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Research Question

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<< My younger son has a severe peanut allergy - anaphylactic. His

symptoms - asthma, eczema, etc. - appear to go hand in hand with

those of autism and PDD...

Any thoughts?? >>

Yes, this is very common with children who have autism, but not all children.

It definitely points to the immune system being compromised, the Gut/brain

reaction. Clean up the gut and diet and things will change.

Diet, supplements, environment, life style, and conservative use of

antibotics & vaccines will improve the immune system.

You might want to start reading up on this subject there are tons of

books out there. One comes to mind, by Doris Rapp " Is this your Child? "

The GFCF diet, using the good oils to clean up the eczema and help

the asthma.

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hi ,

Yes - see post a few lines down ..

so many of our kids seem to have allergies which seems to be an

indictor of compromised immune response . This means that they are

unable to fight off the enviromental/viral assaults they are exposed


As a baby Charlie had eczema and a mild touch of asthma but that was

all .

Charlie had no food intolerances until his viral assault. He ate a

perfectly healthy full balanced diet until his chicken pox and MMR

after which it was his reducing food choices that led me to realise

that there was a link with his increasing autistic features and his

sudden loss of speech . ( cheerios , chicken nuggets , baby yogurts ,

pasta and cheese, milk , apple juice and ribena.)

The food " intolerance " is not the conventional one but a result of

the damage done to his gut by the measles virus whereby gluten ,

casein and additives now freak him out ( to be technical !!) .

Oddly enough though , once I realised I had to remove gluten and

casein and did so ( to help with his autism and his loosish bowels )

his eczema and asthma disappeared - never to return !!



> Was wondering how many of you have children with a food allergy -


> an intolerance (like lactose intolerance) but an honest-to-goodness

> allergic reaction?


> My younger son has a severe peanut allergy - anaphalactic. His

> symptoms - asthma, eczema, etc. - appear to go hand in hand with

> those of autism and PDD...


> Any thoughts??

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For what it's worth, Wiley has true allergies to peanut butter, eggs, and

soy, and a number of other things that aren't as severe, like oatmeal and

apples. Hives, breathing problems, rashes, etc. I go into anaphylactic

shock over fish, chicken, and turkey. (Steaks for me!) We are a ridiculous

household here when it comes to dietary differences. If my husband touches

red meat, he gets totally fat, if I touch chicken, I go into shock, Wiley

can't chew either, and falls apart at the sight of protein alternatives like

beans and peanut butter and tofu. Very pricey trips to the grocery

store...I am a Stop and Shop dream come true...

>From: " marina3029 " <philipmary@...>



>Subject: [ ] research question

>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:44:50 -0000


>Was wondering how many of you have children with a food allergy - not

>an intolerance (like lactose intolerance) but an honest-to-goodness

>allergic reaction?


>My younger son has a severe peanut allergy - anaphalactic. His

>symptoms - asthma, eczema, etc. - appear to go hand in hand with

>those of autism and PDD...


>Any thoughts??




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When Wiley was rast tested at about a year and a half of age, he tested

allergic to every food actively in his diet. The only things he didn't test

allergic to were foods he had not yet eaten.

About the immune system, though, I have a question. Wiley was tested for

immunodeficiency and he was found to have a normal amount of immunoglobulins

or whatever so he has no deficiency there - is this the right way to find

out or can an immune system be compromised without showing up in standard


Thanks for any info if you have any!


>From: " beaniesmum2001 " <MONXYMOO@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: research question

>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:47:45 -0000


>hi ,

>Yes - see post a few lines down ..

>so many of our kids seem to have allergies which seems to be an

>indictor of compromised immune response . This means that they are

>unable to fight off the enviromental/viral assaults they are exposed


>As a baby Charlie had eczema and a mild touch of asthma but that was

>all .

>Charlie had no food intolerances until his viral assault. He ate a

>perfectly healthy full balanced diet until his chicken pox and MMR

>after which it was his reducing food choices that led me to realise

>that there was a link with his increasing autistic features and his

>sudden loss of speech . ( cheerios , chicken nuggets , baby yogurts ,

>pasta and cheese, milk , apple juice and ribena.)

