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Intestinal Health Awareness Seminar a Huge Success

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Intestinal Health Awareness Seminar a Huge Success

Diet for Crohn's, Colitis Can Minimize Need for Drugs, Surgery

By Deanna Goldberg

Digestive Wellness at (845) 356-4557, info@.... - or visit www.digestivewellness.com.

On Sunday, June 1st, Brooklyn's Torah V'Yirah Hall was packed with hundreds of people who came to see and hear doctors and patients speak openly and candidly about living and coping intestinal disorders. Awareness was raised about an encouraging approach that has brought relief to thousands of sufferers of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Celiac.

IBD sufferers who had previously tried everything in the modern medical arsenal - o­nly to experience disappointing results and devastating side affects - passionately shared how their lives were turned around after they simply changed their way of eating. Health-care practitioners, patients, and concerned family members were both moved and inspired by the heartfelt testimonies of those who had achieved success with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD).

Presented by Digestive WellnessT, the Seminar began with a medical overview of intestinal diseases and their treatments. Sam Weissman, MD, gastroenterologist and former Chief of Endoscopy at New York Methodist Hospital, presented a physician's perspective o­n Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Celiac. He shared scientific evidence for the role of diet and probiotics (beneficial intestinal bacteria) in the prevention and management of these conditions, and observed that the medical community is focusing its research o­n this area now more than ever before. He described the mind-boggling increase in intestinal

disease in our time. Our standard sugary, starchy diet has taken its toll o­n the lives of countless children, teens and adults. Eating the wrong kinds of foods puts our bodies in a state of imbalance, making us more susceptible to disease.

Mr.Raman Prasad, author of Colitis & Me: a Story of Recovery, order from http://www.scdiet.com/ came from Massachusetts to share his extensive experience and knowledge. He began with an emotional reading of a passage from his book, providing a highly personal glimpse into the life of an ulcerative colitis sufferer - the severe pain, the side effects of medical treatment, and the apparent hopelessness of coping with an incurable condition. Mr. Prasad went o­n to introduce the Specific Carbohydrate Diet - or SCD - based o­n the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health through Diet, by the late Elaine Gottschall, MSc in your library or from http://www.scdiet.com/ . This diet gave him a whole new lease o­n life - just as it has for so many others (including this author), who were helped by Mrs. Gottschall in her lifetime, and who continue to find relief, thanks to her book and to the many flourishing SCD support groups around the world.

Raquel Nieves, MD, believed so strongly in this meeting and its message that she made a special trip from her pediatric clinic at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. Herself a Crohn's Disease sufferer, she shared her unique perspective - having discovered the SCD while still in medical school. She attributes the success of this diet with enabling her to complete her medical training and give birth to a healthy baby. Dr. Nieves presented the scientific basis for the SCD, and drove the message home with before-and-after images of her own intestines. She also shared her vision for a future when doctors will integrate dietary modification as the "gold standard" for management of inflammatory bowel disease - in

conjunction with standard medications when needed - in much the same way that diabetes is currently managed by patients and their physicians.

Mr.Yaakov Shain introduced each speaker, and proudly related his experience with having followed the SCD diet for a year and a half after having surgery. He is now 7 years off the diet, symptom-free, and looks and feels healthier than ever. With the help of the SCD, Mr. Shain gained back 60 much-needed pounds, following five years of medication with little results. Aware that symptoms reoccur in 50% of patients after surgery, Mr. Shain committed himself to the diet to heal his gut. Like most people, he did not consider following the SCD until he became "sick and tired of being sick and tired," but he highly recommends giving the diet a try, long before symptoms worsen.

Mr. Benny Shore, an optician at Diamond Vision in Boro Park, shared his personal success o­n the SCD after many years of suffering, culminating in surgery. "I am now o­n the diet for 1 1/2 years, and I don't want to get off since I feel much better than ever before." He stressed the importance of strong commitment as well as support and help with food preparation. He urged the audience to weigh the alternatives: a delicious diet, or a lifetime of devastating pain and a regimen of medications.

Every participant received an informative booklet which explained the basis of the diet and outlined its fundamental precepts, and included a number of written testimonials. It also featured a directory of prominent, respected gastroenterologists who are proud to be listed as "SCD-Friendly" doctors, because they have personally witnessed the amazing results achieved by their patients who followed the SCD. Samples of delicious cookies - prepared in accordance with the diet (free of grains, starches, and hard-to-digest sugars) were enjoyed by all. For more information, and to order books, tapes, CDs, or DVDs, contact Digestive Wellness at (845) 356-4557, info@.... - or visit www.digestivewellness.com.

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