker ateducational conferences and churches. Barbara has also served as theChildren's Ministry Director at her church in Michigan for over 11 years.This program is made possible through a Make a Difference grant from theOhio Conference of the United Church of Christ. The purpose of Make aDifference grant is to help develop church lay leadership, and nurturechurch professional leadership, both of which are essential to the life andwitness of the church.

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