>The food " intolerance " is not the conventional one but a result of

>the damage done to his gut by the measles virus whereby gluten ,

>casein and additives now freak him out ( to be technical !!) .

>Oddly enough though , once I realised I had to remove gluten and

>casein and did so ( to help with his autism and his loosish bowels )

>his eczema and asthma disappeared - never to return !!







> > Was wondering how many of you have children with a food allergy -


> > an intolerance (like lactose intolerance) but an honest-to-goodness

> > allergic reaction?

> >

> > My younger son has a severe peanut allergy - anaphalactic. His

> > symptoms - asthma, eczema, etc. - appear to go hand in hand with

> > those of autism and PDD...

> >

> > Any thoughts??




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Hi ,

Well as nice as you sound I'M not having you over for

dinner ...LOL !!!!!!!



" Burt " <bhollywood333@h...> wrote:

> For what it's worth, Wiley has true allergies to peanut butter,

eggs, and

> soy, and a number of other things that aren't as severe, like

oatmeal and

> apples. Hives, breathing problems, rashes, etc. I go into


> shock over fish, chicken, and turkey. (Steaks for me!)

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

, with the start of the 1990's, research for neuro diseases got

into high gear. Some organizations received alot of funding, some

diseases - look what MJ Fox has done for Parkinson's. Look at the

strides in ALS. And, girlfriend, don't forget how CMT history was made

last October with NT-3!

There are so many more biotech companies making synthetic drugs -

Rheumatoid Arthritis got a great boost this way. Also biotech companies

have the $ to hire researchers to work in labs and get them something

that will make a profit.

I also know patient groups like ALS and MS have lobbied their

congresspersons and as the rates of incidence of these neuro diseases

get higher, priority gets moved up. I think the oldest piece of research

on CMT I have found goes back to 1968 - when it was still called

Peroneal Muscle Atrophy. ~ Gretchen

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  • 1 year later...

mcfalls11 wrote:

> Hi all, I have a research question for the new IG Living magazine

> coming out. They are curious to know how we refer to the time just

> before an IV. I've heard it called things such as, " crash " , " down

> time " , " quiet time " , etc. Do any of you have pet names or terms for

> it?


> thanks,

> Kris


from Dale,

Katy and I called it " the pits " !

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It's time to fuel up again the dragging is here!

Lorri ( 15 CVID)

research question

Hi all, I have a research question for the new IG Living magazine

coming out. They are curious to know how we refer to the time just

before an IV. I've heard it called things such as, " crash " , " down

time " , " quiet time " , etc. Do any of you have pet names or terms for




This forum is open to parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with a

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Jake my 3 yr old says " I " m getting low on my go go juice " he tells the

nurses at the hospital that he is here for his " go go juice " He always

gets tired and sluggish when it is time for IVIG so that is why he

calls it that!

Misty - mom to Jake 3yr

> Hi all, I have a research question for the new IG Living magazine

> coming out. They are curious to know how we refer to the time just

> before an IV. I've heard it called things such as, " crash " , " down

> time " , " quiet time " , etc. Do any of you have pet names or terms for

> it?


> thanks,

> Kris


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

You could contact Bruce Fife at his website and go from there.


Hope that helps.



From: Coconut Oil

[mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:15 PM

Coconut Oil

Subject: research question

My doctor was interested in finding out more information on research and

studies that have been done on coconut oil. I am sure he is looking for

" doctor speak " . Does anyone know of any links?


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  • 2 years later...

Hi Becky.

One way to get lots of info is going to Autism Speaks web site at www.autismspeaks.org for everything from a video glossary for terms, First 100 days Kits for newly diagnosed families, and research to local info about what is going on in your state.

