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ASO DIGEST: August 11, 2008

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Dear Friend of ASO:

Visit ASO's website www.autismohio.org for an "easy to read" version if this does not come through clean on your listserv. Or sign up to receive your own copy by "registering" on the "login" section of ASO's homepage.

News From ASO:

- Participate in ASO's Website Survey

- ODMRDD Releases Drafts of Phase 1 Deliverables from Futures Recommendations - Your input needed!

- ODE-OEC Updating Autism Scholarship Program Rules - Your input needed!

- Participate in Ohio Legal Rights Survey

- Autism Statehouse Rally 2009 to be held in collaboration with ARC Ohio! Mark your calendars!

- NOW OPEN! – 2008 NATTAP Conference Registration, Columbus

- Federal Update

Upcoming Events, Resources, etc:

- Westerville Car Show, Cruise-In to Benefit Oakstone Academy, Autism- Actors For Autism is helping BEVERLY HILLS 90210 CAST ROLE FOR INDIVIDUAL WITH AUTISM!- From About.com: Special Education Information: ADA Audio Conference Series: ADA Amendments Act/ADA Restoration Act

- Ohio Self-Determination Association Conference, Sept. 16-17

- Cleveland Walk for Autism Speaks

- Support The Healthy Transition Act of 2008!

- Symposium cosponsored by OPRA and Ohio Superintendents’ of County Boards of MRDD


- Autism Research Institute August Newsletter


- Weekly Internet Chats - NE Ohio

- The Ohio SIBS Conference, November 6-7, 2008

- Family Workshop: Basic ABA, Mayfield Village and Twinsburg

- KREATIVE KIDS Back to school party, Dayton

- Milestones E-Newsletter

If you are interested in participating in research projects, ASO is now posting all research opportunities on our website. For information on available opportunities, visit our webpage www.autismohio.org, click on "Information" along the l eft side of the home page and then click on "Studies/Surveys".

Have you purchased your Ohio Autism Awareness License Plate yet? To purchase yours, visit www.oplates.com and click on "Specialty Plates" or visit our website at www.autismohio.org for more information.Sincerely,The Autism Society of Ohio701 S. Main St.Akron, OH 44311( 330) 376-0211fax: (330) 376-1226email: askASO@...web: www.autismohio.org Please note: This is provided for information purposes only. The ASO does not endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services. Providing this information should not be construed as an endorsement by the ASO, either explicit or implied.

News From ASO:

From ASO: Please Participate in Our Website Survey

Please participate in Autism Society of Ohio website survey!

ASO would like your input to improve our website so that we could provide more accurate, up-to-date, and easy-to-read information related to autism to suit your needs.

You can participate in this online survey by clicking here or cutting and pasting the20following link into your web browser:


You can remain anonymous during the survey and your privacy is protected. You may, however, opt to sign up to our email list to receive ASO digest and other alerts, at the end of the survey. Your response to the survey questions will be aggregated and will be used only to improve ASO website and not any other purposes.

The results of the survey will be reflected in our website, and a report will be posted on our website.

Thank you very much for your prompt participation!

ODMRDD Releases Drafts of Phase 1 Deliverables from Futures Recommendations - Your input needed!

Note from ASO: ODMRDD is very interested in your feedback! Please note that these "deliverables" are very much a DRAFT! Additionally, the deliverables should be considered as each representing a part of a whole - a plan to implement some serious system change in Ohio - so please consider each deliverable in the context of the others as well. Nothing presented in the deliverables is cast in stone - so please provide input to ODMRDD. Of special interest to the Ohio autism community:

- Deliverable 2: New Flexible Support Waiver including Intensive Behavioral Needs

- Deliverable 5: Transition Pilot

- Deliverable 8: Waiting Lists

- Deliverable 9: Regional Planning and Networks

ASO Co-President Barb Yavorcik is part of Policy Leadership Roundtable and will be working with ODMRDD as these deliverables are vetted and finalized, so after you have submitted your input to ODMRDD, if you have a very specific concern that you would like emphasized, please share that with Barb at byavorcik@... or askASO@.... The next Policy Leadership Roundtable meeting is scheduled for September 17, 2008, so try to have your input in before then.

