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Proud Member of the Autism Collaboration

Monday July 14, 2008


The pale imitation of truth masquerading as science, journalism, government oversight, physician care, and critical thought has reached its logical apex. Autism is the greatest crisis the world faces today.

How could it be otherwise? Take billions of dollars of federal funds to inoculate every child in the U. S., legally protect manufacturers from liability, launch massive FUD campaigns, ignore conflicts of interest and harmful evidence, pretend each child is identical, work closely with medical unions that derive 70 percent of their income from vaccines, when in doubt – deny, and wrap the entire package in patriotism. Don’t forget to bring the basic ingredients to boil and let cook for sixty years adding a dash of this (read “retribution, retaliation, reprisal”) or a pinch of that (read “monetary rewards, research grants, leadership roles, recognition”) as needed to keep the program on track.

Autism faces a unique set of interlocking problems which have led us to the brink and could well lead us over the edge. The unique problems, each on its own merits or “demerits” are reason enough for grave concern, taken together they point to a continuing and worsening crisis.

1) Acceptance - In a disturbing trend, autism is quietly developing a cloak of acceptability. The “bigness” or ubiquitousness of autism combined with constant misinformation, “there is no epidemic,” “it’s better diagnosis,” “it’s changing criteria,” has put and kept in play the concept of autism as a condition existing in scope and severity unrecognized for decades, until now.

While the revisionist history being painted is met by sane people with a combination of fascination and apologetic horror, its fanciful agenda is meant to provide cover for the guilty by plying media types with easy-to-understand reassuring sound-bites. Spinning today’s autism rates as an extension of the past is part of the ongoing “socialization” of autism.

2) Equal opportunity autism - The case is made that autism knows no race, religious, or socioeconomic boundaries–an “equal opportunity” condition providing no easy answers for investigators.

Regrettably, autism targets a specific group – it is the best and brightest children among us, the children of unlimited potential and, unfortunately for every country affected, our once future leaders. Intelligent, creative, and exceeding developmental goals, the anecdotal evidence of exceptional children regressing into autism is broad and deep, but rarely discussed.

3) Safety – Safety testing anything from elevators to engines requires “total load” tests to determine safe limits. A crane rated to lift 8,000 lbs. is not made for the benefit of the crane, but for the safety of the people underneath it.

Establishing the safety of vaccines calls for testing the total load, the entire combination of vaccines, each time a new one is added to the schedule, which the CDC has never done. The CDC has gotten it backwards believing their mission is to ensure the safety of the vaccines: their preparation, handling, storage, transport, and uptake rates… “Did someone mention children’s safety?”

4) Define the problem – Unlike many world problems that have been or are in the process of being rationally defined, autism has the unique distinction of serving as a Rorschach test for the diagnosing professional. Is it any wonder when the diagnosing psychologist, psychiatrist, or pediatric neurologist finds socialization, behavioral problems, or learning disabilities and all treatments are focused to that end?

By definition, the definition of autism excludes intestinal dysbiosis, parasites, and heavy metal toxicity. The recursive reasoning of “it must be ‘this’ so we won’t look at ‘that’” fuels the self-fulfilling autism pandemic, guaranteeing the perpetuation of the problem.


Going from an anomaly to more cases than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes, pediatric AIDS, cerebral palsy and Down Syndrome combined – autism has the added distinction of growing at the fastest rate of any disorder.

There is a point and we’ve passed it – a tipping point where autism went from a problem to the greatest worldwide crisis we face. Pick a country, any country - Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Nigeria, UK, Costa Rica, China, Ireland and based on the vaccine schedule and immunization rates one finds a corresponding spike in autism.

Big problems receive billions in funding. The government spends $106 million annually for autism – the same amount it spends every six hours in Iraq. Yet autism costs the community $90 billion annually, paid primarily by the parents, which will grow to $400 billion in the next few years.


Autism has joined the list of social problems – a creation of the culture. More so than other ills, social ones are deeper, broader and more difficult to solve. Captured and held hostage by those who would deny it exists and those who benefit from its status quo status, we face entrenched streams of action, thought and revenue.

Autism has become an ideology, institution and industry that weighs every facet through filters of self-interest. No matter how contradictory the current equation of false premises is or becomes, powerful groups will take exception at any attempt to change the existing archetype.

Institutional autism, like institutional racism and sexism, forces us to face issues of prejudice, violence, discrimination and oppression, on a daily basis. Internally, our community faces an almost 90 percent divorce rate, poverty, and increased susceptibility to a wide variety of illnesses and diseases.

Under the existing political, legal, and medical climates parents face increasing burdens when seeking alternative treatments. Social services does not mean sociable. Child protective services, pediatricians, and school districts display varying degrees of hostility toward parents who fail to conform, employing such methods as forced vaccination and medication to removing a child from their home.


Looking at the problems the world faces today it would seem profane to suggest there is one problem more pressing or urgent than others. After all, what about the Mideast, hunger, intolerance, illiteracy, disease, global warming, and AIDS? How does one place value judgments on suffering?

Individually there cannot be a distinction. A child suffering is a child suffering. Compartmentalizing problems is part of the problem. On matters of global health, the environment, hunger and poverty, economist Sachs contends these problems are intimately connected and must be solved simultaneously. A systems approach to problem-solving looks at the interrelatedness of many problems to find common triggers.

Autism is environmentally triggered and vaccines are the most violent environmental trigger possible. Additional factors that are triggers in themselves or act as co-factors include the polluting toxins found in the water, air, and food supply.

The mindset that led to global warming also fuels autism, disease, and poverty. The self-fulfilling mantra proclaiming autism is a “mystery” sustains a similar response found across problem domains; hundreds of single-field “subspecialists” busily engaged in guarding their turf.

The “poison the planet” gang of blowhards, loudmouths, and braggarts with their Lilliputian pretentions to health have learned to “fix the game,” deny responsibility of any wrongdoing, while extracting terrible retribution against those who would dare to question their motives, methods, or outcomes.


In the 1790s, at the height of the French Revolution, physicians were outlawed – their mercury, leeches, and bloodletting concoctions killed and injured so many people the emerging Republic put an end to the practice of “medicine.” Today, conventional medicine is the leading cause of death in the United States, largely due to adverse drug reactions. (Every year more than 700,000 Americans die at the hands of big medicine.)

Examining illness it is almost impossible to determine which are due solely to vaccines and other unsafe medical practices and which are due to more general environmental toxins. But, in the final analysis is it safe to say each exacerbates the illness the other plants, until we find ourselves at the 1 in 3 numbers of children who suffer from a chronic illness and the 1 in 2 pregnancies that end in miscarriage or the birth of a sick child.

The numbers defy comprehension; their darkness consumes the better part of reason. We can count, all of us dabble in numbers, but none of us can fully grasp the magnitude of 1 in 80 boys with autism, 1 in 6 children with neurological problems, 1 in 3 with chronic illness, and 50 percent of pregnancies ending in death or sickness.

Revolutions have been fought for far less. The American and French Revolutions were rational responses to change structural forms from entitlement to enlightenment.

The sacrifices we have made have been difficult. The sacrifices we continue to make will be difficult, as well. The difference between “then” and “now” is that the sacrifices we made then were not voluntary (we did not willingly give up our children, spouses, and careers), the sacrifices we make now are. They are hard-won choices. Our choice is to end the autism epidemic. Welcome to the Revolution.

As always please let us know if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas. Thank you.

Our best,

Ed & Teri


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