Let me know if I can help in any way,

Take care,


Shari GoldbergAutism Speaks Cleveland Chapter President28449 North Woodland RoadPepper Pike, Ohio 44124sharigoldberg22@...440-449-9922

In a message dated 8/14/2008 2:51:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, rwulfe@... writes:

Just doing some research for work and would love to hear your responses (you all are my "experts"). When my son was first diagnosed with autism/hyperlexia I searched online for my info and for my support. These groups online have been my "support" for the last five years - you have all helped me with info, places to go, resources, support, etc.The question for you is:How did YOU find support for you, your child(ren) and your family after your child (grandchild, nephew, etc.) was diagnosed? Did you Google key words, did you ask your doctor, what? I know we're all busy but if you could just give me a quick response, I'd really appreciate it!Thanks to all!Becky

Shari GoldbergAutism Speaks Cleveland Chapter President28449 North Woodland RoadPepper Pike, Ohio 44124sharigoldberg22@...440-449-9922Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos.

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Just doing some research for work and would love to hear your responses (you all

are my " experts " ).

When my son was first diagnosed with autism/hyperlexia I searched online for my

info and for my support. These groups online have been my " support " for the last

five years - you have all helped me with info, places to go, resources, support,


The question for you is:

How did YOU find support for you, your child(ren) and your family after your

child (grandchild, nephew, etc.) was diagnosed? Did you Google key words, did

you ask your doctor, what? I know we're all busy but if you could just give me a

quick response, I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks to all!


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Becky --

I actually researched more BEFORE the diagnosis for my son. My Pediatrician was just saying he had a speech delay but I knew it was much more than that. So, every spare moment (late at night after working all day), I googled. To steal a phrase from McCarthy's book, I got a degree from the University of Google. Every night my teenager would come home and say "here she goes again researching the A word." For some background on my family, I have a 3 year old son who was diagnosed with Autism ONE month ago today and a 19 year old daughter who has been blessed with good health.

I went to You-Tube and watched videos to see if the diagnosed autistic children acted like my son and I watched clips of Rain Man because I recall the character was said to be autistic. I asked every person who was close to my son -- babysitter, grandparents, my friends -- if they thought Tyler was "different". I basically conducted interviews with them as if I was a reporter. I kept a journal in which I recorded the way he acted and things he did that concerned and confused me. Once it was evident to me what was wrong with my son, I went to the Library, the online book store and the half price book store and brought home lots of books on the subject.

Then, I TOLD my pediatrician that I needed prescriptions and referrals for the professionals, i.e., therapists, Behavioral Pediatrician, etc.

After the diagnosis, I found out about this group and also started talking to the other parents in the waiting room. Additional great resources I found after the diagnosis were the Therapists and Social Worker from Akron Childrens Hospital.

I hope this helps!

I would still like to find a group that meets in person. I believe there is one at Akron Childrens but I have not gotten the details yet. Does this group meet in person? I am just new to a group so I don't know much about them. I really need to talk to other Mothers with children facing the challenges similiar to ours.

We have formed a team for the Autism Speaks fundraiser, Walk Now for Autism so we can help raise funds for the cure and also meet people for more support and networking.

Sorry for the long email. There is so much to say when it comes to Autism.

-----Original Message-----

From: rwulfe@...

; autismohio ; H_P_N ; hyperlex ; Hyperlex2003

Sent: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 2:50 pm

Subject: [ ] Research Question

Just doing some research for work and would love to hear your responses (you all are my "experts").

When my son was first diagnosed with autism/hyperlexia I searched online for my info and for my support. These groups online have been my "support" for the last five years - you have all helped me with info, places to go, resources, support, etc.

The question for you is:

How did YOU find support for you, your child(ren) and your family after your child (grandchild, nephew, etc.) was diagnosed? Did you Google key words, did you ask your doctor, what? I know we're all busy but if you could just give me a quick response, I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks to all!


It's time to go back to school! Get the latest trends and gadgets that make the grade on AOL Shopping.

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The Autism Society of Greater Cleveland meets the first Tuesday of

every month in Brecksville. Depending on where you live, there are

other Autism Society chapters in Akron and Lorain County. Greater

Cleveland Asperger Support meets the second Wednesday every other month

with a speaker, usually in Independence, and in off months for casual

conversation at local eateries. There's a related group in Akron for

parents of Asperger kids called Aspies that meets at Akron Hospital.

