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RECIPES for the WEEK 8/15 Have a great SCdiet week-end

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Manwich (sloppy joe)

1 pound lean ground beef

1/4 cup chopped onion

1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (homemade)

1 teaspoon prepared yellow mustard

3/4 cup ketchup (homemade)

2-1/2 teaspoons honey

salt to taste

ground black pepper to taste

In a medium skillet over medium heat, brown the ground

beef, onion, and green pepper; drain off liquids.

Stir in the garlic powder, mustard, ketchup, and honey;

mix thoroughly. Reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes.

Season with salt and pepper.

Misty miztydawn@...

Beet Brownies just posted a very moist and delicious beet "brownie"2 c. nut butter other than peanut 1 tsp. baking soda2 eggs1 c. honey1/2 c carrot puree1/2 c beet pureeI baked at 300* for 15 minutes in a cake pan then frosted with the peanut butter frosting from the peanut butter cake recipe on the pecanbread website. invented these brownies and they are really really good. So moist. I've just kept them in the fridge. Collin and I both love them and I feel good about giving him something that's a treat that will help with the constipation. Sent in by kitty kittyndavid@...

Carrot casserole

Boil 2 pounds carrots until very done. About 2 hours.

Mix 1 TBS cinnamon, 1/8 - 1/4 c honey and 2 eggs in

a medium mixing bowl. Add some of the hot liquid to

this mixture to temper the eggs.

Add some of the carrots and mix well. Add the rest of

the carrots and mix with a hand blender until very


I put it in a parchment lined 9" pie pan and cook at 350

until lightly browned on top about 30 minutes.

A variation: would be to seperate the eggs and beat the

eggs whites to peaks and fold them in after using the

hand mixer to mix everything else. It does come out

quite fluffier when you prepare it that way.

Misty Kimble Louisiana miztydawn@... Eggless Flatbread¾ C skinned,peeled ,chopped apples(or ½ C apples sauce)1.5 Tbs gelatin2 Tbs water1 Tb shortening¾ tsp baking soda½ tsp vanilla¼ tsp salt1 - 1 1/2 cup almond or pecan flour (depending on the type of apple you use and type of flour) *Pre-heat oven 320 degrees. Blend apples in food processor adding a little bit of honey until apples look pretty close to apples sauce (or you can use apple sauce) . If it gets a little watery drain a bit of the water off.Add shortening , baking soda, vanilla, and salt and blend well scraping the sides; while the gelatin softens in a small pot over 2Tbs of water. Whisk gelatin over low heat till it dissolves, then whisk for a minute or 2 more then add to food processor and blend till mixed. Next add the almond flour, blend, scrap the bowl and blend,scrap till mixed well. It should be like a very thick pancake batter.Spread evenly on a small, oiled jelly roll pan in a 9 by 12 inch rectangle, do not touch the edges of the pan.. A slightly moistened spactula will make it easier to spread. Bake for approx. 15 minutes or until the edges start to slightly brown. Set out of the oven for a bit let it cool for a few minutes. Carefully cut into 9 ..3 by 4 inch pieces with a slightly moistened butter knife and carefully slide a hard, flat plastic spactula under each piece.. and flip over on the pan.(the bread will be very soft and break easy..but will harden after you bake a bit longer and cool) Put the pan back in the oven for 5-7 minutes until the bottom of the slices are slightly browned. They will firm up when cooled. I sometimes quickly cool the tray in the frig or freezer so it can be ate immediately.* if you use pecan flour it will taste more like pumpernickel bread.Ellen zagorskygoldberg@... Fluffy Biscuits Adapted from a recipe by DolsonMakes four biscuits1 and 1/2 tablespoons of unsalted butter1 cup plus two tablespoons of BLANCHED almond flour1/4 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon baking soda4 egg whitesPreheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.Cut cold fat (butter) into dry ingredients with the tines of your fork, rotating the bowl around with your other hand until the mixture has pea-sized chunks throughout. Chill mixture in the fridge for 5-10 minutes or as long as you can stand it. The longer the better. The more the fat can get cold and hard, the puffier your biscuits will be.Separate the egg yolks from the whites (using the shell halves to tip the yolk back and forth a few times). Reserve yolks (save all that creamy goodness for ice cream or homemade mayo!) and whisk egg whites with a fork in a bowl for 20 seconds, until no longer stringy and gloopy. You just want 'em a little foamy.Remove mixture from fridge and whisk in the egg whites for a couple of seconds, breaking up any massive chunks in the dough with your whisk or fork. It'll be an extremely runny dough with chunks of the almond mixture. Pour it into greased foil-lined ramekins/nonstick muffin cups/a muffin top pan and get that sucker in the hot oven before the fat can even THINK about softening!IF YOU ARE USING FOIL-LINED RAMEKINS, bake for 15 minutes. IF YOU ARE USING A MUFFIN TOP PAN, bake for 12 minutes. The edges of these biscuits stick really badly, so be sure to grease liberally whatever vessel you're using to bake these. Some sort of non-stick pan works best here! Silicone muffin cups are great, too. Foil-lined ramekins are alright, but you have to gently tease the muffins out of the foil.

VARIATION: Garlic Cheddar BiscuitsOne basic biscuit recipe4-8 tablespoons of shredded cheddar cheese1/8 teaspoon garlic powder (homemade)1/4 teaspoon white pepperAdd most of the cheese and all of the garlic powder to dry

ingredients. Cut in shortening and chill dough. Whisk in egg

whites and fill ramekins. Top with a bit of the reserved

cheese. Bake as directed.