From ODMRDD E-Newsletter Pipeline:

Last Wednsday, at the third meeting of the Policy Leadership Roundtable, participants reviewed the first group of ‘deliverables’ (products) related to the 31 recommendations of the MRDD Futures Committee. We took those recommendations, identified who would support that work internally, and defined the sequence in which it would be performed. Today we share the work we have completed to-date in Phase One, which includes 17 deliverables.These deliverables are being presented as drafts for the field to review and provide feedback. We hope you will find the process to be an efficient way of moving forward. We continue to manage all of the Futures efforts as transparently and inclusively as possible, and take fresh approaches to achieve positive outcomes. This includes sharing drafts and works-in-progress. I invite the entire MRDD community to review this work, along with members of the Policy Leadership Roundtable. As you review this work, we hope you will note a number of things:· First, we have remained true to the recommendations given us by the Futures Committee. Our work, most definitely, will lead to the implementation of those recommendations.· Second, these recommendations allow us to progress in accordance with the themes and values we stated as important at the outset: 1. Less complex service delivery, with fair and logical payment systems; 2. Good stewardship of limited resources; 3. Quality outcomes, through a combination of people and processes; 4. Service delivery models designed in response to choices made by the people served, in alliance with community supports; 5. A system-wide vision developed with stakeholders.· Third, we hope you will note some creativity in this work – ideas or concepts that one might not immediately connect to the Futures recommendations, but that are imbedded in the intent of those recommendations.

I am very pleased at the participation we have seen from staff and stakeholders as the implementation process moves forward, and am encouraged by the role of the Policy Leadership Roundtable, as it supports the work to implement system changes in Phase One, and looks at the challenges ahead in Phase Two. Thanks to each of you who has been a part of Phase One. – For updated information on the 17 deliverables presented today, please visit http://mrdd.ohio.gov/futures/FuturesImplementationInformation.htm on or after August 7, and respond to feedback@... with any comments. We appreciate hearing from you.

ODE-OEC Updating Autism Scholarship Program Rules - Your input needed!

The Ohio Department of Education's Office for Exceptional Children is in the process of updating the Autism Scholarship Program Rules. The current rules (3301-103-01 through 3301-103-08) of the Ohio Administrative Code define how the Department administers the sc holarship program. The rules have been in effect since the beginning of the Autism Scholarship in January 2004.

Rule updating is part of a five-year review plan required by Ohio Law. This requirement gives the department an opportunity to make changes and any necessary clarifications to reflect the current language of the Ohio Revised Code regarding the Autism Scholarship. For example, the original law referred to the program as a pilot program. (The current law changed the name to the Autism Scholarship.) Also, the maximum amount of the scholarship was $15,000 and is currently $20,000 in law. The rules must be updated to reflect these changes.

The process to update the rules is lengthy and requires the input of all interested parties, including such groups as parents, providers, school districts, an d autism-related organizations and interest groups. This is the public’s opportunity to provide feedback to the proposed draft rules that will govern the scholarship program. The Department is seeking and welcomes any input from the public.

The proposed draft rules are listed on the Department of Education’s website under the Autism Scholarship Program section. Any input can be submitted by email to oec_asp@.... U.S. mail is also appropriate.

The rules must be approved by the State Board of Education and the Joint Commission on Agency Rule Review (JACARR), a committee within the General Assembly.

The proposed rules will be reviewed for public comment on:

Date: September 15th, 2008

Time: 10:00 AM/ div> Place: The State Library of Ohio

Directions: http://www.winslo.state.oh.us/publib/libdir.html

Please confirm if you will be attending this session by sending an email to the following link:


Participate in Ohio Legal Rights SurveyOLRS is involved in a strategic planning process. One part of the processrequires gathering information from people who either use OLRS services orknow about OLRS. It is important that we hear from families who havechildren with autism.We have developed an online survey. It takes about 10 minutes to complete.Here is a link to the online survey:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=LKz6Jw1U6MHtFng2wPvMVg_3d_3d

If you would like paper copies of the survey or more information, contact Tom Hemmert by e-mail at themmert@... or by phone at 1-800-282-9181 (voice) or 1-800-858-3542 (TTY).

The mission of OLRS is to protect and advocate, in partnership with people with disabilities, for their human, civil and legal rights.

Autism Statehouse Rally 2009 to be held in collaboration with ARC Ohio! Mark your calendars!

The Arc of Ohio and Disability Advocates, Administrators, and Providers from across the state will gather on March 31 and April 1, 2009 for a collaborative legislative event. March 31st will be held at the Hyatt on Capitol Square in Columbus with speakers/sessions on issues related to services and supports for people with disabilities and their families. April 1st will be a Rally on the Ohio Statehouse Lawn. The Autism Community and the MR/DD Community will join forces in 2009 rather than having two separate rallies for MR/DD Awareness Month in March and Autism Awareness Month in April! Please contact us through return email or call Jodi in The Arc of Ohio office at (800) 875-2723, Ext. 110 if you or your organization would like to participate in the planning and sponsorship of this major legislative event. The Autism Society of Ohio, The Autism Society of Central Ohio and Autism Speaks are the first three organizations to join in the collaboration.