If you want contact information for any or all, let me know.

Sometimes, school districts have parent support meetings which can be

very convenient, but they usually cover a range of disabilities. There

are groups like this in Rocky River, Medina, Euclid I think.



> I would still like to find a group that meets in person.? I believe

there is one at Akron Childrens but I have not gotten the details

yet.?? Does this group meet in person?? I am just new to a group

so I don't know much about them.?? I really need to talk to other

Mothers with children facing the challenges similiar to? ours.


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Awesome! Thank you for your quick response. Brecksville is about 25 minutes away -- not too bad. Would love contact info for ASGC. My child does not have asbergers although the Dev. & Behavioral Pediatrician said that he will resemble the traits and characteristics of aspies so I should read information about that too. Would that group be appropriate to participate in as well because I would be interested to join in.

It would be great of there is a autism group in akron. I can research further. Tyler will join the Integrated Pre-school this school year so I will keep my eyes open for support jmeetings there if they exist. I never even thought of that being a possibility.

Basically, I will take contact information for anything you have to share with me. I just want to learn more and gain as much support as possible. This is very challenging!

-----Original Message-----

From: <@...>

Sent: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 9:32 pm

Subject: [ ] Re: Research Question

The Autism Society of Greater Cleveland meets the first Tuesday of

every month in Brecksville. Depending on where you live, there are

other Autism Society chapters in Akron and Lorain County. Greater

Cleveland Asperger Support meets the second Wednesday every other month

with a speaker, usually in Independence, and in off months for casual

conversation at local eateries. There's a related group in Akron for

parents of Asperger kids called Aspies that meets at Akron Hospital.

If you want contact information for any or all, let me know.

Sometimes, school districts have parent support meetings which can be

very convenient, but they usually cover a range of disabilities. There

are groups like this in Rocky River, Medina, Euclid I think.



> I would still like to find a group that meets in person.? I believe

there is one at Akron Childrens but I have not gotten the details

yet.?? Does this group meet in person?? I am just new to a group

so I don't know much about them.?? I really need to talk to other

Mothers with children facing the challenges similiar to? ours.


It's time to go back to school! Get the latest trends and gadgets that make the grade on AOL Shopping.

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What was a great support to us was early intervention parents group and this online group. It helped so muchJo Anne

From: rwulfe@... <rwulfe@...>Subject: [ ] Research Question , autismohio , H_P_N , hyperlex , Hyperlex2003 Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 2:50 PM

Just doing some research for work and would love to hear your responses (you all are my "experts"). When my son was first diagnosed with autism/hyperlexia I searched online for my info and for my support. These groups online have been my "support" for the last five years - you have all helped me with info, places to go, resources, support, etc.The question for you is:How did YOU find support for you, your child(ren) and your family after your child (grandchild, nephew, etc.) was diagnosed? Did you Google key words, did you ask your doctor, what? I know we're all busy but if you could just give me a quick response, I'd really appreciate it!Thanks to all!Becky

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ASA Greater Akron meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Akron Children's Hospital and so does Aspies (Asperger support for parents).

Weaver - President



Joy Spencer, Aspies, rreindeer@...

The Autism Society, Greater Cleveland, contact is Eileen Hawkins hawkins_eileen@...

You are also welcome at Greater Cleveland Asperger Support. Contact is @... (me) or go to

http://health.groups.ahoo.com/group/gc-as . It's a e-mail forum like .


Awesome!? Thank you for your quick response.? Brecksville is about 25 minutes away -- not too bad.? Would love contact info for ASGC.? My child does not have asbergers although the Dev. & Behavioral Pediatrician said that he will resemble the traits and characteristics of aspies so I should read information about that too.? Would that group be appropriate to participate in as well because I would be interested to join in.It would be great of there is a autism group in akron.? I can research further.? Tyler will join the Integrated Pre-school this school year so I will keep my eyes open for support jmeetings there if they exist.? I never even thought of that being a possibility.Basically, I will take contact information for anything you have to share with me.? I just want to learn more and gain as much support as possible.? This is very challenging!

