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ASO ACTION ALERT: Ohio Autism Insurance Parity

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Dear Autism Insurance Advocates:

As this session of the Ohio General Assembly winds down to summer recess, it is time for an update on the status of Autism Insurance Parity and HB170 co-sponsored by Rep. Jon ® and Rep. Ted Celeste (D).

On April 1, 2008, the House Insurance Committee heard proponent testimony. Parents testified eloquently regarding the hurdles they face getting treatment and paying for those treatments for their loved one with autism. Parent Doug Krinsky testified on the cost impact numbers of autism insurance parity that the Independent Insurance Committee worked on. There were questions on the numbers from several members of the committee.

Following the Autism Awareness Rally on April 2, Barb Yavorcik, Co-President of ASO met with four members of the House Insurance Committee that had heard testimony the previous day. These representatives were all sympathetic to the issues that parents are facing. However, they were all very concerned about the business climate in Ohio. Each talked about Ohio's average unemployment rate being higher than the national average, that the average income in Ohio is 10% less than the national average, and that there are currently at least 4 insurance type mandates pending in committee. While the Autism coverage mandate may only raise costs an average of <1%, they are concerned about the cumulative effect these types of mandates will have on small businesses - especially given the passage of mental health parity last session, which had a significantly higher cost impact.

ASO left those meetings with a list of questions from legislators that are being addressed to get answers regarding how businesses were impacted in states that have already passed autism insurance parity as well as other specific questions that a couple of the legislators had. ASO and the Independent Insurance Committee are working on answering those questions.

Unfortunately, HB170 will not move out of the Insurance Committee without a majority of Republicans supporting its passage. The Republicans will not support the bill until their questions about the impact on businesses have been addressed - and these are not questions that can be answered quickly. So it doesn't appear that there will be any movement on the bill prior to the summer recess.

Additionally, there will most likely be no additional hearings on the bill in Committee. There are only a few more sessions scheduled between now and early June, and the House and Senate will be focused on the compromise JOBS bill, energy/utility reform and the Budget Corrections Bill. Even if the bill would be voted out of committee within the next week, the General Assembly would most likely not address it, and we have no sponsors in the Senate for a companion bill.

However, all of our hard work to date has not been a waste! We need to look at what we have done so far as part of the education process for legislators. They have certainly learned more about autism and the impact that the lack of insurance coverage has on families. And legislators have shared issues that will need to be addressed before autism insurance parity can be passed in Ohio.

So what can you do now? Please consider one of the following:

Sign Up for Action Alerts, Provide Information - Go to the ASO website and "register" in the login area to receive updates and action alerts on autism insurance parity and other issues of importance to persons with autism and their families in Ohio. If you are able to help with autism insurance parity by visiting legislators, testifying or writing letters, please email ASO at askASO@... - and be sure to put AUTISM INSURANCE PARITY in the subject line. We need to identify advocates in every district in Ohio, so please consider sharing this information with us! For complete details on signing up and providing information, visit our website at www.autismohio.org, click on "Autism Insurance Parity" and then "Get Involved - Sign Up for Action Alerts, Provide Information".

Help Educate Your Legislators - Many legislators do not understand or know much about autism. Nor do they understand the problems families face trying to get medical treatments for their loved ones with autism. In order to get Autism Insurance Parity passed in Ohio, we will need to educate our Ohio Legislators! ASO has created information sheets for you to give to your legislators about autism and HB170. These sheets can be downloaded from our website - visit www.autismohio.org, click on "Autism Insurance Parity" and then "Get Involved - Help Educate Your Legislators" for complete details.

Elections are coming - Make Your Voice Heard! - The entire Ohio House of Representatives and one-third of State Senators are up for election/reelection in November. A few suggestions:

· Meet with your legislators over the summer recess and share information about autism. Be brief and positive!

· Use the information from ASO to help educate your legislators.

· Invite incumbents not up for reelection to come to a meeting to discuss their views. These shouldn't be “gripe†sessions, but a positive exchange of ideas. They will still be voting in the fall and after elections in the "lame duck" sessions.

· Hold a candidates forum to find out their positions on autism issues.

· Hold a fundraiser for candidates that support your efforts.

· If you can't fundraise, make a donation to the candidate of your choice - $50 per person or $100 per couple is a 100% tax credit!

· Volunteer for the campaign for candidate of your choice.

· Display a yard sign for candidate of your choice.


For complete details and some aids in talking to legislators, visit www.autismohio.org, click on "Autism Insurance Parity" and then "Elections are coming - Make Your Voice Heard!" for complete details.

And finally, ASO has a new comprehensive website devoted to insurance issues related to autism - there is a wide variety of information and resources available that can help - click here to check it out!

ASO will continue to update the "Autism Insurance Parity" link as more information becomes available. Visit often.

Thank you for your help - it is only by working together that we'll realize improvements in and expansion of services for individuals with autism and their families in Ohio.


The Autism Society of Ohio701 S. Main St.Akron, OH 44311(330) 376-0211fax: (330) 376-1226email: askASO@...web: www.autismohio.org

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