NOW OPEN! – 2008 NATTAP Conference RegistrationThe Autism Society of America (ASA) and Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) present the 2nd annual international conference on autism training and technical assistance. The objectives of the conference are to review current systems models for addressing the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), promote use of best practice in research and intervention and provide methods for capacity building – all of which contribute to the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for individuals ages 3-21. Join the estimated 1,500-2,000 attendees from across the national and around the globe.NEW for 2008! Pre-Conference Sessions - November 18, 2008Pre-Conference sessions are provided by leaders and recognized experts in the field and provide attendees with a valuable opportunity for in-depth discussion and learning.What: 2008 NATTAP ConferenceWhen: November 19-21, 2008Where: Greater Columbus Convention Center | Columbus, OHEarly Bird Rate: $185Parent/Family Member Rate: $100Pre-Conference Session Rate: $100Conference registration and information available at: http://www.nattapconference.org

The Autism Society of Ohio has provided a grant to OCALI reducing the registration rate for parents from last year's $185 to $100 for all three days of the conference! Register NOW!

Federal Update

The House and Senate will be in recess through the end of the summer. They will reconvene after Labor Day when they will take up certain bills that must be completed in the three weeks that they are expected to be in session during the month of September if they are to be signed into law this Congress--most notably the FY 2009 appropriations bills. If the appropriations bills are not passed prior to the end of September when Congress adjourns for the Congressional and Presidential elections campaigns, a continuing resolution is likely to fund the federal government through early 2009.

Before the Senate went into recess, S. 3406 was introduced. This is the Senate's version of the ADA Amendments Act, with 57 co-sponsors. This very bi-partisan bill (30 Republicans, 34 Democrats, and 1 Independent) is intended to address much of the discrimination still faced by people with disabilities despite the passage of the ADA in 1990. The House passed its version (H.R. 3195) by a vote of 402-17 on June 25. Should the Senate pass its bill after its return from the summer recess, any differences in the House and Senate versions will need to be addressed before Congress is expected to adjourn at the end of September.

Thanks Senators Brown and Voinovich! It is not often that we can express a hearty thank you to BOTH of our Ohio Senators regarding their support of the same bill. We need to do that now! The ADA Amendments Act (already passed in the House) was introduced today on the Senate Floor. There is widespread, bipartisan support and both Brown and Voinovich have signed on as co-sponsors. (Senators McCain and Obama have as well!) Please acknowledge their commitment to the ADA Amendments Act.

Senator Brown: 202-224-2315, fax 202-228-6321, website: www.brown.senate.gov

Senator Voinovich: 202-224-3353, fax 202-228-1382, website: www.voinovich.senate.gov

Upcoming Events, Resources, etc:

Westerville Car Show, Cruise-In to Benefit Oakstone Academy, Autism

WESTERVILLE, Ohio – The second annual “All About Autism “ car, motorcycle and truck show and cruise-in will be held Aug. 16th at Quaker Steak and Lube at 8500 Lyra Drive near the intersection of I-71 and Polaris Parkway – for the benefit of Oakstone Academy, a school for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The event is once again being hosted by Boyd’s Goodyear and Glassburn Body Shop. The event begins at 1 p.m. Registration of vehicles begins at 11 a.m. and is $15.00 T-shirts and prizes will be awarded to the owners of the first 250 vehicles registered. Trophi es will be awarded to the top 50 cars and trucks, and the top 20 motorcycles. Event co-organizers Mike Hoover and Dennis Glassburn, said the event will include live music, a silent auction, raffles and activities for kids. “The silent auction will have some excellent items,†Glassburn said. I’ve been amazed at the generosity of the many individuals and organizations who have donated to this event.†Hoover has two children who are on the autism spectrum, and Glassburn has an autistic son as well that attend Oakstone Academy, which ecently acquired the old Westerville Athletic Club building through a very generous donation from Mr. Don Kenney, to be used as a high school for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. “The proceeds from the event will once again be put toward completing renovations of the building for the purpose of a high school for autistic children,†Hoover said. “The cost of the renovations is about a million dollars . We’re hoping to get between 500 and 600 vehicles again this year to the show and help them make another dent in that figure.†For additional information, contact Mike Hoover at 614.580.7300 or via email at boydsgoodyear@..., or visit wwwboydsgoodyear.com for information



Beverly Hills 90210 is coming back to television this fall. They are casting for a caucasion male with autism around 25 years old for a recurring role. If you are interested and fit the description, please email us a photo and resume asap to alisa@.... No phone calls please.