Kim Hesche khesche51499@...

Breakfast Sausage Snack Sticks (LSCDL Recipe)2 pounds ground round¼ cup warm water or room temperature red wine2 teaspoons rubbed sage1 teaspoon ground black pepper1 teaspoon dry marjoram¾ teaspoons white pepperteaspoon ground savory¼ - ½ teaspoon salt (not optional[3])teaspoon ground nutmegExcalibur Dehydrator recommendedPlace ground round on a clean surface for mixing. Make a

well in the top of the mound of meat.In a blender, combine half the water or wine and all the

spices. Blend thoroughly, then pour mixture into the well in

the meat. Trickle the remaining water down the sides of

the blender and swirl around to get remaining spices, and

pour that into the well also.Knead the spice mixture into the meat and distribute it

evenly. The general rule of thumb is that when you think

you have it kneaded sufficiently, set a timer for five minutes,

and knead again, continuously, for the entire five minutes.Now make the snacking sticks. A sausage stuffer is

recommended for these, as it extrudes even cylinders. You

can hand roll snacking sticks but they, er, don’t look very

tasty, unless you are very careful to make them perfectly

even cylinders. Two people make this go much faster: one person to stuff

the meat mixture into the extruder, and one to catch it as

it comes out and position it in straight strips on the

dehydrator trays. You can fit 10-12 sticks on one tray.Slide the trays into the dehydrator. You may wish to place

a layer of paper towels in the bottom to catch any fat which

cooks off the meat. Set the dehydrator for its highest setting

and allow the sticks to slow-cook for 2-3 hours. Rotate the

trays 180° and slow cook another 2-3 hours, or until the

outside is somewhat dark and firm. If you are refrigerating

these, do not dry until dry, or it will be like chewing shoe leather.Remove snacking sticks from the dehydrator and cut in half,

or in thirds, storing them in zip-top quart bags in the refrigerator

if they will be used within 2-3 weeks or in the freezer for longer

storage.Snacking sticks may be made milder by increasing the amount

of meat used to 3 or 4 pounds.Snacking sticks may also be made in the oven by extruding

the meat onto baking racks, placing the racks on baking trays,

and cooking at a low temperature (no more than 180°F) for

about two hours. Cooked sausage should be used within one

week. It may also be frozen for up to three months.Variations:Sticks may be made milder by increasing the amount of meat

to the amount of spices – calculating and measuring odd

fractions of a teaspoon can be sticky

Wizop Marilyn L. Alm LouisianaSCDLagniappe@... Banana Pancakes, topped with yogurt, tahini and honey Mash 1 very ripe bananaadd 1 tbsp almond meal whisk through an egg with a fork.Half tsp coconut oil (solid at this time of year) in a non stick pan.Pour mixture in, lid on and turn the heat down.Sprinkle with cinnamon, turn once and leave the lid on (more moist this way).I would leave out the tahini and almond meal though if you're just starting out.*-.-*.Eli Elibanah Elibanah elibanah@...

Cinnamon Granola (adapted from Lori Bakes recipe)

Marilyn mentioned in a post a few days ago.1 cup blanched sliced almonds1 cup blanched slivered almonds1 cup whole or chopped walnuts or pecans1/2 cup flaked coconut (shredded unsweetened)1/2 cup honey1 tsp cinnamonMix all together & put in greased 13x9 baking dish. Bake in 275degree oven for 30 to 40 minutes stirring every 10 minutes. Cool,stirring occasionally to prevent sticking- and store in airtightcontainer. Raisins can also be stirred in after cooling if desired. sanderson_cindy@...

SCD Strawberry Daquiries Serves 3-4In a blender, combine 1 c. fresh or frozen strawberries,

4-8 oz. of white rum which is scd legal (depending on how strong you want them),

apx. 1/4c. honey to taste

ice.Blend and enjoy! (Note that strawberries are generally considered an advanced food due to the seeds.)

Kathy s2kredhead@

SCD MojitosPlace several (apx. 1T or more) mint leaves in a glass.

Squeeze in the juice from 1/2 Persian lime (regular lime, not

an itty bitty key lime).

Add honey to taste (I use about 1T, maybe a little less). Using a wooden spoon or muddler, smoosh the above ingredients

together until the honey dissolves.

Add ice to fill the glass.

Add 1-2 oz. white rum

Top off with soda water and stir.

Kathy s2kredhead@

SCD Margaritas(Mock Cadillac Margarita on the Rocks) Serves 2 (large)Squeeze juice from the following into a container:2 Persian (regular, not key) limes1 lemon1/4 orangeIn a separate container, mix 1/4 c. honey and 1/4 c. water to make a simple syrup, stirring until the honey completely dissolves. Add the honey syrup to the citrus juices.Salt the rim of the glass (if you want salt), add ice, add 2-3 oz. tequila, and your SCD-legal sweet and sour mix. Stir. Squeeze a slice of lime into the drink and enjoy!Kathy s2kredhead@

SCD Lemon Drop Serves 2Squeeze the juice from 1/2 lemon into a cup.

Add apx. 1T honey

1T water and mix thoroughly to ensure the honey dissolves.Pour into a martini shaker filled with ice along with 3 oz. vodka. Shake and pour into chilled martini glass. Garnish with lemon slices.

Kathy s2kredhead@ Get more from your digital life. Find out how.

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