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Ideas for our state hearing Tuesday

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Hello everyone

I know I have not been posting but our hands have been so very full that getting on the computer has been hard. Fast update

received his service dog in June. He is a 1 yr old black lab and is trained in mobility, autism and tracking. Thankfully his seizures are controlled enough right now that we could not get the dog seizure trained. From the beginning wanted to name the dog Runner, but after hearing that the dogs given name was Takoda and it meant "friend to everyone" said that was what he wanted to be and that his dog was named Takoda Runner because he needs 2 names like he has. LOL Anyway Things have gone great and I will try to post a long update with pictures in September when things should slow down a bit.

Bob had his ankle replacement done in March. But because he seems to think he is 26 instead of 56 he was to active and may have a stress fracture so he is back in the boot and on limit weight bearing.

Bob's Dad was having trouble walking. It turns out his lung cancer ( he had his one lung removed last June) has spread to his brain and stomach. He has spent he summer in a nursing home right around the corner from us, but he HATES it with all his being so we are getting things ready for him to move in with us in September.

As for me just trying to live each day as it comes and leave enough time at the end of the day for myself. Not always an easy task, but what ever is.

Well onto what brings me out of the dark corner and onto the boards looking for input and help. has the Ohio Transitional Waiver. We requested 3 things when we moved into our new home in November.

1. Fence in part of the yard

2. Alarms for the doors

3. Bath modified to make bathing easier and safer for

Well the bath was approved and they just got around to getting out done last week. Yes folks you read that right we requested this in Nov 07 and it was not approved until July 08 and not done until Aug 08. This is a subject I could rant about for sometime. But I will move on.

The fence and alarms were turned down. Now case manager called us right about the middle of May and told me we were denied and should be receiving our hearing rights shortly. When we still had not heard anything by the beginning of July ( we were home 17 days in June and 17 days in July due to training for Takoda, Boy Scout camp and respite camp) I called his case manager and she made the phone calls to check on this. We received a state hearing notice on July 28, the letter was dated May 19, and we had to responded by July 30-th for a hearing. Yes I kept the envelope for proof of post mark.

Well our hearing is Tuesday at 1 and I am trying my best to pull info on the medical need for a fence. No we can not use safety as this was wrote out of the waiver a while ago. It has to be medical need. I have pulled some things off the web and will be using it, sites listed below, does anyone else have any ideas I could use?






Our case manager tells me to watch how I word things and make sure I focus on the medical need for the fence as a barrier and tool to further his growthIndependenceance.

They hold on the average of 2 hearings a week for fences and have never lost one. I want to be the one that makes them stop and see why fenced in yards for children and adults with autism and DD is not just a safety issue it is goes hand in hand health and safety. But for now I have to focus on the medical need for the fense and alarms.

Any input, ideas, web links, that may be of help is so greatly appreciated.

Hope to have life slow down soon and be able to be active on the message boards again


Mother to , 17, Autism, Epilepsy, Cerebal Palsy, MR, ADHD

PS Forgot in update. Daughter is getting married the end of the month. She had wanted the wedding in the formal gardens of a local batanical garden, but they do not allow it and we had to get a speciall premit just to take pictures so the wedding is in our back yard. This means the landscaping we had hoped to start next spring has to be done now. Gosh my back hurts!!!!

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