From About.com: Special Education Information

Special Education School Do you know your SLP from your APE, your LRE from your BIP? If you're baffled by all the terminology thrown around in meetings and paperwork regarding your child's special education, these 16 "lessons" will school you on the specifics. ... Read moreKnow Your School IQ Take a pop quiz to see how much you know about your child's school, then set a goal to improve your grade this semester. ... Read morePreparing the School for Your Child With Special Needs After you've learned your lessons, teach a few to the teacher. Locate your child's disability on this list for information to send with your student on the first day of school. ... Read more

ADA Audio Conference Series: ADA Amendments Act/ADA Restoration Act

For more information/sign-up, please contact DBTAC-Great Lakes ADA Center at www.ada-audio.org and choose the ADA Audio Conference Series Option or contact Great Lakes by email at gldbtac@... or by telephone at 312-413-1407 (V/TTY).

The Network of Regional DBTAC-ADA Centers is pleased to announce a special session of the ADA Audio Conference Series that will focus on the ADA Amendments Act/ADA Restoration Act. This session will be held on a special date and time.

DATE: August 12, 2008

TIME: 12:00-1:30 pm Eastern Time (11-12:30 pm Central, 10-11:30 am Mountain and 9-10:30 am Pacific)

SESSION DESCRIPTION: It has been a year since the ADA Restoration Act was introduced in both the House and the Senate. The intent of this legislation was to address the interpretations of the law by the US Supreme Court that negatively impacted the ability of thousands of Americans with Disabilities from exercising their rights under the ADA. Over the past year the House has passed legislation known as the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (HR 3195) and the Senate is in the process of considering their version of the bill (S 1881). There has been a great deal of discussion via generated on listservs, email and blogs regarding the compromise language used in the ADA Amendments Act and questions raised by advocates, members of Congress and the business community. Join us for this special session of the ADA Audio Conference series to learn more about the legislation, the perspectives of the employment community and how the definition of disability would impact Title I cases of discrimination.

SPEAKERS: Andy Imparato, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)

P. Aitken, Director of Governmental Affairs, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

M. , Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

FEE: $25.00 Per Site for Telephone ; $15.00 Per Connection for Streaming Audio via the Internet and $15.00 Real-Time Captioning via the Internet*

(*No charge for Real-time captioning provided as a reasonable accommodation at sites where Telephone or Streaming Audio are utilized)

REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Go on-line to www.ada-audio.org and choose the ADA Audio Conference Series Option or contact us by email at gldbtac@... or by telephone at 312-413-1407 (V/TTY)

This program is hosted by the DBTAC – Great Lakes ADA Center (www.adagreatlakes.org)

Ohio Self-Determination Association Conference, Sept. 16-17 Registration deadline is September 5, 2008, for “What People Really Want†– the Ohio Self-Determination Assn. (OSDA) conference at the University Plaza Hotel, 3110 Olentangy River Rd. in Columbus. This year’s conference will address how to make home and community based waivers more self-directed; how to help people connect with their communities; and how to deal with issues of loneliness. The ideas for these topics are from people throughout Ohio, which is why the conference is titled, “What People Really Want.†The conference is a unique opportunity for Ohioans to gather with self-advocates, family members, administrators, professionals, staff, friends, and experts on the subject of self-determination from across the country. OSDA encourages people from all areas of the MRDD system to attend this conference. The complete conference brochure, including registration form and information about registration fees is at www.mrdd.ohio.gov/families/self.htm and www.ohiosda.org/Conference/2008Conf.pdf For more information, please contact (614)890-9822 or email Ohiosda@...

Cleveland Walk for Autism Speaks

Thousands of individuals, families and friends whose lives are impacted by autism will join together to raise much-needed funds for critical scientific research and to increase awareness about a growing health crisis that now affects 1 in every 150 children at the second annual Cleveland and Northeast Ohio Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism on Sunday, September 28, 2008 at 10:00 am at Progressive Field. Joining the walkers at this year’s event, sponsored by Toys “R†Us, will be honorary chairs Dennis and Kucinich. All proceeds from the event benefit the national advocacy organization Autism Speaks. Established in 2000, the Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism events are the signature fundraising events for Autism Speaks and have attracted hundreds of thousands of walkers worldwide who have raised tens of millions of dollars for autism research. Last year over $27.1 million was raised nationally through the walk program. Toys “R†Us and the Toys “R†Us Children’s Fund serve as the national sponsor of the Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism program. For more information about the walk and how to join the effort by walking, contributing or volunteering, please contact le Porrazzo, Cleveland Walk Director, by calling (216) 538-9543 or email dporrazzo@... Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person’s ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by extreme behavioral challenges. One in 150 children is now diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, including one in 104 boys. Another child is diagnosed every 20 minutes. WHAT: The Cleveland and Northeast Ohio Autism SpeaksWalk Now for Autism WHO: Thousands of people with autism, their family, friends and supporters WHEN: Sunday, September 28, 2008, Registration time: 8:00 am, Walk kick-off time: 10:00 am WHERE: Progressive Field, 2401 Ontario Street, Cleveland, OH 44115

Support The Healthy Transition Act of 2008!