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Hi Pam,

Let me know if you would like to talk in person and I can help you navigate the maze and support you and your family. I can also connect you with a local family who may be able to help with more specifics that you are dealing with as the mom of a newly diagnosed teenager, In addition, if you go to www.autismspeaks.org you can get lots of info on what we are doing locally and nationally. If you click on the video glossary you can look up definitions and info you may find useful.

Take care,

Shari Shari GoldbergAutism Speaks Cleveland Chapter President28449 North Woodland RoadPepper Pike, Ohio 44124sharigoldberg22@...440-449-9922

In a message dated 8/20/2008 8:17:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, pbvanek@... writes:

My daughter is 14 & has high functioning autism and I still have not been able to get a good support system in place. I receive the email sent out from this group, but don't understand a lot of what they're talking about. I have been able to find anyone (parent advocate, etc.) who has been able to help me through this maze of info.

Pls. help


From: paula miller <pcmiller25gmail>Subject: Re: [ ] Research Question Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 3:03 PM

after dx:i contacted michelle cohoon to find out about resources and she told me about the (i found her from a pamplet the doc gave me)before dx: i googled and found barb kirbys forum at oasisthe best support i have found for my son has been our church, God has a way of leading you down the right pathpaula

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 2:50 PM, <rwulfeearthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Just doing some research for work and would love to hear your responses (you all are my "experts").When my son was first diagnosed with autism/hyperlexia I searched online for my info and for my support. These groups online have been my "support" for the last five years - you have all helped me with info, places to go, resources, support, etc.The question for you is:How did YOU find support for you, your child(ren) and your family after your child (grandchild, nephew, etc.) was diagnosed? Did you Google key words, did you ask your doctor, what? I know we're all busy but if you could just give me a quick response, I'd really appreciate it!Thanks to all!Becky------------ --------- --------- ------*** Additional Info:Above all else; always remember that love makes the world a brighter and nicer place! May love be with you and your family.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Biomedical Group Meetings:NEO-NAA and join together to provide biomedical support to families who have children with autism and related conditions. These meeting are for everyone who is considering to broaden the intervention approaches used. Next meeting date will be posted to the list.For biomedical online support see:http://groups. / group/Autism- Biomed-OhioFor Cleveland area meetings and events see: http://groups. / group/autismbiom edcleveland~~~ ~~~Monthly Meeting with ASGC.The first Tuesday of each month we meet with the Autism Society of Greater Cleveland. The ASGC brings in speakers of all topics regarding services and resources for all families who have loved ones with autism. A Childcare activities program is provided for both children on the spectrum and their siblings on site and is covered by the ASGC. Location: Cuyahoga Valley Career Center 8001 Brecksville Road, Brecksville OH.For *Childcare RSVP to: 216-556-4937 - Website: www.asgc.org~~~ ~~~Legal Rights in Special Education: slawFor up to date information on your Legal rights see:http://www.wrightsl aw.com~~~ ~~~Internet Chat Wednesday evenings 9:30pm EST.For weekly topic list (see right side column of webpage.)http://hometown. aol.com/parentsc hat/homepage. html~~~ ~~~Photos with Santa for the 2007 Christmas party.http://www.asgc. org/special- Holiday_Party- 2007_images01. htmRight click your family's photo and save to your hard drive.~~~ ~~~Help raise money for ASOhttp://www.goodsear ch.com Verify: Autism Society of Akron, Ohio~~~ ~~~Our Parent Contact list - View & print by Cityhttp://health. groups.. com/group/ / database? method=reportRow s & tbl=2 & sortBy=3 & sortDir=down & startAt= & prntRpt=1

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My daughter is 14 & has high functioning autism and I still have not been able to get a good support system in place. I receive the email sent out from this group, but don't understand a lot of what they're talking about. I have been able to find anyone (parent advocate, etc.) who has been able to help me through this maze of info.

