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Savage to parents of autistic children:

" Your children are brats who have not been told to cut it out "

By now you have probably heard about Savage's ignorant

comments about autistic children on his syndicated radio show,

calling them Morons and idiots. Mr. Savage refuses to apologize for

his comments.

Click on this link to hear the words of Savage:


Please contact the following radio stations in Ohio and ask that they

stop airing Savage's show " The Savage nation " immediately.

Of course the radio stations cannot be responsible for what Mr.

Savage say on his show, but they are in control of which shows they

allow on their airways.

Yes, we do have freedom of speech in the US, but keep in mind that

radio talk show host Don Imus got fired for derogatory comments about

the Rutgers women's basketball team. Mr. Savage's comments about

autistic children being brats and his indication that lack of a

father figure is causing autistic tendencies, should not go

unnoticed. The misconception he is spreading about our children on

his show must be stopped.

Contact information for AM radio stations in Ohio currently

airing " The Savage Nation " :


8044 Montgomery Road, Suite 650

Cincinnati, OH 45236

Business phone: 513-686-8300

Tony Bender – program director


Darryl Parks – director of AM operations


News-talk 1420 WHK Radio

4 Summit Park Drive, suite 150

Independence, OH 44131



Supertalk 1560 WTOD

3225 Arlington Avenue

Toledo, OH 43614


Norman Wamer – program director


Craig Snyder – public affairs



1414 Wilmington Ave.

Dayton, OH 45420


Nick – program director




7461 South Avenue

Youngstown, OH 44512

Main Office: 330-965-0057

Dan Rivers – program director



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Thanks for posting this. I wrote a letter to WHK and received a

quick response from the program coordinator. He gave me the General

Mgr, Mark Sweeney's cell phone number, and asked me to call him

immediately. When I called, he was driving from Columbus, back to

Cleveland. What a nice man! He said he was absolutely enraged at

Savages remarks and was subsequently swamped with calls for

his program to be cancelled. Mr Sweeney, who also has a nephew with

autism, is working with Lawyers, as we speak! He said that

the " Savage Nation " is carried on 32 affiliated stations and he

would like to see the cancellation reach all of them.

He said that the target date to get rid of Savage is August 4th. He

already has ABC's Mark Levine lined up from 9-11 and Tim

tentatively slated for 11- midnight.

I truly hope radio stations across the nation react as aggrssively

at Mr. Sweeny. God Bless him and other's like him!

Here is a copy of my letter:

On Behalf

Of Trish

Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:12 PM

Your Opinion Counts

Subject: Savage


I am an avid talk radio fan, and listen to both your station, and

WTAM on a daily basis. I happened to tune in last week when

Savage made his shameless, cruel and hurtful remarks about children

who are affected by autism. I am in Special Education and am well

aware of the devastating effects that autism has on these

individuals and their famlies, our educational system and the

community in general. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt

that in my 30 years in this field, I have watched autism and other

neurological and illnesses increase a thousand fold. When one of my

own grandchildren regressed into autism following a thimerasol laden

flu shot, I began to read and research possible causes and

treatments so that I could help him in any way possible. I can

assure anyone who is not affected by this heart breaking condition,

that it is very real. It is not a trendy sought after diagnosis for

poor single moms, so that they can feed off the system. My daughter

and son-in-law (yes, most of these children have daddies!) receive

NO reimbursement for speech and music therapy (between $60 and $120

dollars per hour), and my husband and I receive NO help with the

cost of the biomedical treatments that are clearing my grandson's

body of the toxic metals that we firmly believe triggered his

autism. We have spent over $10,000 over that past 4 years, that we

will never recoup. However, our now 7 year old grandson is making

amazing progress... so we will continue. Hopefully, he will grow to

be a self-supporting, tax paying citizen when he reaches his adult

years. Unfortunately, millions more will not. Many will require

assisted or total care for the rest of their lives.

I will not go into the physical suffering that ASD children live

with on a daily basis, nor will I go into the living hell that

parents, who love their children more than life itself, encounter

every waking moment! Then there are Insurance rejections, social

rejections, often, minimal, substandard educational services... I

could go on. The majority of parents who receive quality services

for their children, have to spend thousands more to fight for these


Our children are NOT brats, idiots or morons. Their parents are NOT

low class, single moms, who want extra money and their kids drugged

at the government's expense. Savage has just set the

progress that we in the Autism Community have made, back 50 years!

I love your station, but I can no longer tolerate the voice of this

heartless, arrogant man over the airways. Please!!! I am joining

with millions of people across the Country to ask stations such as

yours, to pull this show from your airways. At this time Mr. Savage

stands by his hateful words and has no intentions of apologizing.

Our ASD children are ill... Many of them are as physically ill as

they are neurologically! As parents, grandparents and educators, we

seek understanding and some level of acceptance for our children.

Savage has hurt them beyond belief, and he needs to be


Thank You!

Trish Paolucci


> Savage to parents of autistic children:

> " Your children are brats who have not been told to cut it out "

> By now you have probably heard about Savage's ignorant

> comments about autistic children on his syndicated radio show,

> calling them Morons and idiots. Mr. Savage refuses to apologize


> his comments.

> Click on this link to hear the words of Savage:

> http://mediamatters.org/items/200807170005?f=h_clips

> Please contact the following radio stations in Ohio and ask that


> stop airing Savage's show " The Savage nation " immediately.

> Of course the radio stations cannot be responsible for what Mr.

> Savage say on his show, but they are in control of which shows


> allow on their airways.

> Yes, we do have freedom of speech in the US, but keep in mind that

> radio talk show host Don Imus got fired for derogatory comments


> the Rutgers women's basketball team. Mr. Savage's comments about

> autistic children being brats and his indication that lack of a

> father figure is causing autistic tendencies, should not go

> unnoticed. The misconception he is spreading about our children on

> his show must be stopped.

> Contact information for AM radio stations in Ohio currently

> airing " The Savage Nation " :

> 55KRC

> 8044 Montgomery Road, Suite 650

> Cincinnati, OH 45236

> Business phone: 513-686-8300

> Tony Bender – program director

> TBender@...

> Darryl Parks – director of AM operations

> DParks@...


> News-talk 1420 WHK Radio

> 4 Summit Park Drive, suite 150

> Independence, OH 44131

> 216-901-0921

> youropinioncounts@...


> Supertalk 1560 WTOD

> 3225 Arlington Avenue

> Toledo, OH 43614

> 419-725-5700

> Norman Wamer – program director

> Norm.wamer@...

> Craig Snyder – public affairs

> Craig.snyder@...



> 1414 Wilmington Ave.

> Dayton, OH 45420

> 973-259-2111

> Nick – program director

> Nick.roberts@...

> 937-259-2126



> 7461 South Avenue

> Youngstown, OH 44512

> Main Office: 330-965-0057

> Dan Rivers – program director

> danrivers@...

> 800-777-5700


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