June 30, 2008

Senators Dodd (D-CT) and Gordon (R-OR) and Representative Pete Stark (D-CA) hosted a press conference on Wednesday, June 25th to announce the introduction of The Healthy Transition Act of 2008 (H.R.6375/S.3195). This federal legislation is designed to address the challenges faced by young adults with mental illnesses who are transitioning to adulthood by establishing a planning grant program that would allow states to implement effective transition-age mental health services and supports.

Senators Dodd and also announced the release of a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report titled Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness: Some States and Federal Agencies are Taking Steps to Address Their Transition Challenges. The report focuses on the tremendous struggles that transition-age young adults with mental illnesses face and several innovative programs that exist in four states to address their unique needs.

Sperling, NAMI's Director of Legislative Affairs, moderated the press conference. Amy Lydon O'Connor, a policy assistant with NAMI Connecticut and a transition-age consumer, shared her personal story at the press conference about the challenges she faced in transitioning from youth to adulthood while also managing a mental illness. She was joined by another transition-age consumer and a provider of transition-age services in Philadelphia.

NAMI applauds Senators Dodd and and Representative Stark for their leadership in introducing federal legislation that promises to focus national attention on the need for states to develop effective transition-age services and supports for young adults living with mental illnesses. Act Now!

Email Congress today and urge your Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor The Healthy Transition Act of 2008 (H.R.6375/S.3195), which will provide state grants for much needed support and services uniquely designed for youth and young adults.

Click here to send an email to Congress!

Learn More

To access the GAO report click here.

To access NAMI's statement on the GAO report and the federal legislation click here

Symposium cosponsored by OPRA and Ohio Superintendents’ of County Boards of MRDD

We are excited to announce a one day Symposium cosponsored by OPRA and Ohio Superintendents’ of County Boards of MRDD. The Symposium will be on November 18th at the Embassy Suites in Dublin. OPRA and OSCBMRDD have been working on building better relationships and increasing communication between providers and county boards. The symposium will highlight our efforts to date, as well as local efforts at collaboration. Symposium speakers include First Lady Frances Strickland, Director , ODJFS Deputy Director Corlett, and Plouck from the Office of Budget and Management. Also available is the Call for Presenters. We are looking for examples of private provider and county board collaboration at the local level.

For complete information, visit http://www.opra.org/

AUTISM AND ASPERGER'S SYNDROME CONFERENCE 2008- CINCINNATI With Dr. Temple Grandin, Barron and Dr. Ball!October 10, 2008 in Cincinnati, Ohio (Erlanger, KY meeting site)http://www.fhautism.com/conferences/cincinnati.htm

Autism Research Institute August Newsletter

The Autism Research Institute released its August E-newsletter , featuring: • Price Breaks Offered to Parents for Fall Defeat Autism Now! Conference • ARI Releases New & Updated Media Pages • Defeat Autism Now! - Where Parents and Clinicians Pool Knowledge • Former Law Professor Debunks Munchausen Myth • Autism Studies Enrolling Now • And moreView ARI's August E-newsletter online at: http://www.autism.com/ari/enewsletter/enewsletter_200808.htm


Join us for the DEFEAT AUTISM NOW! Conference at the Town and Country Resort, San Diego, CA.October 23rd-27th, 2008Come and hear about the exciting research that overturns the traditional medical view that autism is an incurable genetic disorder. Learn how nutritional support, gut rehabilitation, and immune and metabolic support are improving the health of those with autism.Register now at www.DefeatAutismNow.com while space is still available.Continuing Medical Education Credits provided for Clinicians.

Weekly Internet Chats - NE OhioEvery Wednesday evening at 9:30pm EST.Every week we discuss a different topic such as IEP, Dietary, Schooling issues and toileting. This internet chat is a separate chat that is made per topic for our group. It's a very nice evening chatting with other parents who have children with autism. There's a lot of sharing and caring in our chats.We use messenger for our chats, please send your screen name to me if you would like to join our parents Chat . Please write to n at: -owner (if you prefere to use AIM and only have AIM, I can also accept an IM to invite you into an AIM chat room.)I Hope you can join our chat it would be very nice to have you join us.Truly Yours,n , ParentsChat Moderator/Owner

The Ohio SIBS Conference, November 6-7, 2008 Special Initiatives by Brothers and Sisters (SIBS) is an organization dedicated to bringing together adult siblings of people with mental retardation and developmental disabilities (MR/DD) from across the state of Ohio. This conference provides an invaluable opportunity for siblings from around Ohio to meet, share experiences, and learn to become more effective advocates for their brothers and sisters. The 2008 conference will be held at the Marriott Airport Hotel in Columbus on November 6-7. Please join us in a supportive and educational experience that will provide insight into siblings’ roles as caregivers, advocates and siblings. Our aim is to enhance your knowledge base and network of support so you can help to enhance the lives of your siblings, families and communities. For more information, or to register to attend, please contact the conference organizer, Dr. Tom Fish, by email at fish.1@... or by phone at (614) 292-7550.