Pls. help


From: paula miller <pcmiller25@...>Subject: Re: [ ] Research Question Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 3:03 PM

after dx:i contacted michelle cohoon to find out about resources and she told me about the (i found her from a pamplet the doc gave me)before dx: i googled and found barb kirbys forum at oasisthe best support i have found for my son has been our church, God has a way of leading you down the right pathpaula

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 2:50 PM, <rwulfeearthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Just doing some research for work and would love to hear your responses (you all are my "experts").When my son was first diagnosed with autism/hyperlexia I searched online for my info and for my support. These groups online have been my "support" for the last five years - you have all helped me with info, places to go, resources, support, etc.The question for you is:How did YOU find support for you, your child(ren) and your family after your child (grandchild, nephew, etc.) was diagnosed? Did you Google key words, did you ask your doctor, what? I know we're all busy but if you could just give me a quick response, I'd really appreciate it!Thanks to all!Becky------------ --------- --------- ------*** Additional Info:Above all else; always remember that love makes the world a brighter and nicer place! May

love be with you and your family.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Biomedical Group Meetings:NEO-NAA and join together to provide biomedical support to families who have children with autism and related conditions. These meeting are for everyone who is considering to broaden the intervention approaches used. Next meeting date will be posted to the list.For biomedical online support see:http://groups. / group/Autism- Biomed-OhioFor Cleveland area meetings and events see: http://groups. / group/autismbiom edcleveland~~~ ~~~Monthly Meeting with ASGC.The first Tuesday of each month we meet with the Autism Society of Greater Cleveland. The ASGC brings in speakers of all topics

regarding services and resources for all families who have loved ones with autism. A Childcare activities program is provided for both children on the spectrum and their siblings on site and is covered by the ASGC. Location: Cuyahoga Valley Career Center 8001 Brecksville Road, Brecksville OH.For *Childcare RSVP to: 216-556-4937 - Website: www.asgc.org~~~ ~~~Legal Rights in Special Education: slawFor up to date information on your Legal rights see:http://www.wrightsl aw.com~~~ ~~~Internet Chat Wednesday evenings 9:30pm EST.For weekly topic list (see right side column of webpage.)http://hometown. aol.com/parentsc hat/homepage. html~~~ ~~~Photos with Santa

for the 2007 Christmas party.http://www.asgc. org/special- Holiday_Party- 2007_images01. htmRight click your family's photo and save to your hard drive.~~~ ~~~Help raise money for ASOhttp://www.goodsear ch.com Verify: Autism Society of Akron, Ohio~~~ ~~~Our Parent Contact list - View & print by Cityhttp://health. groups.. com/group/ / database? method=reportRow s & tbl=2 & sortBy=3 & sortDir=down & startAt= & prntRpt=1

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if you wanna email me at pcmiller25@...,maybe i could give you some ideaspaulaOn Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Pam Vanek <pbvanek@...> wrote:

My daughter is 14 & has high functioning autism and I still have not been able to get a good support system in place. I receive the email sent out from this group, but don't understand a lot of what they're talking about. I have been able to find anyone (parent advocate, etc.) who has been able to help me through this maze of info.

Pls. help


From: paula miller <pcmiller25@...>Subject: Re: [ ] Research Question

Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 3:03 PM

after dx:i contacted michelle cohoon to find out about resources and she told me about the (i found her from a pamplet the doc gave me)before dx: i googled and found barb kirbys forum at oasis

the best support i have found for my son has been our church, God has a way of leading you down the right pathpaula

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 2:50 PM, <rwulfeearthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Just doing some research for work and would love to hear your responses (you all are my " experts " ).When my son was first diagnosed with autism/hyperlexia I searched online for my info and for my support. These groups online have been my " support " for the last five years - you have all helped me with info, places to go, resources, support, etc.

The question for you is:How did YOU find support for you, your child(ren) and your family after your child (grandchild, nephew, etc.) was diagnosed? Did you Google key words, did you ask your doctor, what? I know we're all busy but if you could just give me a quick response, I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks to all!Becky------------ --------- --------- ------*** Additional Info:Above all else; always remember that love makes the world a brighter and nicer place! May

love be with you and your family.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Biomedical Group Meetings:NEO-NAA and join together to provide biomedical support to families who have children with autism and related conditions. These meeting are for everyone who is considering to broaden the intervention approaches used. Next meeting date will be posted to the list.