Family Workshop: Basic ABA

This workshop is for family members, caregivers, tutors or others interested in learning basic ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) strategies to use in their home.

Topics include:

Applied Behavior Analysis overview Identifying student goals (assessment) ABA tools and techniques

establishing attending motivation and reinforcement prompting and errorless learning task analysis discrete trials using observations (collecting data)

Same workshop will presented in two locations:

Date: Thursday, August 28

Location: Mayfield Public Library; 6080 Mills Rd. Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143

Time: 6:30-8:30 pm

Date: Sunday, September 7

Location: Twinsburg Public Library; 10050 Ravenna Rd.Twinsburg, OH 44087

Time: 1:30-3:30 pm

Cost: free for both

Milestones Organization3246 Desota Ave.Cleveland, OH 44118216-371-4765www.milestones.orgMilestones Organization provides Access, Education, Training and Collaboration for the autism community

KREATIVE KIDS Back to school party.When: August 23, 2008Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Open house style day of fishing and fun. Come and go as you please during the day.Where: To be determined. We have a new location for fishing we are checking into and will know the details soon. Bring: The entire family, your fishing tackle and favorite bait.Food: If everyone could bring something to share. (Please let us know what you are bringing when you RSVP.)RSVP: By Friday August 15th tokreativekids@ woh.rr.com or simplegirl33s Please let us know how many are coming and how many school age children their will be. SPECIAL BACK TO SCHOOL SURPRISE FOR ALL STUDENTS.

Milestones E-Newsletter

Milestones Family Workshop: Fall Series

This series is for family members, caregivers, tutors or others interested in learning effective strategies for playing, communicating and interacting in a home with children who have communication and/or behavioral challenges. These effective strategies are for children of all ages with pervasive developmental disorders, autism spectrum disorders and asperger's syndrome. The workshop focus is on ages 1 years old through early elementary. Participants will engage in hands-on learning of ABA for use everyday in their homes. ABA is a system for teaching which breaks skills down into discrete steps. Skills are taught through motivation, errorless learning, and reinforcement. Prerequisite: Attend our basic ABA Workshop (see above) or knowledge of reinforcement, prompting, and discrete trial.


Sunday, September 14, ABA Everyday During Play

* Behavioral strategies to use in the home during play* Learn how to encourage reciprocal play* Learn how to engage your child in fun, interactive activities* Learn how to use play to target specific social, communication or academic skills

Sunday, September 21, Siblings of Children with Autism: For Parents

* Identify the concerns of siblings of children with autism and their understanding of autism at various ages* Explain autism to siblings* Learn how to get siblings to share their feelings and concerns and foster play between siblings

Sunday, October 19, Be Prepared: Practical Behavior Plans

* Learn how to develop a plan to deal with behaviors so that you are not always responding in the moment but rather are being proactive. * Learn how to encourage positive behaviors and reduce inappropriate behaviors.

Sunday, November 9, Tools for Encouraging Communication

* Learn how to use a variety of visual supports * Learn how to create motivation to communicate * Learn how to encourage communication in the natural environment

Time: 1:30-4:00 pm Location: Mayfield Village Civic Center

Cost: Register for Individual Sessions or for Entire Series

$30 per person per session -- $75 per person for any three workshops in the series

$45 for two family members/caregivers per workshop -- $135 for any three workshops for two people

Group Discounts/Scholarships Available For more information on these workshops call 216-371-4765. Milestones Teacher Trainings 2008

Supporting Students with High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome in the General Education Classroom: A Workshop for Teachers and Paraprofessionals

This workshop will discuss instructional and behavioral management strategies to increase the success of students with HFA and Asperger's Syndrome in the general education environment. At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to identify and describe how to implement a variety of educational accommodations, modifications, and behavioral intervention strategies in order to effectively prevent, or minimize the occurrence of inappropriate behaviors and support the development of prosocial behaviors in the classroom. (CEU's Available)

Date: Monday, September 22, 2008

Time: 6:30-8:30 pmLocation: Mayfield City

Cost: $40 per person

For more information on this workshop call 216-371-4765.

Support Group PresentationMilestones would like to come out to your support group to share resources and present a topic with question and answer time. If you are interested, contact Kiersten at 216-371-4765. Presentation time: One hour Cost: No fee

Upcoming EventsFamily Friendly- Kids welcome!Milestones Active Calendar 2008 AugustAugust 14-15, Basic Foundations in Applied Behavioral Analysis (Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital) 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Shaker Campus, Center for Autism 2801 Luther King Jr. Drive, Cleveland. This two-day workshop introduces the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Target audience includes classroom teachers, special education teachers, speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, paraprofessionals, principals, counselors, parents and all other personnel who have direct contact with a child with autism. Cost: $300 per person. For more information on the workshops contact Manning at 216-721-1292 or manninj@....

August 16, The Arts Against Autism (Autism Speaks) FREE 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. Geauga Lyric Theater Guild, Chardon. This family-friendly event is open to the public. A multitude of local talent and experienced professionals will join together to bring your family an exciting interactive day including crafts, auctions, raffles, music, magic, and more! For more information contact Nedelman at 440 313-5018 or anthonynedelman@....

August 18, "We Want You Back: Strategies and Solutions for Helping Families with Special Needs in the Church." (Key Ministry Foundation) FREE 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. St. Rita Church, 33200 Baldwin Road, Solon OH 44139. It will feature a panel of experts to whom participants may address questions about how children with a variety of special needs can be better served in the church and in religious education settings. Panelists will include Grcevich, M.D., a child and adolescent psychiatrist, Cara Daily, Ph.D., a child psychologist specializing in autism, Rhonda , L.P.C.C., a counselor specializing in anxiety disorders, Sheri Halagan, National Board Certified Teacher, Sunderhaft, contributor to ADDitude Magazine and teacher specializing in learning disabilities, and Ann Colegrove, parent and St. Rita parishioner. For more information about Key Ministry, please visit our website at www.keyministry.org or contact Hamilton at 440/708-4488

August 18-19, Comprehensive Programming for Individuals with ASD (SST4) FREE9:00 am - 3:30 pm. Region 4 State Support Team 30 South Park Place Suite 150 Painesville, OH 44077. The two-day institute involves a process-planning framework/model for designing comprehensive positive behavioral interventions. The model provides participants with the tools to assess a students specific needs by examining the student's underlying characteristics and addressing those needs with individualized specifically designed interventions that are evidence-based and systematically implemented throughout the day. The process encourages parents and professionals to work collaboratively to develop positive behavioral supports to meet the needs of students across all settings. For more information contact Pat Cronin at 440-350-2563.

August 27, Core Features of Autism Spectrum Disorders and How these Present in the Classroom (Orange City School District and Orange Parent Education Network) FREE4:30 pm - 5:30 pm. Orange High School Media Center. Speaker: Dr. Max Wiznitzer, Pediatric Neurologist, Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital of Cleveland. Picnic dinner reception immediately following program. You must register online at the OPEN website--click on link below. For more information call 216-831-8600 or go to http://open_orangeschools.tripod.com/id51.html

August 28, Milestones Family Workshop: Basic ABA (Milestones Organization) FREE6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Mayfield Public Library; 6080 Mills Rd. Mayfield Village, OH 44143. This workshop is for family members, caregivers, tutors or others interested in learning basic ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) strategies to use in their home. Topics include: Applied Behavior Analysis overview, Identifying student goals (assessment), and ABA tools and techniques. Same workshop will presented in two locations: Sunday, September 7 at Twinsburg Public Library; 10050 Ravenna Rd.Twinsburg, OH 44087 from 1:30 pm-3:30 pm. For more information contact Kiersten at 216-371-4765 or milestonesorg@....

Family Fall Sib's workshops! (Monarch Services at Bellefaire JCB) For children/teens who have siblings with Autism. Bellefaire JCB 22001 Fairmount Blvd. Session I ( 6:15 pm -7:15 pm.) For children, ages 7-12 yrs. Session II (7:30 pm -8:30 pm) For teens ages 13-19 yrs. The 2nd Thursday of each Month; September, October, November and December. Facilitated by Monarch staff: Karin Hess-Hopkins, MSSA and Remmer, SLP. Cost $80. For more information contact Karin Hess-Hopkins at 216-320-8658

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September 10, Score Par for CMR!Breakfast at 9:00 am and shotgun start at 10:00 am. Coppertop/Cherokee Hills Golf Course in Valley City, OH. The Second Annual CMR Open Benefit Golf Outing will cost $125 per golfer if registered by August 8th, $150 after August 8. Included in the event are 18 holes of golf on a great course with GPS scoring, cart, giveaways and prizes, breakfast, lunch, and dinner with awards ceremony. All proceeds benefit CMR/The Arc of Cuyahoga County, an independent voice fighting for equal rights and equal access to services for individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other developmental disabilities, and their families. For more information and registration form visit us on the web at www.cmr-cleveland.org or contact ette Kadis Gaia at 216-622-0755.September 12, Paraprofessional Workshop on Behavioral Techniques (Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital) 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital, Shaker Campus, 2801 Luther King Jr. Dr., Cleveland 44104. This one day workshop is designed for paraprofessionals who work with children who have special needs. The workshop will provide the skills needed to facilitate socialization, communication, class participation, independence and daily living skills using Applied Behavioral Analysis strategies. Data collection methods will be outlined. Participants will be actively involved in discussion, role-play of scenarios and interactive video-observation. Cost: $150. For more information on the workshops contact Manning at 216-721-1292 or manninj@....