For biomedical online support see:http://groups. / group/Autism- Biomed-OhioFor Cleveland area meetings and events see: http://groups. / group/autismbiom edcleveland

~~~ ~~~Monthly Meeting with ASGC.The first Tuesday of each month we meet with the Autism Society of Greater Cleveland. The ASGC brings in speakers of all topics

regarding services and resources for all families who have loved ones with autism. A Childcare activities program is provided for both children on the spectrum and their siblings on site and is covered by the ASGC. Location: Cuyahoga Valley Career Center 8001 Brecksville Road, Brecksville OH.

For *Childcare RSVP to: 216-556-4937 - Website: www.asgc.org~~~ ~~~Legal Rights in Special Education: slawFor up to date information on your Legal rights see:

http://www.wrightsl aw.com~~~ ~~~Internet Chat Wednesday evenings 9:30pm EST.For weekly topic list (see right side column of webpage.)

http://hometown. aol.com/parentsc hat/homepage. html~~~ ~~~Photos with Santa

for the 2007 Christmas party.http://www.asgc. org/special- Holiday_Party- 2007_images01. htmRight click your family's photo and save to your hard drive.

~~~ ~~~Help raise money for ASOhttp://www.goodsear ch.com Verify: Autism Society of Akron, Ohio~~~ ~~~Our Parent Contact list - View & print by City

http://health. groups.. com/group/ / database? method=reportRow s & tbl=2 & sortBy=3 & sortDir=down & startAt= & prntRpt=1

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Thanks so much for your response. I would like to talk to you; however, if it's o.k., can I call you sometime next week. It will be a lot easier to talk once the kids get back in school.


Pam V.

Just doing some research for work and would love to hear your responses (you all are my "experts").When my son was first diagnosed with autism/hyperlexia I searched online for my info and for my support. These groups online have been my "support" for the last five years - you have all helped me with info, places to go, resources, support, etc.The question for you is:How did YOU find support for you, your child(ren) and your family after your child (grandchild, nephew, etc.) was diagnosed? Did you Google key words, did you ask your doctor, what? I know we're all busy but if you could just give me a quick response, I'd really appreciate it!Thanks to all!Becky------------ --------- --------- ------*** Additional Info:Above all else; always remember that love makes the world a brighter and nicer place! May

love be with you and your family.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Biomedical Group Meetings:NEO-NAA and join together to provide biomedical support to families who have children with autism and related conditions. These meeting are for everyone who is considering to broaden the intervention approaches used. Next meeting date will be posted to the list.For biomedical online support see:http://groups. / group/Autism- Biomed-OhioFor Cleveland area meetings and events see: http://groups. / group/autismbiom edcleveland~~~ ~~~Monthly Meeting with ASGC.The first Tuesday of each

month we meet with the Autism Society of Greater Cleveland. The ASGC brings in speakers of all topics regarding services and resources for all families who have loved ones with autism. A Childcare activities program is provided for both children on the spectrum and their siblings on site and is covered by the ASGC. Location: Cuyahoga Valley Career Center 8001 Brecksville Road, Brecksville OH.For *Childcare RSVP to: 216-556-4937 - Website: www.asgc.org~~~ ~~~Legal Rights in Special Education: slawFor up to date information on your Legal rights see:http://www.wrightsl aw.com~~~ ~~~Internet Chat Wednesday evenings 9:30pm EST.For weekly topic list (see right side column of webpage.)http://hometown. aol.com/parentsc hat/homepage. html~~~ ~~~Photos with Santa for the 2007 Christmas party.http://www.asgc. org/special- Holiday_Party- 2007_images01. htmRight click your family's photo and save to your hard drive.~~~ ~~~Help raise money for ASOhttp://www.goodsear ch.com Verify: Autism Society of Akron, Ohio~~~ ~~~Our Parent Contact list - View & print by Cityhttp://health. groups.. com/group/ / database? method=reportRow s & tbl=2 & sortBy=3 & sortDir=down & startAt= & prntRpt=1

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