September 11 & 12, "Community Employment:A Priority of First Consideration" (ARC of Ohio)Holiday Inn 7007 N. High St. Worthington, OH 43085. Presented By The Arc of Ohio, Inc. in partnership with Ohio APSE - The Ohio Network on Employment, Ohio Association of Adult Services (OAAS), Ohio Legal Rights Service (OLRS). Keynote: "Full Employment: What Does It Take?" Mank, Ph.D., Director of the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community at Indiana University. To register online at www.thearcofohio.org. For more information contact Jodi Murray at 800-875-2723.

September 25-26 & October 3, Paraprofessional Training: Working with Pre-K & K-5 Students with Autism (Achievement Center for Children) 8:30 am - 3:00 pm. Achievement Centers for Children 4255 Northfield Road. This 3-day training for Paraprofessionals in Public School Districts will address autism and the developmental challenges associated with the disorder. The role and responsibilities of the paraprofessional working with individual children within the context of the classroom and school environment will be overviewed with an emphasis on effective strategies that will enhance children's developmental skills in the areas of social interaction, language/communication and cognitive processing/problem solving. Cost: $450. For more information contact Helen Mack at 216-292-9700 x 248 or helen.mack@...

Family September 28, Cleveland Walk Now for Autism FREE Registration begins at 8:00a.m. and the Walk will start at 10:00 a.m. Progressive Field, Cleveland. Walk Now for Autism is a fun-filled, family friendly, non-competitive Walk and community resource fair with activities, refreshments, entertainment and more! You can start a team, join a team or register as an individual. You can also register your family members, colleagues and friends. Remember the more people you recruit to register, the faster your fundraising will grow. Please take the first step in raising critically-needed funds for autism research and awareness and visit us online to register!

SAVE THE DATEOctober 10-12, The First Annual International Autism Summit (Autism Today and University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital)

Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland. Summit for Parents, Medical Professionals, Educators, Speech Therapists, and Occupational Therapists interested in the latest advances in autism and related disorders. Come hear leading edge topics, trends, treatments and therapies surrounding Autism. Conference participants will leave the Summit with proven, practical strategies and tools that can be used immediately as well as a deeper understanding of Autism and Asperger's. For more information visit the website www.autismsummit.org

November 7-8, Ohio Adult Sibling "Sibs" Conference

Columbus Airport Marriott Hotel. The conference's goal is to promote sibling awareness and activity in the life of their brother or sister with a developmental disability. For registration and conference information, visit the website at www.ohiosibs.com. For additional information contact Tom Fish, Ohio SIBS, The OSU Nisonger Center 257C Mc Hall 1581 Dodd Drive, Columbus, OH 43210. Phone 614-292-7550 or email fish.1@....

November 19-21, 2008 NATTAP Conference (The Autism Society of America-ASA and Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence-OCALI)Greater Columbus Convention Center Columbus, OH. The objectives of the conference are to review current systems models for addressing the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), promote use of best practice in research and intervention and provide methods for capacity building - all of which contribute to the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for individuals ages 3-21. Early Bird Rate: $185; Parent/Family Member Rate: $100; Pre-Conference Session Rate: $100. Conference registration and information available at: http://www.nattapconference.org

Have you purchased your Ohio Autism Awareness License Plate yet? To purchase yours, visit www.oplates.com and click on "Specialty Plates" or visit the website at www.autismohio.org for more information.

Event Linkswww.milestones.orgwww.toolsfortoday.orgwww.autismohio.orgPlease contact us at 216-371-4765 or infomilestones@.... to list an Autism Event in our newsletter

to post an Autism Event on our website with questions about an event to speak with our Program Coordinator for information and support

Milestones Organization is a 501 c-3 non profit organization. Help Milestones Organization train professionals and parents in the field of autism.Inquiries and tax-deductible donations can be placed online atwww.milestones.org or may be sent to:Milestones Organization3246 Desota Ave Cleveland Heights, Ohio, 44118

This webpage is a resource. Milestones Organization does not endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services from any of the groups or companies listed on this page.

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